A small group of Spanish gay individuals insult the Pope


A fucking "kiss-in"? I don't understand? The bible is pretty clear about its stance on homosexuality. What was the point of this other than disrespecting Catholics?

Everyone has strong beliefs and wants to be heard, but there is this little thing called respect and manners. Making out in front of the Pope simply because the Catholic church hasn't re-written the Bible to make Jesus gay and everything ok doesn't make it right.

Could someone post a link where the Pope has made a statement hating gays or otherwise defaming them?

What next? I didn't realize God and religion could be lobbied and pressured to change. Good thing to know.

You want respect, act like you deserve it. This shit is disgusting and disrespectful.



From the article:

Benedict has nevertheless come under fire for mismanaging cases of accused pedophiles in the clergy. In 1980, when he was archbishop of Munich, Ratzinger approved the transfer of a German priest and sex offender for therapy. Despite promises to the victim's family that the priest would not work with children again, he was allowed to return to the ministry and molested more children.

Apparently being a kiddy diddler is ok, but consensual sex between two adults isn't. "You want respect, act like you deserve it. This shit is disgusting and disrespectful." I couldn't agree more.


From the article:

Benedict has nevertheless come under fire for mismanaging cases of accused pedophiles in the clergy. In 1980, when he was archbishop of Munich, Ratzinger approved the transfer of a German priest and sex offender for therapy. Despite promises to the victim's family that the priest would not work with children again, he was allowed to return to the ministry and molested more children.

Apparently being a kiddy diddler is ok, but consensual sex between two adults isn't. "You want respect, act like you deserve it. This shit is disgusting and disrespectful." I couldn't agree more.

How is the Pope's sins pertaining to child molestation related to this? Because he did something horrible he deserved to be disrespected? If I cheat on my wife and the church excommunicates me should I show pornography outside on Sunday to get back at them?

Last thing I checked the Pope was not running a government or making laws. He is interpreting the Bible. What is the issue with a religious stance against homosexuality? Religion is not incorporated in any law making body in the USA.


Ah glad to see you are using your pulpit of someone this community respects to promote understanding in the world.

Oh wait...

I give it an hour before you realize how dumb this post was and delete it.

Best Response
Ah glad to see you are using your pulpit of someone this community respects to promote understanding in the world.

Oh wait...

I give it an hour before you realize how dumb this post was and delete it.

Wow, I didn't realize you were the standard bearer for this community. Shut the fuck up.

I am not Catholic. I disagree with some of their points. I don't try and directly insult them.

I don't throw bacon at Jews and Muslims when they walk by even though I see no point in religious edicts against food.

How is the Catholic church and their issues with molestation a free pass to grossly try and insult the head of the whole Catholic church?

Sometimes you need to show respect to certain people even though you disagree with what they stand for. I was at a gala recently where Obama had a tape recorded message and even though I have very strong feelings against him I stood and showed the respect that the President of the USA is afforded.

My post is NOT about being anti gay. The USA is a secular nation. I support that. I also support gay rights and freedoms. What I do not support is outright disrespect. Religious people hold their beliefs. Even if you disagree with them you should still show some respect for something that is thousands of years old and many people hold dear.


Prejudism/sexism/racism etc is the biggest double-standard in America today. It has nothing to do with which side you're on. If some Catholics had booed some gays, it would be a outrage, but gays booing the Pope is ok? Michelle Wie can wine and cry to get on the PGA Tour, but a man can't play on the LPGA Tour?

Political correctness has become a monster that is driving behavior on its own beyond rationality. Some people are so blinded by liberal PCness that they cannot even think about the issue rationally. I have experienced this first-hand, even with school teachers.

On another note, this article further shows how insanely liberal/socialist Spain (among other Euro countries) has become. These guys are on the edge of pure socialism. Look how that's workin out for them.

Prejudism/sexism/racism etc is the biggest double-standard in America today. It has nothing to do with which side you're on. If some Catholics had booed some gays, it would be a outrage, but gays booing the Pope is ok? Michelle Wie can wine and cry to get on the PGA Tour, but a man can't play on the LPGA Tour?

Political correctness has become a monster that is driving behavior on its own beyond rationality. Some people are so blinded by liberal PCness that they cannot even think about the issue rationally. I have experienced this first-hand, even with school teachers.

On another note, this article further shows how insanely liberal/socialist Spain (among other Euro countries) has become. These guys are on the edge of pure socialism. Look how that's workin out for them.

Another thing I will add, which sort of contradicts the article and my previous post (not really though-I specified "America"), is that Spanish people say what they want. PC almost does not exist, and certainly not as much as a double standard. While this article has an American slant, Spanish people are known to be quite un-PC too. Women are catcalled/jeered walking down the street and racism is pretty prevalent. Hell, they show tits on the 5 o'clock news. So although these gays are booing the Pope, in Spain this is not as much of a double-standard bc both sides can get away with it. It is a very different culture.

Disclaimer: I do not live in Spain and am not an expert on it. From my experiences/what I've heard though, this is the truth.


Look, Anthony. The Church claims to bring God's divine will in Earth to heaven. Literally, "What you hold true on earth I will hold true in Heaven" I believe was along the lines of what JC told Peter when he told him to create the Church. So they're held to higher moral standard. And they've shown, by an act that might be considered the most heinous breach of trust, that they are no more divine than the rest of us schmucks. That's what gets my quote; being literally "holier than thou" when you can't keep your own cloister in order is a bit much.

As far as the bible saying being gay is bad here are a few other gems out of the bible:

Deuteronomy 23:1 No one whose testicles are crushed or whose male organ is cut off shall enter the assembly of the Lord.

God hates testicular cancer apparently.

Deuteronomy 25:11-12 NASB If two men, a man and his countryman, are struggling together, and the wife of one comes near to deliver her husband from the hand of the one who is striking him, and puts out her hand and seizes his genitals, then you shall cut off her hand; you shall not show pity.

I guess about half of our GIs ought to mutilate their girlfriends.

Deuteronomy 21:11,13 "When thou goest forth to war against thine enemies, and the Lord thy God hath delivered them into thine hands, and thou hast taken them captive, And thou seest among the captives a beautiful woman, and has a desire unto her, that thou wouldst have her to thy wife, Then thou shalt bring her home to thine house, and she shall shave her head, and pare her nails....and after that thou shalt go in unto her, and be her husband, and she shall be thy wife."

Forced sex slavery of defeated enemies. Nice.

Not to mention the whole story of Job, of how God treated a guy like shit to win a bet with Satan.

And after all this what people take away from a two thousand year old book on manners, whose main point is not to shit on other people, is that butt sex is bad BECAUSE IT WAS MENTIONED ONE TIME. And if you don't think that religion is not incorporated into American law or politics I've got a bridge to sell you.


A fucking "sit-in"? I don't understand? The South is pretty clear about its stance on black people. What was the point of this other than disrespecting tradition?

Everyone has strong beliefs and wants to be heard, but there is this little thing called respect and manners. Sitting in front of white people simply because the South hasn't re-written its laws to end segregation and everything ok doesn't make it right.

Could someone post a link where the South has made a statement hating blacks or otherwise defaming them?

