Breaking into buy-side equity research - my experience

This will be my very first post to this forum, which is admittedly dedicated more to banking and private equity rather than investment research. Given the dearth of content on buy-side equity research (understandable given the small size/low turnover of the industry), I have decided to share my experience breaking into buy-side research from the sell-side.

DISCLAIMER Although I am personally a devout member of the value camp, I will be talking about long-term oriented fundamental investing in general. So when I write “buy-side research”, know that I will be referring to that instead of quarter-trading hedge funds (think the Citadel hedge fund family, Balyasny, etc) and the like.

Why would you want to work in buy-side equity research?

I can't speak for all shops, but in general, the work environment is very intellectually stimulating and the organization is very small and flat. Research teams in general number at most in the tens of people. Your work is about finding the truth the market doesn't see rather than trying to close the next deal. The market is the ultimate determinant of whether you are correct in the long-run, not whether or not you can trick the next idiot to buy your garbage (I’m very cynical about the sell-side). I will not be talking about life on the buy-side, because BlackHat wrote a very good post about it a while ago, and it still rings true today. I will note that his perspective is from that of a hedge fund, likely a fundamental shop (maybe a Tiger Cub), so there will be some differences between our comments.

If you like to think and analyze, to have a ton of autonomy, to have very reasonable work hours, to be very well compensated, and to work with a small team of smart, dedicated people, then buy-side research may be the right place for you (you results may vary).

What is my background?

I will be intentionally vague when it comes to personal information. I’ve recently started at a relatively small shop ($10B+ AUM, fewer than 10 people on the investment team) after having worked at a non-BB sell-side equity research shop on the east coast for less than 3 years after graduating from a non-target school. The entire recruiting process took around two years. This is because I was targeting a very specific niche within the already small buy-side equity research opportunity set: long-term value funds that outperform over full market cycles.

What was my experience like in sell-side research?

It’s pretty miserable. You’re basically marketing for stocks of your bank’s IBD clients. Sell-side research makes money through the traders (commissions) and through offering corporate access. Most people don’t really care about sell-side “insight.” When we weren’t running around like headless chickens during earnings season, we were scraping the bottom of the barrel on quarterly/monthly/weekly information with which we could spam up our clients’ (buy-side research) inboxes and voicemails with our “differentiated research.” I came in knowing that sell-side research is likely the best way to break into buy-side research, so I really just had to tough it out for a while.

Although the quality of research of our department wasn’t all that great, it was pretty clear to me that most sell-side research in general just sucks, be it from bulge brackets or from boutiques. Many initiations are no more than a rehashing of investor relations presentations with little to no value added. The industry itself is dying right now due to the overhang of MiFID being rolled out in Europe, which will be separating payment for sell-side research and commission payments for trade execution quality (normally when a sell-side shop provides research a buy-side guy finds useful, it is expected trades will be directed to the S&T department of that sell-side shop to “reward” them for the research).

Luckily, your targets are the very clients your department deals with on a day-to-day basis: the buyside research professionals that you spam email or spam call. The downside is that the people who tend to take sell-side opinions seriously are generally really bad investors (likely quarter traders) and you probably don’t want to work there anyways. However, there is normally some sort of exhaustive client database available where you can find the contact information of pretty much every single buy-side shop in the industry. This is where the real work begins: the networking.


Since the buy-side has such low turnover, especially for the good firms, how do you break in? In general, the larger shops tend to have established research associate (RA) programs for people with 0 – 4 (up to 6 or more) years of experience. However, at the end of the program, the RA is usually kicked out and is expected to go to either MBA, another shop, or leave the industry altogether. (Note that the hierarchy is associate, analyst, PM) This is because top level (analyst and PM) turnover is so low that there’s simply not enough room for promotions. Some shops that do this include: Brandes, Dodge & Cox, Hotchkis Wiley, Fidelity, Wellington, Putnam, T Rowe Price.

