Joe biden is a complete joke

First he says is you don't vote for me you're not black, now he says that the black community isn't diverse? How the hell is this guy the democratic nominee? He's senile, apparently somewhat racist, and completely unfit for office. It also seems like most liberals are willing to act as if theres no problem just because they hate Trump. Well, you can hate Trump and still realize that Biden is a senile trainwreck waiting to happen. Watch any interview with the guy and you can see how obvious it is that he mentally is not there. I can't imagine four years of him being the president. How the hell is this the best the DNC could come up with

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I can imagine four years with him as President. Won't see our POTUS deliberately allowing hundreds of thousands of Americans to die based on their political affiliation. Maybe something resembling a return to rule of law, maybe some sense of decorum returned to the White House, a President who does more than spend his time tweeting and watching cable news and golfing. You know... governance. Based on expert opinion and giving a shit about the wellbeing of the country and not a desire to aggrandize themselves at the expense of the future of the country....

You may not like Biden, but he knows what it means to govern, and not what it means to be seen to be giving the appearance of governing. I understand that most people who vote Republican don't want good governance, but to stick it to some undefined group of Mexicans and libruls, but the majority of this country believes that the office of POTUS is for something more than just grandstanding. Biden may not be an electrifying candidate, but he's not a deranged psychopath. And given that Trump was obviously mentally defective even while on the campaign trail, which has only become worse, it's quite rich that anyone is complaining about Biden's mental acuity.


I don’t think you understand just how much Biden’s mental state has deteriorated


Imo a pug sitting in the Oval Office would do a better job running our country than Trump. I’d rather have Biden sit there and do nothing than have Trump for another four years.

I’m not voting for Biden, I’m voting against Trump- I think there’s quite a lot of people in this camp as well.

“The three most harmful addictions are heroin, carbohydrates, and a monthly salary.” - Nassim Taleb
Analyst 1 in Other:

I don’t think you understand just how much Biden’s mental state has deteriorated

Hahahaha. I am 100% positive you have absolutely no insight into Joe Biden's mental state, deteriorated or not. You probably watch cable news, and given your opinions on this, right wing cable news (which is even less trustworthy and has more of an agenda than their liberal counterparts, who are no saints) - in other words, you have no fucking clue what you're talking about except to parrot the opinion of a bunch of pudgy talking heads who would attack Mr Biden even if Jesus Christ and George Washington came back from the dead and personally endorsed him as the next POTUS.

What I understand is that even a halfway mentally competent Joe Biden will be a halfway decent POTUS, because he'll respect expert opinion and actually want to govern, not just look for a pat on the back for showing up to work as Mr Trump does. And a completely senile Joe Biden will STILL be better than Mr Trump, because again lets not forget that Mr Trump has the blood of hundreds of thousands of Americans on his hands, at least for his negligence and disregard for the basic principle of governing, and perhaps deliberating for knowingly withholding aid to afflicted communities because they vote liberal. And, of course, lets not forget the years of treason, of selling out the best interests of the country and of being in dereliction of his constitutional oath, in return for personal advantage.

I will say this now, so it's clear - every single human being in this country who identifies as a Democrat would make a better President than Mr Trump, if only because the left wing of this country still believes in science and rationalism, in the rule of law, in the idea that building a better future for everyone is preferable to ruining the present of the people who disagree with them, and that because of that any Democratic POTUS will immediately be constrained by their own party and the dictates of their own conscience. Whereas Mr Trump has shown that his party will support him even if he's conspiring to literally murder countless Americans, and obviously he has long since proven to have had no conscience to begin with.


The “billionaire” who hides his tax returns. The “genius” who hides his college grades. The “businessman” who bankrupted 3 casinos and lost over $1B in 10 years. The "self-made man" who inherited all his money. The “playboy” who pays for sex. The “Christian” who doesn’t go to church. The “philanthropist” who defrauds charity. The “patriot” who dodged the draft, and attacks dead veterans and their families. The "president" who supports protesting, then gases and attacks innocent protesters. The “innocent man” who refuses to testify. The "honest" president, who insults the constitution, with Republican senators who support his every action. If you're a conservative, you should be ashamed of your president.


-2000 odds this is CRE butthurt someone is calling out Biden’s incompetence


Lmao hot take my guy. Dude doesn’t like Trump so he must have pink and blue hair LOL. Never heard that one before. That’ll show him to love Daddy Trump!

