Alternatives to Coffee

I've been getting bad withdrawals as I've been trying to cut down on coffee usage. Was having around 4-5 cups a day and would get tired instantly without it. Started taking more brain supplements as brain fog has been a recurring symptom and that causes me to lose motivation for the rest of the day. If anyone uses any supplements other than coffee to help with focus and energy or has experienced any similar symptoms, I would love to hear what worked for you. 


Your tolerance for caffeine goes away very quickly. Just take two weeks of the coffee during a break or maybe just a long weekend and you should be back to like a couple cups a day. If you find yourself at 6-7 again just take another break. Caffeine is pretty much the only drug you can abuse (like 200mg over recommended limit) and not too detrimental for your life.


I was fueling my life on caffeine all of college running on like 2-4 hours of sleep most nights and working 30 hours a week.

Recently I tried quitting coffee few months back cuz I had like 8-12+ cups or some atrocious shit (I just made an entire pot and was going HAM on it while studying) and started having palpitations in my neck/head and felt real anxious.

Decided OK maybe this isn’t too healthy I’ma try and quit this drug…Tried quitting cold turkey after this and I felt like absolute dogshit for the two/three weeks after cuz the withdrawal. Had to lay down and take naps Bc I couldn’t even focus very well.

My advice is figure out if you actually like coffee and then just decide based on this… you want to have something you enjoy drinking (… that isn’t bourbon..)

Side note - I also have really bad insomnia since I have been about 8 years old so I try to limit caffeine intake after 14:00

Also, I see a sleep doctor currently who helps me with CBTi and he even recommended to me getting back on coffee after I tried quitting and this making me feel so terrible because he saw it as a positive way of waking up, giving me some extra focus, and it being something I actually enjoy the taste of all simultaneously

What I would do if you wanna keep drinking covfefe:

  • Take a two/four week break and your tolerance should reset itself
  • Also try and limit yourself to 6 cups (assuming 5oz cup) max daily
  • No caffeine after 2-4pm (see what works for you)
  • Only caffeine should be coffee
  • No sugar that isn’t fruit or derived from fruit

… and then see if any of this makes a difference


knew I was gonna find you repping green tea hard on here. +1 I like it a lot too, was actually about to make some now

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Yeah green tea is legit.…

1. Contains healthy bioactive compounds

Green tea is more than just a hydrating beverage.

The green tea plant contains a range of healthy compounds that make it into the final drink (1Trusted Source).

Tea is rich in polyphenols, which are natural compounds that have health benefits, such as reducing inflammation and helping to fight cancer.

Green tea contains a catechin called epigallocatechin-3-gallate (EGCG). Catechins are natural antioxidants that help prevent cell damage and provide other benefits.

These substances can reduce the formation of free radicals in the body, protecting cells and molecules from damage. These free radicals play a role in aging and many types of diseases.

EGCG is one of the most powerful compounds in green tea. Research has tested its ability to help treat various diseases. It appears to be one of the main compounds that gives green tea its medicinal properties (2Trusted Source).

Green tea also has small amounts of minerals that can benefit your health.


Green tea is loaded with polyphenol antioxidants, including a catechin called EGCG. These antioxidants can have various beneficial effects on health.

2. May improve brain function

Green tea does more than just keep you alert, it may also help boost brain function.

The key active ingredient is caffeine, which is a known stimulant.

It doesn’t contain as much as coffee, but enough to produce a response without causing the jittery effects associated with taking in too much caffeine.

Caffeine affects the brain by blocking an inhibitory neurotransmitter called adenosine. This way, it increases the firing of neurons and the concentration of neurotransmitters like dopamine and norepinephrine (4Trusted Source5Trusted Source).

Research has consistently shown that caffeine can improve various aspects of brain function, including mood, vigilance, reaction time, and memory (6Trusted Source).

However, caffeine isn’t the only brain-boosting compound in green tea. It also contains amino acid L-theanine, which can cross the blood-brain barrier (7).

L-theanine increases the activity of the inhibitory neurotransmitter GABA, which has anti-anxiety effects. It also increases dopamine and the production of alpha waves in the brain (78Trusted Source9Trusted Source).

Studies show that caffeine and L-theanine can have synergistic effects. This means that the combination of the two can have particularly powerful effects in improving brain function (10Trusted Source11Trusted Source).

Because of the L-theanine and the small dose of caffeine, green tea may give you a much milder and different kind of buzz than coffee.

Many people report having more stable energy and being much more productive when they drink green tea, compared with coffee.