How would you break in then? I’ve found there are a few opportunities to do so:

  • Right out of undergrad, either full-time hire or intern conversion (relatively difficult since the companies that do this normally recruit either with local schools or at “target” schools).
  • Breaking in as a research associate after 2-3 years of experience (most frequently from sell-side research, but I’ve also seen bankers doing this).
  • Analyst hire out of MBA as a career switch. This is very straightforward.


Like with any position in finance, networking is your best bet for breaking into this industry, I would say even more so than banking since by far the most important consideration on hiring you is cultural fit. When I say “cultural fit,” I don’t mean that bs buzzword that you bring up during your banking interviews, where every culture is just frat bro excel modeling. I’m talking about stuff like:

  • Is research done slow-paced or fast-paced? How long does it take to vet an idea?
  • Is the decision making based on a committee model or a star PM model?
  • Do people prefer consensus building or a meritocracy of ideas?
  • Is the quality of the ideas valued more than the rank of the person coming up with the idea?
  • Is there more focus on breadth or depth?
  • Are people siloed in their industry coverage or is there a generalist style sharing of ideas?
  • Is there a collegiate environment? Are colleagues approachable?
  • How do people react when they are proven wrong?
  • What is the philosophy on risk management? Is it a critical component of the thesis or an afterthought?
  • What is the orientation of the funds (absolute value, deep value, relative value, growth, GARP)?
  • How much emphasis do they place on the qualitative side like management teams versus the quantitative side like modeling?

Networking as a way to find openings:

Networking is not only important to determine cultural fit, it is also useful to find openings! What do I mean by that? The problem with hiring, especially at a lot of smaller shops, is that openings are sometimes not advertised anywhere, even on their own websites! In fact, for my own position, I was referred by a director of research at another very solid buy-side shop who knew my current shop was looking for a junior hire. My strategy has been: **building out the professional network and making a good impression so when an opening comes up, you would be the first to know.** Your strategy should be to never let any door unopened, because the opportunity set is so small you cannot afford to miss out.

How to network:

How do you go about networking? The progression is simple and should normally go like this: cold email asking for a call, networking call with hopefully a referral, apply to opportunity and reference your contact. I won’t be going over cold emailing other than to say you definitely would want to personalize it for the company you are reaching out to. I’ve mostly been reaching out to RA’s rather than analysts or PM’s. Also, sometimes it could be helpful to reach out to someone not in research, especially if that person is an alum of your school. In fact, I’ve gotten interviews this way by asking them to refer me to the relevant HR person! You could also ask them to refer you to research personnel.

For the networking call, you should come up with very specific and targeted questions for your contact. Really get into the heart of their culture and the way they do things. Obviously you will get better at this and asking questions over time. You shouldn’t be asking things that could be asked of any company like: “what are your hours?” “what is your favorite part of the job?” “what do you think of the current market?” You would be better off asking stuff like: “you guys are a value fund, but you own Netflix. What’s the value thesis behind that?” “Although you guys have a star PM model, is there any leeway for questioning or challenging the star PM’s ideas?”

Hopefully, at the end of the networking call you have made a positive impression on your contact, and you should ask about either open positions, potential open positions in the near future, or referrals. ALWAYS have an “ask” at the end of the call, since otherwise you’d just be wasting your time. In addition, the conversation should also have revealed to you whether or not you would fit in with their culture, e.g. if you are a slow, deliberate thinker, you wouldn’t enjoy working at a fast-paced shop. Wash, rinse, repeat.
To attest to the power of networking, in my experience, I have been able to get at least a first round interview at 90% of the places I applied where I have at least 1 networking contact. And if you tailor your resume to buy-side investment research, you could even get a reasonable interview rate for places you don’t have a single contact.


You almost never interview with HR in this industry since cultural fit is so important. In addition, you should never get asked stupid questions like “if you could be a fruit, what would it be?” at least at any shop that you would want to work for. You also never get asked irrelevant behavioral questions like “tell me about any leadership experience you’ve had.” First round interviews are done over the phone by analysts. Then, if you make it to the next round, you would be interviewing onsite with many members of the team, including PM’s.