“The three most harmful addictions are heroin, carbohydrates, and a monthly salary.” - Nassim Taleb

No one is arguing Biden is not a return to normal candidate, but I will not vote for someone who is senile and cant put together a sentence. I hate to say it but the radical part of the democratic party is gonna use him to get their agenda passed. Look at Portland where the city has been on fire for 70+ days. You have Jerry Nadler saying Antifa isn't real. I can't in good faith vote for that. Democrats blew it, you could of had Tulsi or Yang.


you ever read transcripts of trump talking? true gibberish; riddled with more non-sequiturs than a game of cards against humanity.

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Family is based in Oregon. This shit is so hyped up by Fox News - there's literally nothing that bad going on. Yes people are protesting but the federal agents keep riling them up for no reason.

You think things are going to be bad under Biden? Honestly 4 more years of Trump and the country will be much more dividend versus a Biden presidency. He's actually pretty darn moderate and has only swung somewhat left to attract the Bernie bros.


The media has done a great job at keeping the below comment from resurfacing. Either that, or Biden is doing a terrible job at hiding his unconscious racism and keeps spitting out fresh new slips that make you question his authenticity as an ally. To me, this and the "you ain't black" comments from May underscore a deeply rooted, truly racist, if unintentional, perspective. I do not support Trump, but feel that everyone who wants to consider themselves an informed voter and likes to compare Trump and Biden on their character regarding issues around POC should know that Biden said these words concerning President Obama:

"I mean, you got the first mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy," Biden said. "I mean, that's a storybook, man."…

As if MLKJ, Malcom X, John Lewis, Jamie Fox, Denzel Washington, Michael Jordan, Thurgood Marshall, and countless others, were not relevant/articulate/bright/clean/good-looking enough to be recalled by the former VP.


You're not voting for Biden. He is the puppet for the democratic party who can attract older voters away from Trump.

What you are really voting for is RBG's replacement, ability to join back into the Paris agreement and less people dying from COVID. If you view this election as Trump vs Biden you are viewing it all wrong.

I honestly can't stand when people shit on Biden thinking he has any pull over decisions being made. His VP matters more than him.


Biden aint gonna stop people dying from Covid. If you believe that your an idiot.


Shouldn't that make this whole situation even more heinous then though? That we are this deep into the race, IT IS AUGUST, and half the country doesn't even know who their real candidate is. That right there is reason enough I think to say to hell with this party and their inability to mount an offensive with a tolerable candidate. This is twice in a row the DNC has managed its own candidate selection horribly. Last time they try to go with the least likeable and now they're trying to aim for some misplaced nostalgia.

We're expected to take it completely on faith that Democrats would be doing any better here in terms of handling Corona???

The 4 highest death count states are New York 32,756, New Jersey 15,857, and California 10,025, and Massachusetts 8,691.

The 5 highest mortality rate states of the top 20 in terms of total # of cases cases are Pennsylvania 6% (historically blue but flipped Trump), Michigan 6.9% (same as PA), Massachusetts 7.3%, New York 7.8%, and New Jersey 8.6%.

The only two states in the top 20 in # of total cases with a double-digit 14-day growth rates are Illinois 25.9% and New Jersey 52.1%.

Looks to me like the Democrat majority states/cities are arguably handling things worse as of August.

"The obedient always think of themselves as virtuous rather than cowardly" - Robert A. Wilson | "If you don't have any enemies in life you have never stood up for anything" - Winston Churchill | "It's a testament to the sheer belligerence of the profession that people would rather argue about the 'risk-adjusted returns' of using inferior tooth cleaning methods." - kellycriterion

Any leadership in the Oval Office would have surely done better. Trump spent 10 weeks insisting COVID was a hoax, then said it would go away, then abdicated all responsibility or ownership of the crisis he created, all while muzzling CDC and denigrating doctors and scientists. Putting aside partisanship, this is a veritable case study of how NOT to lead. "The fish stinks from the head"


So what? Just because Trump is all there mentally doesn’t negate the fact that Joe Biden clearly has dementia or some other degenerative disease. Like I said in my post, you can hate Trump and still acknowledge the fact that Biden is in no way fit to lead the country


trump isn't all there. He's clearly in decline and has some kind of neurological issues. Biden is sharper than trump. It's complete nonsense to complain about Biden without acknowledging that trump is in decline and can't put together a coherent thought.

Biden is known for gaffes and has fought a life long stuttering problem. He's much sharper than trump.


I have two observations. First, it is clear that Biden's mental state is worsening. However, it's arguable that Trump's mental state has worsened at a far greater rate. Ever notice how people show Biden's mental decline through short clips? Trump's mental decline is shown whenever he talks (Axios interview, Chris Wallace interview, Tulsa rally). I really just want them to debate so then there's not two different standards to how their competence is judged and/or portrayed. I will gladly walk back these statements if proven wrong.

