HELP! Internship application decison "on hold"

SO a few weeks ago I had an had first and second (final) round interviews with a BB at my school. This is a position I really want. The final round interview was thursday and friday evening at 5:30 i received a call from HR saying that they basically loved me but because the internship is so competitive and due to the needs/circumstances of the company that my application was being put on hold until April. As far as I know no one else from my school was accepted. What does this mean?? I have been told that the fact that I was personally called and told, rather than emailed is a positive thing. I have already followed up with HR continuing to express my interest and enthusiasm for the position. Any advice on how to seal the deal and land this/ what this means??


Agreed with Spectro. Re your other question: This means that they are interested in you but are either waiting for other candidates to accept/decline or are waiting to interview more candidates. Could be both.


also, if they said that I would know in april what time of the month are they suggesting that they will let me know? beginning middle end? I'm kind of freaking out about getting a job this summer if you couldnt tell. haha


I've been on hold at a bb for 2 months now and they tell me the same thing every time. i wouldn't be too hopeful if i were you. just move on, and if it happens then thats a pleasant surprise


Informal offer? In what world would that imply an informal offer?

At best, they really just want to give other candidates a fair chance. Most likely, especially if it's a BB, it's a "you weren't good enough" to get an offer right now, but we'll keep you on the wait list.


"You are a strong candidate but we have some hesitations. Let's look at some other folks."

"I do not think that there is any other quality so essential to success of any kind as the quality of perseverance. It overcomes almost everything, even nature."

I'd give them about a week or so before you call back and follow up otherwise it will most likely be the run around

This to all my hatin' folks seeing me getting guac right now..

can definitely try and speak with the VP and MD that you may have had a connection with. Send an email first. They are busy people and usually dont' want randos calling up. I know my MD usually has all his calls go through his secretary.

Definitely reiterate your strong interest in a polite and more subtle way.

I wouldn't make a trip out there. That's desperation and kind of weird, IMHO. If you have a good rapport with some of the more senior people, you can maybe transition into asking about your status.


I would not do anything at this point. You have had your chance to impress the groups during interviews, and emailing them now is not going to do anything but make you look desperate. In addition, I would suspect that HR is keeping in contact with the recruiting team. So, acting like you haven't spoken with HR is not a wise move either, in my opinion. It is not necessarily true that this is a bad thing. If no one has been given an offer yet, you may be their first pick but they want to wait to give offers all at the same time. There comes a time when the ball is out of your hands and you have nothing left to do but wait. For you, that time is now.


I am going to "hold tight" but I am expecting to hear back from my second choice (another top 5 bank) today and if it is an offer I will have to make a decision very soon. I wonder whether under those circumstances I could ask these folks for an expedited decision..


they are still deciding if the are taking any associates at all or perhaps promoting from within, esp. the GS SF office.

Nothing you can really do but hope for the best.

Good luck!


Option #2... if you are really truly going to be in the SF area anyway, sure go ahead and try to schedule something with them. Not a bad idea. But, if you're thinking about flying into SF just for that, don't do it. Otherwise, option #3 sounds most reasonable.

Never just "hold on tight" keep pounding the pavement. It's never "over" until you have a signed offer letter, cleared the background check and have a hiring bonus check in your hands. Keep interviewing. If that other top 5 bank gives you an offer and needs an expedited decision on your part, then give them your answer. However, don't gauge your answer contingent on where you stand with GS. If it turns out later that GS makes you an offer as well and that's your preference, then simply reneg on the other bank. Look out for #1.


I think I am going to have a third round interview..Are third round interviews just a formality or they just like a second round with multiple candidates for one position?


I think it's what they say it is. Holds are far more common in accelerated processes than otherwise.. I wouldn't write it off just yet. If you want to do something, ping your HR contact maybe other other week.

"There are three ways to make a living in this business: be first, be smarter, or cheat."

