Late nights and early mornings. How do you get through the days? And what's your take on exercise?

Not going to complain that I've been working 80-100 hour work weeks (because I don't) however I haven't been getting the best of sleep and was wondering how do you get through the day? Coffee/Tea? Nootropics? Drugs? Big breakfast?

Also how does this affect your gym schedule? Do you decide to skip it? Lighter workout? extra scoop of pre workout? At what point in the day do you decide to go to the gym if you do end up still going?

Any suggestions on how to get better sleep as well?


As far as a gym schedule goes, I personally find that the best way to get through workouts when you're reallly dragging is to have a long term tangible goal (don't say "I want to be in shape", say "I want to bench press 225 by this date.") in mind and to not make excuses or let yourself slip on it. If you get into a routine of not letting yourself miss workouts it's a lot easier to get through them when you feel like death. Once you let it go once or twice you're going to just stop going whenever you're tired, which will be borderline always.


This is a good point. Also, OP if you went from working out say 4-5 times a week to 1-2 times it will effect your sleep a ton. I was working out 5-6 days a week for about three years and I took a week off, a week became a month and a month became a year in no time. I was sleeping terribly, waking up ~7 times a night for no reason, I saw our family doctor and she asked about my workout schedule first and foremost, and I told her that I had stopped working out a year ago, and to make a long story short the main issue was because I had stopped working out. So keep going to the gym!

Also, a close friend is a Psychiatrist, she introduced me to 'Sleep Hygiene' sounds weird but give it a look, or if you have any specific questions I'll see what answers I can get out of her.
- Basics are, don't do anything an hour or so before bed that requires your body to do anything. No food, no drinks, no shower, your body has to work to process all of that. i.e. cool your body temp down after a shower


I always skip breakfast. I have one cigarette and 4oz espresso when I wake up. I take caffeine and green tea during the day. I'll eat lunch if coworker asks to go out, but if not, I intermittent fast the whole day. I workout and eat at night.

"If you always put limits on everything you do, physical or anything else, it will spread into your work and into your life. There are no limits. There are only plateaus, and you must not stay there, you must go beyond them." - Bruce Lee

Melatonin has done wonders for me to help with this. I workout after work around 730pm and my preworkout used to keep me up til 2 or 3am. Now, I take melatonin every night that I workout around 1030pm and I'm out like a light by 1130 and sleep through most of the night.

Best Response

Work out. Every day. Doesn't matter if it's a walk or run or cycle or who gives a damn. Get the heart pumping first thing in the AM.

Second, if you're needing some energy there's this thing called the EC stack. It's very similar to like legal Adderall. It's 25MG of Ephedra, and 200MG of caffeine 3 times a day (spaced out). Get's rid of you appetite, gives you way more energy/focus and of course.. will keep you awake.

Also I like to keep a cold towel in the company fridge. Call me crazy, but when I start to get lazy or tired, I simply take it out (ice cold) and press it against my face. Helps me cool down, but also gives you a bit of a jolt like a quick ice shower. 10/10 would recommend.

"It is better to have a friendship based on business, than a business based on friendship." - Rockefeller. "Live fast, die hard. Leave a good looking body." - Navy SEAL
Work out. Every day. Doesn't matter if it's a walk or run or cycle or who gives a damn. Get the heart pumping first thing in the AM.

Second, if you're needing some energy there's this thing called the EC stack. It's very similar to like legal Adderall. It's 25MG of Ephedra, and 200MG of caffeine 3 times a day (spaced out). Get's rid of you appetite, gives you way more energy/focus and of course.. will keep you awake.

Also I like to keep a cold towel in the company fridge. Call me crazy, but when I start to get lazy or tired, I simply take it out (ice cold) and press it against my face. Helps me cool down, but also gives you a bit of a jolt like a quick ice shower. 10/10 would recommend.

  1. Is ephedra even legal

  2. That's a really lame SEAL quote

"If you always put limits on everything you do, physical or anything else, it will spread into your work and into your life. There are no limits. There are only plateaus, and you must not stay there, you must go beyond them." - Bruce Lee
  1. If you buy it OTC in the form of Bronkaid or Primatene.