What next? I didn't realize the Stars and Bars could be lobbied and pressured to change. Good thing to know.

You want respect, act like you deserve it. This shit is disgusting and disrespectful.


One thing to keep in mind is that some folks in Spain still might remember when Franco was dictator. There was still a form of the Spanish Inquisition running around curtailing the freedoms of non-Catholics. Many Protestants here in the US still hold a grudge against the Catholic Church for what it did under Franco, but gays probably had it ten times worse.

I would imagine that some of them would regard an attempted Catholic revival in spain with some level of suspicion. I'm not sure I agree with going out of the way to insult the pope, but I'm not sure that a general PDA should necessarily insult anyone.


Super liberal to the rescue. Thanks Drexel.

Segregation was government sponsored. It was eventually stopped and we moved forward. Sitting in, peaceful protests, etc have zero comparison to this. Martin Luther King was about respect.

Let's not forget the Catholic Church is not lynching people or physically intimidating anyone.

What a shit comparison man. You can do better.


I'm pretty sure banning gay marriage is also government supported. I'm also pretty sure there is nothing violent about kissing another man, homosexual as it may be. I suppose white and black couples kissing, in clear violation of anti-miscegenation laws, were being similarly disrespectful.

And I'm sorry to break it to you, but Catholic doctrine is not set in stone; have you never heard of Vatican II?

I'm also pretty sure that the Pope would rather these guys kissed in front of him than start their own church when they disagree with his interpretation of doctrine: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/English_Reformation


[quote=drexelalum11]I'm pretty sure banning gay marriage is also government supported. I'm also pretty sure there is nothing violent about kissing another man, homosexual as it may be. I suppose white and black couples kissing, in clear violation of anti-miscegenation laws, were being similarly disrespectful.

And I'm sorry to break it to you, but Catholic doctrine is not set in stone; have you never heard of Vatican II?

I'm also pretty sure that the Pope would rather these guys kissed in front of him than start their own church when they disagree with his interpretation of doctrine: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/English_Reformation[/quote]

The intention was disrespectful. I can't imagine straight people making out in front of the Pope or in Church as being respectful either.

Catholic doctrine and biblical writings are two different things.

Banning Gay marriage is a government initiative. Go protest your Senator, get out and vote.

It is plain disrespectful no matter how you slice it.


Fair enough Anthony. I do think you make valid points, and I definitely know to show restrain in my everyday life!

You can respect that people have a right to believe what they want to believe (legal or otherwise), but I am free to criticize or condemn what it is you actually believe. Hence, staging a kiss-in - which I think is a fairly mild non-violent protest.

I think the idea behind such protest is - as you said - the US, like other Western nations, is secular. As such, we feel that nobody's beliefs are privileged simply because they come from religious scripture or traditions. If I were to think someone were bigoted, they're bigoted no matter where they got the idea. Hence, I would respectfully disagree and say that (merely?) interpreting the bible means nothing to me (and those protesters).

If I were gay and Spanish, would I have done the same? Doubtful. But I don't think what those Spanish people did went beyond the pale.

And for the record, say what you want but I think the Vatican's views on contraception are inexcusable

Fair enough Anthony. I do think you make valid points, and I definitely know to show restrain in my everyday life!

You can respect that people have a right to believe what they want to believe (legal or otherwise), but I am free to criticize or condemn what it is you actually believe. Hence, staging a kiss-in - which I think is a fairly mild non-violent protest.

I think the idea behind such protest is - as you said - the US, like other Western nations, is secular. As such, we feel that nobody's beliefs are privileged simply because they come from religious scripture or traditions. If I were to think someone were bigoted, they're bigoted no matter where they got the idea. Hence, I would respectfully disagree and say that (merely?) interpreting the bible means nothing to me (and those protesters).

If I were gay and Spanish, would I have done the same? Doubtful. But I don't think what those Spanish people did went beyond the pale.

And for the record, say what you want but I think the Vatican's views on contraception are inexcusable

Whether this is disrespectful within the confines of Spanish behavior is debatable. I personally think it is rude and boorish.

As mentioned before, I disagree with a lot of what the Catholic Church espouses. I am a Protestant. I also would show the Pope the respect he deserves as the figure head of the Catholic Church. Just as I disagree with Obama the man, but would show Obama the President the respect that he deserves.


1) Segregation by a government entity and a religious opinion are at polar opposite ends of the spectrum. The Pope could say anything he wants about gays, blacks, whatever and end of the day, zero is going to get done. Religious beliefs are very old and deeply held. Offending one of the most revered religious figures because very old religious teachings run afoul of your way of life isn't a great way to be accepted.

How on earth the south enforcing segregation by law and imprisonment and the Pope saying it is a sin can even be compared is beyond me.

News flash to gay people around the world. Many of us sin on a daily basis and no one cares what the Pope thinks.

2) The church is also a lot of things. Big deal. I have zero problem with protesting or whatever. Flagrant disrespect, which I feel was the point of this, is still wrong and should not be accepted.

3) I really don't care how many people are with me or not. This topic deserves to be discussed.

Here are some more disgusting and despicable acts:





"Clearly, a lot of people aren't with you on this one. The reality is that the Pope is a revered figure to Catholics everywhere, but he's not exactly revered by many other people, and there's no law that says that everyone has to hold him in high esteem. The Church's stance on homosexuality - regardless of what you think of it - has vaporized the Pope's respect in the gay community. The whole "he's the Pope so you show some respect" is anathema to people who the Catholic Church believes lead a life of sin."

I am not Catholic and the Pope means nothing to me, yet I still understand his significance and what he means and his religion means to hundreds of millions of people. The Dali Lama also means nothing to me yet I respect him. Same goes for the President.

Just because the Catholic Church has come out and not 100% supported gay marriage does not mean that their leader should be treated like this. I suppose I was raised differently.


If you want to pretend the Pope has zero political influence, you are kidding yourself. If you think segregation was enforced solely by the law, you are kidding yourself. If you think bigotry is enforced solely through prohibition of gay marriage, you are kidding yourself.

Do you really think that when little boys go to church and hear that gays are sinners, it doesn't have any influence on them? That some of those kids don't beat up gay kids after school in part because of it? That some of those kids don't grow up emotionally stunted because they were told they were a sinner every Sunday?

Anthony, you need to get a grip.


Catholics have every right to disagree with homosexuality. I didn't realize that the gay lobby was so powerful that the bible needed to be re-written to make them happy.

You want respect, show it. Gay rights are moving along. Things are happening slowly, but by and large being gay does not have the stigma it did years ago.

If a kid attacks another kid for being gay he is not committing a hate crime. See you in 10 years of max security prison.

Sin and what is lawfully accepted in this country are two different things. A priest tells kids that adultery is wrong, stealing is wrong, incest is wrong, etc. These are sins according to the book that XYZ religion goes by. If gays do not like it they are free not to go to church.

I don't go to Temple because I am not Jewish. Real simple. I eat pork and pay no regard to what Islam says about it. Real simple. Your gay, cool, just don't show up to Sunday mass and you wont be told you are sinning. Real simple.

Holy fuck, I didn't realize that thousand year old beliefs needed to be changed because a group of people doesn't like it. Religious groups are generally against abortion. Should the bible be altered to allow that also?