Hi Guys,

Many thanks for the suggestions. Should I contact HR persons or interviewers in the bank? Is it appropriate to tell them that I have an offer from another bank?


I am dealing with the situation. I was informed a few days ago I am on hold and they will get back to me within the next few weeks as they are still recruiting and also waiting for candidates to accept/decline offers. What do you guys think my chances are....? And if I am "on hold", how are they going to evaluate me compared to the other candidates on hold?

I really don't like being in this situation... it's been keeping me up for days.


It depends on the situation - find out what's keeping you on ice. If the problem is a headcount/budget/waitlist situation, no amount of follow-up will change your status, except perhaps getting dinged earlier. Don't hold your breath. Some people get lucky, and others don't, there's no telling. I got led on by a BB for 6 weeks before getting dinged. So keep interviewing. Safer to presume it's dead - and if they call you back with an offer, it'll be unexpected good news!


When you're put on hold, always assume that you aren't going to get the job. Not only does this mean that they are actively interviewing other candidates / waiting for offer acceptances, but they may get cold feet and lose excitement over your candidacy. Frequent follow-up isn't going to help either. I suggest you ping HR every 2-3 weeks to let them know you're still interested, but there isn't much you can do outside of that.

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Yes I am a entry level candidate. No I did not get the interview through campus, just networked my way through the HR folks. I'd be interested to know how long will they place me on hold. I think my interview went really well though and I don't want to decrease my chances by bothering them. Really confused ..


I'm just wondering could it be that they would say "we decided to go with another applicant, as they needed more time to think and filter".

Thanks for all the help guys, much appreciated.

Best Response
I'm just wondering could it be that they would say "we decided to go with another applicant, as they needed more time to think and filter".

Thanks for all the help guys, much appreciated.

Did you ask them approximately how long you might expect to wait for an answer about getting off hold? Beyond this, you can't really ask them any questions that would yield useful insight.

Moreover: regardless of what they're thinking, you can't have perfect information. You can only make the best decision with the data at hand. You know that a) you were't rejected outright, and b) you have an offer with a timeline.

I think the most logical decision is to call them up, thank them for considering your candidacy, reiterate your interest in GSAM, ask them what their general timeline is like, and let them know that you have this exploding offer. If you handle it maturely, it won't reflect badly on you, and it won't diminish your chances at an offer - indeed, it will likely enhance them, since your other offer demonstrates that other employers have made a positive assessment of you.

"There are three ways to make a living in this business: be first, be smarter, or cheat."

GM Trevelyan: Top BB rg1821: you are probably right...I just wasnt sure if it would be annoying to check in every 2 weeks or not. I am definitely not expecting an offer but i just want them to not forget about me lol

If anything, politely reach out to the people who interviewed you. Don't beg or sound desperate. Also, don't bother contacting HR every week for a status update, it's pointless and they have no real say in the matter.

unfortunately my interviewers will not reply to my emails, only HR will.... guess im really screwed huh

so I shouldnt contact HR at all?

Hey I know this thing means a lot to you but don't put too much in one opp. Sometimes... following an opp like this for so long and with so much energy hurts you (mentally). I hope you understand what I mean.

I was hurt.. I was wondering and wondering for a month after superday. Until I finally contacted them and they dinged me. :(


I think following up after a few weeks restating your interest "just a quick email to follow up on the interview/super day I attended on (inset date). Though I am still interviewing/have received an offer with/from other firm(s), (insert bank name) is still my preferred company because I believe (insert reason). Looking forward to hearing for you. Kind regards, (insert your first name)"


I've come to the conclusion that its ok to send an email after two weeks checking up on the status, but If you are on hold then there is pretty much nothing you can do to change this. They will decide when they decide


I applied for JP PBank Chicago last week too and haven't heard anything back. I was told I would hear by late last week, and some of my friends who applied have already gotten their rejection letters. I am wondering if I might be in the same situation as you. Can anyone maybe shed some light on this subject for polandspring and I?


network your ass off - find people who work at the firm who you are close with and can refer you, or find people who do business with the firm your are seeking and have them write a letter to the highest up individual they deal with.


contact the recruiter or your interviewer if you really want the position. The upside is that your contact knows you are really going for the position. The downside is that they'll think your a little over-zealous.

