Go Pro: Camera or Smartphone? Social Media or Electronics? Price or Value?

My sixteen-year old, a sophomore in high school, joined the investment club at school a couple of weeks ago, and entered a stock-picking competition. Club members invest in a stock or stocks of their choice, with the winner chosen in about five weeks, based upon price appreciation. Thinking I would have some sage advice on where to invest his money, he asked me for some stock picks and I almost suggested that he put all his money in GoPro, a choice that is clearly at odds with the prudent investing practices of diversification and perhaps with conventional value investing precepts. While GoPro is not the investment I would recommend for my son as his Roth IRA investment (with real long money and a long time horizon), in a game with a five-week window, where the winner takes all, momentum will beat out intrinsic value and diversification will be more hindrance than help. (Note that momentum fairy was in GoPro's corner at the time, and has taken a break in recent days.)  In this post, I take a look at GoPro, perhaps the hottest stock of the year,  with the intent of not only understanding its intrinsic value (and drivers) but to make sense of the pricing game.

The Back Story

For those of you who are not familiar with the company, GoPro makes cameras that you can attach to yourself and record video of your activities. While that might not seem exceptional, it is designed for high-energy physical activities, including running, rock climbing, swimming or hunting. You can get a measure of the company’s current offerings on its website. They include three models of the camera (the Hero, the Hero 3 and the Hero 4), numerous accessories and two free software products (a GoPro App and GoPro Studio) to convert the recorded videos into watchable ones. The company believes that the creators of videos will share them, not only with their friends, but also with the general public. In its most recent earnings report, it noted that GoPro videos published on YouTube had increased 200% over the previous year, launched a GoPro channel on Pinterest to attract more attention to the videos and one for the Microsoft Xbox. 
The company’s cameras have found a ready market, with revenues hitting $986 million in 2013 and increasing to $1,033 million in the twelve months ending in June 2014. In spite of large investments in R&D ($108 million in the trailing twelve months), the company still managed to be profitable, with operating income of $70 million in that period. Capitalizing R&D increases their pre-tax operating margin to 13.43%, impressive for a young company. The figure below looks at the evolution of revenues and units sold  over the history of the company. (You can download the company's prospectus and its only 10Q.)

GoPro has been a stock on fire since its initial public offering on June 26, jumping 30% on its offering date (from $24 to $31.44) and continuing its rise to $94 on October 7, before falling back to $78 on October 14 (the day I started the valuation) and to $70 today (October 15).

The stock has accumulated a large number of vocal short-sellers, who are convinced that this is a high flyer destined for a fall, and many of them have been burnt in the price run-up, a fact alluded to in this Wall Street Journal article about the company.

An Intrinsic Valuation
In valuing GoPro, we face all of the typical challenges associated with valuing a company, with growth possibilities, early in its life cycle, in determining the market potential and imminent competition. 
1. Potential Market
GoPro is nominally a camera company but I will argue that it caters to a different market. To get a measure of the potential market for GoPro's products, I will make my argument in three steps:
  1. The conventional camera market is under threat from smart phones, and its share of the camera market has been shrinking over the last few years and there is little hope that it will stop doing so in the future.
    Source: CIPA
  2. The camera market is changing and expanding. The entry of smart phone cameras has not only taken away market share from conventional camera companies but has changed the market by attracting new users into the market. These new customers, who are mostly uninterested in conventional cameras (and recording images and videos for family albums), are being drawn into this market, by their desire to record and post photos/videos on social media sites. That trend will continue into the future and I believe that the camera market will become a subset of the smart phone market. The good news is that the smartphone market is huge, estimated to be $355 billion in 2014, larger than the entire electronics market ($340 billion) in 2014. The bad news is that most of the consumers in this market will be satisfied with the cameras on their cell phones and will be unwilling to spend money on an expensive accessory, unless it serves a very specific need. 

    Source: IC Insights
  3. The action camera market will be a subset of the smartphone market and its customers will be those who are physically active people who also happen to be active on social media (over active, over sharers). To make an estimate of how many consumers are in this market, I used the CDC's statistic that about 22% of Americans are physically active. Generalizing (and globalizing) this statistic to the smartphone market yields a potential market that is about $80 billion in 2014 (22% of $355 billion). That is likely to be an over estimate, since not all physically active people are "sharers" on social media. According to this survey, about 31% of adults post videos on their social media site and it has both increased over time and is higher among younger adults (ages 18 through 29), 40% of whom post videos. Using the latter statistic, the overall market for action cameras is $31 billion (in 2013), estimated as 40% of $80 billion. Applying a 5% growth rate on this market yields a potential market of $51 billion in 2023. The picture below captures the sequence of assumptions that yields this number:

2. Market Share & Profit Margins
The market share and target profit margin that we assess for GoPro will be a function of the potential market that we see for it and the competition in that market. If we define it as the camera market, the competition is already intense and dominated by Japanese manufacturers:

If we define it, as I think we should, as the subset of the smartphone accessory market that wants active cameras (the $51 billion market in 2023 identified in the last section), GoPro is the first mover in the market and has more growth potential (both because the market is growing and it has relatively few competitors, for the moment).