SUMMARY Green tea contains less caffeine than coffee but enough to produce an effect. It also contains the amino acid L-theanine, which can work synergistically with caffeine to improve brain function.

3. Increases fat burning

If you look at the ingredients list for any fat burning supplement, chances are, green tea will be on there.

This is because, according to research, green tea can increase fat burning and boost metabolic rate (12).

In one study involving 10 healthy men, taking green tea extract increased the number of calories burned by 4%. In another involving 12 healthy men, green tea extract increased fat oxidation by 17%, compared with those taking a placebo (13Trusted Source14Trusted Source).

However, some studies on green tea don’t show any increase in metabolism, so the effects may depend on the individual and how the study was set up (15Trusted Source).

Caffeine may also improve physical performance by mobilizing fatty acids from fat tissue and making them available for use as energy (16Trusted Source17Trusted Source).

Two separate review studies reported that caffeine may increase physical performance by approximately 11–12% (18Trusted Source19Trusted Source).


Green tea may boost metabolic rate and increase fat burning in the short term, although not all studies agree.

4. Antioxidants may lower the risk of some cancers

Cancer is caused by uncontrolled growth of cells. It’s one of the world’s leading causes of death.

Research has shown that oxidative damage can lead to chronic inflammation, which can lead to chronic diseases, including cancers. Antioxidants can help protect against oxidative damage (20Trusted Source).

Green tea is an excellent source of powerful antioxidants.

Research has linked green tea compounds with a reduced risk of cancer, including the following studies:

  • Breast cancer. A comprehensive review of observational studies found that women who drank the most green tea had an approximately 20–30% lower risk of developing breast cancer, one of the most common cancers in women (21Trusted Source).
  • Prostate cancer. One study observed that men drinking green tea had a lower risk of advanced prostate cancer (22).
  • Colorectal cancer. An analysis of 29 studies showed that those drinking green tea were around 42% less likely to develop colorectal cancer (23Trusted Source).

Many observational studies indicate that green tea drinkers are less likely to develop several types of cancer, but more high quality research is needed to confirm these effects (2425Trusted Source).

To get the most health benefits, avoid adding milk to your tea. Some studies suggest it can reduce the antioxidant value in some teas (26Trusted Source).

SUMMARY Green tea has powerful antioxidants that may protect against cancer. Multiple studies show that green tea drinkers have a lower risk of various types of cancer.

5. May protect the brain from aging

Not only can green tea improve brain function in the short term, it may also protect your brain as you age.

Alzheimer’s disease is a common neurodegenerative disease and the most common cause of dementia in older adults (27Trusted Source).

Parkinson’s disease is another common neurodegenerative disease and involves the death of dopamine-producing neurons in the brain.

Several studies show that the catechin compounds in green tea can have various protective effects on neurons in test tubes and animal models, possibly lowering the risk of dementia (28Trusted Source29Trusted Source30Trusted Source).

SUMMARY The bioactive compounds in green tea can have various protective effects on the brain. They may reduce the risk of dementia, a common neurodegenerative disorder in older adults.

6. May reduce bad breath

The catechins in green tea also have benefits for oral health.

Test-tube studies suggest that catechins can suppress the growth of bacteria, potentially lowering the risk of infections (31Trusted Source3233Trusted Source34Trusted Source).

Streptococcus mutans is a common bacterium in the mouth. It causes plaque formation and is a leading contributor to cavities and tooth decay.

Studies indicate that the catechins in green tea can inhibit the growth of oral bacteria in the lab, but no evidence shows that drinking green tea has similar effects (35Trusted Source36Trusted Source37Trusted Source38Trusted Source).

However, there’s some evidence that green tea may reduce bad breath (39Trusted Source40Trusted Source).

SUMMARY The catechins in green tea may inhibit the growth of bacteria in the mouth, reducing the risk of bad breath.

7. May help prevent type 2 diabetes

The rates of type 2 diabetes are increasing in recent decades. The condition now affects about 1 in 10 Americans (41Trusted Source).

Type 2 diabetes involves having elevated blood sugar levels, which may be caused by insulin resistance or an inability to produce insulin.

Studies show that green tea may improve insulin sensitivity and reduce blood sugar levels (42Trusted Source).

One study in Japanese individuals found that those who drank the most green tea had an approximately 42% lower risk of type 2 diabetes (43Trusted Source).

According to a review of 7 studies with a total of 286,701 individuals, tea drinkers had an 18% lower risk of diabetes (44Trusted Source).

