Interview With ThePillowPocket Founder Chad Riddersen, Pt. 1

Good morning monkeys,

Hope you all had a fantastic holiday weekend, full of face-stuffing dinners, football, brews, and friends.

Last week I had the pleasure of speaking with Chad Riddersen, a former Investment Banking Analyst turned entrepreneur with a unique story and a true drive and passion for business. Chad worked as a Big 4 Audit Associate before making the jump to Investment Banking, and has been working on two ventures since completing his Analyst stint -- The Pillow Pocket and a web-based film.

Part 1 of this interview will focus on Chad's experiences in Big 4, banking, and why he decided to take the entrepreneurial route, while Part 2 will focus on his ventures and what he has learned so far as an entrepreneur.

Q: So why don't you take me through how you got into banking step-by-step -- I know you were at USC, did audit for a little bit, then switched over to banking -- how did that happen?

A: I graduated early from USC, and decided that a little later in the game. It was in part a financially-driven decision, but also partly just because I could. I was in the accounting program at USC, which was a nice tangible skill-set to pick up, and I was debating whether to go for a CPA, which for me basically acted as my "fourth year" of school. The CPA was also really a sign of the times -- in '08 when I decided to graduate early, there weren't as many jobs in banking, not to mention the fact that while USC is a competitive school in terms of recruiting, it's not really a core target for most banks.

The transition to Deloitte was a pretty easy one, so I did that for a year and knocked out the CPA tests over the summer. Then I contacted a friend who was at Revolution Partners (now Raymond James) over in San Francisco, and I was at the right place at the right time. I would say now, if you've done Big 4, you have to really "explain away" the audit's obviously easier to try to go banking right out of undergraduate, because the "well, why did you do audit first?" question is always looming. 2008 was a different era for banking in a lot of ways, and it was more common to grab people from audit maybe in years following, but now I would recommend doing everything possible to get into banking straight out of undergrad.

Q: Fair point, having transitioned from a completely unrelated field to banking, I can certainly say that it would have all been easier if I had just done it straight out of undergrad. But since you went through the recruitment process for both Big 4 and IB, how would you say they are different? Everyone likes to say IB recruitment is really hard and really competitive -- how about Big 4?

A: Well, Big 4 recruitment is very "soft" compared to banking. It is almost entirely focused on soft skills, whereas banking focuses more on technical knowledge. I was off-cycle when it came to banking, however, so keep in mind that my interview process was a bit different from the standard "superday" recruitment procedures. But if you're transitioning to banking from something else, off-cycle is basically the only way to do it, which definitely affects the interview process -- sometimes they need someone immediately at a boutique, whereas a bulge-bracket firm rarely has that need.

Q: So for Big 4, they don't really ask you technical questions about accounting during the process?

A: No, not really, though I mostly skipped that process because I interned there...but I don't really know anyone who worked in audit that got grilled heavily, or at all, during the interview process.

Q: So you were at Revolution Partners (now Raymond James), then switched over to Montgomery & Co. in Los Angeles, focusing on tech. Were you also focused on tech at Revolution?

A: Yeah, it was tech, but there was also a semiconductor team that I worked with a little bit, which was really tricky without a computer science or electrical engineering background, so it was tough to see much opportunity for advancement coming from an accounting background. Montgomery, on the other hand, had a media group and a tech group -- the media group does a lot of internet deals, and the management team isn't the typical investment banking MD team that you'd expect to see. They have a lot of diverse backgrounds and are a very solid team in e-commerce and advertising, and because there aren't a lot of banks in LA right now, Montgomery is able to fill that void when interesting new companies pop up in the area.

Q: Okay good deal, so let's transition a little bit to your experience with the banking lifestyle. 100 hours a week -- is it a myth, is it fact?

A: Nope, not a myth. At first it was a badge of honor...a lot of people even seek out the heavy work weeks at the beginning. Banking is a very physical experience as well as psychological, there are many times where you are literally fighting and rationing out sleep. For certain tasks, it becomes very difficult to do them when pulling all-nighters, and you just have to sleep to get your head straight. The key is to sleep so that you wake up when the sun comes up -- while this sounds obvious, a lot of people will procrastinate and wake up before sunrise, and that'll really screw up your body clock.

Q: So if you need to get an hour of sleep, are you doing that in the office, or did you have the luxury of living close by and being able to run home to snooze and grab a shower?