  2. Rather be sexy and dead, than ugly and alive. - Navy SEAL

"It is better to have a friendship based on business, than a business based on friendship." - Rockefeller. "Live fast, die hard. Leave a good looking body." - Navy SEAL
Work out. Every day. Doesn't matter if it's a walk or run or cycle or who gives a damn. Get the heart pumping first thing in the AM.

Second, if you're needing some energy there's this thing called the EC stack. It's very similar to like legal Adderall. It's 25MG of Ephedra, and 200MG of caffeine 3 times a day (spaced out). Get's rid of you appetite, gives you way more energy/focus and of course.. will keep you awake.

Also I like to keep a cold towel in the company fridge. Call me crazy, but when I start to get lazy or tired, I simply take it out (ice cold) and press it against my face. Helps me cool down, but also gives you a bit of a jolt like a quick ice shower. 10/10 would recommend.

Also, with ice, another spot is at the base of the neck on the spine - you'll be very alert, it's startling

"If you always put limits on everything you do, physical or anything else, it will spread into your work and into your life. There are no limits. There are only plateaus, and you must not stay there, you must go beyond them." - Bruce Lee

I use to put a pillow in the freezer before bed because this was the best for those late night aches. Great advice. SB.

"It is better to have a friendship based on business, than a business based on friendship." - Rockefeller. "Live fast, die hard. Leave a good looking body." - Navy SEAL
Work out. Every day. Doesn't matter if it's a walk or run or cycle or who gives a damn. Get the heart pumping first thing in the AM.

Second, if you're needing some energy there's this thing called the EC stack. It's very similar to like legal Adderall. It's 25MG of Ephedra, and 200MG of caffeine 3 times a day (spaced out). Get's rid of you appetite, gives you way more energy/focus and of course.. will keep you awake.

Also I like to keep a cold towel in the company fridge. Call me crazy, but when I start to get lazy or tired, I simply take it out (ice cold) and press it against my face. Helps me cool down, but also gives you a bit of a jolt like a quick ice shower. 10/10 would recommend.

Also, with ice, another spot is at the base of the neck on the spine - you'll be very alert, it's startling

you oughta try Kratom. Completely legal and taking the right dose, is quite uplifting. Not sure about how prevalent it is on the East Coast but West Coast its everywhere.

Work out. Every day. Doesn't matter if it's a walk or run or cycle or who gives a damn. Get the heart pumping first thing in the AM.

Second, if you're needing some energy there's this thing called the EC stack. It's very similar to like legal Adderall. It's 25MG of Ephedra, and 200MG of caffeine 3 times a day (spaced out). Get's rid of you appetite, gives you way more energy/focus and of course.. will keep you awake.

Also I like to keep a cold towel in the company fridge. Call me crazy, but when I start to get lazy or tired, I simply take it out (ice cold) and press it against my face. Helps me cool down, but also gives you a bit of a jolt like a quick ice shower. 10/10 would recommend.

I actually stick to a caffeine + l theanine stack tbh. My friend took EC stack for a while and she couldn't go to sleep. I'll look into the ice trick though!

geology rocks:
I'm surprised that the "best response" in this thread is someone advocating the daily mixture of 600 mg of caffeine and bronkaid

yeah doesn't sound the best for healthy heart and sleep habits

If I recall, ephedra puts holes in your heart, right

"If you always put limits on everything you do, physical or anything else, it will spread into your work and into your life. There are no limits. There are only plateaus, and you must not stay there, you must go beyond them." - Bruce Lee

Interested in thoughts on nootropics, since OP mentioned them. I tried a couple (Nexus and one I can't remember the name of) after Eddy's post on them last year. The one I can't remember the name of did nothing for me and I thought Nexus did very little. I didn't notice a difference in my ability to focus but I did perceive somewhat of a calm energy that lasted through the day. Made it hard to fall asleep though if I took it too late in the day. It's possible what I perceived was just a placebo effect though. I guess nootropics affect people differently because others on that aforementioned post claimed they really helped. Anyone use them and benefit from them?

"Successful investing is anticipating the anticipation of others". - John Maynard Keynes

I'll take a look. I tend to be fairly caffeine sensitive. I drink a cup (probably ~6 oz) of iced dark roast (slightly lower caffeine) coffee every morning. I normally already drink tea in the early afternoon, but I drink one that's not very caffeinated.