SUMMARY Some controlled studies show that green tea may cause mild reductions in blood sugar levels. It may also lower the risk of type 2 diabetes.

8. May help prevent cardiovascular disease

Cardiovascular diseases, including heart disease and stroke, are the leading causes of death worldwide (45).

Studies show that green tea may improve some of the main risk factors for these diseases, which includes improving total cholesterol and LDL (bad) cholesterol levels (46).

Green tea also increases the antioxidant capacity of the blood, which protects the LDL particles from oxidation, which is one part of the pathway toward heart disease (4748).

Given the beneficial effects on risk factors, it may not be surprising that people who drink green tea have up to a 31% lower risk of dying from a cardiovascular disease (49Trusted Source5051Trusted Source).

SUMMARY Green tea may lower total and LDL (bad) cholesterol, as well as protect the LDL particles from oxidation. Studies show that people who drink green tea have a lower risk of cardiovascular disease.

9. May help you lose weight

Given that green tea can boost the metabolic rate in the short term, it makes sense that it could help you lose weight.

Several studies show that green tea may help reduce body fat, especially in the abdominal area (5253Trusted Source).

One of these studies was a 12-week randomized controlled study involving 240 people with obesity. 

In this study, those in the green tea group had significant decreases in body fat percentage, body weight, waist circumference, and belly fat, compared with those in the control group (54Trusted Source).

However, some studies don’t show a statistically significant increase in weight loss with green tea, so researchers need to perform further studies to confirm this effect (55Trusted Source).

SUMMARY Some studies show that green tea may lead to increased weight loss. It may be particularly effective at reducing the dangerous abdominal fat.

10. May help you live longer

Given that some compounds in green tea may help protect against cancer and heart disease, it makes sense that it could help you live longer.

In one study, researchers studied 40,530 Japanese adults over 11 years. Those who drank the most green tea — 5 or more cups per day — were significantly less likely to die during the study period (56Trusted Source):

  • Death of all causes: 23% lower in women, 12% lower in men
  • Death from heart disease: 31% lower in women, 22% lower in men
  • Death from stroke: 42% lower in women, 35% lower in men

Another study involving 14,001 older Japanese individuals found that those who drank the most green tea were 76% less likely to die during the 6-year study period (57).

SUMMARY Studies show that people who drink green tea may live longer than those who don’t.

"If you always put limits on everything you do, physical or anything else, it will spread into your work and into your life. There are no limits. There are only plateaus, and you must not stay there, you must go beyond them." - Bruce Lee

Just an FYI to anyone reading, most teas (black, green, white, and oolong) all come from the same plant, the difference is just the way the tea leaf is treated. This treatment can affect the affects mentioned above, but black tea is pretty close so it's not like you need to chug green tea if you dont like the flavor, and you can still get a lot of the same benefits.

Rooibos and herbal teas aren't made from the tea plant so they won't have the same benefits.  


There’s some halfway decent data that daily creatine intake can help with brain fog / memory and can increase energy levels. I mix in 5mg with a bottle of water every morning. It’s also possible you’re dehydrated, so an extra bottle of water in the morning certainly couldn’t hurt.

I’ve found that finding time to hit the gym ~3x per week has really improved my mood and energy. I typically go after work because there’s no shot I’m waking up that early; kudos to you if you can and it’s probably more beneficial that way.

With regards to coffee, just gradually ween yourself down to two cups a day. I had the same issue as you and fortunately, I adjusted after a few weeks. If you feel like you need an extra boost, just substitute with tea.


Some very good suggestions above. I’d also say two things. I was (and am again) a liter-of-coffee a day drinker, but I took six months off by simply making a bet with someone about it. The spirit of competition helps. Second thing is to consider maca root tea (aka Peruvian ginseng), and tea made from stinging nettles. Maca has a peculiar, acquired taste, but I quite like it and found it an effective aphrodisiac, so, handle with care but it definitely gave me the kind of boost coffee does. Nettles are just good for you. You can prepare both in about ten minutes boiling them in water on the stove.


Matcha. Has L-theanine which functions as a natural adderall. Makes you much more focused and alert than coffee without feeling anxious or having jitters. Not a large crash associated with the come down either.


This is gonna sound like Broscience, but it has never failed me:

Cold showers for >2 min each morning, blasting some hype music… Never fails to wake me up.

Since I’m now wired from the cold shower, I like to meditate immediately after. I feel awake and clear-headed all morning. Try it!

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