Apple vs Android (or Google Phones)

Time for an updated thread on this topic since the most recent ones are pretty old
(also looking to possibly break away from the apple cult)

Apple vs. Android - in your opinion which is better and why?

What's your go-to phone and what do you mostly use it for?
Apple or Android; are you die-hard either way?
Anyone who has made the switch from one to the other, why did you do it and how has it played out?


Android. I've had apple before but I found that the screen easily breaks. Besides the obvious response between why Android vs Apple, I enjoy the use-friendly operating system of Android. It just feels more logical as to how to reach certain things such as power saving and internet options. It's got more flexibility with the software, I like the color correction on it more. I also feel (not sure if accurate) that android phones last longer (not battery wise though). Also the price, apples are just expensive for everything down to the charger.

Just an Undergrad trying to get a job. Something you disagree or dislike about my posts? Let me know by PM'ing me or commenting constructive criticism.

Android hands down. Switched from an iPhone, was subsequently blown away by the endless customization options and freedom Android provides to those who know how to utilize it properly. Recently got a Samsung S7 (Am aware there are alternative brands, but I decided to go with the safe option) and use it for pretty much everything.

To infinity... and beyond!

You hit on all my points, it's must easier to use and the possibles to change the OS is endless. Apple feel very restrictive with it's OS.

Just an Undergrad trying to get a job. Something you disagree or dislike about my posts? Let me know by PM'ing me or commenting constructive criticism.

I've never used an apple product so I am bit biased. iPhones don't really impress me and while I do admit they look good and make everything seem easy and fast, its a phone catered to people who are really social and vested more in the perceived life style than utility and freedom.

I have a Galaxy s4 and still runs well albeit it is rooted and I intalled cyanogenmod. Some arguments for why I recommend an android phone are:

  • You like freedom and total control

  • You don't like being restricted to an app such apple itunes

  • You can root your phone granting you control over every single minutae

  • Once rooted you can download paid versions of apps without paying them (douche bag move but good if you want to save money)

  • Plenty of music players that can play all types of codecs

  • The camera app that comes with the samsung phones is aces and gives you the opportunity to do all kinds of cool effects. I am really serious about this, a lot of the camera app effects which are available on the iphone were heavily inspired from the samsung camera app

Technobuffalo has some really good reviews on youtube.


Out of curiosity, hasn't your s4 begun to become slow? I'm using an S5 and it's already showing signs of major aging.

Just an Undergrad trying to get a job. Something you disagree or dislike about my posts? Let me know by PM'ing me or commenting constructive criticism.

You should clear your cache every once in a while and even do a full wipe and start from scratch if you want to go the extra mile. Your contacts should all be saved to your Google account in the cloud so you won't lose those.

Apple vs. Android - in your opinion which is better and why?

Easily one of the most annoying fanboy debates on the internet - right up there with Playstation vs. Xbox.

Use whatever phone you want for reasons you want.

Commercial Real Estate Developer
Apple vs. Android - in your opinion which is better and why?
Oh fuck off.

Easily one of the most annoying fanboy debates on the internet - right up there with Playstation vs. Xbox.

Use whatever phone you want for reasons you want.

Absolutely useless fucking comment. Don't contribute if you aren't going to contribute.

“Elections are a futures market for stolen property”
Absolutely useless fucking comment. Don't contribute if you aren't going to contribute.

Calling this never-ending and unoriginal "debate" what it is, i.e. bullshit, is far more useful than people jerking themselves off over which phone brand they prefer.

Commercial Real Estate Developer
Best Response

I used to work in the industry. You couldn't pay me to use an Android phone. The OS is still fundamentally inferior to iOS...its memory management is appalling, it requires constant care and attention to function properly. Sure, the customization is cool...until you see the god awful way most people customize their phones. There's as many people who are good at figuring out what looks good on a phone UI as there are people that can properly design a car. Not many.

Android is better than ever, and certainly has some features that iOS doesn't have...but I use Apple products, don't care about the customization, and appreciate the extra time taken in design of Apple's hardware and UI. Also, I need a phone that will function properly for more than a few months without extensive fucking around. I don't have time for that.

"When you stop striving for perfection, you might as well be dead."

Apple is trash. Literally. Android is an OS so you need a good phone for it to fly. Apple is all in on and it blows.

The shit is relatively slick, but other than that its mediocre. Performance? How about being able to save files and attach them to email with ease. Or not needing an adapter to attach headphones.

