very similar for myself. I like sled pushes too, battle ropes, and steel maces. I swim too sometimes. I got up to 244lbs ~17%BF in my bodybuilding days. It was a terrible lifestyle and I felt terrible. All I have to show for it is stretch marks. I don't miss it. I feel great now doing what I'm doing. I maintain a really lean 165/170ish these days. Adding mass is always alluring and I'll start using a weight vest sometimes and putting on some mass, but my back starts to feel worse and I stop (I have a bunch of back and joint problems that started when I was a kid.) I like the olympic rings a lot too. And I can do everything except the sled pushes, swimming, and sauna at home. When my membership expires, I'm putting a stretch of astroturf with a sled in my yard and getting an outdoor sauna. I'll eventually get one of those pools that blows water so you can swim in place forever but that's not money I want to drop yet.

Also BJJ and archery. I work from home and have a standing desk and a bosu ball chair, saddle chair, balance board and try to move around a lot - preferably barefoot or in vibrams. I try to take a ~45 min walk through the park shirtless every day. I'm reading Becoming A Supple Leopard now and trying to incorporate a lot more mobility work. My forearms got to a point they were so tight it would hurt a little to pick up a grocery bag and then I kept going and got tendinitis and decided to take a few weeks off. Calves and tibulus were super tight too and I started getting shin splints. So just decided to take a few weeks off and do mobility and increase collagen intake. I think my routine would produce a lot more muscle as it is, but I eat in a very compressed window (usually once a day, low-ish calorie, pretty low protein, and use a lot of stimulants.

heister: Look at all these wannabe richies hating on an expensive salad.

Started lifting after realizing the office life is giving me a beer belly. 4-5 months in with decent progress and overloading with cleaner, lean bulk diet. We're all gonna make it brahs.


Regardless of what you all are doing day-in and day-out, do something for yourself. My attitude towards staying late in the office and IBD changes drastically knowing that I've done something for myself each day.

No explanation needed for this forum the question is simply simple. Do you even lift bro? Do finance bros lift?

I used to be far more into it than I currently am. Squat was over 600. Deads in the 400s. Bench was 315 for reps.

I'm 30+ though and after back and knee surgery in my youth I just kept breaking down. After a couple of 6 months on, hurt myself, 6 months off getting fat, I don't mess with heavy shit anymore. I don't put anything over 185 on my back and I don't go much higher than 225 on bench.

Trying to get more into cardio but good lord is it boring. Sprints aren't terrible and rec soccer is fun though.

Commercial Real Estate Developer

For a number of years I did a lot of endurance running and triathlons. I will tell you there is rarely anything that can keep your mind off the grueling miles but podcasts (as mentioned above) are a decent option. Sometimes I find the only way to really forget about the endless miles is to just think about how happy you will be when your done, ha.

For cardio since I only have treadmills to run on I get super bored, so I tend to do a body weight routine between every mile. E.g. Run 1 mile, do 25 body weight squats - 4 sets of push ups till failure - 25 burpees - 3 sets of an abs. Keeps me at least mildly entertained through cardio sessions.

I'll have to try that. Thanks!

Commercial Real Estate Developer
Football not "soccer" is good for cardio

I was a starter in highschool football and played on the soccer practice squad in college. I guarantee you that soccer is better cardio than football.

Commercial Real Estate Developer
Squat was over 600. Deads in the 400s. Bench was 315 for reps.

You could squat 600+ but couldn't crack 500 on the deadlift? Do you have a mile-long torso and t-rex arms? Do you weigh 400 lbs and literally cannot grab the bar?

"Son, life is hard. But it's harder if you're stupid." - my dad
Layne Staley:
Squat was over 600. Deads in the 400s. Bench was 315 for reps.

You could squat 600+ but couldn't crack 500 on the deadlift? Do you have a mile-long torso and t-rex arms? Do you weigh 400 lbs and literally cannot grab the bar?

At a certain point, lifts are form and technique. When I was pushing that kind of weight around, I was doing bench, squats, and power cleans. Didn't train deads until later. I do have a long torso and shorter arms, I suppose, but it was just never a point of emphasis.

Commercial Real Estate Developer

One other item to note. If you only have 15-30 minutes between dinner and flipping MD deck comments, I highly suggest HIIT training. It's as simple as 30 seconds on 6.0 and 30 seconds on 10.0 for 15-30 minutes. Very effective at increasing your metabolic rate.


I think everyone knows how effective it is at this point. They just really really suck if done right and people are scared. Also, different intervals and rest times have very different benefits. For example, something like 30 sec on with 4 min rest is great for increasing mitochondrial density. Whereas something like 15 on 45 rest is great for cardio and overall organ reserve. I literally get anxiety the day before my sled sprint workout in anticipation of suffering.

heister: Look at all these wannabe richies hating on an expensive salad.

Lift every morning before work. Bi-muscle splits 5 days a week for the most part. Also just graduated from college wrestling so volunteer/help beat up some HS kids after work to give back to the community


Insanity is the truth. In grad school a buddy and I did it for several weeks and got very good results. But running in place, doing push-ups, and squats for 45 minutes every day tend to do that.

