good-but-not-outstanding profile advice
Good evening, I hope this post finds you well!
I am a third year Finance BSc student starting a two year MSc in Finance in a top EU School (think of HEC/Bocconi/St. Gallen...) and I am here asking for a suggestion. I think that helping my 'middle' positioning can be helpful to a lot of others interested in breaking into IB.
I am talking a about 'middle' position to highlight that I am not such a strong profile (Top gpa - Internships - Clubs...), but neither a Low level profile, as i have at least sufficiently good grades, a strong real passion for finance (though i haven't applied for clubs yet), and two no-name company internships. Moreover, I will start an off-cycle at a top 30 REPE Funds in december.
My desire would be to work in London, and since I am enrolled in a two year MSc starting in September this should be my shot.
What would you suggest to me in my case? Do you think I have a real chance to work in an investment bank? (In IB in particular, but I'd be interested to know also opinions about S&T, Research, AM). What do you think of my profile? What would you suggest to an 'average' profile as I think mine is?
I appreciate a lot every response.
P.S.: I appreciate also every thought you have on applying for SA positions while not being a super top candidate but a discrete-average-middle positioning candidate.
I am in a similar situation. Here I often feel like you need to be some sort of superhuman to break into high finance. Are we average good students just destined to big4? Lol
Unde molestias est eum repellat omnis aut quos iusto. Dolor libero sunt enim non. Aspernatur id earum quibusdam quis molestiae rerum.
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