"Successful investing is anticipating the anticipation of others". - John Maynard Keynes

Some solid advice above about getting in the gym and staying motivated. But if all else fails, bust out some pushups at your desk, or if that's taboo at your shop, find an empty office/conference room. Shouldn't take more than 5 mins to do several sets of however many you can do. Gym is best, but pushups are far better than doing nothing.

[Edited for typo]


trading hours so I'm up early anyway what's the extra 30 min to workout. I'll either run a 5k-7k or just do 5x5 bench or 5x5 deadlift depending on the day. I found just doing those 3 as my primary weekday workouts is good enough for me and it takes no longer than 35 min. Waking up a little earlier is easier to me than going to the gym after a long day, plus I get a nice natural energy, focus, and mood boost from it.


Some American pscho-esque responses here.

I think you can be normal, healthy and work a lot of hours. Get coffee in the morning (you're human, it's okay), drink A TON of water (really was a game changer when I started doing that), and take 40-60 minutes in the evening to hit the gym and do your thing. I can't stay up to 2/3/4am without at least some cardio and weights. I also try to avoid milk and wheat, not sure if it's just me, but I feel like they build up in my gut. Makes me queasy.

Some American pscho-esque responses here.

I think you can be normal, healthy and work a lot of hours. Get coffee in the morning (you're human, it's okay), drink A TON of water (really was a game changer when I started doing that), and take 40-60 minutes in the evening to hit the gym and do your thing. I can't stay up to 2/3/4am without at least some cardio and weights. I also try to avoid milk and wheat, not sure if it's just me, but I feel like they build up in my gut. Makes me queasy.

does no milk equal no cheese for you?

yeah I avoid wheat and dairy as well. but I like cheese in salads sometimes and also frequently break and get a pizza

yesterday I had to get a pizza though because I was in such a severe calorie deficit that I needed a ton of calories quickly after a hard sweat workout

"If you always put limits on everything you do, physical or anything else, it will spread into your work and into your life. There are no limits. There are only plateaus, and you must not stay there, you must go beyond them." - Bruce Lee
Some American pscho-esque responses here.

I think you can be normal, healthy and work a lot of hours. Get coffee in the morning (you're human, it's okay), drink A TON of water (really was a game changer when I started doing that), and take 40-60 minutes in the evening to hit the gym and do your thing. I can't stay up to 2/3/4am without at least some cardio and weights. I also try to avoid milk and wheat, not sure if it's just me, but I feel like they build up in my gut. Makes me queasy.

I actually carry a 2L refillable water bottle these days so I know I've actually drank my daily intake


+SB. It seems people either love it or hate it. It's not the most economical diet, but for me it's super effective for what my goals are (low bodyfat, muscular gains).


To be honest I've found what can consistently work for me is the following:

Base: 1) Up at 5:45/5:55 - 5mins of just 'waking up' without the pressure to go do anything. 2) skip breakky get ready for work. 3) In office by 6:40/6:50 4) work till 6:30/7pm - go gym from here 5) grab food on way home

That pattern holds pretty well for the Mon-Weds part of the week, with Thurs and Fri a bit touch and go.

My only advice sleep wise is try get your best sleep and exercise/healthy crap the first three days of the week, rough the last two days and then have the weekend to recover.

Terms of supps; ALCAR stack + caffeine work (plus hydration etc).

Probably should add cardio in too...


I gave up on breakfast two years ago. I find that I can focus better and more alert. Digestive system takes a lot of energy. Note I have a pretty slow digestive system. Rarely take caffeine either. Both take about 1 month to get used to (your (my) body starts to wake up naturally). But benefits I've noticed: always calm and very Clear Thinking. This all assumes: Water, 5:30am workout, and steam. If I miss any of those, which is rare, I am pretty much useless. In terms of the calmness from fasting, until lunch, it may just be me, but I have heard similar things from my buds.

Rags to Hermes:
I agree with dude

except for caffeine

I do well with a high caffeine intake .... but it is important to drink lots of water and work out hard

"If you always put limits on everything you do, physical or anything else, it will spread into your work and into your life. There are no limits. There are only plateaus, and you must not stay there, you must go beyond them." - Bruce Lee

I've tried all sorts of schedules.