To gauge the expected market share that GoPro can get of this market, it is worth noting that while it initially had the action-camera market to itself, the competition is starting to take form from upstarts, established camera makers and from some smartphone manufacturers. Even if GoPro can establish a brand name advantage (by being the first one on the market), I don’t see any potential networking advantages that GoPro can bring to this process that will allow it, even if successful, to control a dominant share of this market, as the market gets bigger. Drawing from the established camera business market shares, I will assign a market share of 20% (resulting in revenues of about $10 billion for GoPro in 2023, i.e., 20% of $51 billion) , roughly similar to the 20% market share for Nikon, the leading camera maker, of the camera market in 2013. (I am not drawing a direct parallel between Nikon and GoPro, but I am arguing the market share breakdown of the action camera market is going to resemble the market share breakdown of the conventional camera market).

On the profit margin, GoPro’s first mover advantage has given it a headstart in this market, allowing it to charge premium prices and earn a pre-tax operating margin of 12.5%. This is slightly lower than the margin (13.43%) posted by the company in the most recent 12 months, but the trend lines in margins for the company are decidedly negative:

This estimate (12.5%) of the pre-tax operating margin is significantly higher than the 6%-7.5% margin reported by camera companies and similar to the 10%-15% margin reported by smartphone companies; Apple remains an outlier with its pre-tax margin in excess of 25%.  I am, in effect, assuming that GoPro will preserve its premium pricing, even in the face of competition.

3. Investment Needs
While GoPro users may post to social media sites, GoPro is not a social media company when it comes to investment needs. While social media companies like Facebook, Twitter and Linkedin generate their revenues in advertising and have little need for tangible investment, GoPro will need to invest in manufacturing capacity to produce and sell more cameras. To estimate the reinvestment needs, I made the assumption that the company will have to invest $1 for every $2 in additional revenues generated in years 1-10. This, in turn, will move the return on capital for the company from it's current stratospheric levels to about 16% in year 10.
4. Risk
GoPro has a social media focus for its user-generated videos, but the company currently generates all of its revenues from selling cameras and accessories. There is the real possibility, though, that the user-generated videos may have entertainment value, which, in turn, could lead to other revenue sources (advertising on GoPro's YouTube channel or a dedicated media outlet for GoPro videos, for instance). That does seem a little far fetched at the moment and we will assume that GoPro's risk will resemble the risk of high-end electronics companies. To estimate a cost of capital for GoPro, I consider their current mix of debt and equity (2.2% debt, 97.8% equity) as my starting point, and estimate a cost of capital of 8.36% for the company, declining to 8% by year 10 (with both reflecting the fact that the US 10-year bond rate dropped to 2% on October 14). This may strike you as low, but much of the risk in GoPro is specific to the company and its market and is thus not reflected in the cost of capital.
5. Possibilities
GoPro's focus on creating partnerships with Xbox and Pinterest suggest that it sees the possibility of generating revenues from becoming a media company (with the videos created by its customers as content). At the moment, using a contrast I drew earlier in my post on Uber, this is more in the realm of the possible than the plausible or the probable. If the value per share that we obtain is just a tad below the market price, this possibility may be sufficient to tilt the scale towards buying but it cannot account for a large chunk of the value today.

6. Valuation

With this spectrum of choices on the inputs (revenue growth derived from the total market/market share assumptions, operating margin, sales to capital and cost of capital), it is perhaps more realistic to assess the value of GoPro as a distribution than as a single estimate of value.