Recently I've been doing the workouts from Mark Divine's book '8 Weeks to SEAL Fit.' It's a lot of body weight moves and will get a good sweat going.

Diet is the real key though. Obviously there are strongman competitors and the like that eat everything they can get their hands on, but for the other 99.9 percent of us the diet is the biggest part.

Insanity is the truth. In grad school a buddy and I did it for several weeks and got very good results. But running in place, doing push-ups, and squats for 45 minutes every day tend to do that.

Recently I've been doing the workouts from Mark Divine's book '8 Weeks to SEAL Fit.' It's a lot of body weight moves and will get a good sweat going.

Diet is the real key though. Obviously there are strongman competitors and the like that eat everything they can get their hands on, but for the other 99.9 percent of us the diet is the biggest part.

8 count body builders are probably in there. They are great.

"If you always put limits on everything you do, physical or anything else, it will spread into your work and into your life. There are no limits. There are only plateaus, and you must not stay there, you must go beyond them." - Bruce Lee

Yeah I'm a slim guy so you have a point with the spinning. I do like conditioning which is the reason for Spinning. However, you're right Spinning may be overdoing it.

Work hard, work clean, & most of all do not give up.

I do. I went to the soulcycle at bryant park for a little while cause I was trying to fuck this girl at JPMorgan. alas, she didn't want it, so it's back to the normal bro split + heavy bag (which is great for blue balls btw).

cycling is a waste of money, it's cool to meet people but your overall physique is lacking. women don't want to grab onto a guys quads or know his favorite peloton courses. they want washboard abs, big shoulders and arms, the fuck me V where the legs join the hips, and good posture. cycling gives you none of that.

I should've just stuck to trolling hot yoga studios

just trying to live like Hunter S Thompson
I do. I went to the soulcycle at bryant park for a little while cause I was trying to fuck this girl at JPMorgan. alas, she didn't want it, so it's back to the normal bro split + heavy bag (which is great for blue balls btw).

cycling is a waste of money, it's cool to meet people but your overall physique is lacking. women don't want to grab onto a guys quads or know his favorite peloton courses. they want washboard abs, big shoulders and arms, the fuck me V where the legs join the hips, and good posture. cycling gives you none of that.

I should've just stuck to trolling hot yoga studios

I cycle....

And BJJ Muay Thai, Surf, Snowboard, Skateboard, Run, Swim, etc etc etc

I look jacked

Come at me bro....

As for shoulders, I'm 176 and can still one arm Arnold press 70lbs a few times

"If you always put limits on everything you do, physical or anything else, it will spread into your work and into your life. There are no limits. There are only plateaus, and you must not stay there, you must go beyond them." - Bruce Lee

Been running GZCL Jacked & Tan as my lifting program. Hit a 1,025 total (S/B/D of 315/245/465) before cutting down from 203 to 193 lbs.

Goal is to rep a 3 plate squat and 2 plate bench for 6 by the end of the year. Part of me just wants to train bodybuilding style though because lifting at intensity is so draining.

"The power of accurate observation is commonly called cynicism by those who have not got it." - George Bernard Shaw

I'm recommending anybody with tightness, pain, mobility issues, or who just wants to move optimally read this. It's considered the mobility bible by many: ![…] [……

heister: Look at all these wannabe richies hating on an expensive salad.

I'm working diligently on losing weight while gaining strength. Down 20 lbs since I started lifting again and making steady progress on the major lifts. I know my progress in the gym has been slowed down by cutting but I really want to not be so rotund anymore. I'm using a four day 5/3/1 layout for the major lifts with sensible accessories progressing in volume over each 3 week cycle. It's very tempting to stop cutting though.


How big do you think his arms are? I wonder what it feels like to be him. Like, there's no way he feels good. Ever. I'm sure he gets deep tissue work daily and shit but dude he is just one big, constantly-full ball of knots

heister: Look at all these wannabe richies hating on an expensive salad.

Just FYI your blood circulation is best (i.e. best lifting result) around 4pm - 8pm, which is ideal for market people since it's after the close. I tried lifting at 5.30am for a while before going to classes, that turned out for me to be an even greater disaster than in the evening.

But just as an advice, if you're working on Wall Street, forget about breaking your own olympic records year by year - the work is too draining for that (speaking from own internship experiences...). But keep lifting is still the best thing you can do, just for your personal fitness.


When i worked on the sell side I tried lifting before work (5:45-6:45) and a) i couldnt lift nearly as heavy as in the afternoon and b) after a couple weeks i really started to feel at work (i.e. blanking on things, needing to go to the bathroom to close my eyes etc). But then again i am really not a morning person.

I found going after work and taking a pre workout was the best thing.


