
Love how libtards believed that the US would be in WW3 if Trump got elected, how the economy would fall into a severe depression, etc.

1.5 years later, we have a booming economy and the first president of the United States shaking his hand with the leader of North Korea

And yet, they will never recognize his achievements, because you know, "collusion, Russia, etc."



Love how libtards believed that the US would be in WW3 if Trump got elected, how the economy would fall into a severe depression, etc.

1.5 years later, we have a booming economy and the first president of the United States shaking his hand with the leader of North Korea

And yet, they will never recognize his achievements, because you know, "collusion, Russia, etc."

This did not age well lol 


If only we elected HRC. 4 years of gimp leadership like our loser in chief Obama.

Finally elected someone with fucking balls. Now I understand why so many on this site hates him.


Did something happen in Singapore or is this just a pat on the back?

“Elections are a futures market for stolen property”
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We know exactly what happened, it's the same playbook we've seen time and again the last year and a half.

1) The photo op happened.

2) Trump declared success.

3) When asked about details, he couldn't provide any but said someone would figure them out in the future and was certain there would be success.

4) His supporters and media will give him the benefit of the doubt for the next few months. And call everyone who doesn't a hater "libtard"

5) Everyone will forget about it.

6) Nothing substantive will be achieved.

We've seen this exact story play out in every negotiation he's had to date. He knows that dominating the airwaves is more important to keeping his cult following happy than actually achieving anything. But his lack of preparation, knowledge and intelligence allows him to do nothing but suck up to these foreign leaders as he has no idea what he's even supposed to be negotiating about. And that stops us from getting anything done on the foreign stage, except make a lot of reporters write about his photo ops and tweets.

Also, as an aside, the whole reaction here has been silly. Getting a meeting with Kim Jong-Un is not an accomplishment. Obama talked about doing it and got crucified for it by conservatives for being too soft because he didn't "get concessions" before the meeting, as the meeting itself is a win for the North Koreans. And so he backed off the idea. 8 years later we have a leader give a meeting to Kim Jong-Un with out concessions and we are calling it an "achievement" as if Kim Jong-Un was the one deciding whether to meet or not. It's a complete lack of understanding of geopolitics.


Actually they stopped testing missiles and while I'm not sure of any additional concessions we did keep sanctions on them. I do wish you had a little more optimism. I don't see a win being probable, but possible and a win would be yuu.. excuse me huge. but seriously, if we accomplish a human rights victory, a de-escalation towards war, nuclear disarmament, drawing NK further away from China, or any combination of these things, that's a BFD.


Watch how Kim and Donald interact in front of the cameras, Kim keeps his head down and looks very sheppish and doesn't make eye contact with DJT at all. The left can shit on him all they want about his antics with foreign policy (Everything else he does as well mind you). But he gets results, the scenes if Obama met with a NK leader.


Like in life, a few salty liberals. Lot of woke people on this forum though.

Trump is trying to make peace with NK. Everyone just pisses and moans because it wasn’t Obama. Trust me, if Obama did this people would be crying in the streets. But because it was Trump, they will hold him to an impossible standard.

Ignore the sedatious people and CNN.


Cause you people are fucking morons and we've learned there's no sense in arguing with cult followers that worship at Trump's feet. Have a good day.

"I don't know how to explain to you that you should care about other people."

So 45 announced a suspension of joint war games with South Korea, calling them provocative Link

We are literally using DPRKs rhetoric. This only lends legitimacy to them on the word stage. Not to mention throws sand at our Ally in South Korea. Kim gets to go back to his people a hero - he made the US bend the knee and stop (as HE puts it) provocative war games.

What did we get for that? A watered down copied promise from the bush years? No timelines? Inspection requirements? (All of which the Iran deal had, btw).

This is what happens when you don't have a state department and fly on "gut". The people doing the negotiating (who are pretty terrible at it to begin with) dont understand the ramifications of what they are giving and taking.

DPRK has asked every president since Bush 1 to meet, and only Trump has accepted. He's like the guy in the bar who doesn't realize he's talking to a Pro, just thinks his dog-eared copy of "The pick up artist" is finally working.


We need to draw a distinction between diplomacy and military alliances. Yes, DPRK and SK are talking diplomatically, but our military alliances should be unimpeachable. The US holds it's position as global hegemon, and all the vast economic benefits that go with that, because we have specific strategic allies. We just announced that we are no longer holding war games with Seoul, WITHOUT TALKING TO SEOUL. What do you think that does to military leaders allied with the US world wide? Our alliances, like the markets, boil down to TRUST. We just threw that trust away.

