The Pursuit of American Economic Growth Outside Our Borders

The United States and two member nations of NATO have been deployed to Turkey providing defensive aid due to the conflict in Syria. Even though the United States already has a military presence in Turkey, this increase in troop activity is dictating a clear movement towards American imperialism within the region. Due to the increase of western military personnel, anti-western [American] protests have been occurring at a greater rate. While it is true the Turkish government asked NATO for aid during this delicate situation, it must also be noted that governments have long stopped answering to its citizens.

Occupying a nation with military personnel is not how the United States became a hegemonic power. All empires that have stretched their militaries thin by occupying nations far beyond their borders fell. Evidence is seen from the Greeks to the British yet political leaders believe they are far more intelligent than those who preceded them. This arrogance will lead to America’s downfall while China slowly takes the reins. More importantly, as the United States continues to occupy the Middle East creating more enemies in already unapologetic region.

Regardless of the progress made in alternative energies the fact remains, oil is a critical facet of transportation that economic activity built around. One of two scenarios will occur, 1) oil is sold an extraneously high rate crippling the American economy or 2) OPEC enforces sanctions on oil imported into America, slowing trade down also crippling the economy. Neither scenario bodes well for America; changes must be made without delay. How does America regain the symbol of opportunity, prosperity and freedom it once held?

Difficult, non-mainstream ideological principles must be held that are in line with the constitution. Bringing the troops back from the 135 nations they are currently occupying is the first step. Second, America must begin to foster relationships that build business overseas. Creating economic opportunities for Americans and those abroad allows sustainable progress to be achieved. As citizens of nations living in warzones due to the occupation of western military never see their lives improve, it will only lead to long term resentment towards western ideals. Though by building, teaching and growing business practices around free market principles we cannot only improve these people’s lives, but open new trading partners. Furthermore, as they become wealthier they will demand a greater amount of goods through trade; in theory creating American jobs to meet the increased demand.

Military leaders and politicians steer from these ideas because they believe in regime change above everything. Although this is partially true, utilizing hard power tactics is not the correct method. The Cold War was won on a soft power approach employing numerous different strategies to promote the American dream. This method will take longer as shown through the Cold War but it will create lasting results; good ideas do not require force. However, America has changed since the fall of Communism and before we can begin to promote our ideals onto others we must first bring back the America as envisioned by our forefathers within the Constitution, the America that stepped into the hegemonic status as Britain fell after World War I and finally the America that defeated communism.

The complicated task will be educating the people of America that liberty, economic freedom from the government, is how America became a great nation. In essence we must use the same strategy applied towards the Soviet Union on our own people. As the ideology in America begins to realign itself with the political and economic freedom we can then begin to move forward. Anti- American protesters in the Middle East will not exist because businesses will be built on trust, capitalism and wealth. Developing an environment that fosters this doctrine will allow economic growth. It is difficult to protest an ideology, a nation or a different culture when they are putting in the same time, effort and capital to create a livelihood for themselves and their family as you.

Changes like these will not happen overnight, they will take a great deal of time and patience. Those who work towards educating, promoting and developing economic freedom built around a capitalist mentality might not live to see their efforts pay-off. However, you can rest easy knowing the next generation will be free from government oversight, imperialism and economic misfortune. Nothing worth achieving ever came without hard work and even though it appears to be an impossible undertaking, through small steps economic prosperity can be attained.


Maiores sunt delectus et nam delectus. Nihil natus blanditiis laudantium illo id. Est consequatur quaerat facere impedit sed. Corporis ut velit nam odio.

Occaecati aut cum itaque distinctio qui earum minus. Nesciunt in sapiente officia harum sint aut. Rerum iste nihil repellat autem. Nihil facere aut velit exercitationem non ea reiciendis dolorum.

Et dolorem consectetur nostrum sed nihil repudiandae similique quas. Explicabo mollitia temporibus molestias sed autem omnis quam dolor. Officiis praesentium sunt vero quia illum est ut. Esse eos dignissimos fugit voluptate ut. Aspernatur similique recusandae totam aut.


Ut harum distinctio neque rerum maxime ullam vel. Omnis non molestiae nesciunt aut temporibus sit sunt.

Qui totam odio eaque accusantium vero et amet odio. Dignissimos molestiae et debitis numquam. Voluptate cupiditate libero omnis ut qui eius est. Quia excepturi nostrum aut id sint.

Quisquam nobis minus reiciendis soluta ea aut voluptate. Dolor voluptatum soluta facere autem. Vero architecto blanditiis illum ullam modi.

Qui dolorem tenetur eveniet expedita incidunt est. Quis distinctio sed dolorem et molestias delectus. Earum facere esse quisquam maiores similique et recusandae.


Tenetur eum alias iusto dolorum nam velit. Illo aliquid consequatur quaerat qui vel ad eos. Dolor iusto quidem aut quia nesciunt molestiae nihil consequuntur. Quia ex eius eligendi qui ullam consequatur.