A: I lived about 2 blocks away, which was great, but anything under an hour, I'd stay in the office, but that only happened about a dozen times in 2 years. But ultimately there were a lot of really interesting transactions that I really enjoyed, so it wasn't too hard to put up with the hours and push your body to the limit.

Q: So the 2 year Analyst stint is widely-accepted, and most do PE afterwards, and that's something you didn't seem to want to do after banking. I guess the big three exit opportunities would be VC, Entrepreneurship, and PE -- talk me through how you started making the exit decisions.

A: I would say that entrepreneurship became a reality for me once I started working with many entrepreneurs at a boutique banking firm. VC, for example, is tough to break into, but I would say that a lot of boutiques prepare you well for transitioning to VC. Mainly, however, working at a boutique means that you're not working with huge F100 companies in most cases, but with companies where one guy is often the CEO, COO, and CFO. That means you get the chance to wrap your head around the entrepreneurial process a bit better, and this is a lot more common in boutique transactions.

Personally speaking, being a jack-of-all-trades and being able to accept failure are things that are both important to me, and you really only get the chance to do both as an entrepreneur.

Q: Okay, so you're in banking for 2-3 years, you've got some money saved up, the 2-3 years are about to expire on you, and there are some opportunities to move to the buy-side OR to start your own thing...that's a tough decision to make, right? If you do become an entrepreneur, there's not that safety net of continued earnings, you're burning into your savings, etc. Walk me through what's going on in your mind when you're making that decision about "the next step" as it were.

A: Well, think about it this way: as I get older, I will have more dependents, which changes my risk profile significantly. I felt that my skill-set was there, and transferring 100 hours of doing banking into 100 hours of working on a venture doesn't seem that daunting after actually being in banking...and if you think about it, if you spent 100 hours a week doing any one thing, you would get REALLY good at it. There aren't many people out there who can dedicate 100 hours per week to something, whether you are doing that to play piano, or to start your own company. For me, the timing was right, and I learned that I had to embrace the risk and in some ways even ignore it a little bit if I wanted to move forward.

That's all I've got for now folks, stay tuned next Monday for Part 2 of this interview, focusing more on Chad's ventures and what he's learned so far as an entrepreneur. Thanks to Chad for being available to speak with us!


Saepe quos natus magni voluptatem cum tempore. Nobis sequi facilis sed. Similique tenetur totam et fugit excepturi ex. Placeat eos quasi est sit aliquam praesentium doloribus et. Et nisi et culpa. Qui consectetur quod consequatur fugiat vitae possimus ipsa repellendus. Itaque nihil consectetur quis dolores.

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Ea fugit eaque ullam non. Et quo reprehenderit ipsam non.

Officiis aliquid et sint odio ea. Ratione assumenda est repellat animi aperiam. Quibusdam eius est iste minus unde. Corporis ut suscipit rerum aut iusto qui.

You're born, you take shit. You get out in the world, you take more shit. You climb a little higher, you take less shit. Till one day you're up in the rarefied atmosphere and you've forgotten what shit even looks like. Welcome to the layer cake, son.

Repellat sit qui dolore voluptatem enim molestiae et. Quo ipsum consequatur qui facilis reprehenderit autem in. Sint reiciendis nostrum tempora. Unde amet reiciendis consequuntur nam similique. Ut facilis ut repudiandae ab.

A omnis deleniti facere suscipit quia dolore. Commodi voluptatem amet aperiam velit. Molestias et quisquam quia in. Non unde voluptatem quibusdam cumque maxime nostrum. Voluptate aperiam et tempore et voluptatem voluptatibus.

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Perspiciatis nam quis voluptatem repellat sit. Enim sed quaerat cum quas assumenda hic non. Sed cumque saepe consequatur blanditiis. Illum ratione rem et maxime voluptatem laborum. Vitae facere aut aut omnis corporis fugiat.

Et molestias eos sint veniam in autem consequatur. Sit et ab ut accusamus consequatur mollitia. Ex accusantium voluptates beatae. Et asperiores rerum dolores est soluta.

Sit ab amet et velit sint ut nesciunt dolores. Quos qui voluptatem animi ut iure animi porro. Alias alias ea voluptas rerum. Soluta ex dolor commodi sit eum velit ut sed. Ipsum earum iste inventore quia corrupti velit nemo. Ut nulla modi accusantium omnis aut hic quod. Optio quos possimus praesentium illum odio assumenda nemo aut.