This is complete bullshit.

Have you been to a movie theater lately? I have to think that is what drove segregation.

Hahaha. Ohh, so, true.

The bottom line? Liberals are thinned skinned. They can protest and spew hate filled verbiage at those that don't support their opinion, but when it comes the other way they cry foul.

If you don't support Obama, it's because you hate blacks and if you don't support gay marriage, you're a homophobe. It is getting old. God forbid someone actually has some sort of verifiable moral standards in their lives. The gay community is wearing away on me. Everything has to be some sort of hate crime. Kids have been getting picked on for all eternity. Either you are too skinny or too fat, you are too stupid or too smart, you wear glasses or you're poor and wear clothes from Walmart...but for some reason picking on someone who says they are gay is a hate crime...like it is somehow worse than any other kid getting bullied at school. They are beginning to remind me of all the goth kids that I went to high school with. They claim they just want to be left alone but they go out of their way to do things that draw attention to themselves, like painting their face white and wearing black makeup (males and females) and wear all leather outfits with full length trench coats in the 90+ degree FL heat and walk each other around on leashes and shit. Of course people are going to stare...that shit is creepy. Same situation when you throw a parade and you wear a leather thong and fairy wings while you whip the ass of your bf who is only wearing a some woman's lingerie.

Examples?!?! Glad you asked:


Of course there are many more.


"The trouble with our liberal friends is not that they're ignorant, it's just that they know so much that isn't so." - Ronald Reagan

my first example : crusades

1.) Crusades have no basis in the Bible. 2.) Crusades were performed by a politically-oriented less honest Catholic church of the MIDDLE AGES. This is the same church that was selling indulgences in 1500, but 200 years later, it was a very very different church.

As a liberal methodist, I'm not sure the pope's stance on homosexuality is as biblical as he thinks it is, but 800 year old grudges over a war that happened centuries before our grandparents were born are, uh, maybe a little old.


my first example : crusades

1.) Crusades have no basis in the Bible. 2.) Crusades were performed by a politically-oriented less honest Catholic church of the MIDDLE AGES. This is the same church that was selling indulgences in 1500, but 200 years later, it was a very very different church.

As a liberal methodist, I'm not sure the pope's stance on homosexuality is as biblical as he thinks it is, but 800 year old grudges over a war that happened centuries before our grandparents were born are, uh, maybe a little old.

example 2: 30 year war


I'm a Catholic, here are a few things I think: 1) The Catholic viewpoint on gay marriage isn't incompatible with being charitable, compassionate, and sympathetic to gay people. Many straight marriages are out of compliance with Catholic teaching if they're using contraception or if they end in divorce. 2) The government's allowing or disallowing of gay marriage doesn't really involve the Church, since the Church will still perform or not perform marriages as they see fit. They don't recognize a straight marriage that happens at a courthouse, either.

Most importantly: 3)These people are just being hairpullers. Every cause, viewpoint, agenda, etc. has them and getting worked up about it isn't worth the time of day.

There have been many great comebacks throughout history. Jesus was dead but then came back as an all-powerful God-Zombie.

Thanks for posting CPH.

Exactly my friend. Tolerance for everyone, except people who disagree with you.

Let's disrespect Catholics, the Pope and Priests. They are all worthless pedophiles who hate gays and do nothing for this world. Oh wait, I forgot something:


"Together, with the local, diocesan-associated Catholic Charities, it is the second largest social service provider in the United States, surpassed only by the federal government. "


"Catholic Relief Services (CRS) is the international humanitarian agency of the Catholic community in the United States. Founded in 1943 by the U.S. bishops, the agency provides assistance to 130 million people in more than 100 countries and territories in Africa, Asia, Latin America, the Middle East and Eastern Europe."

Anthony .:
Thanks for posting CPH.

Exactly my friend. Tolerance for everyone, except people who disagree with you. ."

As I have always said, some people are more equal than others.

If I had asked people what they wanted, they would have said faster horses - Henry Ford

Anthony, you're a bit ridiculous.

Making out in front of the pope is a REACTION to the pope's anti-gay stance. The church thinks gays are sinners. Throwing bacon at Jews is not a reaction to anything, it's an overt act of hate. BEING GAY is not disrespectful to the pope the same way than BEING BLACK is disrespectful to a KKK member, but it's definitely not condemnable. For some reason when drexel made this analogy in 6x sarcastic posts you ignored it, did it fly over your head or do you not give a fuck about logic?

I think it's respectable that you think public officials (president, pope, etc.) should be shown respect. But disagreeing with the pope's policy on an issue isn't disrespectful, and I don't think publicly displaying this disagreement by making out in front of him is crossing the line. If they did downright offensive things like you see in some gay pride parades, I could see where you're coming from. But making out is super-innocuous by comparison.

Also, cph, it's pretty dubious how one can be against gay marriage without being homophobic at some level, but even if you aren't, you're still discriminatory. And yes, when minority groups (whether it's women, blacks, etc) get discriminated against, they feel like it's a hate crime. Legally it's not, but in their eyes, it's a direct attack on their way of life. Yes, kids bully each other for all sorts of shit, like being nerdy or being fat. But gay kids are bullied because society makes some children intolerant towards homosexuality, the same way black kids would get bullied (read: lynched) because society made some children intolerant towards other races. The parallel is near exact except for the body count. Not the same as picking on little johnny because he's a nerdburglar.

What this has to do with liberals being crybabies, I don't know. Gays can bitch about being attacked and attack others, the former doesn't and shouldn't discredit the latter. Teabaggers bitch about being marginalized by "limousine liberals," then bring guns to rallies and stomp on protesters. Getting mud thrown at you and firing back happens across political ideologies.

Anthony, you're a bit ridiculous.

Making out in front of the pope is a REACTION to the pope's anti-gay stance. The church thinks gays are sinners. Throwing bacon at Jews is not a reaction to anything, it's an overt act of hate. BEING GAY is not disrespectful to the pope the same way than BEING BLACK is disrespectful to a KKK member, but it's definitely not condemnable. For some reason when drexel made this analogy in 6x sarcastic posts you ignored it, did it fly over your head or do you not give a fuck about logic?

I think it's respectable that you think public officials (president, pope, etc.) should be shown respect. But disagreeing with the pope's policy on an issue isn't disrespectful, and I don't think publicly displaying this disagreement by making out in front of him is crossing the line. If they did downright offensive things like you see in some gay pride parades, I could see where you're coming from. But making out is super-innocuous by comparison.

Also, cph, it's pretty dubious how one can be against gay marriage without being homophobic at some level, but even if you aren't, you're still discriminatory. And yes, when minority groups (whether it's women, blacks, etc) get discriminated against, they feel like it's a hate crime. Legally it's not, but in their eyes, it's a direct attack on their way of life. Yes, kids bully each other for all sorts of shit, like being nerdy or being fat. But gay kids are bullied because society makes some children intolerant towards homosexuality, the same way black kids would get bullied (read: lynched) because society made some children intolerant towards other races. The parallel is near exact except for the body count. Not the same as picking on little johnny because he's a nerdburglar.