I have an IPad Pro. Not sure what's pro about it. It's a big ass iPad like the 1st Gen I had. Glorified handheld TV.

I am all Apple now because my banks IT can't figure out that good app runs on both OS. Once that changes all this Apple shit is going on Craigslist.

Edit - my Sony Xperia Z2 was the shit. I'm an idiot and didn't get the dual card slot for when I'm international. Apple, yeah, good luck.

It's a design company that created a cult. Sadly it's leader died and now it's just a shitty fashion piece. Apple Watch? GTFO. IPad Pro? Please. Apple TV. LOL.

Their phone was revolutionary. IPad was ground breaking. The torch has now been passed.


I have apple because I'm scared of what girls will think of me when I text them and the text bubble comes out green and not blue. I also like when they face time me their boobies.

We're not lawyers. We're investment bankers. We didn't go to Harvard. We Went to Wharton!

I currently use a Oneplus 3T. All that Samsung computational power with 3/4th the price tag. Plus, supercharged charging.

I also keep an iPhone 6S since I work in a number of timezones and require 4 sims for work/travel. Oneplus was still way better

GoldenCinderblock: "I keep spending all my money on exotic fish so my armor sucks. Is it possible to romance multiple females? I got with the blue chick so far but I am also interested in the electronic chick and the face mask chick."

2 on the OnePlus, 1 on the iPhone and one on my trusty Nokia 1570

GoldenCinderblock: "I keep spending all my money on exotic fish so my armor sucks. Is it possible to romance multiple females? I got with the blue chick so far but I am also interested in the electronic chick and the face mask chick."

The best one I've ever used was Blackberry 10 (rest in peace), but Android is definitely better than iOS. Never used Windows Mobile (except the really old versions around 2005-2011) but it's pretty much dead anyway.

Some reasons to dislike iOS: - no real multitasking (apps in the background get "frozen" e.g. Dropbox uploads dont continue in the background, whereas Android now even offers two apps running next to each other on the same screen) - no file manager or access to the file system (have fun downloading a random file from a website or a messenger and attaching it to an e-mail - it's either impossible or needs like 5 steps to do) - can't open/play files such as FLAC (lossless audio), webm videos (an essential for 4chan browsing) or open document (it's the ISO standard for office documents) - only one browser allowed (all "alternative" ones are just Safari with a different interface), can't change default browser - switching between apps is kind of annoying compared to BB10 or Android - can't transfer files without iTunes - no bluetooth file transfer - no apps from other sources than the app store, so you are subject to Apple's or maybe your government's (e.g. China) censorship. (e.g. app was removed from both the App Store and the Play Store. On Android you could just use an alternative store or download the APK directly. With Apple, no chance.)


Oh how I loved the BB Q10

GoldenCinderblock: "I keep spending all my money on exotic fish so my armor sucks. Is it possible to romance multiple females? I got with the blue chick so far but I am also interested in the electronic chick and the face mask chick."

Both are Good according to their functionalities. Even everything include with advantages and disadvantages. So we always focus on the Advantages because advantages are more as compare to the disadvantages.


Why would I buy a phone with a high price and poor performance? I think the Android phone are very cool ,and Android phone are good for phone data manage and i have never used the Google phone,


I have a Motorola Droid currently and have experience using both competitors (iPhone and Blackberry). For one, I find Droid's slide-out keyboard to be both more reliable and faster to use than the on-screen only keyboard of the iPhone, which should be relevant to anyone in IB. Second, Google is more innovative in terms of software than is Apple and has announced an initiative to produce itself and collaborate with third-parties for many more apps for 2010. Third, Google is attempting to market it as a new corporate phone whereas Apple doesn't seem to want to compete with Blackberry in that regard (the Droid, for instance, already supports auto-sync of contacts on corporate networks so you never have to look up your colleagues' phone numbers). I am also optimistic that Google will have a hit with Wave (their upcoming communication/collaboration network) and having access to the Android operating system will give more value to Wave users than would an iPhone.


I have an Android phone, and I think it beats the iPhone in every way except for digital music, and even then I use Pandora when I listen to music on my phone, so for me, Android and iPhone are tied in that space.

AT&T blows. The fact that Android is available on non-AT&T networks is a major selling point. iPhone's app store is bigger, but you can find all the apps you'd want to use on the Droid as well. Once Droid gets traction (which won't be too long from now), its app store will be much better, especially given the openness of its software platform.