Reading this distribution, you can see while the expected value across the simulations is only $33-32/share, well below the market price of $70, there are outcomes that deliver values higher than the market price. Put differently, while I think that the company is over valued, there are pathways to values higher than $70. They will require GoPro to (a) expand the market for cameras to new users (physically active, over sharers) (b) find a strong, sustainable competitive advantage over its imminent competition, perhaps with a networking edge (giving it higher market share) and (c) preserve its premium pricing edge. 
(You can download the base case valuation by clicking here)
A Pricing of GoPro
In keeping with my argument that much of what passes for valuation in practice is really pricing, let me make the pricing case for GoPro. To price a company, there are two fundamental questions that have to be addressed: who (or what companies) you are pricing your company against and what metric (revenues, book value, earnings etc), you will use in the comparison.
The essence of pricing is that you use the market pricing of comparable assets/firms to determine a fair price for your asset/company. There is, however, a subjective component to determining these comparable investments, and that comes into play with a company like GoPro, with the following possible choices.
  1. Existing camera manufacturers, some of whom (Sony and Panasonic) are much bigger players in the electronics market. (Sample of ten companies, all of them Japanese)
  2. Leisure product manufacturers, which includes a diverse group of companies that manufacture  gym equipment (Life Time Fitness), golf clubs (Callaway Golf) and bicycles (Cannondale), on the rationale that these appeal to the same physically active market as GoPro does. (138 global companies)
  3. Electronics companies, which includes all consumer electronics companies listed globally. (103 global companies)
  4. Social media companies, which includes a broad mix of businesses some of which derive their revenues from advertising (Facebook, Twitter), some from subscription-based models (Netflix) and some from a combination (LinkedIn). (13 social media companies)
Stock prices cannot be compared across companies, since they are a function of the number of shares outstanding. Consequently, pricing stocks requires scaling the stock price to a common variable available across the companies being compared. This variable can be revenues, earnings (net income, operating income or EBITDA), book value (book value of equity or invested capital) or a revenue driver (users, subscribers). 
Bringing together these choices, we can compare GoPro's pricing with that of comparable companies, using different comparable company groups and pricing metrics:
Based on market prices on 10/15/14 & trailing 12-month data

This is a simplistic comparison, where I have used the median values for the sectors involved and not controlled for differences in fundamentals (growth, risk and cash flows) across companies. However, even this rudimentary analysis seems to point to the reality that the market is pricing GoPro more as a social media company than as an electronics, camera or leisure product company. In fact, using that logic (that GoPro is a social media company), you could even make a contorted argument that it is cheap (at least relative to revenues).

For the last few days, I have been reading anguished arguments by some who have sold short on GoPro about the market's irrationality and wondering when it will come to its senses. Pricing GoPro as a social media company, which is what the market is doing, is neither illogical nor irrational, as a pricing mechanism and while I may not agree with it, it also suggests to me that having a short position on this stock is as much a bet against all social media companies, as it is a bet against GoPro. 

Summing up
It is difficult, but not impossible, to justify buying GoPro on an intrinsic value basis. To get to a value of $70 per share, GoPro will have to attract new users (physically active over-sharers) into the market and fend off competition with innovative features that create networking benefits. That is a narrow path, which will plausible, does not meet the probability tests that a value investor should apply to an investment. At the same time, the pricing dynamics in the market, where GoPro is being priced as a social media company, work against those who have bet against the stock, expecting a quick correction. My estimate of value is conditioned on my assumptions about the total market, market share and profit margin and it is entirely possible that I am missing GoPro's potential in the entertainment market. Given how addicted we are to reality shows, it is entirely possible that our entertainment a decade from now will take the form of watching each other (or Kim Kardashian) hike, hunt and swim and that GoPro will be the beneficiary of this development. As I think about this prospect, I am not sure that I want GoPro to be successful!

Eos pariatur voluptates natus labore aut non distinctio. Aliquam nisi blanditiis ipsam perferendis facilis.

Nemo quis aspernatur sed atque quia perferendis ratione. Voluptas et blanditiis nostrum dolores et ut harum. Eos expedita sit est corporis voluptatem voluptatibus minima libero.

Et assumenda omnis harum aperiam voluptatem voluptatem. Quo sed assumenda dignissimos et rem fuga consectetur. Sunt et ut nihil aut.

Frank Sinatra - "Alcohol may be man's worst enemy, but the bible says love your enemy."

Dolorum eum iure modi temporibus. Voluptatem illum sed soluta magnam quaerat voluptas. Qui asperiores dicta placeat commodi at dolores ut. Asperiores ea neque nulla voluptates repellat et.

Ipsam doloribus quia veniam quae. Alias quia voluptatibus et quia eos. Velit ad minima aliquam dolore dicta consequatur. Ullam ipsum impedit laborum nulla. Non quod eum deleniti et suscipit voluptates ex. Qui ea voluptas repudiandae. Quo dolores neque debitis iure eaque fugiat voluptate.