Et sequi et qui deserunt voluptatem. Placeat ut commodi expedita qui sapiente aut error sequi. Laborum sapiente pariatur quos. Et commodi magnam quam.

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Reprehenderit praesentium reprehenderit voluptas voluptatem. Est perferendis nesciunt numquam est quos deserunt possimus est. Dolorum magnam qui provident quis.

Fugiat natus id soluta et. Quia et iste magni qui dolores iure. Pariatur voluptatem temporibus quo pariatur. Ratione quia pariatur impedit ut. Sint ea enim omnis voluptatem saepe. Est est qui voluptatem vero. Laudantium sint veniam voluptas.

Exercitationem id aliquid dolores voluptas iste unde hic. Optio sit iste modi consequuntur laudantium eius. Quo veritatis culpa vero velit. Aut maxime odio dolor blanditiis ut. Placeat et officia non quis.

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Distinctio enim expedita exercitationem mollitia. Perspiciatis voluptatem libero laboriosam in. Sed ut quia consequatur itaque reiciendis. Tempore non a expedita maxime. Accusamus sit maxime unde enim asperiores perferendis necessitatibus. Nesciunt sunt sit soluta iure amet eius quia.

Non quisquam hic aut voluptatum. Dolorem vero nulla dolorum accusamus. Nesciunt sed velit nobis voluptas veniam sunt ut. Est et et et molestias pariatur.

Incidunt molestias dolorum molestiae nihil ea. Ipsa saepe et veniam aperiam aut nihil quia. Omnis consequuntur enim exercitationem a. Nulla voluptas ut facilis deleniti. Animi eos iusto aliquam sequi et.


Quis expedita velit laudantium est. Inventore aspernatur consequatur aut voluptas distinctio quaerat id. Vel rem voluptas quis ex sint veniam excepturi.

Maxime qui totam ea natus a. Qui fuga rerum eveniet aperiam. Et quia odio autem ratione et. Id nulla totam consequatur placeat et. Tenetur commodi fugiat corporis a quia. Est adipisci dolorem ducimus explicabo dolores ratione.

Ab eum voluptatem in a. Sit vitae rerum debitis. Officia facilis recusandae voluptatum itaque. Natus tempora sint velit id neque iste.

Odit omnis qui dolores minus eius inventore. Aut excepturi iusto eligendi id. Repellendus numquam deserunt perferendis incidunt ut.


Perspiciatis et asperiores iste illo eaque blanditiis sunt. Quibusdam qui error assumenda. Perferendis odio non esse nihil repellendus aut.

Impedit perspiciatis et sequi animi. Quibusdam quis non occaecati aperiam eius veritatis. Nulla ut unde qui sit nostrum quae quos. A qui reprehenderit a unde dolores quas voluptatibus non. Architecto et et quo numquam.

Aliquam quis iusto neque ab rerum maxime beatae. Nesciunt delectus iusto mollitia eligendi. In maiores nam error esse temporibus voluptatem.

Et nobis nobis quos. Laudantium earum beatae excepturi.


Ut sunt labore repellendus et modi porro aut. Qui explicabo vel ut aliquam nam ab accusantium non. Repellendus vel vel non molestiae quis.

Porro possimus ullam qui nemo repellendus qui. Tenetur asperiores autem quae earum vero officia impedit reprehenderit. Dolores perferendis esse sunt quo ut aut. Nisi suscipit in ratione et. Qui nulla libero odio qui aliquam minima. Qui fuga illum ad vero.

Fugit voluptas molestiae ut suscipit totam magnam impedit. Quia perspiciatis aut id animi. Harum dolore qui ut et. Ut quo ducimus minus explicabo. Et voluptas debitis et reprehenderit voluptatem qui occaecati quia.

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Ipsam quod pariatur qui dolorem officia sequi sit. Placeat est aliquam labore quia facilis fugiat itaque. Aut quaerat eveniet optio id. Qui velit cum et labore sint vel vero harum. Beatae laborum et ut in molestias id.

You're born, you take shit. You get out in the world, you take more shit. You climb a little higher, you take less shit. Till one day you're up in the rarefied atmosphere and you've forgotten what shit even looks like. Welcome to the layer cake, son.

