tattoos in banking?

would love a genuine answer from ppl in the industry that have worked at top firms (jpm, lazard, ms, deloitte, etc.) if tattoos are acceptable in the work place? not a full sleeve but a 2 individual ones on the arms? I’ve been screamed at by family that I’ll ruin my life if i get tattoos and no one will want to hire me but do these ppl actually care? (i’m a girl if that means anything)


Dude here who is heavily tattooed. from what I hear; it's slowly getting more lenient and even some MDs have sleeves. With that being said banking is still a very conservative profession and people say hide it, because if it's hidden 24/7 at work then a problem will never arise. As a man I can wear a suit and be fine, id say just wear something that is appropriate in the office and covers your tattoos at all times, I know it sucks but you have to do what you have to do. 


All you have to do is not show them at work. 

Lmao @ Deloitte being a "top firm" though

Commercial Real Estate Developer

sad to see ur mentality is so constrained. famous athletes and people who have made it in the space wouldn’t be famous and successful if their tattoos mattered. I suggest you look at ur values and change them bc that’s honestly a poor way of thinking. Why judge someone based on ink on them instead of their actual character?

Most Helpful

I have tattoos myself and I get where you're coming from, given my more conservative background. There are certain tattoos, especially the artsy, patchy kind, that I'm not a huge fan of and would make my face scrunch up.

However, with all that in mind, I believe we should all strive to be less judgmental (can't eradicate altogether, we're too different as human beings) at the least for your sake. Life would be marginally happier with such unnecessary stress points minimalized.

But at the end of the day, you do you, good sir / ma'am as long as you're not actively harming others.


Generally as the other comments have said, it’s just easier to keep them hidden. I’ve noticed though that at my BB that the back office and middle office roles are starting to care less and less and I predict it will linger slowly more to front office. Yeah as someone who is seeing clients daily it’s a bit more constrained, but people used to wear suits exclusively before right? Look where that’s gone now

Edit: I also see more tattoos visible on girls vs guys, there could be a lot reasons but I feel like it’s because higher ups tend to be more male dominated and they’re less comfortable making comments on women’s dress and look than men. I think with the trend that more women join finance and they grow into higher positions on average this may change. This is in no way to say that there are 0 MDs that are women (I actually work for one) but everyone knows there’s just less of them

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