What this has to do with liberals being crybabies, I don't know. Gays can bitch about being attacked and attack others, the former doesn't and shouldn't discredit the latter. Teabaggers bitch about being marginalized by "limousine liberals," then bring guns to rallies and stomp on protesters. Getting mud thrown at you and firing back happens across political ideologies.

Spoken like someone who has no religious values, no doubt. That is one of the issue a lot of people don't comprehend...and in this case many liberals. If you have no religious base for your moral compass, you tend to go as the wind blows, because there is no reason not to. This is not how "the church" works. You have doctrine that you abide by because you feel there is a higher meaning. I went to church all my life growing up and never have I seen someone I would consider a Christian do, or say, anything demeaning to someone that disagreed with their position but we all know that that isn't the case going the other way. That is not to say it doesn't happen, because we all know there are nuts running around claiming to be something they are not but you won't see the vast majority of Christians out protesting at gay focused gatherings like you are likely to see the gay community out protesting at a faith based gathering. Most Christians don't care about homosexuals and for someone reason that bothers them. The Bible disapproves of homosexuality because they feel its a sin, plain and simple. Why is it so important for the gay community to infiltrate churches and the like to be accepted when it is clearly not supported by church doctrine? The nuts and bolts of it is, gays care more about forcing people to accept their lifestyle than they do about fitting in and getting on with their life.

And I don't feel it is dubious to disapprove of somebody's lifestyle. I don't hate gays for feel they should be harmed or murdered or anything of that nature...because frankly, I don't care about people's personal choices when it doesn't affect other people. When you want to march in the street in inappropriate attire and/or participate in acts, whose sole purpose is to be disrespectful towards someone who doesn't support your lifestyle, then I feel it's an issue.

I'm not entirely sure what your household was like growing up, but mine taught tolerance. I didn't beat up kids that weren't as smart as me or who weren't as athletic as me, so I don't know what all this talk about "society" making kids intolerant. Quite frankly, that falls into the hands of parents, not society. My point was, if a fat kid gets picked on and kills himself, it isn't a hate crime because he was getting picked on because he was different, it's just a crime, but picking on someone who is a homosexual is? I should also point out that I think labeling crimes as "hate crimes" is ridiculous in the first place. Not since the sand box has anyone picked on someone because they like them, so it would seem reasonable that all crime committed while bullying someone is "hate crime" why should it be a more stringent punishment because the person who committed suicide was gay and not just fat or too pale or too skinny, etc.?

Do you happen to have any evidence of your "bring guns to rallies and stomp on protesters" comment or are you just making things up? I've never heard of such a thing but would be more than happy to watch the video if it did actually occur (though I have a feeling it never did).


"The trouble with our liberal friends is not that they're ignorant, it's just that they know so much that isn't so." - Ronald Reagan

Being Gay does not involve making out in public in front of a religious leader.

Would you slap your girlfriends ass in front of her dad? I sure as hell wouldn't. You know why. RESPECT.

This whole event was a snide, bitchy way to throw it in the Popes face that people are gay and fuck him. What I do not understand is why people even care what the Pope says.

Could someone explain to me what the point of protesting the Pope on his gay stance is? Do adulteress protest the Pope and demand that he says it is not a sin and all is cool? No, they just do what they want and shut the fuck up about it.

Gay people should focus on changing laws, not on changing religious beliefs.

FYI, I would be just as upset if straight men and their mistresses were making out in front of the Pope.

This act by the gay community in Spain was a huge middle finger to a revered religious figure.



In my book when I think incest I think brother and sister. Many of these states have stipulations that genetic counseling has to be performed or it can only be in couples who cannot bear children.

Incest has been around for a long, long time. It used to be a way to keep royalty within a family. Many of these state laws are very old and are holdovers from when the British used to rule. If you look at the chart, the states that allow it are predominantly on the East Coast.

More and more states are allowing Gay Civil Unions. That is perfectly fine. Considering that homosexuality is not a huge % of society I think we are moving pretty fast in adopting protection and rights for this group.

Spoken like someone who has no religious values, no doubt. That is one of the issue a lot of people don't comprehend...and in this case many liberals. If you have no religious base for your moral compass, you tend to go as the wind blows, because there is no reason not to.
Oh dear. I have heard this argument made so many times when I was growing up in the Evangelical church, and I always found it so ridiculous. Christians who hold to that belief either have no agnostic friends and live in a magical world where the universe was created 7K years ago and there's the Christians and the bad people, or they are deliberately ignoring their agnostic friends.

The fact is that you can have a moral compass without believing in God and I know a lot of atheists who do have at least as good of one as religious people. They then come back at that claim and say religion is a crutch for naturally immoral people. These days, they will probably start citing certain actions of the clergy and supposedly religious politicians.

My response is that some people need Christianity more than others. And I'm happy to admit I probably need religion a lot more than the average atheist/agnostic. I'm just not as naturally moral as they are. Christianity is a religion for folks who are willing to admit they're terribly immoral and that they need God to bail them out- that there IS a moral compass, but they can never live up to it- at least in this lifetime.

Spoken like someone who has no religious values, no doubt. That is one of the issue a lot of people don't comprehend...and in this case many liberals. If you have no religious base for your moral compass, you tend to go as the wind blows, because there is no reason not to.
Oh dear. I have heard this argument made so many times when I was growing up in the Evangelical church, and I always found it so ridiculous. Christians who hold to that belief either have no agnostic friends and live in a magical world where the universe was created 7K years ago and there's the Christians and the bad people, or they are deliberately ignoring their agnostic friends.

The fact is that you can have a moral compass without believing in God and I know a lot of atheists who do have at least as good of one as religious people. They then come back at that claim and say religion is a crutch for naturally immoral people. These days, they will probably start citing certain actions of the clergy and supposedly religious politicians.

My response is that some people need Christianity more than others. And I'm happy to admit I probably need religion a lot more than the average atheist/agnostic. I'm just not as naturally moral as they are. Christianity is a religion for folks who are willing to admit they're terribly immoral and that they need God to bail them out- that there IS a moral compass, but they can never live up to it- at least in this lifetime.

Just note that I never said you have to be religious to have morals.

It just seems that morals that are not cemented in a religion (or a similar belief that is "absolute") are typically based on legal principles and laws and can therefore change with public opinion. Many people agree that murder is both illegal and immoral, however, this isn't necessarily the case with adultery. Morals are simply a personal belief of what is right and wrong, laws are the morals that are enforceable and have some sort of punishment. Similar situation with abortion. Many people don't understand what the big deal is because it should be their choice and it's just a fetus or that abortions should be allowed in certain situations (very young, poor, raped, etc.) but most religious people will disagree with abortions as a whole because they feel it's murder...that the baby/fetus/etc is a human and that taking it's life is no different from that of killing a 55 year old man. So for them, it isn't a situation about controlling your actions or forcing their religion on you...it's about committing a crime, which is regulated on a daily basis.

I will admit that I stand on the fence with the abortion issue because there is a fine line between the legality and morality of the situation. I see the benefit in unprepared parents aborting their children, but I have also read/heard about the trauma that is often endured by those who have done so. I can see the fiscal and statistical benefits of having less welfare recipients and criminals (assuming the parents were responsible enough to get one). As beneficial (in some aspects) as I feel religion can be on society, I don't think it's the government's place to force that on people, (1) because that isn't what they are their to do and (2) religion is about voluntarily adhering to a faith, not being legislated into one...which would invalidate the faith/belief part in my opinion.