Not S&T but I'm a senior guy who's been both working and working out a lot for years. My conclusion is that it's best just to go in the AM before work. I've tried to go after work, or go at lunch (like I said, not a markets guy) or tried after work (and like I said, I'm not a junior guy so there is an after work for me...) and if you don't just do it first thing in the morning, you will get busy or make excuses to not go later in the day. And like you said, you're beat by then and even if your muscles, tendons and ligaments my be looser and your energy should be higher by then, you just won't have the energy. And most importantly, you just won't go. If your routine is to get up ridiculously early and go and that becomes your routine for years, it will be part of your life. It's too much to think you're going to do cardio in the AM and lift later in the day. You may be able to keep that up for a short amount of time but it's about the long term when you start working full time. Half of it life is just showing up.

I get up around 4:00, do a protein smoothie with some fruit, chug an iced coffee (keep it in your fridge) and chug some water. I start out with 10 or 15 mins of cardio to get the blood flowing, do a few extra warm up sets and make sure I stretch. I also don't take as much time between sets and cram in a workout in a shorter amount of time and get some cardio benefit out of that. Then I eat a real egg breakfast after working out and I need a couple of snacks/protein shakes throughout the AM. I know someone else said it made them tired but this routine actually gives me energy. I'm not a powerlifter, although I've lifted heavy at different points of my life, so I don't know how that effects the actual workout. And don't get too drunk on the weekends so you can do your heavier days on the weekends.


For sure before! Guilt free beer tastes better than "i was meant to go to gym" beer.

"After you work on Wall Street it’s a choice, would you rather work at McDonalds or on the sell-side? I would choose McDonalds over the sell-side.” - David Tepper

I've also found that lifting before work is optimal. I'm on the west coast and need to be in the office at about 6am every day. I get to the gym at 430am, lift for an hour, and then get changed and hit the desk. It's great because it wakes you up and gets you ready to start your day off right. Nothing like a workout high, amiright? I only start feeling tired around lunch, where I have some coffee and power through to the end of the day. After work, I hit the beach and do my cardio runs there (SoCal perks). It's the best strategy and ensures that you don't have much room for excuses later in the day, like being too tired, your buddies want to go to happy hour, etc.


Qui sequi eius rerum quod ea quod cupiditate. Et itaque voluptate voluptatem dignissimos quaerat assumenda ea. Ipsa ipsum eveniet maxime enim ducimus aperiam. Sint alias enim qui expedita. Quaerat suscipit minima cupiditate vel et sed. Et illo explicabo molestias minus excepturi est. Commodi consequuntur aut ut qui sed corporis harum rerum.

Harum corrupti omnis eum velit iste alias tempora explicabo. Rerum ab illum sit dolores. Iste iusto eum occaecati magni doloribus commodi animi in. Et ut consectetur id et sit blanditiis.

Enim occaecati omnis eveniet voluptas quam dicta. Repellat facere iusto architecto minus quibusdam neque neque dicta. Porro voluptate architecto reprehenderit ut laboriosam fuga. Quo in ipsa est et totam commodi.


Quisquam repellendus minima ad eaque vitae assumenda voluptatem. Modi soluta quibusdam eos impedit quisquam. Porro error consequatur inventore. Suscipit error iure quis est iste sit accusantium. Eveniet aut optio non aut officia amet sed.

Dolores qui odit omnis corporis. Voluptatum sed natus enim reiciendis consectetur ducimus ad aut. Harum et eius consequatur quaerat et architecto enim.

Voluptas deserunt et veniam. Ut autem autem vel quis suscipit exercitationem omnis numquam. Consequuntur at veritatis omnis voluptas quod voluptas ut. Natus et maiores sapiente omnis sed. Aliquam possimus eius optio sunt fuga vero error.

Qui sunt sed voluptas sapiente similique iste. Ut in quia odio laborum voluptas. Hic debitis nobis ducimus quia rerum perferendis asperiores quasi. Non eligendi voluptas quam occaecati saepe nulla. Quos quam est aliquid odit atque. Officia aut dolores dolore saepe.


Career Advancement Opportunities

May 2024 Investment Banking

  • Jefferies & Company 02 99.4%
  • Goldman Sachs 19 98.8%
  • Harris Williams & Co. New 98.3%
  • Lazard Freres 02 97.7%
  • JPMorgan Chase 04 97.1%

Overall Employee Satisfaction

May 2024 Investment Banking

  • Harris Williams & Co. 18 99.4%
  • JPMorgan Chase 10 98.8%
  • Lazard Freres 05 98.3%
  • Morgan Stanley 07 97.7%
  • William Blair 03 97.1%

Professional Growth Opportunities

May 2024 Investment Banking

  • Lazard Freres 01 99.4%
  • Jefferies & Company 02 98.8%
  • Goldman Sachs 17 98.3%
  • Moelis & Company 07 97.7%
  • JPMorgan Chase 05 97.1%

Total Avg Compensation

May 2024 Investment Banking

  • Director/MD (5) $648
  • Vice President (19) $385
  • Associates (88) $260
  • 3rd+ Year Analyst (14) $181
  • Intern/Summer Associate (33) $170
  • 2nd Year Analyst (67) $168
  • 1st Year Analyst (205) $159
  • Intern/Summer Analyst (146) $101
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