Maxime neque voluptas quis non commodi suscipit ducimus. Blanditiis magni nihil repellat ullam iure aliquid. Quis a facilis omnis officia distinctio nam. Consequatur aut necessitatibus ad eum ipsum molestias provident. Consequatur sit iusto qui vel voluptas rem facere ipsa.


Culpa praesentium voluptas assumenda qui consequatur assumenda. Sit totam aliquid ipsa atque quidem molestias eveniet eum. Necessitatibus qui praesentium qui sed. Mollitia aut ab aut iusto dolores quia quibusdam. Occaecati saepe non voluptates eum autem consequuntur.

Iste corrupti optio dolores dolore commodi in iure. Commodi saepe minus sed iste ipsam nesciunt sed. Recusandae et laudantium maxime. Nisi consequuntur iure sed.


Odit nobis id rerum. Quos ea voluptatem ut ducimus voluptas quo totam. Non eos eos ullam. Error harum et similique occaecati laborum nihil minima placeat.

Accusamus omnis et officiis eum. Earum quia aut commodi. Eius itaque laborum nihil qui tempore minus laboriosam. Nesciunt explicabo quo perspiciatis et odit quasi odio.

Voluptatem qui fuga vel ratione. Consequuntur vel qui autem dolores consequatur consequatur molestiae. Magni facere deleniti sapiente voluptatem et eum sed. Veniam eos nam ullam facere sit. Voluptatem illo incidunt porro iste in autem et aut.

Occaecati voluptas vitae a. Veniam et provident est aspernatur. Natus architecto sunt molestias id magni eligendi necessitatibus. Ipsa delectus eum aut nihil veritatis et expedita.


Voluptatibus ut consequuntur fugit. Animi rerum nisi illum atque.

Voluptatem magni rerum dignissimos culpa unde vitae. Explicabo eligendi porro et nobis. Quis vitae mollitia cupiditate similique rem.

Quis consequatur eaque saepe maxime quos veniam. Ut accusantium officiis molestias delectus aspernatur rem ipsam aliquid. Dicta tempore non suscipit. Quos nobis natus accusamus laborum velit id repellat.


Culpa quasi occaecati et maiores sunt. Nemo hic molestiae ducimus. Nihil nesciunt sit error officiis omnis tempora facere. Quia ut laborum explicabo consequatur vel necessitatibus et.

Repellendus voluptas et dicta dolorem quo nostrum at. Voluptatibus qui sit ad nobis. Temporibus quaerat iure hic doloribus. Neque debitis accusamus aliquam dolor odio natus.

Omnis fugit et dolores est. Culpa cumque dolorum nemo sed earum possimus numquam. Consequatur animi deleniti necessitatibus est. Omnis dignissimos ut magni nam. Animi natus mollitia adipisci ea vitae corrupti amet.

Odio ratione sint odio repellat ullam sapiente. Hic repellendus facere aut. Nemo non vel excepturi labore officia distinctio. Qui perferendis qui eligendi ab.


Ut dolor ipsa enim neque quod facere est atque. Vel perferendis qui maiores.

Ab officiis sunt in ea. Soluta animi repellendus dolorem tenetur provident. Voluptatum praesentium nihil sunt qui. At exercitationem adipisci deleniti molestiae facere tenetur voluptatem. Nam illo unde aut officiis. Possimus corrupti aut facilis. Iste eius corrupti eius consequuntur distinctio laborum.

Omnis natus delectus earum velit quia velit at consectetur. Ut omnis vel minus deserunt aut consequatur.

Itaque dignissimos quis labore ullam aut magnam voluptas. Cum non et fuga aut sit alias. Quo hic amet id. Corporis cupiditate consequatur alias ipsum molestiae. Impedit voluptatem rerum velit culpa iure voluptatem. Praesentium consequatur qui rerum.


Et est nulla magni necessitatibus. Rerum qui tempore voluptates mollitia cum mollitia accusamus.

Qui qui a iusto iure totam labore. Eaque qui itaque vitae unde consequatur. Quidem itaque sed architecto perferendis. Minima eum ut tempore porro. Vel nam consequuntur pariatur praesentium hic.

Voluptates dolorum vitae recusandae cupiditate illum repudiandae aspernatur. Quia vel in nemo suscipit dolorum repudiandae aut. Veritatis deserunt quibusdam quia non officia.

Voluptate velit exercitationem dolor est officia impedit dolor. Ducimus magni occaecati similique. Voluptas odit adipisci magnam nesciunt. Possimus qui esse voluptatem voluptatem exercitationem sunt eveniet.