If you have other offers, let them know that you care about this one specifically. Don't get to assertive though


Keep e-mailing... keep networking. Her. The group. Give periodic e-mails ask if you WERE apart of the group, i.e. 'this is an interesting deal...' etc.


i've been in the same position once before - it sucks - and honestly there is not much you can do...reach out to HR and the people from the team with a frequency of about once every 2 weeks, just be careful not to annoy them.

Good luck.


Could be either of the two. If you know that others got definite no's then its not a totally bad situation. I was in the same scenario a month ago and heard back three weeks later that unfortunately they couldn't take me on, but that I should reach out in August and they would put me into a FT superday. So even if you do get declined theres still some middle ground that can be a positive


On hold is better than a ding, but you also don't know how many people are "on hold." For now, I would focus on finding other opportunities, BB, MM, boutique, and let the chips fall where they may regarding the "on hold" bank. If, however, you get an offer from another Tier 1 or even strong Tier 2 bank while still "on hold", you can absolutely contact the bank that put you "on hold" and let them know about your exploding offer - they will in that case either ding you, or make you an offer - either way the wait will be over and you will have gotten your verdict. Good luck.

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I just had an interview (1 round only) 2 weeks ago and they told me they'd get back to me about an offer within 2-4 weeks.

This Friday marks the 2nd week. Contact my interviewer then?

PS - They're only hiring 1 SA.


Definitely happens. I've been taken off hold and I know others who have as well. Couldn't give you typical probabilities, but doesn't seem to be unusual.


i was told that i was "on hold" at a top tier BB bank (GS/ms/JPM) during FT interviews. i told them about an exploding offer, but they still worked on their own time table. eventually, multiple groups reached out to me and i was extended a FT offer. another buddy at school was put on hold at another top tier BB bank and he eventually landed an offer as well. it's nothing guaranteed, but banks definitely take people after they are put "on hold"


reaching out and contacting. Keep displaying interest and place a phonecall. email can be disregarded too easily. Its harder to reject a phonecall.


Send your interviewer a hand-written thank you letter especially after the HR lady said that you did well. You will be remembered by your interviewer and it might be the tie breaker when they make up their minds.


I dont think there is any right answer, but they are probably waiting to hear from another candidate regarding their decision, and trying to hold off on communications with you until they know.

I'd sit tight for a little while longer, assuming your F500 offer doesnt expire soon.

As far as contacting them again/going over HR's head, you dont want to cross the line and become annoying, so maybe hold off, and if it really gets down to the line, then you have nothing to lose and can go that route and be justified in doing so.


Make a dummy email account and send her a mail that you've got evidence that her husband is cheating on her. Then if she replies = she's ignoring you if she doesn't reply = she's away


its fine to contact your interviewers regarding this. that does not qualify as going over her head. its just another data pt / contact at the bank you should be using at this pt.


Email: Might have caught her at a bad time/forgotten

Voicemail: Probably doesnt check it.

Give her a call once in a while I would say

When I'm in that situation I do everything I know how to do, and then right it off as not going to happen. That means apply elsewhere and keep networking, don't sit around by the phone waiting.

Just my thoughts.

You are right. I actually have two interviews with boutiques this week


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Quidem facilis ipsum beatae est enim. Dolor molestiae incidunt expedita et assumenda.


Quo repellat dicta sit laborum quo tempore. Odit voluptas vel earum qui. Qui quibusdam rerum voluptatem sint est. Dolorum ad aut recusandae minima. Error quia nihil doloribus dolorem corrupti ut assumenda.

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