The global community has accepted that trade is going to be a fight with the US, but this is a whole new ballgame. If countries no longer believe that the US can be counted on to maintain global dominance and strategic alliances, what do you think will happen? A global build up of weaponry and wide spread pursuit of nuclear capability. We have enjoyed a 70 year global "Pax Americana" because of our military might and our commitment to alliances - Trump just destroyed that trust for a good talking point.

edit with source link: U.S. President Donald Trump’s declaration on Tuesday that he intended to end joint military exercises in Korea seemed to be news to both South Korean and U.S. military officials.

So 45 announced a suspension of joint war games with South Korea, calling them provocative Link

We are literally using DPRKs rhetoric. This only lends legitimacy to them on the word stage. Not to mention throws sand at our Ally in South Korea. Kim gets to go back to his people a hero - he made the US bend the knee and stop (as HE puts it) provocative war games.

What did we get for that? A watered down copied promise from the bush years? No timelines? Inspection requirements? (All of which the Iran deal had, btw).

This is what happens when you don't have a state department and fly on "gut". The people doing the negotiating (who are pretty terrible at it to begin with) dont understand the ramifications of what they are giving and taking.

DPRK has asked every president since Bush 1 to meet, and only Trump has accepted. He's like the guy in the bar who doesn't realize he's talking to a Pro, just thinks his dog-eared copy of "The pick up artist" is finally working.

Your position defies logic. It literally defies logic. For one, South Korea's Moon is--with no hyperbole--an anti-American far-left winger (he has proposed changing the South Korean constitution to remove property rights as a guarantee, for example, in an effort towards unification with the North). South Koreans elected a guy who is a U.S. detractor, who wants to unify with the North peacefully (and on Kim's terms), and who wants the U.S. gone from the Korean peninsula. Let's step back for a moment and recognize that the South Korean people--via free, democratic elections--have said that they want the U.S. gone.

As a result of South Korea's moves, we are at an inflection point--it's do or die, now or never. South Korea wants peace and wants the U.S. gone, so we can make peace on America's terms or on North Korea's terms. Fortunately, Trump talked the South Koreans, Japanese, and Chinese into enforcing sanction against the North, effectively bankrupting them, which has brought them to the table. We are the point where we can no longer kick the can down the road. Time's up. If the U.S. doesn't move forward now then South Korea will move forward without us.


People forget this. The prior president of SK was pro US. This guy isn’t.

Literally cannot believe the shit God Emperor is getting for trying to finally end the Korean War. Like liberals hate Trump so much even peace is bad news.


That is a remarkably callous and black/white way of looking at the situation.

Moon helped facilitate these talks. Link1 after Trump canceled them.

Days before the election, Moon said "the alliance between the two nations is the most important foundation for [South Korea’s] diplomacy and national security, South Korea was able to build its national security thanks to the U.S." Moon then called DJT 10 hours after being inaugurated. Trump said he stands behind him 100%. link2

His ideology has always been to move SK into the drivers seat, slowly, as a means towards reunification. Doesn't that fit with the GOP populist ideology that everyone else should solve their own problems?

But all that aside...your argument is for what, appeasement? Tearing up our alliance with SK because you don't like one of his domestic policies in favor of the communist despot who ACTUALLY has no private property?

Look at what has happened, we have canceled military drills for nothing.

Also, taking this stance of "Fuck you if you disagree at all" is pretty terrible. You think I don't want DPRK neutralized? I think that the negotiations are going terribly because this administration only thinks in terms of how the GOP base will view it, not how it will affect our other alliances and standing.


God, so much MAGA going on. Per usual, liberal salt has reached maximum levels.

This is the first of many meetings. Shit is getting done. Obama couldn’t do this in 8 years and big dog does it within 1.5.

Absolutely euphoric today. So much epicness occurring.


I'm still skeptical this is going to work and isn't just the same ploy the North Koreans have used time and time again. Sadly this is a glimpse at what could've been Trump's strength as President. He could've been an outsider who used the fact that he doesn't care about the political status quo to make positive changes for America. Instead he chose te path of militant far right policy designed to rob America blind for his rich buddies. Sad!