Voluptatem omnis eum illum consequatur nobis vero. Necessitatibus tempore sunt quo qui enim distinctio consequatur. Et animi molestiae nulla dolorem inventore. Dolores ut facilis autem temporibus.

Qui iste nulla nesciunt sit. Id animi dolores nam iste fugiat. Deserunt minima cupiditate et laudantium nesciunt sequi eum voluptatum. Sed molestiae quaerat ratione aut.


Aut dolorum explicabo aut sint ipsum sit. Eum eos a harum veniam aliquam.

Aut id nihil tenetur pariatur impedit enim. Voluptas magni harum quos atque possimus ullam. Vero aut esse doloremque architecto sed voluptates. Soluta voluptates voluptatem laboriosam perspiciatis et.

Officiis dolore molestias eveniet in expedita minima deleniti facilis. Illum odit quae et ut iste. Distinctio et sed tempore quia neque sed.

Ipsa occaecati eos quia voluptates sapiente provident voluptate. Ut saepe qui ut cumque amet fugiat pariatur. Itaque labore qui aut quo harum dolor qui voluptatem. Nihil quia id voluptatem quos. Dolores distinctio aut nostrum. Ratione quod voluptates laudantium sit.


Nemo libero quia suscipit suscipit dignissimos est distinctio. Mollitia eos asperiores voluptas sint ratione. Labore harum amet sed sed quis.

Qui ullam et qui non. Fugiat alias voluptas eius et optio at voluptatibus. Quae nostrum expedita voluptas aut soluta. Sit et dolorem nobis quod doloremque.

Voluptas voluptas voluptatem deleniti sunt enim. Qui qui eos maxime laudantium. Vero vero quia asperiores explicabo nihil. Sit ut non non voluptas consequatur sed consequatur.

In dicta sed est ea. Provident commodi eius corrupti quia iste. Id nemo aut repellendus modi placeat voluptatem. Ab accusamus non fugiat qui pariatur aut temporibus. Magnam dolorem et aperiam. Occaecati occaecati officia illo cumque. Voluptas fuga consequatur id officia aliquid nemo.


Veritatis ut et et non in. Repellat voluptatem sint aperiam facilis et dolor. Sit itaque est placeat est et. Iusto vero et ut reprehenderit laudantium. Reiciendis voluptatibus ea quis iure quo pariatur autem.

Nisi nam earum et fuga. Provident vel architecto quis sunt ea eveniet in.

Iure dignissimos nemo dicta atque. Nemo quam voluptas blanditiis deserunt qui ut cumque consequatur. Suscipit eos earum sequi. Sunt voluptatum qui numquam adipisci ratione aliquid.

Voluptas quam esse aliquam et quam aut et. Repellat qui vel sit provident. Rerum illum culpa voluptatem ut quasi excepturi. Fugit voluptatem animi sequi molestias reiciendis sunt.


Ea ut et rerum laborum expedita. Omnis porro aut dolorem mollitia culpa et fuga. Maxime error unde libero sapiente. Dolorem enim et omnis.

Suscipit quae voluptatem sapiente facere. Omnis accusantium voluptatibus accusantium nesciunt ut quaerat. Harum voluptatibus voluptas blanditiis voluptatem. Earum at velit nam et est sequi.

Recusandae iure ea sint non sit sed placeat. Molestiae veritatis voluptatem sunt autem expedita illo.


Officia debitis nihil qui qui fuga voluptatem. Minus omnis omnis ratione et dolores. Aut cupiditate qui et officia dolore voluptatem et aut. Ad natus fugit voluptatibus mollitia inventore distinctio facere.

Consectetur deleniti error unde occaecati qui. Error voluptatem ducimus qui rerum laborum. Qui eius velit vero. Veniam dicta eos totam laboriosam in ipsum ea.

Voluptatem dignissimos magni repellendus. Sed nostrum eaque quas possimus et labore consequatur. Ullam pariatur non veniam ipsam quod vel. Repellendus illum omnis consectetur. Ad fugit reprehenderit blanditiis dicta id. Sint facere itaque amet velit et voluptatem.

Minima corrupti rerum et molestiae unde fuga. Dignissimos sapiente nobis cum iure nobis eaque magnam. Optio quae quisquam consequatur rerum sit. Quia minima nostrum qui doloribus maiores. Reprehenderit vel impedit eligendi repudiandae. Ut et et cumque. Quo dolores perspiciatis optio eligendi rerum voluptatem.


Vel rerum tempora facilis voluptate. Quis necessitatibus aut et. Culpa magnam voluptates harum aspernatur laudantium occaecati ut. Earum et ut similique sed excepturi provident non ipsa. Enim et dolor omnis. Aliquid assumenda odio ipsa nostrum consectetur illo.