Second, statements like these from Biden are highly problematic, but most of the negativity comes from Republicans who have had their vote for Trump locked in since 2016. I think the percentage of black Americans that prefer Biden to Trump speaks volumes, regardless of how many Trump or third party voters try to feign outrage on their behalf.

Anyway, I think everyone who's commented in this thread has their vote locked in unless something ridiculous happens. I'll be voting Trump if Karen Bass is the VP pick, for instance. We'll see if the attitudes on this site carries over to the ballots in November. As Obama once said: "Don't cry on WSO, vote."

I’m a fun guy. Obviously I love the game of basketball. I mean there’s more questions you have to ask me in order for me to tell you about myself. I'm not just gonna give you a whole spill... I mean, I don't even know where you're sitting at

Am I the only one that didn't find his statement about diversity very problematic?

Maybe it wasn't delivered with the best of words, but he is not wrong.

Many hispanics in this country are first generation Americans or immigrated recently. This means people from the Caribbean, South America, Europe, Mexico, and so on. All of these people fall under 'Hispanic'. People from totally different cultural backgrounds, beliefs, upbringings, faith, political affiliation, and so on.

In general terms, African American people in this country are NOT first generation Americans. And many face similar challenges, and thus vote similarly and care about many of the same issues (politically speaking). This is not opinion. Just look at the way they vote, it is much more predictable than the Hispanic vote.

I think that is sort of what was behind his comment. Not that black people are the same and hispanics are diverse. And I, myself, am hispanic.


or maybe this country (particularly the democratic party) can stop playing identity politics??? Just look at the VP process for Biden. They are tokenizing 6.5% of the population in the VP race so that they can show their party's commitment to "diversity" while running an old, white Southern "dixiecrat."

Prospect in IB - Gen:
or maybe this country (particularly the democratic party) can stop playing identity politics??? Just look at the VP process for Biden. They are tokenizing 6.5% of the population in the VP race so that they can show their party's commitment to "diversity" while running an old, white Southern "dixiecrat."

In order:

  • Trump's entire Presidential run and last 4 years have been White Grievance identity politics. He doesn't have an actual platform outside of "owning the libs" and being allowed to say racist shit out loud.

  • Biden's VP hunt includes Elizabeth Warren, Tammy Duckworth, Gretchen Whitmer, etc. I'm pretty sure "women" include more than 6.5% of the population. Further, considering a black woman like Harris doesn't mean she's being "tokenized."

  • Biden is not a "dixiecrat." Just on a base level, Delaware isn't a Southern state. Beyond that, the man who served the country's first Black president doesn't secretly hate Black people.

TL;DR: Everything you wrote is nonsense.


It's such bullshit how there's a particular brand of "Republican" (scare quotes because I want to still believe you guys are not republicans, just proles that have hijacked the party) whose whole political outlook boils down to "but my guy isn't as bad as everyone says he is - look Joe Biden has issues too!" It's straight-up whataboutism, which I understand was invented/used to the greatest extent by communists - nice company you keep.

Stop implying, or outright arguing in bad faith that one, two, or even a bursting handful of gaffes by other politicians even begin to stack up to how completely unpresidential trump is. He has shown so many times, in so many ways, that he is not someone who cares much if at all about his countrymen, his character, his reputation, what it means to be American, or fuck all. The man is obsessed with shallow measures of himself and it shows. Let me remind you of a small sampling of things Trump has done, ranging from ill-advised, to off-color, to unethical, to arguably illegal:

  • Made fun of a disabled reporter like a fucking schoolyard bully. How embarrassing for any decent, adult american with children to watch.

  • Has a reputation for being both a shit businessman and a terrible counterparty - you as a wannabe banker should ascribe some weight to this unsavory fact. Why in the world would you want the nation to be led by a guy that you wouldn't make a loan to?

  • Lies about every little thing he can to flimsily bolster his own flimsy image of himself. He's so thin skinned it's unbelievable, again completely unpresidential. Can't believe this sputtering, blubbering manchild vomits non-sequiturs and makes dumbfuck stern/duckface camera poses at cameras from behind the same resolute desk as the man that ended slavery and won the civil war, the man that charged up San Juan hill, the man who liberated Europe from the axis, the man who sent us to the moon, the man who recognized it was "a time for choosing".

  • Appointed his useless nosferatu son in law and his shoe designer daughter to actual ambassadorships where they proceeded to accomplish precisely fuck-all. Still waiting on that Israel/Palestine solution that boy wonder promised us. Last I heard he was busy deciding not to do anything about COVID because then those libtard governors would look bad come election time - disgusting.