There are actually two types of interviews:

1) “Investing” interviews where the interviewers are interested in your abilities as an investor more than your technical knowledge and excel modeling skills; generalist shops always conduct these while industry coverage shops sometimes conduct these
2) “Coverage” interviews where they don’t really care about your investing skills since you’re going to be their excel monkey; these are industry coverage positions where all they care about is how well you know the industry and if you can do the modeling work

Objective of the interviewer:

I will go over the types of questions they ask, but first, I will discuss the objective of the interviewers. Ultimately, interviewers are trying to determine if the candidate possess the three necessary qualities for a great analyst (in my opinion and in no particular order):

1. Intellectual integrity – this is not just being honest, but having a love of the truth. This means being willing to admit when you are wrong and relentlessly pursuing the truth (not falling for confirmation bias, the bane of investment analysts). This quality also includes an insatiable curiosity. If you lack this but possess the other two, you’re a sell-side analyst, i.e. a sleazy salesman.
2. Analytical skill – having a love of the truth is not enough if you can’t arrive at the truth. As an analyst, you need to be able to synthesis information and draw conclusions.
3. Passion for investing – possessing the above two would be sufficient for a scientist, but to be a great investor, you need to love investing. It’s the passion that drives you to read boring filings and tread through massive datasets. It’s also this passion that translates your conclusions into actionable insights to inform the next investment.
4. Culture – this isn’t a quality, but this is something the interviewers want to know about to make sure you’re a cultural fit

Interview questions:

Below, I will list questions that you will almost definitely encounter in your “investing” interviews. Note that these are all behavioral, as 95% of your questions will be behavioral, with 5% remaining being brain teasers to make sure you’re not an idiot. I will number them 1 to 4 to correspond to the qualities listed above.

  • What got you into investing? (3)
  • What’s your investing style? (4)
  • Tell me about a time when you were wrong. (1)
  • Tell me about a book you’ve read recently (3,4)
  • How do you approach valuation? (2)
  • What is the process you use for due diligence on a company? (2)
  • Tell me about something that’s not on your resume/what do you do for fun? (4)
  • Why do you enjoy investing? What keeps you going when things get tough? (3)
  • (If you’re in sell-side research) Do you disagree with your analyst on any names? (1)
  • (If you’re in sell-side research) Are there any names you like outside your coverage? (1,3,4)
  • What is your greatest weakness? (1,4)
  • Why do you want to work here? (4)
  • Who’s your favorite investor/which investors do you follow? (3,4)
  • What do you think about the holdings in our portfolio? (1,4); I’ve once bad-mouthed one of their holdings and it turns out my interviewer was the one who had pitched it (and he’s the director of research)! I ended up moving on to the next round, so the intellectual integrity element is clearly valued!
  • What do you have in your own portfolio? (3,4) This question may be tough if you’re in sell-side research, since there is very likely a substantial amount of trading restrictions on companies in your industry, which just so happens to be the area you’re most familiar with. I would recommend having a few names to talk about here, unless for some reason ownership of all stocks is restricted by your current employer.
  • Pitch me a stock. (1,2,3,4)
  • Any stocks you don’t like? (1,2,3,4)

The pitch

In addition to these interview questions, I highly recommend you have at least 1 fully developed pitch and corresponding report as a work sample. The pitch will be something to talk about during the interview and you will be referring to it many times to demonstrate and highlight your strengths. For instance, you can point to the model to emphasize your technical/analytical skills. You can also talk about how you’ve head to dive through thousand-page filings to find the information needed to create the pitch (showing your passion for investing). You can even talk about things you’ve learned during the due diligence process (displaying your intellectual integrity).