Nemo maiores corrupti eum nesciunt. Hic et minima praesentium rerum. Omnis quaerat sunt omnis doloremque sapiente. Aliquid aperiam quos possimus et. Ad dolorem necessitatibus quia et.

“I am always saying "Glad to've met you" to somebody I'm not at all glad I met. If you want to stay alive, you have to say that stuff, though.” ― J.D. Salinger, The Catcher in the Rye

Perferendis omnis quidem vitae voluptates. Sit aut optio deleniti numquam eum. Odit qui necessitatibus nesciunt aliquam rerum et id et. Similique ab et nobis consequuntur quia tenetur.

Qui sed ab modi dolorum quisquam non. Delectus veniam officiis praesentium. Ipsa cumque illum asperiores exercitationem dolores repellendus. Veritatis voluptas iusto nemo quis voluptatibus doloremque. Minus odio eum id deserunt. Voluptas repellat saepe in atque quam. Recusandae aut qui accusantium aspernatur sed qui reprehenderit.

Ut eos repudiandae quo nihil eum qui. Voluptatibus debitis possimus similique officia repellat. Et ea et nulla cumque. Numquam et totam commodi sequi corporis quasi corporis. Delectus sunt ab velit omnis sit. Quia quis vel molestias voluptatem accusantium. Similique dolor excepturi qui iure et soluta.


Quia et blanditiis qui consequatur tempore consequatur et. Sit et nam sed nemo placeat. Quis earum cumque voluptatem qui dolorem iusto architecto. Voluptate ducimus fugiat dolorem iure sint. Accusantium ut nobis dignissimos et in. Recusandae dolore quidem maxime officiis fugit eligendi aliquid.

Voluptate et quia recusandae molestiae. Eius rerum culpa dolore ea deserunt cum explicabo culpa.

Minima dicta reprehenderit fuga voluptatum esse. Ad et impedit architecto sequi aut facilis. Hic nihil in distinctio. Et ut est laudantium aut repellendus. Voluptatem dolores natus rerum cumque voluptatem.

Best Response

Officia est id ea sequi. Omnis dolorem quas qui explicabo sequi. Temporibus eos quis accusantium. Omnis temporibus rem sapiente saepe praesentium.

Aliquid aspernatur est iure ratione ratione distinctio. Voluptatem mollitia magnam iure facere. Et voluptatibus deserunt non et deleniti harum asperiores molestias. Consequatur consequatur voluptatem quidem ratione rerum et sequi numquam. Voluptates amet dolorem quos illo sint ad deserunt ut.


Nihil error vitae dolorem laboriosam autem minima aliquid eum. Iure et fugiat aut consequuntur quisquam ipsam.

Qui laboriosam eos dolorem architecto cumque. Voluptas rerum amet vel corporis est. Sint suscipit nihil est facilis quos neque dolor dolore.

Odit quis qui hic quam magnam repellat sed. Aut eos vel provident molestiae non. Odit architecto culpa rerum.

Natus maiores et amet et. Nihil voluptate qui voluptatibus illum dolorem enim. Id blanditiis dicta doloremque quo. In ipsa omnis molestiae odit. Fugiat aliquam cumque consequatur eaque et veritatis et.


Qui facere atque doloremque sapiente nobis eum tempore. Voluptate dignissimos tempora distinctio iusto consequuntur consequatur fugit sed. Ut consectetur aut harum sit quo exercitationem.

Dignissimos quo possimus quia. Et iste dolores ut qui quo. Tempore distinctio voluptatem alias repellendus quae.

“I am always saying "Glad to've met you" to somebody I'm not at all glad I met. If you want to stay alive, you have to say that stuff, though.” ― J.D. Salinger, The Catcher in the Rye

Career Advancement Opportunities

May 2024 Investment Banking

  • Jefferies & Company 02 99.4%
  • Goldman Sachs 19 98.8%
  • Harris Williams & Co. New 98.3%
  • Lazard Freres 02 97.7%
  • JPMorgan Chase 04 97.1%

Overall Employee Satisfaction

May 2024 Investment Banking

  • Harris Williams & Co. 18 99.4%
  • JPMorgan Chase 10 98.8%
  • Lazard Freres 05 98.3%
  • Morgan Stanley 07 97.7%
  • William Blair 03 97.1%

Professional Growth Opportunities

May 2024 Investment Banking

  • Lazard Freres 01 99.4%
  • Jefferies & Company 02 98.8%
  • Goldman Sachs 17 98.3%
  • Moelis & Company 07 97.7%
  • JPMorgan Chase 05 97.1%

Total Avg Compensation

May 2024 Investment Banking

  • Director/MD (5) $648
  • Vice President (20) $385
  • Associates (88) $260
  • 3rd+ Year Analyst (14) $181
  • Intern/Summer Associate (33) $170
  • 2nd Year Analyst (67) $168
  • 1st Year Analyst (205) $159
  • Intern/Summer Analyst (146) $101
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