Power trader progression

Hi everyone, new to WSO. I've been interviewing for trader roles for the past few months, and I recently got a job offer for Real time trader. Really happy to land this role, because I've been looking to enter power trading, however my biggest concern right now is career progression and security, since this is a relatively young and smaller firm. If looking for a job again in the future, would this put me at disadvantage compared to traders with experience at larger producers ? (EDF, Tenaska, etc) I did try to search Linkedin where people moved from this company, but not much to go by.


Based on the most helpful WSO content, here are some insights regarding your concerns about career progression and security in power trading:

  1. Career Progression and Security:

    • Experience at Smaller Firms: Starting at a smaller firm can be a great way to gain hands-on experience and develop a deep understanding of the market. However, it might pose some challenges when compared to larger, more established firms.
    • Future Job Prospects: If you decide to look for a job in the future, having experience at a smaller firm might put you at a slight disadvantage compared to those with experience at larger producers like EDF or Tenaska. Larger firms often have more structured training programs and a broader network, which can be beneficial for career progression.
  2. Advice from WSO Threads:

    • Focus on Learning: As mentioned by a mentor in a WSO thread, it's crucial to spend your time focusing on learning everything about the market. For example, if you're in power trading, you should really learn everything about Financial Transmission Rights (FTRs), memorize the transmission system, and attend classes or conferences on power trading.
    • Building a P&L History: Early in your career, it's important to build a strong P&L history. This will make you more attractive to future employers, regardless of the size of your current firm.
  3. Networking and Recruiters:

    • Reach Out to Recruiters: It doesn't hurt to reach out to a recruiter and assess your options. Networking can help you understand the market better and potentially open doors to larger firms in the future.
    • Contacts and Mentorship: If you need contacts or mentorship, consider reaching out to experienced professionals in the industry. They can provide valuable insights and guidance on how to navigate your career.
  4. Long-Term Goals:

    • Passion and Interest: Ensure that you are passionate and interested in the work you are doing. Long-term goals should center around making a lot of money in a way that is fulfilling and not soul-crushing.

In summary, while starting at a smaller firm might have some disadvantages compared to larger producers, focusing on learning, building a strong P&L history, and networking can significantly enhance your career progression and security in power trading.

Sources: Refined fuels trading experience but lackluster Engineering GPA, energy trader, do I move?, Q&A: I'm an Agricultural Commodities Trader, HELP: The Future of the S&T Job Market and Selecting the Right Desk, Help, my career has got off to an awful start!

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I have never done RT, but do trade virtuals/FTRs

Think it will be easy for you to move after some experience honestly so wouldn’t be too scared

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  • Perella Weinberg Partners 13 98.9%
  • Jefferies & Company 01 98.4%
  • JPMorgan Chase 06 97.9%
  • Moelis & Company 07 97.3%

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