Customize the pitch:

Ideally, the pitch should be customized for the place you are applying to. I had two pitches at my disposal, 1 “buy” and 1 “short.” These should be comprehensive and fully developed where you can speak confidently on any concerns or questions the interviewer may have on the name. Consider it a representative piece of work you would put out if you were hired as an analyst and needed to make an investment recommendation to the PM. Naturally, since I was recruiting exclusively for value funds, both my pitches were value oriented. These pitches took me two to three months to create each, since the only real time I could work on them is during downtime at work or during the weekends.

Don't be stumped on your own pitch:

Before you even interview, make sure the interviewer has a copy of your pitch so you could highlight your strengths during the interview. If you have ANY doubts as to whether or not your pitch would increase your chances of getting an offer or if you are afraid the interviewer could conceivably poke holes in your thesis, go back and DO MORE RESEARCH. You should NOT be stumped during the interview on your own pitch. Know the bear thesis if you’re bullish. Know the risks to your thesis. Know the different angles of attack.

Your report should be however long it needs to fully develop your thesis. You can have an appendix if you want, but you should have all your hard hitting arguments in your report. I’ve heard some people argue that a 2-page report will suffice, and there’s truth to that suggestion. In fact, most interviewers don’t even read this report. However, you will know a shop is really worthwhile if they read your report and ask you targeted questions on it. Those are the shops that actually want to develop internal talent and are the ones that have an open-minded culture where the merit of the ideas matter more than the seniority of the person coming up with the idea.

You will likely be asked about any other stocks you like, so it may be good to prepare one or two additional pitches (no need for full report) where you know the general thesis and some risks. You will only be asked 1 question on these auxiliary ideas, in all likelihood.

Companies of note

Don’t bother with bank owned asset managers like GSAM or JPMorgan’s asset management arm. Also don’t bother with BlackRock – they are trash. I’ve never heard a single good thing about them nor have I ever seen one of their ex-employees at a better shop. This is absolutely not an exhaustive list, just the funds that are decently sized and have been around for a while. There are quite a few very solid boutique value shops around the country I didn’t bother listing since they hire by demand.

Fidelity – only hires out of intern conversion, out of undergrad (lots of Ivy Leaguers), and out of MBA. No chance of joining as an experienced hire if you’re pre-MBA; All the Boston research associates know each other (I mean across firms. So you should expect the Fidelity guys to also know the Putnam or Wellington guys). Frankly the quality of their research team isn’t that high. Although you get coverage immediately out of undergrad, there’s no real unifying philosophy on their investing.

Putnam – same as Fidelity. Even the research structure and culture are extremely similar

MFS – not a great shop, but probably one of the oldest asset managers out there; I believe they do hire out of undergrad

Wellington – has an undergrad internship program for women and under-represented minorities. Hires out of undergrad and experienced hires and MBA interns and post-MBA. Their Launch Research Associate is the relevant program where you get placed into a group and rotate positions/coverage. They have quotas for both out of undergrad hires and experienced hires (pre-MBA). Their onsite portion gives you 1.5 hours to prep a pitch on two names they give you (pick one) and then you’ll need to present in front of a committee. A nonsensical exercise.

T Rowe Price – Has undergrad/MBA internship, right out of undergrad, experienced hires, right out of MBA; no real culture, too big to succeed type. Their funds have so many holdings, they pretty much just do closet indexing

Clearbridge – Mostly growth strats, no real way in out of undergrad or at the associate level. Does do MBA interns and hires out of MBA. Has connections to Columbia

Fred Alger – Aggressive growth shop. Hires a lot of Yale people out of undergrad research associate program. Also experienced hire pre-MBA

First Eagle – well known shop, I don’t think there’s any way in pre-MBA

Ruane Cuniff Goldfarb – Sequoia Fund took a big hit after their Valeant debacle. Still a well-known name and highly respected value shop. Buffett recommends them. Don’t think there’s any way in out of undergrad; they rarely hire

Neuberger Berman – employees bought this group from Lehman Brothers during the crisis. Has many products including private equity. They have an “internal sell-side” structure, which is exactly as it sounds. Hiring at the pre-MBA level is by demand. No real upward mobility, and they are definitely a “coverage” interviewer. Expect the RA job to be very similar to sell-side RA in that you support your analyst with very little input.