  • Like a seething, incompetent vortex, he and his administration routinely suck in, atomize, and vent the remaining cosmic particulate of formerly accomplished men (like them or hate them) like Steve Bannon, Gary Cohn, Rex Tillerson, etc. because he is NOT an accomplished man, and he can't stand to listen to their wisdom. He'd rather flail around like a fucking child and alienate every good advisor that ever graced his doorstep because he's just too fucking bad at his job to understand that a president needs advisors for those times where they don't know what the fuck they're doing (which is how he must feel all the time). Nah, he'd rather wing it, because he's used to winging it after being born into money and spending all his formative/adult years making sloppily constructed "deals" with half rate lawyers, bankers and counterparties who were so desperate to make a buck that they just rolled their eyes and went with it.

  • Was stoked that his buddies in Russia (intentionally or otherwise) put their finger on the scale to win him the election. Any dignified American president of Trump's age would be embarrassed to be seen as a toady of the Kremlin - then again, Trump is not a dignified American and he's hardly a president.

  • Has demonstrated that he has as much respect for women as the social chair of your local campus rape society - whoops, I mean frat (for the avoidance of doubt, "not all frats")

  • Has actually been caught red handed having unprotected sex with a washed up porn star, then paying her hush money from his campaign coffer, then not even being able to enforce his dumbfuck NDA. How dumb and impulsive do you have to be to think that six figures and a flimsy piece of paper negotiated by a two bit lawyer from Cooley University were going to protect you from that scandal? Too dumb and impulsive to be leading the free world.

  • Has actually been caught red handed giving Cohen campaign funds to pay the porn star hush money - still don't get how that's not landed him in jail, guess the prosecutors figure they have a better case for themselves after he leaves office

  • Literally the only thing Trump has done that I think deserves any credit is that he has, for the most part, stated the obvious fact that the emperor has no clothes as it relates to China. They are users, they are growing, and they are dangerous to a free world, and we need to extricate ourselves from the economic 69 they have been exploiting us through. That would be a point to his credit, except apparently he was willing to let all those bygones be bygones if Xi Jinping would just give him a headline to help win re-election in November, what a clown but unsurprising.

Yeah, Biden is a little bit mushy-brained these days. Yeah, it's likely the case that some political operative pulled him out of line at the glue factory and told him "Diamond Joe, your country needs you", prompting this campaign. But the country does need him. Because through a series of missteps in the early 2000's both Democrats and Republicans have made a Faustian bargain with the mouth-breathing, chest-beating proles on the fringes of their parties in order to score election victories and this has backfired because now the devil has come for his due, and the most sensational candidates are grandstanding, profligate idiots with no composure like Donald Trump, Bernie Sanders, AOC / the squad.

So yeah - this year I changed my party to Democrat, made damn sure Joe won the primary, and will be voting for His Mushiness come November to hopefully put this dumpster fire back on the rails. It's so tempting to believe that people like these republicans aren't adult enough to be having political conversations or a vote, frankly, but enfranchising them is a necessary harm if we are to credibly be a democracy. I pray for a return to a day when Americans actually gave a shit about what their government was doing for them and the world rather than what their preferred candidate was doing to "pwn" the idiots on the other side.


Well said, SB'ed. I was republican as well and changed for this election (voted 3rd party in '16).


Biden's absolute qualities do not matter all that much. As others have said, many people are voting against the current POTUS and with good reason. The current POTUS does not have the characteristics you would want in a president. Lets look at the following characteristics and the rank the current POTUS from 1 to 10, with one being the lowest rating and 10 being the highest

intellect = 5 selflessness = 1 puts country ahead of self = 1 honesty = 1 integrity = 1 ability to engage with world leaders = 1 service to this country = 1 a representative for all Americans =1 family man = 1 communication skills = 1 work experience = 2

I like the concept of having a business person as the president and I would have preferred someone else emerge as the dem nominee but it is what it is at this point.


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“The three most harmful addictions are heroin, carbohydrates, and a monthly salary.” - Nassim Taleb

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Nihil inventore voluptatem voluptatem. Eum vitae fugit quia quo quam. Sint aut voluptatem et aliquid. Qui sunt ex aut veritatis. Sed cum provident consequatur quod maxime rerum. Voluptatibus rerum explicabo accusantium culpa quae.

Eum sed neque a. Temporibus laborum provident magnam nihil perspiciatis. Provident nostrum nihil deserunt quia. Aperiam molestiae officiis eaque reiciendis voluptas aut deleniti. Modi beatae omnis hic quisquam quis ut fugit.


Quis rerum animi ab a doloremque sint eligendi. Et qui officia atque maxime totam. Beatae quos totam odit et. Illo optio nobis neque a.

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