"In October, 2009, Gartner Inc. predicted that by 2012, Android would become the world's second most popular smartphone platform, behind only the Symbian OS which powers Nokia phones very popular outside the US. Meanwhile, BlackBerry would fall from 2nd to 5th place, iPhone would remain in 3rd place, and Microsoft's Windows Mobile would remain in 4th place"

A personal anecdote - most of my friends have iPhones and have played with my Android phone and have all said they would want to switch. That just might be because it's the new kid on the block, though.


The Droid makes the Droid sound. That's all you need to know.

I have an iPhone 3G and love it. The only major difference in phone functionality that's better on the iPhone is the ability to pinch zoom in and out. That and there are more apps, but I mean, there are so many useless apps that it's a crap shoot.

Verizon service is also untouchable. My shit drops calls all the time, fuckin' AT&T.


I have an iPhone and after playing with my brother's new Droid on Christmas, I am looking to switch as soon as possible. AT&T v. non AT&T is the lynchpin here. Going online with the Droid is so much faster than my IPhone (not 3GS). As mentioned above, the apps will continue to pile on, so I wouldn't worry about that.


can those with the droid please comment on how the e-mail is? I heard that gmail is "push" and everything else is not...but is the "push" like blackberry's "push" where it's almost instantaneous or is it like the iphone's "push" where there's a 10-15 minute delay


I say hold out. I tend to follow the developments in the tech industry as much as I can and I would advise you to hold out for just a couple more months.

Google will most likely be officially announcing the "Nexus One" on Jan 5th. Although this will be unsubsidized and probably run on T-mobile's network it could be a great option. It most likely will be a little raw, as the OS will remain "unskinned" unlike that of the Droid and HTC made Android devices but it will provide everything that Android has to offer.

Even if this isn't your thing...I still say hold off. The phones on the market now, with the exception of the Toshiba G1, HTC HD2 and just a couple other phones, all others run rather outdated (and slow) processors and use inferior display/screen technology. The "Nexus One" doesn't. Now with its official announcement, Google will essentially raise the standard for mobile devices and force the competition to step-up their game. The good news is most of the cell manufacturers already have these devices in the works and will likely speed up development and push forward release dates.

Anyways, a good option for you if you want to stick with Verizon will most likely be the HTC Passion, which will likely be called the Bravo on the Sprint network. These aren't necessarily the names they will be sold under but more likely names used in development.

Good luck with your decision...I will eagerly be awaiting the new year.


"The trouble with our liberal friends is not that they're ignorant, it's just that they know so much that isn't so." - Ronald Reagan

Another factor is the lack of exclusivity with the iPhone. It was cool and exclusive in the Summer of 2007, but now, every other person has one.

Based on comments here - you may also want to consider the Palm Pre. Palm hired Apple/iPhone engineers to design a new phone. Very cool OS - great multitasking. Being able to sync your contacts with facebook & google is amazing. Data is fast - emails are instantaneous and you get very cool notifications. GPS & Google Maps, Pandora for music and it syncs with iTunes. Data plan is cheaper than AT&T/Verizon and data speeds are faster in NYC. On my trading floor - Sprint does win in data speed/reliability vs. AT&T and Verizon.

Plenty of new phones on the horizon, if you're not in a rush, you may want to wait until CES to see what will be coming out next.


I have had an iphone since the original came out and I have always been a huge fan. I also upgraded to the 3G The interface is simple and easy to use, the email actually looks like email unlike the blackberry, and basically I am lost without it...

However, AT&T is terrible. I drop calls all the time, my apps are sluggish, etc. and I am seriously considering switching when my contract is up because I want to have verizon. I assume gmail syncs contacts, calendars, etc seamlessly with anything that runs the android operating system correct?


My question in regards to your topic is this: On Friday, some rating agency (can't remember sorry) ranked ATT as a strong buy. Wouldn't you think the opposite as they are on the threshold of losing a contract that forces many users to exclusively use that provider? It may just be my inexperience, but I would think, at least at the outset, there would be less than outstanding thoughts about ATT's future going forward, especially in light of the fact that (as many have said here) they haven't done much in the way of improving infrastructure since getting that exclusive contract.

Just my 2 cents

If I had asked people what they wanted, they would have said faster horses - Henry Ford

Just bought a used iPhone 3G off my friend's gf. I chose a used iPhone because my VW GTI has an iPod adapter, so I wanted to double up and get an iPod and smart phone that I could use in my car. Had the phone jailbroken and unlocked last night at the mall and I'll be signing up with T-Mobile because they are way less expensive than AT&T.