Royce – famous small-cap value shop with strategies that run independently from each other. Almost never hires.

Tweedy Browne – old school international value. They very rarely hire and only at the post-MBA level

Davis Funds – founded by the son of the famous insurance investor Shelby Davis, now run by Shelby Davis Sr’s grandchildren, I believe. They do all industries not just insurance. They very occasionally hire post-MBA

Pzena – publicly traded investment manager. No way in pre-MBA.

Harris Associates – a top tier asset manager in Chicago, generalist structure, famed for their “devil’s advocate” procedure, with star PM Bill Nygren. Definitely a guy you should follow if you’re into value investing. They have domestic and international sides that run almost entirely independent from each other. EXTREMELY competitive to get a spot here. They recruit sophomore interns who have a chance to become junior interns who has a chance to become a research assistant (basically just does the modeling/support work). The research assistants work and compete with each other for a few years before one of them is promoted to research associate, where he would pick up a couple names as coverage. Now, the firm intends to develop and promote this associate hopefully to an analyst one day. Harris Associates also hires people out of MBA and post-MBA, though rare.

Diamond Hill Capital – a very fast growing value fund in Columbus. Has a relatively large team but also develops/promotes talent internally. Sometimes hire out of undergrad and pre-MBA experienced hires. Also sometimes take people out of MBA. Industry coverage groups.

Dodge & Cox – Takes junior interns and also hires people out of undergrad and experienced pre-MBA hires. Very occasionally takes MBA interns since they have extremely low turnover. Very old value shop using relative valuation. Committee decision making structure, though management can be very traditional and have a lot of biases. RA’s are kicked out within 4 years, though many people leave before then. Excellent placement into top MBA programs; you can be almost guaranteed to be placed into HBS, Stanford, Wharton, or Booth.

Hotchkis Wiley – Hires out of undergrad and pre-MBA experienced hires. Not sure about MBA hires. People generally stay around 4 years. This is a value shop with industry coverage.

Causeway Capital – Their differentiating factor is that they combine fundamental research with quantitative analysis. They do international value in industry coverage teams. They make experienced pre-MBA hires from time to time, currently building out their China coverage team. They do take MBA interns.

Brandes – International value shop run by Charles Brandes who retired 1Q18. They have a sizeable RA population that they hire out of undergrad and pre-MBA experienced hires. They run industry coverage groups. Also takes a good number of people for their MBA internship. Hires people normally starting in August as the school year starts – for both pre-MBA experienced and undergrad hires. If you’re a pre-MBA experienced hire, you would start in January whereas the undergrad hires would start in July. If you’re reading this post when I posted it, they should be starting their recruiting very shortly!

Capital Group – extremely hard to get in and very good reputation. They do make pre-MBA experienced hires but it is a buyer’s market for them since so many people apply there. Also their MBA intern program is extremely competitive and I hear they give maybe 1 full-time offer per year to MBA interns.

TCW – do take people out of undergrad and experienced hires. Don’t know much about them, but quality of research is likely low given I’ve never encountered any of their ex-employees at top shops.

Hope all of that help! Feel free to message me with any questions or post replies here. No guarantees I’ll resp


Oops, yes you're right, I should have mentioned the CFA. It slipped my mind since it was something I took for granted (almost like a good GPA being needed to break into banking). I have passed CFA level 2 exam and expect to take level 3 next year.

CFA is a weird thing. Everyone whom I respect as an investor considers the certification to be a scam, though something that is unfortunately necessary for marketing purposes (it's better for clients if everyone on the research team has a CFA). In fact, the CFA program frequently teaches pseudoscience and blatant misinformation, since exam materials are written by professors who've never done a fundamental report in their lives.