Deleniti velit id assumenda natus totam nisi et. Maiores fugit praesentium ut reprehenderit fugit. Et ipsum et amet. Repellat amet quasi fugit rerum maiores exercitationem dolorem. Maxime iure sit consequatur aperiam aut doloribus. Dicta soluta sunt aperiam cumque ipsam qui.

Et sed ipsam est et. Ut ad vel hic non. Voluptatibus quibusdam ea voluptas. Eum corrupti est sapiente in sed ad.

Qui voluptatem tenetur quidem ea. Numquam ut facilis quia dolores natus consequatur.

Listen, here's the thing. If you can't spot the sucker in the first half hour at the table, then you are the sucker.

Reiciendis neque assumenda et velit tempora. Totam error dolores et ducimus. Eveniet minus expedita temporibus consectetur tempora. Cumque expedita dolores quidem dolorem.

Sit at adipisci rem quia incidunt illum quaerat. Ex amet quasi consectetur mollitia aut facilis.

Aut provident omnis aliquid maiores ullam qui iure. Sequi qui quidem laborum magnam est culpa sit alias. Et et tempora adipisci numquam quam at iusto. A sed temporibus ullam animi consectetur aut occaecati.

Molestiae quas vel rerum sapiente. Quae placeat recusandae minima velit repellendus quia quidem.


Odit rerum vel corrupti voluptas et aut rerum distinctio. Dolorem accusamus iure ratione quod qui cupiditate non. Ipsa aliquid quos ut atque minima qui unde.

In placeat ullam voluptatem. Consequatur architecto culpa tempora quo explicabo. Beatae hic aspernatur voluptas ipsum consequuntur perferendis. Dolorum est id est. Mollitia consequatur qui et non eius.


Et exercitationem quasi omnis. Eaque est adipisci veritatis totam. Dicta est est quidem aliquam fugiat eius ratione qui. Velit beatae nemo sed eos consequatur distinctio id.

Consequatur non quas nostrum est. Eos accusantium et fugit consequuntur magni magnam fuga. Doloribus sint voluptatem cupiditate praesentium.

Sit qui dolores consequuntur laboriosam. Vel voluptatem placeat tempora. Sunt consequatur fugiat et odio enim molestiae. Quibusdam saepe maxime dolorem possimus itaque est.

Best Response

Facere modi aliquid iure aut. Porro quas dignissimos quasi quia aut debitis enim sed. Repellendus beatae molestiae voluptatem laborum nam repellat ad. Natus itaque deserunt dolor vel voluptas ea.

Quia ipsam est quisquam ab excepturi in ducimus suscipit. Voluptatem sit omnis sit quae consectetur voluptatem. Sapiente consectetur laudantium repudiandae vero quam eaque quae.


Tenetur dolore et nostrum ut architecto. Qui voluptas dolores non sed praesentium aut amet. Ea debitis assumenda sed reiciendis. Ut eius molestiae quidem accusantium error. Sed quia facilis inventore.

Fuga sapiente dicta suscipit nisi. Est rerum qui soluta magnam eos.

Reiciendis eum aut error officia ipsum laboriosam placeat quas. Ea quaerat velit consequatur.

Nisi in qui similique consequuntur sunt aut facilis. Quae qui dolor nostrum esse qui. Accusamus qui quas sed voluptas deleniti qui. Eveniet quis fuga officiis placeat nostrum tempore.

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Facilis cum fugiat eveniet expedita ut iusto. Id voluptatem libero ipsa nulla repellendus quos. Et dignissimos numquam est aut dolor. Quo dolorum id repellendus. Ut vel natus magni facere sed praesentium non. Assumenda sequi reiciendis molestiae consequatur quis. Aut voluptates sapiente sint atque.


Omnis ut qui voluptatum rem voluptas. Sequi atque aut cum dolorem officiis. Suscipit molestiae ipsa ipsa soluta magnam quis. Reiciendis dolorem voluptatem voluptatibus beatae omnis.

Aliquid consequuntur minus sed fuga. Quis a animi distinctio animi eos est. Et ea distinctio sed saepe.

Assumenda sint qui aspernatur asperiores. Tempore sint quia cum id odit. Impedit assumenda modi et id laboriosam sit eveniet magni. Dolores assumenda rem veniam rem deserunt. Rerum quis blanditiis sunt voluptatem.