However, I have seen videos of abortions and they are quite awful and it is hard for someone to argue/deny that what is pulled out in a late stage abortion isn't human. Anyways, that was a bit off topic.


"The trouble with our liberal friends is not that they're ignorant, it's just that they know so much that isn't so." - Ronald Reagan
It just seems that morals that are not cemented in a religion (or a similar belief that is "absolute") are typically based on legal principles and laws and can therefore change with public opinion. Many people agree that murder is both illegal and immoral, however, this isn't necessarily the case with adultery. Morals are simply a personal belief of what is right and wrong, laws are the morals that are enforceable and have some sort of punishment. Similar situation with abortion. Many people don't understand what the big deal is because it should be their choice and it's just a fetus or that abortions should be allowed in certain situations (very young, poor, raped, etc.) but most religious people will disagree with abortions as a whole because they feel it's murder...that the baby/fetus/etc is a human and that taking it's life is no different from that of killing a 55 year old man. So for them, it isn't a situation about controlling your actions or forcing their religion on you...it's about committing a crime, which is regulated on a daily basis.
I think it really comes down to the golden rule. Treat your neighbor as you would yourself.

And not all religious people disagree with abortions. In particular, a fertilized egg is not, by definition, an individual, if it can split into identical twins. There is not a hard and fast rule about when a fetus becomes human. Not sure how I feel about late-term abortion, but A LOT of religious people find the opposition to Plan B pretty ridiculous. And a number of atheists that I know oppose abortion as well. Particularly after a certain point in the development of the brain.


I think the issue is about respect.

Gays need to respect that some people will think they are sinning and religious people need to respect that some people will not care. Everyone has a right to protest, but certain levels of respect should be maintained. Maybe I live in a fantasy world of manners and polite behavior.

Anthony .:
The golden rule is so fundamental. You want respect, give it.

True that. I've always been bewildered by the protests aimed at the Catholic Church for disapproving of gay marriage. How are you going to protest against a private organization because they don't want to marry you? They're not the government, they can do what they want. As far as I know, the Catholic Church isn't out inciting people to perform hate crimes or even inconvenience gays in the slightest way. That being so disrespectful is considered the appropriate response to a religious leader's opinions is ridiculous. Gays should be kissing in front of Fred Phelps, not the Pope.

The child molestation problem is an entirely different animal and I think that govts should be willing to dip deeper into that issue because it's extremely serious.


Exactly. The church has the right to marry whomever they want. They also have a right to say XYZ is a sin. Deal with it. Protesting the church is only causing people who would otherwise support your cause to no be squarely against it.


I dunno, Anthony. I think the problem is when the Church is going around telling folks that you are a heretic or that you are immoral. Especially since up until about 35 years ago in Spain, they'd not only been telling these folks they were immoral for the past 600 years, they were legally persecuting them.

Respect is a two-way street. The pope doesn't have to respect gay people or protestants, but they don't have to return the favor. Thankfully, Catholics made peace with Protestants at Vatican II.

Imagine what the Tea Party crowd would do if the pope was going around saying that the Baptist religion was immoral and working to stop the Baptist church from getting 501(c)3 status. People would be carrying around pictures of Martin Luther, handing out fake indulgences, and some lady dressed as a nun would have the sign "Courteson of Babylon" around her neck. It would be just as rude and obnoxious- perhaps moreso.

If you disagree with folks kissing in front of the pope, you also have to disagree with folks making signs calling Obama a nazi or Che Guevara as being just as rude.

At the end of the day, I'm not sure how I feel about all of this. I think rational people need to be tolerant of both kinds of protests while also saying that they're not sure how much they like the vitriol. The last thing you want to do to angry people is make it feel like you want to take away their right to protest.


civil unions and marriages in the legal right are definitely not the same and i feel that anyone should be awarded the same privileges and and protections under law... if a church doesnt want to marry gay people in the actual cathedral then sure dont do that but otherwise the law should extend the same rights and possibilities to all individuals despite their stance be it sexual orientation, religious creed, class status, etc


I think that most people would agree that the action was disrespectful and would not approve of it.

However, titling the thread "Being gay = disrespecting anyone who doesn't agree with you" is also a gross generalization.

In any group / party / religion, etc. you will have more outspoken (and yes, sometimes disrespectful) members that do ridiculous shit to get a response. By pissing you off, you are now talking about it.

Do I agree with what they did - no, i think it is lame (I think most reasonable people would agree with this on some level).

But you could also argue that you are trying to make a broad generalization that the gay community as a whole supports this type of protest -- which in my mind is also not fair / narrow-minded.


I realize I'm not addressing any of the points made here, but I just cannot honestly believe that people in the world today still believe in religion. I know that generally you have to respect people's opinions but like, this just makes no sense! Why do people say that blind faith is an acceptable reason for believing? In every other area of your life, this is not how sane people act. You don't just say "I believe that table is made of metal" and then firmly believe it. No, you try to learn about it. That's what science is trying to do.

Religion is not equally valid as atheism because we have no idea how the world got here or why things are the way they are, and atheists admit they don't know whereas religious people make up (literally make up) an explanation and then (insanely) think it's true. That's not how people should operate!

I don't even like the term atheist because it assumes that religion is such a valid thing that there is a title for people who don't subscribe to it...there's no word for people who don't believe in unicorns and those have the same amount of factual support! The bible was written by prophets who "spoke to god", if someone claimed to speak to god today they would be put in an insane asylum. I DONT GET IT!!

I realize I'm not addressing any of the points made here, but I just cannot honestly believe that people in the world today still believe in religion. I know that generally you have to respect people's opinions but like, this just makes no sense! Why do people say that blind faith is an acceptable reason for believing? In every other area of your life, this is not how sane people act. You don't just say "I believe that table is made of metal" and then firmly believe it. No, you try to learn about it. That's what science is trying to do.

Religion is not equally valid as atheism because we have no idea how the world got here or why things are the way they are, and atheists admit they don't know whereas religious people make up (literally make up) an explanation and then (insanely) think it's true. That's not how people should operate!

I don't even like the term atheist because it assumes that religion is such a valid thing that there is a title for people who don't subscribe to it...there's no word for people who don't believe in unicorns and those have the same amount of factual support! The bible was written by prophets who "spoke to god", if someone claimed to speak to god today they would be put in an insane asylum. I DONT GET IT!!

Ironically, you have no proof that God, or a god, doesn't exist, so some might say the same thing about you. I will be the first one to admit, despite growing up going to church, religion leaves tons of stuff unanswered...that is partly why I don't get so sucked in going to church services, etc. However, there is much science doesn't answer either, or it provides answers that are equally far fetched, in which case someone will just have to have faith that science is right.


"The trouble with our liberal friends is not that they're ignorant, it's just that they know so much that isn't so." - Ronald Reagan
I realize I'm not addressing any of the points made here, but I just cannot honestly believe that people in the world today still believe in religion. I know that generally you have to respect people's opinions but like, this just makes no sense! Why do people say that blind faith is an acceptable reason for believing? In every other area of your life, this is not how sane people act. You don't just say "I believe that table is made of metal" and then firmly believe it. No, you try to learn about it. That's what science is trying to do.