Think of the CFA like this: it is a badge of commitment to the investment research profession. Although you will never use anything learned from the CFA in any real capacity as a long-term oriented value investor, having the designation or having made progress on it shows people that you are committed to this career, since it takes a decent amount of time to study for the exams. If you're trying to break into buy-side from an industry that isn't sell-side research, you better have made progress on the CFA to show you're serious about investment research as a career. If you're in sell-side research, you should be making progress on it as part of your current job anyways.

Subutai Baghatur:
In fact, the CFA program frequently teaches pseudoscience and blatant misinformation, since exam materials are written by professors who've never done a fundamental report in their lives.

The CFA exams while not perfect, are not written by just professors, but also include very experienced and senior professionals. I know someone personally who helped write exam questions for over 10 years and is very respected in their current line of work (asset management).

"Give me a fucking beer", Anonymous Genius

+1 Excellent post, I have accumulated a similar target list to your companies of note section with similar opinions on them. The interview questions section you posted is especially helpful as well.

Questions I have: -Comp level/structure? Progression if they've laid it out for you? -Had you not been able to secure this position or a position out of the sell-side role, were you planning on going the MBA route? Has this changed now that you've landed your new role? I am of the opinion that for myself to land at one of the shops on your list, a top MBA would present the best opportunity, although I am planning on reaching out to some places post level 3 results. -Did you ever work with recruiters? If so, any recruiters that you think are of better quality?

Appreciate the post, hope that I can reach out to you in the future when/if I start looking to lateral as a Pre-MBA experienced RA type candidate when I have more specific questions.


Thanks for your reply.

  • I work at a very small shop, so there's very little structure on an "expected" path of upward mobility. They've indicated an intent to promote me to an analyst position after I complete the CFA program and I would then be coming up with ideas on my own and working largely independently. This is because I need time to acclimate to their culture and they way they do things (evidence of how damn important culture is!) My comp is extremely generous. Total comp assuming target bonus (assuming I perform in-line with expectations) is easily on-par with an equivalent IB position and a massive raise from my sell-side equity research position (which pays market rate). I would NOT assume this to be the norm for a buy-side transition since this is a buyer's market! In fact, it would not be unreasonable to expect your total comp to be similar or even might be slightly lower than sell-side research. Also do not assume a better shop would pay more at the associate level. They have so much buyer's power they can afford to pay you less.

  • Oof, I'd very much rather not think about what would have happened if I failed to move to the buy-side pre-MBA. I was very much determined to succeed; giving up was not an option. Call me a wimp if you want, but sell-side was so miserable it was a combination of the pull of my passion for value investing and the push of my hatred of sell-side research that drove me to to go as far as I did. This is why I emphasize leaving no stone unturned as the optimal strategy. I am dead serious when I say that if you can think of an action that would conceivably improve your chances of a successful transition at relatively minor cost in time or effort or money, DO IT ASAP. Set aside your anxiety, your fear of rejection, your fear of failure. I have failed so many times, it has become an art. You don't even want to know how many times I've fallen 5 feet from the finish line. I've even gone as far as flying myself out to meet a team that was unsure if they wanted to interview me in person (so I basically preempted their interview process) only to be rejected. (I probably don't recommend doing that unless you really know what you're doing). As of right now, I have no intention of doing an MBA. I've always viewed MBA as a means to an end (of becoming an analyst) if I were to go start out at a buy-side shop that would kick me out after a few years as an RA, and obviously if my current shop promotes me, I would no longer need an MBA. If you're comfortable with making that move after MBA, just remember to keep up your networking game right now and through your time in school. Don't wait to network, DO IT NOW (or when earnings season finishes, haha). Also, don't wait to recruit, DO IT NOW. Worst case scenario you try again during your MBA. Just remember not to make a bad impression anywhere, since this is a super tiny world...