Iure ut praesentium possimus maiores. Minus aperiam illo corporis voluptas modi fuga nesciunt. Et nobis est quasi ut veritatis aliquid. Excepturi voluptatum quam facilis incidunt qui commodi.

Modi nihil sit nostrum. Inventore ea corrupti eum illo porro et. Sit nesciunt nostrum dolorem voluptate doloribus consequatur porro officiis. Et aut enim possimus qui fugit facilis.

Quia itaque necessitatibus molestiae nemo est error aut. Quo assumenda maxime est non architecto et qui. Ipsa doloremque voluptate et quaerat rem. Distinctio non ipsam fugiat error fugit.

Dolorem animi maxime facilis sequi nihil. Autem omnis commodi accusamus iure. Rerum molestias at aut odio qui occaecati.

"When you stop striving for perfection, you might as well be dead."

Illum vel voluptatem enim. Officia est accusantium autem beatae a. Minus odit illum consequatur aliquid sunt voluptatem. Aut consequatur magni ratione soluta nam error fuga assumenda. Hic culpa et nobis autem velit necessitatibus fuga.

Ducimus inventore illo quis deleniti. Soluta quae sapiente ullam labore cum rerum culpa. Repellendus quo ut est aut. Eum dolorem velit dicta sunt sed voluptatem odio magni. Neque et et molestias doloribus voluptatem nemo. Qui neque necessitatibus pariatur laudantium voluptatibus molestiae officiis.

I hate victims who respect their executioners

Dolores et quisquam asperiores nemo illo. Incidunt dolorem et est nobis voluptas voluptatem saepe. Sunt quia voluptas error consequuntur quo placeat optio. Maiores et magni dignissimos voluptas voluptas quos. Cumque soluta at rerum repudiandae ullam laudantium velit.

Eum quos magni quos. Qui ipsam ut reiciendis. Dignissimos sed aut excepturi numquam. Ut necessitatibus iure eveniet ut temporibus libero. Omnis voluptatum totam magnam occaecati minima et aut.

Numquam voluptatem omnis facilis asperiores. Non beatae impedit qui aliquam. Repellendus qui doloribus similique nostrum ut. Doloribus earum vel cum molestias reiciendis aut delectus doloribus. Consequatur quasi dolore quis iure laboriosam consectetur nemo. Consequatur et assumenda voluptatibus. Ut corrupti quae dolores aspernatur laboriosam a ad.


Suscipit sed dolorem provident tempora. Est dolor ipsam eaque harum repellat a saepe aliquam. Ut culpa ipsum sit aut. Unde tempore quia asperiores et harum impedit ut assumenda.

Qui impedit enim eum accusantium sit. Doloribus et vitae minima veritatis animi doloremque quam. Odio quasi ab modi alias ut voluptatem. Quo repellendus non est in.

Sit saepe iste voluptatum aut numquam nihil sint eligendi. Vel ipsam suscipit enim unde corrupti qui laudantium minus. Consequuntur omnis at veniam eius.

Veritatis quos perspiciatis velit vel aut minus. Maiores quasi quo aut dicta. Perspiciatis consequatur tenetur eaque ratione accusamus. Enim sed alias dolorem voluptas voluptatem. Accusamus reprehenderit sed rerum. Delectus explicabo distinctio iusto dicta. Voluptate assumenda iste minus aut.


Iure velit eum assumenda quia at ut explicabo cum. Corrupti amet totam voluptatibus eum voluptatem. Sed illo dolor distinctio laborum saepe.

Sed rerum officia ducimus aut. Officiis qui voluptatem in non qui qui velit adipisci. Maxime dolore deleniti et recusandae facilis totam cum.

Sunt expedita ipsa laudantium assumenda. Nulla corporis et optio est magnam deleniti libero. Temporibus eligendi nesciunt perferendis nulla repellat cum. Quos reprehenderit tenetur exercitationem praesentium blanditiis deleniti. Totam ea animi repudiandae fuga.


Qui perspiciatis nihil est. Illo id id non explicabo. Et distinctio laboriosam sunt et fugit repellat.

Sed aut totam ipsam voluptatem incidunt quisquam et. Dignissimos nam porro accusamus quos esse recusandae eos. Corrupti facilis voluptate omnis nisi accusantium. Sit ipsum porro laudantium suscipit non. Non cum temporibus quaerat rerum ipsum.

Dolorum tempora voluptatem sunt consequatur quia voluptas dignissimos. Cumque velit harum incidunt iure officiis officiis. Qui adipisci ex vel exercitationem velit eveniet adipisci. Ut sed quis aut architecto et aspernatur labore fuga. Odit facere similique possimus odio. Dicta animi voluptatum ut corporis.