Silver banana to happypants because you bring up a great point--AT&T, while it has good coverage, is outrageously expensive for unlimited talk, text and data. And once Verizon gets access to the iPhone, you can forget AT&T. Half their customers are there because of the iPhone.

Virginia Tech 4ever:
Just bought a used iPhone 3G off my friend's gf. I chose a used iPhone because my VW GTI has an iPod adapter, so I wanted to double up and get an iPod and smart phone that I could use in my car. Had the phone jailbroken and unlocked last night at the mall and I'll be signing up with T-Mobile because they are way less expensive than AT&T.

Silver banana to happypants because you bring up a great point--AT&T, while it has good coverage, is outrageously expensive for unlimited talk, text and data. And once Verizon gets access to the iPhone, you can forget AT&T. Half their customers are there because of the iPhone.

what are you, back office?! iphone is def worth it. 4>uber superior to 3g and 3GS


IPhone is the best technological advancement/device in the 21st century, and will be hailed as the coming of a new technological revolution, much like the effect of the printing press and cotton gin in generations previous

IPhone is the best technological advancement/device in the 21st century, and will be hailed as the coming of a new technological revolution, much like the effect of the printing press and cotton gin in generations previous

is that a fucking joke? Anyone with experience using both phones and any knowledge about technology recognizes the android OS as being superior in every way to the iphone's.


No, I have a real job and I develop real estate through taking big risks. Money is hard to earn--I'm not going to shell out $450 for a phone I don't need. All I wanted was a nice touch screen, decent internet access, and a device to play my music in my car. A used 3G and T-Mobile all everything for $80/month and no monthly contract fits my needs exactly.

Virginia Tech 4ever:
No, I have a real job and I develop real estate through taking big risks. Money is hard to earn--I'm not going to shell out $450 for a phone I don't need. All I wanted was a nice touch screen, decent internet access, and a device to play my music in my car. A used 3G and T-Mobile all everything for $80/month and no monthly contract fits my needs exactly.

its 200 new with a contract, dont know why the GASP contract is so horrid... at&t better than t mobile even though at&t is admittedly not best, and its 20 bucks more for at&t. dunnnnnnnnnnnno

Virginia Tech 4ever:
...and a device to play my music in my car...

I don't think it's technically YOUR music. I think you are just licensing it from Apple...but I could be wrong. Yes, that was a dickhead comment to make, lol.


"The trouble with our liberal friends is not that they're ignorant, it's just that they know so much that isn't so." - Ronald Reagan

Lets not get our panties all up in a bunch here VT and cheese. I've had an iphone since the first model and have dealt with ATT's shitty service. I had planned to switch to VZ as soon as it became available, however, a recent WSJ article points out that with VZ's current CMDA network you cannot access data and voice at the same time. A bit of a turnoff... but if the "iPhone 5" for VZ works on the new 4G network, I'm all for it.


bb torch

Pros- brick brake it is extremely fast Fits nicely into pocket
secure comes pre loaded with excel/word/pp/pdf viewer never drops calls
insanely long battery life did very good job keyboard / touch ball easy to set up multiple emails very well organized screen extremely fast apps + downloads Cons- touch keyboard sucks(I never liked touch keyboard so maybe i'm biased?) some times freezes for 2 seconds while looking up contacts red flashing light when you get a message internet kinda slow even with 3g (can't compare with i phone never used it) kinda hard to set up wifi on it if you get facebook/twitter updates it goes BING the bing is louder than the email/txt/call BINGS not a lot of fun apps have to buy data package expensive

conclusion if you are teenager in highschool or college student and wan't something to show off get an iphone/droid if you want something that you know will be there for you get a BB torch

bb torch

Pros- brick brake it is extremely fast Fits nicely into pocket
secure comes pre loaded with excel/word/pp/pdf viewer never drops calls
insanely long battery life did very good job keyboard / touch ball easy to set up multiple emails very well organized screen extremely fast apps + downloads Cons- touch keyboard sucks(I never liked touch keyboard so maybe i'm biased?) some times freezes for 2 seconds while looking up contacts red flashing light when you get a message internet kinda slow even with 3g (can't compare with i phone never used it) kinda hard to set up wifi on it if you get facebook/twitter updates it goes BING the bing is louder than the email/txt/call BINGS not a lot of fun apps have to buy data package expensive

conclusion if you are teenager in highschool or college student and wan't something to show off get an iphone/droid if you want something that you know will be there for you get a BB torch

is the torch really that awesome? hows the battery life? how often do you use your phone each day? i currently use the storm2 and i need to recharge it 3 times a day - i run no apps in the background other than receiving moderate amounts of email and it is sluggish as hell!