  • I've had some exposure to headhunters. However, the vast majority of them either send you crappy opps (like bs fund of funds) or filthy quarter trading hedge fund opps. There are definitely some headhunters out there that specialize for long-only's, but I've never used or met them. If you're willing to use them, by all means see if your peers have access to good headhunters. They're always out on the prowl for new "inventory."

And feel free to reach out anytime. All I ask is that you pay it forward and mentor others who have a passion for fundamental investment research.

Most Helpful

My opinion on large vs small boutiques isn't that different from my opinion for example between Fidelity and say FPA. One is "too big to succeed" closet indexer while the other one has a more compelling/clearly defined philosophy. I'm not saying every team at Fidelity is like that but it would be a fair generalization. Naturally there are some exceptions for large firms (Cap Group would be one). Also I'm not trying to imply all small boutiques are great - you should be selective about their culture and performance. Working at boutiques very often means a broader coverage universe and thus greater perspective on various industries, so at Fidelity you might be an associate covering video games but at a boutique you might be covering all media or whatever the superset industry is (or even a generalist). Normally, it could also mean you get a better shot at actually pitching your own ideas instead of exclusively working on your analysts', but Fidelity and Putnam are actually exceptions to this - their associates immediately have coverage. From my conversations with my contacts, it would appear that for most larger funds, associates rarely get to pitch.

A hedge fund is probably more similar to boutique asset managers, even at larger funds like Citadel. This is because these pod shops, as the name suggests, work in very small pods of maybe 5 people give or take. I've never really networked much with hedge funds so I can't comment too much on it. As you know, there's much more upside on pay and stability is lower relative to an asset manager. Because hedge funds are such a diverse group, it is hard to generalize much about processes beyond this, sorry.

At my company, idea generation is very fluid - there's no set way of screens or whatever (though we do run screens from time to time). Very often, a PM would come across a name that they've always held in high esteem but never bought because the price until only recently had been too high - we would catch up on the name as a potential new idea. There could be trigger events like change in management, spin-off, sudden increase in insider buying, drop in stock price due to a potentially transient issue, etc. that would initiate a due diligence process. I haven't been doing much idea generation myself since I'm still quite new here, but if I come across something that really shines, I have no doubt the PM's would encourage me to pursue it at my own pace.


It's really simpler than you would expect - you want to be brief and to the point. Cold emails should not be any more than a couple of sentences and should take less than 30 seconds to read. Introduce yourself, say how you found them, throw in a tidbit about what's interesting about their fund as a reason why you want to talk or maybe something unique about their work experience, express interest in buy-side research, ask for a short call.

Subject can be something like "aspiring research associate reaching out" or if the recipient is an alum, "_____ alum reaching out"

Career Advancement Opportunities

May 2024 Investment Banking

  • Jefferies & Company 02 99.4%
  • Goldman Sachs 19 98.8%
  • Harris Williams & Co. New 98.3%
  • Lazard Freres 02 97.7%
  • JPMorgan Chase 04 97.1%

Overall Employee Satisfaction

May 2024 Investment Banking

  • Harris Williams & Co. 18 99.4%
  • JPMorgan Chase 10 98.8%
  • Lazard Freres 05 98.3%
  • Morgan Stanley 07 97.7%
  • William Blair 03 97.1%

Professional Growth Opportunities

May 2024 Investment Banking

  • Lazard Freres 01 99.4%
  • Jefferies & Company 02 98.8%
  • Goldman Sachs 17 98.3%
  • Moelis & Company 07 97.7%
  • JPMorgan Chase 05 97.1%

Total Avg Compensation

May 2024 Investment Banking

  • Director/MD (5) $648
  • Vice President (20) $385
  • Associates (88) $260
  • 3rd+ Year Analyst (14) $181
  • Intern/Summer Associate (33) $170
  • 2nd Year Analyst (67) $168
  • 1st Year Analyst (205) $159
  • Intern/Summer Analyst (146) $101
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