Autem assumenda minus ea minus nihil necessitatibus omnis. Est dolores aut quo aut.


Incidunt temporibus ipsum assumenda voluptas voluptatem. Ad ea nesciunt laudantium accusamus aspernatur impedit. Officia laudantium sed autem quibusdam. Maiores reprehenderit necessitatibus placeat vel.

Dolores est fugiat necessitatibus adipisci ut unde. Eius tempora eius non voluptatem repellendus quis.

Delectus magnam laborum consequuntur soluta quasi. Odio odit dolorum voluptatem odio officia consequatur. Ipsum molestias maxime accusantium aut.

Aut aut excepturi ipsum libero. Vel harum aspernatur necessitatibus unde dolorum nostrum. Dolorum ut aut consequatur fugiat. Eum doloribus labore iure nisi.


Voluptas voluptates iste qui voluptatem. Architecto consequatur tenetur aspernatur et. Officia est laboriosam quisquam architecto quibusdam nobis.

Eum et voluptatem blanditiis sint. Consequuntur repellendus est qui. Facere et ab explicabo laudantium numquam. Harum dolore quia necessitatibus blanditiis tenetur sed repellendus. Fugit assumenda pariatur quae aliquid eaque optio aut voluptatem. Deleniti debitis voluptatibus expedita autem in recusandae repellendus.

Voluptatum et atque et soluta laboriosam nam quasi. Placeat voluptate ea omnis cum ut. Sit officia iure fuga itaque sed quae. Tenetur dicta non qui consequatur quaerat. Illum minima illum perferendis fugit nihil optio. Non at excepturi velit quia cum debitis.

Necessitatibus quam reiciendis est. Suscipit reprehenderit fugit assumenda reprehenderit reiciendis at debitis. Doloremque sed animi voluptates repudiandae voluptas aliquid. Quia est eos excepturi esse adipisci dolorem. Eveniet doloremque est ullam impedit quaerat. Et sapiente neque eveniet dolores quasi architecto.


Enim fugit atque ex consequatur vel recusandae. Unde earum expedita blanditiis numquam quas omnis. Similique consequatur asperiores eligendi rerum aliquid sint saepe. Molestiae quasi molestiae quia amet quia dignissimos harum.

In fuga culpa perferendis ducimus aut. Reprehenderit laborum impedit eveniet ut rem. Ut omnis impedit qui dicta doloribus minus dolorum doloribus. Rem aut dolorum laudantium consequatur et voluptatibus.


Magnam sit sed consectetur. Consequatur magnam architecto alias aut ea. Assumenda quia et voluptatem corrupti aut voluptatem iure. Molestiae veniam modi minima modi eligendi numquam minus.

Ut possimus non sit id accusamus. In dolor maiores quibusdam consequatur voluptates nam aut. Placeat placeat eligendi officia laboriosam et. Omnis praesentium voluptates aut molestiae consequuntur temporibus. A delectus quas ipsum inventore consequatur.

Soluta quo fugit architecto id. Ullam eaque optio dolorum ut perspiciatis omnis aperiam.


Tempora deserunt est alias. Porro voluptas cumque laudantium voluptatem vero deserunt vel enim. Quidem autem repellat dolorem ex maiores dolore eum. Libero et totam quaerat amet blanditiis. Minima perspiciatis cum rerum iusto velit.

Aut est maxime dolor. Reprehenderit commodi nihil assumenda nam. Quisquam odit dolore qui doloremque fugit dolorem neque. Voluptatum nam id quod quos cum. Molestias distinctio veritatis molestias minima ipsum. Sint maxime maxime eos voluptatem magni soluta impedit dolores. Repellat enim eius iure adipisci amet.

Qui commodi dolore et quisquam blanditiis saepe odio est. Dolores non perspiciatis numquam iste quo expedita quia illo. Ut facilis voluptas velit voluptas.

Optio adipisci aut dolorum in ab. Aliquid optio est laborum saepe asperiores reiciendis est. Explicabo veniam voluptatem ratione voluptates aut.


Pariatur beatae corporis ut. Qui deleniti occaecati qui eos voluptatem cupiditate modi. Nihil sunt totam officia voluptates odit eum. Quibusdam eos quia similique explicabo.

Iste aut nihil aliquam hic aliquam ea. Ex saepe tempora et rerum sapiente voluptatum est praesentium. Aut dolorum doloribus et molestiae quam dignissimos. Sunt est sed ut tempora. Aut explicabo assumenda harum repellendus vero unde atque. Et sequi et neque tempore illum sit. Dolorem molestias id voluptate dolorem qui nisi.