Religion is not equally valid as atheism because we have no idea how the world got here or why things are the way they are, and atheists admit they don't know whereas religious people make up (literally make up) an explanation and then (insanely) think it's true. That's not how people should operate!

I don't even like the term atheist because it assumes that religion is such a valid thing that there is a title for people who don't subscribe to it...there's no word for people who don't believe in unicorns and those have the same amount of factual support! The bible was written by prophets who "spoke to god", if someone claimed to speak to god today they would be put in an insane asylum. I DONT GET IT!!

It's unfortunate you took an offensive tone, as you're not aware of how juvenile your thinking appears. Now, I am not religious (I'm agnostic), but from a broad perspective (encompassing all religions), religion offers an answer that is more deep than you give credit for. Many scientists, and even cosmologists, are religious still today.

I would agree with you that folks that take their specific religion literally, and attempt to define the qualities of a Creator(s) and existence definitively, are laughable. However, if you truly contemplate the meaning of infinite causality, or how existence is possible in the first place, you'll discover, for the time being, we really cannot rule anything out.



I understand semantically what you're saying but I disagree that religion and science take the same amount of faith. The reason is because the onus is on religion to prove that they know the answers to life, not on atheist who claim they don't know.

The starting point for answering questions like how did the Earth get here or life after death is "I don't know". Claiming that there is no God is equally as invalid as claiming there is a God. However, the most (and only) valid and logical answer is say I don't know - and then what follows should be the pursuit of finding the answer, which is what science does.

Religion makes up an answer and sort of throws in this bet with it because it seems like a nice answer. The problem is there is no other area in life where it's acceptable to do this. Like the point I made before, if you don't know how deep the ocean is, guessing 5 miles and saying "at least I have an answer" isn't reasonable, the only thing you can say is "I don't know" and then try to figure it out by doing things like making a submarine and going down.


I didn't mean to take an offensive tone, I want to have a thoughtful discussion about it. It just comes off that way because I am so astonished by it that I act that way sometimes even though I shouldn't because it's rude and not the way rational discourse should take place. It just seems so obvious to me that these arguments are always correct on the atheist side and logically flawed on the religion side that I get frustrated.


I understand semantically what you're saying but I disagree that religion and science take the same amount of faith. The reason is because the onus is on religion to prove that they know the answers to life, not on atheist who claim they don't know.

The starting point for answering questions like how did the Earth get here or life after death is "I don't know". Claiming that there is no God is equally as invalid as claiming there is a God. However, the most (and only) valid and logical answer is say I don't know - and then what follows should be the pursuit of finding the answer, which is what science does.

Religion makes up an answer and sort of throws in this bet with it because it seems like a nice answer. The problem is there is no other area in life where it's acceptable to do this. Like the point I made before, if you don't know how deep the ocean is, guessing 5 miles and saying "at least I have an answer" isn't reasonable, the only thing you can say is "I don't know" and then try to figure it out by doing things like making a submarine and going down.


I didn't mean to take an offensive tone, I want to have a thoughtful discussion about it. It just comes off that way because I am so astonished by it that I act that way sometimes even though I shouldn't because it's rude and not the way rational discourse should take place. It just seems so obvious to me that these arguments are always correct on the atheist side and logically flawed on the religion side that I get frustrated.

The problem with your analogy of seeing how deep the ocean is, is it's far less complex to build a submarine and a device to measure depth than it is to uncover how the universe was created and how we, as humans, have come to be, etc.

I get your point that science asks the questions "why" and "how" which is good...it's exactly my personality to always question things but the fact of the matter is, science isn't capable of answer all the questions that people have. Science isn't even able to tell us if there are other human like creatures or aliens roaming through space...they can't even agree whether Pluto is a planet or not.

I'm sure part of it has to do with people feeling unsafe about not knowing and for them, religion offers some answers and reassurance, even if they are verifiable by science. I'm no scientist, so maybe I have no clue, but it just seems extremely coincidental that everything has worked out just right to create this perfect storm type situation for the creatures of our planet to survive in. Plus it's hard for people to wrap their brains around being created from a big bang and that we evolved from some tadpole creature that slithered out of some ooze and that we have somehow managed to evolve into these creatures that are exceptionally capable of doing extraordinary things (investing planes, electricity, micro processors, internet, create laws and governments) while some creatures can only eat, shit and lick their eyeball.


"The trouble with our liberal friends is not that they're ignorant, it's just that they know so much that isn't so." - Ronald Reagan

What I think you are missing is religion is about livings one life in a certain manner, trying to be moral, etc. Science is about fact and laws. Science really doesn't talk about how one should live a virtuous life.

Religion is much more analogous to ethic and philosophy than science.


You can't place the onus of proving itself on religion. The only empirical test would involve bringing someone back from the dead and the main example we have of that potentially happening emphatically advocates for the existence of an afterlife. There will never be any true evidence for or against God's existence since by nature he functions 'outside' of the known universe. But to operate, you have to make some sort of decision about how you feel about it. Traders may "not know" what is going to happen, but they make an educated guess and set themselves up to succeed despite uncertainty. There are plenty of examples of areas where rational thought flies out the window for most people: politics, sports, life-threatening situations, romantic relationships. You can lump in religion with those areas if you want, but just as those areas are central to today's society, so is religion (whether you believe in it or decide not to).

I don't claim to know how the Earth was created, but the idea that a higher power did so doesn't exactly seem to fly in the face of all rational thought. You could ascribe to the view that we are here because of a series of random outcomes, but in that case, we would have to be part of one of a nearly infinite number of parallel universes for the odds to come close to working out (that's Taleb's view). Point is, believing in God doesn't imply you have to shut your brain down. It's unfortunate that most of the people the religious right parade around to prove their points are blubbering idiots (I'm looking at you Ben Stein).


Whenever people become so full of themselves that they think they know everything, something comes along to show them how stupid they really are.

I have no doubt that science has unraveled many mysteries, with many more to come. I think a little humility should be in order. Everyone has a right to their beliefs and opinions, but IMHO, Atheists always come off as very condescending. As if believing in science somehow makes someone super intelligent and rational. Have some humility and realize you are putting your faith in something that itself has not proven everything.

Food for thought.


I don't understand why so many people think science and religion cannot coexist. In fact, learning the wonders of science has always strengthened my belief in religion. The intricacies and perfection of how things work/fit together are unbelievably complex and detailed. Why do these things work like they do? (down to the very bottom level-why?) On it's own, the odds of humans ever evolving were something like 1-100 billion or something absurd. (note: EVER evolving). Shit like this makes me believe there is a God. Why do people think that science contradicts religion? It makes sense to me that all these rules of science were created by an almighty being.

I'm sure lots of criticism comes from written books of religion like the Bible. I don't think these books should be taken literally, but rather as a source of morals/values


Anthony, you're right. A large portion of Atheists are arrogant, and without justification. Mostly, they're probably just frustrated with the global, and historical, violence, ignorance, and arrogance displayed by many religious folk. Well, many of us share in that frustration, but to dismiss religion because of the behavior of its' followers--rather than the idea of religion more broadly--is no intellectual achievement.