Yeah, so I've got an iPhone 3G, and I can tell you the service sucks. It's fucking awful. Granted, if you live in SF or NYC, where AT&T has to deal w/ the highest concentration of iPhone users, the service is worse. Which is the exact opposite of the way it should be, but that's the exuse they use. The minute Verizon comes to the iPhone, I'll be there in a heartbeat. I'm almost tempted to have it jailbroken, but that can cause probs in and of itself, so ill prob wait. Even though it's not COMPLETELY a sure thing, let's say that Pegatron will be selling a mass-produced CDMA iPhone. In my mind, there's just no way you wouldn't make the jump. From Android and BlackBerry or from an AT&T iPhone. Granted, I've only used older BlackBerries, haven't owned a Torch, so I can't say for sure that iPhone/Android blows BB out of the water, but the iPhone 3G certainly beats everything up thru Curve. And look at RIM trying to put out a tablet ... everyone's trying to keep up with Apple, and they're succeeding in varying degress. But, from my vantage point, Apple still owns.


Blackberry Bold on Verizon. I've lived all over the 48 including Hawaii and have never found a network that goes everywhere. Except Verizon!! When AT&T first launched the iPhone, all the guys I worked with dropped their service and bought it. They literally bought it....days later they were all complaining about AT&T's shitty network. I just traded in my Storm for a Bold, and the Bold is so much faster. Should get even better when OS 6 comes out.


my 2 cents

Apple is the leader and will always be the leader in all of these categories.As for vz they have the best cdma network hands down. But service isn't the problem it is product and the people demand iphone and not the others like bb and droid. I do see the numbers that are posted but the demand for iphone is so big that is spread to other nations,store,auto dealerships and everybody wants a piece of it.

Apple makes products that are simple and easy to use aka(your grandma can use the phone) and please remember they captured the public with the ipod. The ipod created so much growth and is rehashed for a new version every year and it has repeat customers. Many people own more than one ipod and you have to wonder why. Some say it broke on them others just want to be hip with the trend and that is how it goes in the us.

The facts are out apple has a stronghold on the market and if it is not through repeat business then it is through new innovations and new customers.

Iphone 3g- att - make sure you guys get your corporate discount which brings you bill down to a reasonable price ($85)

BigK 2010:
my 2 cents

Apple is the leader and will always be the leader in all of these categories.As for vz they have the best cdma network hands down. But service isn't the problem it is product and the people demand iphone and not the others like bb and droid. I do see the numbers that are posted but the demand for iphone is so big that is spread to other nations,store,auto dealerships and everybody wants a piece of it.

Apple makes products that are simple and easy to use aka(your grandma can use the phone) and please remember they captured the public with the ipod. The ipod created so much growth and is rehashed for a new version every year and it has repeat customers. Many people own more than one ipod and you have to wonder why. Some say it broke on them others just want to be hip with the trend and that is how it goes in the us.

The facts are out apple has a stronghold on the market and if it is not through repeat business then it is through new innovations and new customers.

Iphone 3g- att - make sure you guys get your corporate discount which brings you bill down to a reasonable price ($85)

Are you familiar with what happened to Apple in the 80s/90s in the computer industry? I think it's a bit clownish to say Apple will always be the leader in the mobile space


Just want to point out that this is the beauty of capitalism. For 2 years, the Apple iPhone ruled the world in smart phones. Seemed like no one could beat them. In just the last year or so, some seriously sick phones have been released, which has caused the iPhone to improve even more. Competition is a beautiful thing.


I think the droid is more of a nerd phone. It is like nerds complaining they can't run X amount of programs at the same time. But nerds are awesome so who cares. I phone has many flaws, but it did have some great innovations. The security on the phone is poor, but it had great customizations and etc. I think it caters to a casual user, and droid to the people who want the best of the best.

I would probably use the Android. Phonies, from personal experience, break rather easily.