It's a start to negotiations - I'm looking at this as both parties making a first show of good faith. Kim offers up denuclearization and Trump tones down the obvious displays of force that make NK antsy. If each side sets their swords down for five minutes to come to the table and talk seriously, I can consider that a success.

When real deal terms start coming forth, then we can gauge the relative merits of Trump's negotiations. What is the benchmark here? I think reducing the propensity of NK to act as a regional/global agitator would at the very least reduce global tensions, specifically between China and US. I think its ballsy to expect NK to fully denuclearize or that NK and SK would unite. At this point in time, I think a small stride towards smoothing relationships will go a long way.


It's wait and see. This could be the start of peace or it could be recycled crap. The main difference this time is that the Kim regime is completely out of money and is desperate, so maybe--just maybe--it will be different this time. Time will tell.

Hugh Myron:
Watching people trying to negatively spin the meeting is going to provide endless entertainment in the coming weeks.

For all the people who are calling Trump supporters and conservatives Trump "sycophants" there is a lot of skepticism and criticism coming from the right on this (personally, I'm skeptical but hopeful). With that said, the criticism on the left is born of severe cognitive dissonance because they KNEW in their souls that Donald Trump would lead to World War III and the deaths of millions, so they can't come to grips with the idea of Trump the peacemaker. Same shit happened with Ronald Reagan--Ronald Reagan was going to start WWIII and kill millions of people.


In all seriousness, liberals, take a page and learn.

1) this fires up his base 2) complaining looks like sour grapes 3) this document is flexible like jello 4) this is an epic PR move

Trump is all about optics. This will help his numbers and prove he isn’t going to nuke the world. NK will give him some goodies to pimp to the public and NK will be under China’s nuclear umbrella.

Is this what people thought? No, but the crying from the left is just comical. You think the average voter cares or knows enough to see this is smoke and mirrors? No. And that’s all that matters.

It’s just so funny seeing people cry that this means nothing. This is a huge move for Trump. Something Obama never did.

Oh, BTW, Trump continues to reshape the federal courts and he very well could get two more SCOTUS picks. And if you follow the real news, China is making concessions on trade.

Trump causes chaos, makes unreal demands and then gets decent concessions. That’s what it’s about. Moving the ball forward And improving our deal. NATO is increasing defense spending , after trump caused a ruckus. It keeps happening.

Meanwhile Hollywood has openly shown their disdain for America. The NFL buckled under Trump. The division is absolutely final.

This country is split and primed. Obama started it, Trump finalized it. And if you think SF and NYC liberals are going to come out victorious, you are confused.


Here's my position on all of this. There are 3 realistic options: 1) DPRK gets nuclear weapons and delivery systems and holds Japan, SK, the U.S. hostage indefinitely; 2) The U.S. goes to war with NK, hundreds of thousands die, but the DPRK is vanquished forever, Koreas unify and 25 million North Koreans are free; 3) The U.S. sanctions the Kim regime into submission, signs a peace accord, Kim de-nuclearizes, and maybe the DPRK follows the China model and relative peace is realized, although the NK people remain in slavery for the foreseeable future.

Of course, within those broad scenarios are infinite other possibilities. Nobody is willing to pursue scenario #2, although in the long-term it's the best scenario, so I'm hoping #3 is the direction that we are moving. The issue is, #1 is the way we had been heading under all previous U.S. administrations, and #1 is not a viable long-term solution.


The whining in this thread from the "losers and haters" is kind of surreal. Like what else would you want to be done for a first meeting? Do people actually WANT to see another Korean War or WWIII? It's not like any of the libtards on here will be serving on the front lines in this case, but apparently they're more than happy to send 18yo flyover Americans half way around the world to start up another war.

I swear, Trump could singlehandedly invent sustainable nuclear fusion and people would start talking shit about how he's putting oil, gas, and coal workers out of a job. It's the first step, it's good, who knows where it goes from here, but hopefully progress happens. It's okay to give it a rest at times guys.


Oh and Obama should have met Kim.

Liberals, you think you would be cheering Trump. He finally killed the conservatives, shut the anti abortionists up and the homophobes.

A NYC liberal who is willing to do deals with the left is demonized as Hitler. I mean shit people. Would liberals rather have Cruz or Pence?

Trump just wants to do deals. Nothing else. Like what’s the issue.


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"I don't know how to explain to you that you should care about other people."

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