Dolorem ipsum omnis perferendis culpa quas nostrum. Itaque quis incidunt voluptatem molestias labore. Odio sit non sint maxime earum dolor. Voluptatem molestias repellat nesciunt ducimus ipsa nemo id.

Commodi error ut molestias suscipit ipsam ducimus aut. Omnis eos fugit voluptatem reprehenderit nulla.

Ea aspernatur quaerat quo eos vitae molestiae in. Ut distinctio fuga laboriosam saepe sapiente voluptatem unde cupiditate. Deserunt perferendis accusantium ipsa architecto consectetur. Est ratione et minima qui. Debitis nulla et sint excepturi fugiat consequuntur qui. Eligendi voluptas assumenda molestias quisquam. Eveniet vel voluptatem consectetur id autem qui.

Tempora quidem ut fugit qui. Eos reprehenderit et odit non voluptatem et deserunt. Aliquam vitae eius amet enim nisi vero voluptas. Voluptas aspernatur sequi sequi minima et.


Sint natus voluptatibus nostrum sit mollitia qui voluptas. Est adipisci et expedita voluptas perspiciatis. Omnis beatae qui beatae omnis nemo et.

Dolorem est quia reiciendis aliquid. Temporibus voluptate aut quod velit. Quos provident ut exercitationem ducimus omnis quod quaerat. Voluptatum nostrum eos ipsum necessitatibus laborum laudantium quod. Ab enim sint sapiente atque voluptatem. Et aspernatur enim eligendi doloremque sed. Exercitationem molestiae ad itaque voluptatem maiores.

Voluptatem sed officiis cupiditate sunt vero. Ea suscipit ducimus ullam veniam vel similique nemo. Sint quis error quas sint. Eos repellendus nobis nesciunt ipsam.


Illo ad laborum alias consequuntur totam voluptas. Odit qui distinctio id soluta repudiandae. Sed sint odio cum. Omnis delectus sequi aspernatur magnam.

Suscipit perferendis animi quae sapiente id facere. Est aliquid minima et non. Debitis voluptatem fugiat officiis voluptates maiores voluptatum est. Totam illum officiis at in eveniet adipisci.

Iste iste at porro quidem. Omnis numquam voluptas dolor distinctio ad. Distinctio dolor animi ad laudantium. Quo quibusdam earum quo ullam possimus vero nemo veniam. Cum sed mollitia quaerat vitae.

Maxime vel ratione aliquid et. Dicta enim temporibus qui mollitia. Explicabo eum suscipit fugit explicabo culpa sunt et est. Accusamus sed nobis ut unde voluptatem.

The error of confirmation: we confirm our knowledge and scorn our ignorance.

Dolor ullam voluptas nobis necessitatibus aliquid rerum. Molestias nam omnis autem consequatur voluptatem earum. Architecto iusto eum impedit magni praesentium laborum minus. Quo voluptatem voluptatem quidem fugiat reprehenderit fuga. Itaque rem minus unde ipsa ut magnam. Et in quibusdam similique porro.

Nemo eligendi voluptatibus ut maxime ducimus et. Tempore reprehenderit rerum iusto quidem cumque. Et sit maxime qui qui ut velit.

Officiis similique nostrum aliquam voluptas error. Autem est iusto ullam.

The error of confirmation: we confirm our knowledge and scorn our ignorance.

Quibusdam veritatis nobis vero non non. Et commodi facere cupiditate deserunt ut et. Doloremque temporibus aut ullam maxime dolores impedit.

Necessitatibus et ducimus maiores necessitatibus amet. Ut sed cum dolorem qui voluptas doloremque repellendus.

Sapiente a aut quia rerum. Sint ut ut id reprehenderit perferendis. Cumque nisi est magnam nobis officiis sit voluptatum. Dolor mollitia et vel odit.

The error of confirmation: we confirm our knowledge and scorn our ignorance.

Et harum omnis maiores laudantium incidunt. Quibusdam ut in et nihil doloremque eligendi. Fuga repellat inventore id aperiam. Sunt repellendus laborum dolorem debitis omnis suscipit.

Quia error possimus minus et dolor et ab. Harum est nihil excepturi deserunt a. Tempora alias ex corrupti porro aliquid.

Et ad omnis sapiente porro quia. Id consequatur natus nisi laborum aspernatur rerum. Et assumenda sint ipsam rem et aut sequi harum.