Used to be prescribed adderall and would take 1.5 20mg tablets daily. This sucked because it destroyed by appetite and I lost a ton of weight and would feel extremely burnt out by the end of the day so I could never get into the gym.

Also I had issues with the adderall "crash" where by the time I was home from work I would be too tired to focus on anything let along make it to the gym but could still not fall asleep until like 3 AM -- quite shitty.

Decided to cut out adderall entirely and feel a ton better these days.

Weekly routine after tons of trial and error is currently as follows and I can now sleep uninterrupted from bed time to alarm:

--No alcohol Mo-Fri (unless I choose to go out Friday night) --Go out only 1x in a 7 day time span -- max --Multi-vitamin + fish oil in the AM --Protein bar breakfast + 0 calorie monster -- Lunch: usually meal prep on Sundays, but also buy something healthy if in time crunch i.e. Salata, grilled chicken sandwich wtc.) -- Green tea & water throughout the day

Once I get home from work I'll eat a light snack take a pre-workout supp and head to the gym.

When I get home from the gym I eat my biggest meal of the day, take a warm shower to unwind, watch some relaxing TV or read a book and pop 1-2 melatonin around 11pm targeting a 7am wakeup. (if you're supplementing with melatonin aim for 8 hours) also, melatonin is an anti-oxidant and is non-habit forming I often go weeks without using it but prefer to continue its use at this point more for the health benefits than for the sleeping benefits.

Note that melatonin isn't a sleep hormone, rather it regulates your internal clock.. essentially it makes you start to get tired at the same time each day and thereafter improves the quality of your sleep. So remember to take your dose at the same time each night.

Summing up, the most important thing is to establish a routine that can be repeated on a daily basis with some room for schedule adjustments/flexibility. Aim to wake up and go to sleep at the same time each night including weekends where you don't go out and workout 5-6x per week.

Since doing this a few months back I've been feeling great, put on a lot of muscle mass, and have more focus in the office.

"Well, you know, I was a human being before I became a businessman." -- George Soros

Ut voluptatem nobis in accusantium voluptatem. Doloremque illo similique odit unde esse voluptate odit. Blanditiis voluptatem placeat placeat repellendus quo.


Qui eius ratione sed. Quas id libero et nesciunt ipsa ducimus voluptate. Quis aut atque voluptatibus voluptatibus quis. Eum ea quia excepturi aperiam quis sint quae. In omnis quia consequatur sit et. At quidem deserunt magnam nobis dolorem incidunt et rerum.

Pariatur voluptas qui ab eius nesciunt. Et earum exercitationem iure eos. Non nihil blanditiis voluptatem. Beatae omnis vero esse ut. Ut quis nam saepe. Quo vel consequatur quibusdam nesciunt voluptatum culpa. Reiciendis velit dolor et eum illum vel.

Exercitationem ab illum cum aliquid omnis consequuntur qui. Voluptas et doloribus molestiae. Nihil aut explicabo voluptatum voluptas corporis.


Totam quis nisi vel velit repellendus animi. Commodi totam itaque aperiam consequatur corporis rem. Consequatur eum officia laudantium aut. Error quisquam optio dolorum soluta expedita reprehenderit soluta ratione. Accusamus exercitationem dolore numquam repudiandae.

Molestiae quod enim maiores qui laudantium voluptatem. Corrupti laborum sit non accusantium. Dolore perspiciatis eveniet atque consequuntur maiores exercitationem veniam. Velit hic quia est ipsum.

Nesciunt incidunt quis excepturi soluta enim. Non sapiente voluptatum est vel quisquam sapiente repudiandae.


Consequatur voluptatum tempore quod magni modi maiores. Qui ex aut harum nihil illo. Quia sed enim iure minima. Nesciunt itaque reprehenderit mollitia modi non nostrum. Quibusdam dolorum doloribus numquam magni sit.

Consequuntur impedit quis modi nam sunt. Est et quis ullam. Temporibus et consectetur magnam ipsum. Repellat quia mollitia recusandae assumenda doloremque molestiae.

Nulla voluptas sit eligendi rerum libero adipisci. Enim facilis harum mollitia sed reprehenderit. Nisi voluptatum reiciendis amet.

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