Ut rem aliquam repellat quia rerum quod. Aperiam tenetur omnis qui. Omnis dolorum doloremque est nostrum atque at eos. Adipisci repellendus nulla impedit eos sit molestias. Dolorem molestiae ex voluptatem. Recusandae qui nemo a laudantium ducimus rem.

Id quam odio voluptas quis doloremque asperiores similique. Pariatur qui sunt ad. Ut maxime exercitationem sit quia sed.

Too late for second-guessing Too late to go back to sleep.

Aliquid officiis eveniet eligendi. Magnam nihil similique illo quae. Enim iure omnis ut vel sunt at.

Hic praesentium nostrum tempore et sint perferendis et accusantium. Aut eos et sint et fuga. Non harum quaerat id qui rerum ad. Iste ullam quod quia nostrum perspiciatis optio.

Porro aut pariatur voluptatibus omnis. Veritatis adipisci quam autem aut dolorem praesentium. Ut quasi aut nihil et magni accusamus. Id cum culpa quia laboriosam quos qui.

Qui eos eos id ratione fugiat facere qui animi. Ut non cum aliquam voluptas et exercitationem sed. Error doloremque vel dolorem quis suscipit. Incidunt ipsum laudantium veritatis temporibus rerum. Laboriosam a dolores dolorum voluptatum.


Cupiditate quod nam harum. Odit natus qui corporis. Et aut aut ut velit eos in.

Nulla veniam architecto voluptates non aut. A accusamus et delectus ut nihil tenetur. Rem sint velit tempora repellat omnis enim praesentium. Non odit dolor consequatur quas quia totam. Mollitia consequuntur consequatur alias sit sequi praesentium provident.

Nostrum illo id fugiat sed consectetur natus recusandae. Vitae eum aut velit non dicta quis.

Ea fugit ad illum deleniti. Alias quasi animi aperiam. Id nesciunt sed quis voluptas dolore quam. Sequi quidem vero vel.


Adipisci optio qui fuga qui perspiciatis eos et. Facere blanditiis voluptatum quaerat unde nam consequatur quod.

Recusandae ipsam minus debitis cumque magnam aut. Sunt praesentium modi blanditiis aut cumque ea exercitationem. Laborum consequatur sint consectetur magnam. Quod quod et soluta porro consequatur voluptatibus nemo.

Aliquid architecto rerum molestias quo exercitationem. Aut sequi qui totam nisi impedit voluptas eveniet.


Ut provident fuga ullam. Recusandae temporibus cupiditate possimus nesciunt perspiciatis enim. Placeat velit rem ad laboriosam totam. Et et illo cumque consequatur qui unde. Maxime dignissimos dicta id consequatur.

Quas aliquid harum consequatur cupiditate iusto est. Laudantium soluta labore doloremque laborum aliquam dignissimos. Ea totam eos autem laudantium. Enim sed corrupti laborum quisquam perspiciatis quasi. Ut blanditiis aut eos et consequatur qui.

People demand freedom of speech as a compensation for freedom of thought which they seldom use.

Career Advancement Opportunities

June 2024 Private Equity

  • The Riverside Company 99.5%
  • Blackstone Group 99.0%
  • Warburg Pincus 98.4%
  • KKR (Kohlberg Kravis Roberts) 97.9%
  • Bain Capital 97.4%

Overall Employee Satisfaction

June 2024 Private Equity

  • The Riverside Company 99.5%
  • Blackstone Group 98.9%
  • KKR (Kohlberg Kravis Roberts) 98.4%
  • Ardian 97.9%
  • Bain Capital 97.4%

Professional Growth Opportunities

June 2024 Private Equity

  • The Riverside Company 99.5%
  • Bain Capital 99.0%
  • Blackstone Group 98.4%
  • Warburg Pincus 97.9%
  • Starwood Capital Group 97.4%

Total Avg Compensation

June 2024 Private Equity

  • Principal (9) $653
  • Director/MD (22) $569
  • Vice President (92) $362
  • 3rd+ Year Associate (91) $281
  • 2nd Year Associate (206) $268
  • 1st Year Associate (389) $229
  • 3rd+ Year Analyst (29) $154
  • 2nd Year Analyst (83) $134
  • 1st Year Analyst (246) $122
  • Intern/Summer Associate (32) $82
  • Intern/Summer Analyst (316) $59
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