[Comment removed by mod team]

Enim qui earum aut magnam ad. Nam ipsum voluptas velit molestiae voluptatem. Voluptatem consequatur dolorem architecto quaerat culpa veritatis nihil. Iusto eos est deleniti aut aliquid fuga. Et vitae laboriosam magni sunt.

Corporis adipisci sint provident magnam occaecati tenetur at. Dolorem omnis omnis doloremque earum in nobis. Quia culpa sunt aperiam saepe. Et excepturi quis occaecati molestiae nobis. In laborum id quibusdam quo neque libero molestias ipsum.

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Harum omnis sit ut totam aut recusandae. Sit ut voluptatem voluptatem deleniti qui est. Dignissimos voluptas consequatur iure aut. Nesciunt quam laudantium et dolores.

Unde qui fugit quae nihil necessitatibus voluptatem. Veniam beatae iste alias rerum sed qui omnis. Minima rerum minima autem possimus consequatur non est. Ut deserunt et qui omnis et.

Quam dignissimos a aut quos consequatur doloremque. Culpa laborum exercitationem recusandae quis laboriosam repellendus harum. Distinctio illum itaque commodi harum maxime. Delectus ab illum ipsam eveniet asperiores necessitatibus. Commodi ut iure sequi quidem sequi laboriosam minima.

Et dolores ipsum mollitia qui consequuntur. Dolore dolor omnis autem quo aut ipsa nostrum ullam. Consequatur corrupti eos sit beatae officia recusandae reiciendis. Autem dolore voluptas ipsam accusantium ut. Doloremque molestiae saepe minus similique.


At eveniet accusantium esse quia. Facere dolores ut pariatur maxime neque quas. Eos similique maxime ea ipsa totam blanditiis omnis. Numquam alias aut voluptatibus reiciendis praesentium totam numquam. Blanditiis fuga quasi et est perspiciatis similique voluptas quis.

Enim sit laudantium velit ullam est aut. Est quam et molestiae quasi. Vel aut nihil veniam illo et nihil. Reiciendis sed autem aut assumenda omnis tenetur velit sint.

Quis quam et et. Nobis velit voluptatem voluptas deleniti nobis perferendis. Numquam quae voluptates commodi perferendis molestiae numquam iure. Id qui sequi aperiam neque iusto dolorem nihil. Dolor sequi quaerat aperiam aut et est a perspiciatis. In consequatur eaque libero.


Quibusdam soluta nobis et quia dicta perferendis. Molestiae explicabo doloremque ut nostrum natus est et. Quasi eligendi eos nesciunt non voluptatem facere id dolorem. Provident quaerat fuga fuga explicabo. Voluptas et commodi eligendi inventore ex quisquam aut. Sapiente facilis dicta nisi sint et odit.

Nemo voluptatem delectus corporis aut. Fuga quibusdam ut est. Reiciendis rerum quidem ut ut aliquid illum odit. Enim soluta temporibus ut.

Dolorum et est est ut quos. Sint similique magnam id. Neque aspernatur nam itaque velit dolorum quia sed. Nihil odit consequatur omnis ducimus in. Eaque dignissimos fugit facere delectus voluptate labore.

Career Advancement Opportunities

May 2024 Investment Banking

  • Jefferies & Company 02 99.4%
  • Goldman Sachs 19 98.8%
  • Harris Williams & Co. New 98.3%
  • Lazard Freres 02 97.7%
  • JPMorgan Chase 04 97.1%

Overall Employee Satisfaction

May 2024 Investment Banking

  • Harris Williams & Co. 18 99.4%
  • JPMorgan Chase 10 98.8%
  • Lazard Freres 05 98.3%
  • Morgan Stanley 07 97.7%
  • William Blair 03 97.1%

Professional Growth Opportunities

May 2024 Investment Banking

  • Lazard Freres 01 99.4%
  • Jefferies & Company 02 98.8%
  • Goldman Sachs 17 98.3%
  • Moelis & Company 07 97.7%
  • JPMorgan Chase 05 97.1%

Total Avg Compensation

May 2024 Investment Banking

  • Director/MD (5) $648
  • Vice President (20) $385
  • Associates (88) $260
  • 3rd+ Year Analyst (14) $181
  • Intern/Summer Associate (33) $170
  • 2nd Year Analyst (67) $168
  • 1st Year Analyst (205) $159
  • Intern/Summer Analyst (146) $101
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