Have a BB will be switching to a droid. Its the future, although apple has great technology they can't roll out enough phones for Verizon to make a difference. Android's security is significantly more secure then apple's.


iPhone 4. Someone said the Android was superior however, it's not all about the phone's technical abilities but the software (more specifically 3rd party software). I can't believe nobody's mentioned this yet on the thread. Perhaps it's possible that the android store has more as a percentage of apps that are free but in aggregate I'm not convinced they actually have more apps. Over time, it's very likely that with a larger user base, the quality and quantity of apps on the android platform will improve so if I were to actually choose one or the other as an investment, I'd probably go with Google but as a current user, I would just pick the iPhone.

iPhone 4. Someone said the Android was superior however, it's not all about the phone's technical abilities but the software (more specifically 3rd party software). I can't believe nobody's mentioned this yet on the thread. Perhaps it's possible that the android store has more as a percentage of apps that are free but in aggregate I'm not convinced they actually have more apps. Over time, it's very likely that with a larger user base, the quality and quantity of apps on the android platform will improve so if I were to actually choose one or the other as an investment, I'd probably go with Google but as a current user, I would just pick the iPhone.

This kills me. Apple has harped on the number of apps, blah blah blah. First and foremost, you can only have so many apps that you actually use. Secondly, have you seen the apps? There is nothing quality about many of their apps (fart noises, a fake lighter, the same game skinned a hundred different ways) and due to the lack of quality of many of them, I don't even consider quantity as a factor. It's like mega pixels in a is most irrelevant unless you are printing posters but manufacturers focus on that because it is quantifiable and easy for the average person to compare which is "better" and worth the extra scratch. You can buy point-n-shoot cameras that have 14.1mp for $200 but a DSLR with 10mp will cost you 2-3 times as much...defies logic, doesn't it?


"The trouble with our liberal friends is not that they're ignorant, it's just that they know so much that isn't so." - Ronald Reagan

I am still with BBerry but most of my clients look down on me with their iphones and ipads. I might get one just for appearances... I know it's silly but I depend on impressing them to get the contracts and my business going.You can play online pokie games and other online casino games at the best aussie casino online


Wow, I'm surprised how many of you guys use BBs. Why do so many bankers use BBs? What do you all work for gov or something? (BB has a huge proportion of gov contracts, which currently float it) ... have read quite a few articles saying bankers are exchanging BBs for iPhone 4 ... true?


Dolor quo tenetur cupiditate consequuntur non enim nostrum. Quo sit reiciendis architecto nobis perferendis. Aspernatur aut non impedit doloremque. Dolores repellendus reiciendis non nulla numquam qui maxime rem. Velit ea nulla consequatur aut explicabo tenetur.

Quod libero voluptatem fugiat sed molestiae doloremque. Enim alias sint voluptatem eaque. Nihil voluptatem culpa fuga aut harum. Explicabo ratione unde asperiores fugiat labore incidunt qui. Expedita suscipit quae quis qui vel assumenda ut ipsa.

Autem quia repellendus quidem saepe. Porro earum iure architecto tenetur. Modi dolorum facere minima earum. Id et praesentium nulla non. Et ullam praesentium voluptatem consequatur. Laboriosam quia reiciendis a quas tenetur.

Quas qui quisquam sit et. Et quia omnis eum et autem provident omnis enim. Quis sed neque corrupti ut vel consectetur. Aut ut reiciendis tempore ipsam dolor quisquam. Quaerat est voluptatem sed quod totam facilis sit. Tenetur molestiae ipsum autem veniam cum consequatur fugiat. Sint quia labore ea.

“I'm tired of this back-slapping "Isn't humanity neat?" bullshit. We're a virus with shoes, okay? That's all we are.” - Hicks

Corrupti omnis magni voluptatem libero pariatur inventore. Repellat sed fuga sequi. Adipisci voluptas non error deserunt velit. In laboriosam omnis fugit fugiat. Nobis voluptas sapiente voluptatum voluptas omnis. Hic beatae odit nam qui. Illum molestias maiores sequi.

Enim aut sequi qui sunt voluptatum inventore odit eum. Quos qui sed nam vitae ut sint placeat. Magni soluta ut provident id. Rerum sapiente maxime pariatur et ut.

Atque esse aut quia dicta provident reprehenderit placeat earum. Rerum impedit totam est pariatur numquam voluptates. Officiis reprehenderit et quos. Qui quis nihil aut porro.


Tempora at animi sit fugiat. Incidunt facere eius unde autem labore. Deserunt aut laudantium consequuntur quos. Ab at rerum eum vitae laudantium expedita molestiae illo. Perferendis nobis mollitia enim.

Omnis consequatur nesciunt quia hic. Modi placeat debitis nisi amet maiores. Fugiat cupiditate accusantium minima labore. Eum laudantium vel reiciendis ipsa rerum quos velit.

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