Humility is in order. The Large Hadron Collider has recently completed their first "mini Big Bang," and the information they hope to acquire from it is what the universe looked like a millionth of a second after the Big Bang. We haven't even begun to rewind from that moment in time (before the Big Bang), and ask ourselves, "what could be there (what sort of plane of existence), and how was that created?" Which leads to the headache of a topic I brought up earlier, the problem of infinite causality/regress.


I really fundamentally disagree with what you guys are saying.

I am saying as an atheist that I don't know any answers, and the idea of god is equally plausible as the plot of horton hears a who. God may or may or may not exist but the "humble" answer seems to be I don't know.

I just think that we should try to answer these questions in a thoughtful rational way like do for the rest of life. If you want to try to figure out how we got hear why not use science rather than (sorry, not trying to be condescending, but it is) a novel?

I really fundamentally disagree with what you guys are saying.

I am saying as an atheist that I don't know any answers, and the idea of god is equally plausible as the plot of horton hears a who. God may or may or may not exist but the "humble" answer seems to be I don't know.

I just think that we should try to answer these questions in a thoughtful rational way like do for the rest of life. If you want to try to figure out how we got hear why not use science rather than (sorry, not trying to be condescending, but it is) a novel?

Western society does use science to try to figure that out. The LHC, Fermilab, and other particle facilities is all the example you need. Hell, the LHC has a budget of $9b. That's quite a sum for just one, non-profit project.


1) A lot of religious statements are backed by parallel, secular history. Jesus and the Romans are an example

2) It sound like you are agnostic, not atheistic

3) I really don't think religious individuals care too much about a lot of things scientists are trying to prove. I am much more concerned with finding a cure for a variety diseases or trying to eliminate poverty than I am about proving whether god is real or not. It strikes me as a real petty issue.

Atheism to me is the same as kids in grade school telling other kids that Santa isn't real. Believe in Santa doesn't hurt anyone and you probably should just shut up about it.

Additionally, the day I see atheist relief charities set up to help the starving and poor of the world I will give them equal footing. That day is not here yet. As of now atheists tend to have this elitist mentality while religious folks around the world are trying to do good things.

Mind you I am looking at this from a Christian perspective.



1) I don't know what your point is here 2) I don't think either of these titles make sense. Since we all don't know we should all admit we don't know, and then I think it's fine to say you're making a guess with no real reason other than to feel good. 3) I agree, those are very real issues. I don't see how this relates to the religious discussion

Your next argument follows the form "even though it's made up, you shouldn't tell us"

The Red Cross is not a religious organization and that is one of the biggest nonprofits helping people in need. The Gates foundation is also not religious and that is tens of billions of dollars. The salvation army is not religious. I think you probably realize on further consideration that 1) this is a completely invalid and possibly even opposite-of-reality point, and 2) this has literally nothing to do with religion.

I think my point that the onus is on religion to prove itself rather than on people who say they don't know (because we all don't) has been untouched and I would like that addressed.

I think my point that the onus is on religion to prove itself rather than on people who say they don't know (because we all don't) has been untouched and I would like that addressed.

I've addressed that plenty of times. Point is, we ascribe to certain beliefs because if we were on the fence about absolutely everything, we couldn't do anything. Religious beliefs can play a huge role in how you live your life hence your being on the fence really just equates to not believing in the existence of God from the point of view of your actions.

I think my point that the onus is on religion to prove itself rather than on people who say they don't know (because we all don't) has been untouched and I would like that addressed.

Faith is belief in the absence of proof. That's why its untouched because the very essence of being religious, in most cases, is believing when there IS no tangible evidence.

If I had asked people what they wanted, they would have said faster horses - Henry Ford
I think my point that the onus is on religion to prove itself rather than on people who say they don't know (because we all don't) has been untouched and I would like that addressed.

If you have any suggestions as to how our believing brothers & sisters can do this, I'm sure they'd be happy to listen. By definition, the supernatural cannot be perceived by the natural. So, the burden you've placed on them is no small one.

Anthony .:

A fucking "kiss-in"? I don't understand? The bible is pretty clear about its stance on homosexuality. What was the point of this other than disrespecting Catholics?

Everyone has strong beliefs and wants to be heard, but there is this little thing called respect and manners. Making out in front of the Pope simply because the Catholic church hasn't re-written the Bible to make Jesus gay and everything ok doesn't make it right.

Could someone post a link where the Pope has made a statement hating gays or otherwise defaming them?

What next? I didn't realize God and religion could be lobbied and pressured to change. Good thing to know.

You want respect, act like you deserve it. This shit is disgusting and disrespectful.

but when the pope silently agrees with his clergy having sex with children thats full of respect and not disgusting at all. give me a break
I think Deism- or at least the fact that there's something in the universe that science can never fully explain that created all of these rules and numbers- is pretty easy to prove based on Aquinas's first cause/order argument. Obviously, theism or the notion of a conscious God is a lot harder to prove.

The problem with the first cause argument is that you have to give a first cause exemption from causality (obviously), which we cannot comprehend. We can say it, but it makes no sense. Infinite regress is ridiculous, too, but we cannot explain how something can come from nothing.

The first cause argument is contradictory anyway, because it first states that everything that exists was caused by something. It ends up claiming that infinite regress is impossible, thus, there must have been something that wasn't caused by anything else. You can see here that the first line, and the conclusion contradict.

Interesting read here: http://intrinsicallyknotted.wordpress.com/2008/08/19/is-infinite-regres…

I think Deism- or at least the fact that there's something in the universe that science can never fully explain that created all of these rules and numbers- is pretty easy to prove based on Aquinas's first cause/order argument. Obviously, theism or the notion of a conscious God is a lot harder to prove.

The problem with the first cause argument is that you have to give a first cause exemption from causality (obviously), which we cannot comprehend. We can say it, but it makes no sense. Infinite regress is ridiculous, too, but we cannot explain how something can come from nothing.

The first cause argument is contradictory anyway, because it first states that everything that exists was caused by something. It ends up claiming that infinite regress is impossible, thus, there must have been something that wasn't caused by anything else. You can see here that the first line, and the conclusion contradict.

Well, the basic point of it is that logical deduction has its limits and that not everything in the universe can be explained when our brains which can only get short glimpses of infinity when it is countable and discrete. In any case, a huge irrational number that lies at the heart of the universe could be a lot more complicated than our tiny brains could ever imagine.

By our logic, God isn't supposed to exist. But also by our logic, we're not supposed to be here. At the very least, you'll agree that using logic to try and disprove God or suggest he probably doesn't exist is kinda futile, isn't it?


I love the one post that is on topic as we slowly move off topic.

Honestly, I am tired of the gay kissing topic. My ADHD has kicked in.

Red Cross does a lot, so does the Gates foundation. My point is both of those foundations have a lot of religious individuals in it. I want to see an all Atheist organization formed that does good works.

Atheists are not smarter or more logical than religious people. They are just exchanging one unknown for another. I'll never understand the big issue with religion. Unless you are the most devote believer you just need to be a decent person. If you casually read the bible it is all about not cheating on your wife, don't steal, help those in need, be humble. Pretty admirable concepts if you ask me.

Besides, going to church creates a sense of community, religion fosters this desire to do good works, keeps people in line. Looking at religion from a purely logical point of view I think it makes 100% sense. It keeps people in line and keeps them from being little animals. Not to bad a thing I think.

End of the day people just want to feel comfort. You are about to die. I think it is nice for people to think about heaven and seeing loved ones.

Atheist is the ultimate party pooper.

Anthony .:
Unless you are the most devote believer you just need to be a decent person. If you casually read the bible it is all about not cheating on your wife, don't steal, help those in need, be humble. Pretty admirable concepts if you ask me.
Just wanted to make a minor correction. The Bible says we KNOW we should be decent people and we're supposed to do all of that, but we're not and we don't. The Bible really comes down to this:
Jesus/ John 4:6:
I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.

In reality, Christians are the ultimate party poopers. We say that no matter how hard you try, you can't get over being a bad person who does bad things.

Anthony .:
I love the one post that is on topic as we slowly move off topic.

Honestly, I am tired of the gay kissing topic. My ADHD has kicked in.

Red Cross does a lot, so does the Gates foundation. My point is both of those foundations have a lot of religious individuals in it. I want to see an all Atheist organization formed that does good works.

Atheists are not smarter or more logical than religious people. They are just exchanging one unknown for another. I'll never understand the big issue with religion. Unless you are the most devote believer you just need to be a decent person. If you casually read the bible it is all about not cheating on your wife, don't steal, help those in need, be humble. Pretty admirable concepts if you ask me.

Besides, going to church creates a sense of community, religion fosters this desire to do good works, keeps people in line. Looking at religion from a purely logical point of view I think it makes 100% sense. It keeps people in line and keeps them from being little animals. Not to bad a thing I think.

End of the day people just want to feel comfort. You are about to die. I think it is nice for people to think about heaven and seeing loved ones.

Atheist is the ultimate party pooper.

No man, bill gates and warren buffet are self describe secularists. The Red Cross is a secular organization. You have to concede this point.

I agree that there are some morally admirable things in the bible. I don't see why the bible is necessary for them to exist though - I'm ethical on non-religious grounds. Also, the bible says a lot of terribly unethical things, like gays should be ostracized, men can have multiple wives, a killer who repents can go to heaven, and you should kill people who work on sundays (?). Why can you pick and choose? If God wrote it and it's in the bible isn't it all holy word?

Religion definitely bring people together and instills a common sense of morals. That's great, and I'm not saying it doesn't do that. I'm just saying that doesn't make religion a reasonable thing to subscribe to.

The fact that atheism is a buzzkill (which it is, it depresses me) isn't a reason not to think that way.

And last point - I didn't actually say atheists are smarter, but since you bring it up studies show that they are smarter! That's obviously correlation not causation, but I'm just sayin.


Minus reiciendis amet odio voluptas. Fugiat nulla libero vel amet recusandae ullam non et. Eaque neque soluta sunt qui fugiat non.


Libero debitis illum eaque labore soluta. Praesentium doloremque odit necessitatibus eum in. Provident excepturi velit qui et est hic.

Accusamus pariatur omnis molestias maiores quo distinctio. Aut minima ut eligendi exercitationem sit architecto distinctio. Ut nihil perferendis atque eos rem esse reprehenderit. Non voluptatibus omnis in autem soluta. Alias exercitationem et eos non dicta blanditiis. Id cumque hic laboriosam.


Eius a occaecati officia laborum non nihil aut. Et aperiam voluptas debitis aspernatur.

Porro rerum quis nihil fugiat recusandae. Consectetur pariatur aspernatur rem numquam impedit reprehenderit. Velit quia exercitationem impedit.

Corrupti sit sed ea eum repellendus dicta corporis. Consequatur ipsum amet fuga officiis praesentium debitis. Ex sit nobis corrupti hic laudantium.

Ut explicabo assumenda ducimus. Minus veritatis odio quo eos amet. Officia error quia reprehenderit alias. Et consequuntur sed sit exercitationem minus voluptatem quos. Odit tempore doloribus et laboriosam ut.

"The trouble with our liberal friends is not that they're ignorant, it's just that they know so much that isn't so." - Ronald Reagan

Esse voluptatibus qui laudantium. Tenetur qui laudantium et. Est sit ut nihil unde autem. Labore alias quo placeat voluptatibus optio. Qui praesentium neque quibusdam.

Aut iure dolor soluta cumque. Et veritatis asperiores ipsa consectetur qui dolor atque. Ut corrupti odit labore tempore impedit. Ullam iusto necessitatibus unde rerum. Et et et voluptatem et molestias. Vero suscipit dolores aperiam aut nesciunt nihil neque.

Quia vero id commodi ea. Non soluta distinctio beatae magnam animi minima praesentium.


Consectetur quia voluptatem a nesciunt soluta porro enim. Hic sequi adipisci itaque officia sint. In quaerat consequuntur praesentium culpa vel distinctio voluptate. Ea nulla necessitatibus aut.

Assumenda natus sequi sit culpa. Sunt et amet ipsa nisi dolores nulla. Cum nisi sunt sed ad velit. Omnis placeat sunt sed nam accusantium dolorem non. Dolores quo ex enim eos corrupti. Eveniet ducimus nemo excepturi quia saepe minima dignissimos.

Minima impedit et pariatur molestias in. Dolores nihil rem suscipit. Id ullam omnis ut molestiae provident. Ex aliquam ut qui voluptate. Aut dolore soluta doloremque omnis nemo.

********************************* “The American father is never seen in London. He passes his life entirely in Wall Street and communicates with his family once a month by means of a telegram in cipher.” - Oscar Wilde

Career Advancement Opportunities

May 2024 Investment Banking

  • Jefferies & Company 02 99.4%
  • Goldman Sachs 19 98.8%
  • Harris Williams & Co. New 98.3%
  • Lazard Freres 02 97.7%
  • JPMorgan Chase 04 97.1%

Overall Employee Satisfaction

May 2024 Investment Banking

  • Harris Williams & Co. 18 99.4%
  • JPMorgan Chase 10 98.8%
  • Lazard Freres 05 98.3%
  • Morgan Stanley 07 97.7%
  • William Blair 03 97.1%

Professional Growth Opportunities

May 2024 Investment Banking

  • Lazard Freres 01 99.4%
  • Jefferies & Company 02 98.8%
  • Goldman Sachs 17 98.3%
  • Moelis & Company 07 97.7%
  • JPMorgan Chase 05 97.1%

Total Avg Compensation

May 2024 Investment Banking

  • Director/MD (5) $648
  • Vice President (20) $385
  • Associates (88) $260
  • 3rd+ Year Analyst (14) $181
  • Intern/Summer Associate (33) $170
  • 2nd Year Analyst (67) $168
  • 1st Year Analyst (205) $159
  • Intern/Summer Analyst (146) $101
16 IB Interviews Notes

“... there’s no excuse to not take advantage of the resources out there available to you. Best value for your $ are the...”


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From 10 rejections to 1 dream investment banking internship

“... I believe it was the single biggest reason why I ended up with an offer...”