Broke up with gf can’t function

Hello, I'm just looking for some advice and to vent.

I broke up with my girlfriend of two years about two months ago due to some issues that I was going through. Our relationship was very happy and loving but she never put too much effort into it and made me feel unloved.

About a month ago we reconnected after she begged me to try again and decided to give it a chance but things went south quick. During the first week of trying again she was seeing other guys and not having any availability for me as she was going on dates (going to Netflix and chill even though she says they just watched a movie) I found about this during the second week when I checked her phone as she was being extremely cold and disconnected which was very rare for us. During the second week she came over the day after going to Netflix and chill at some guys house and told me she didn't want to try again anymore.

I stuck around two weeks after that since we kept talking and hanging since I still have a lot of feelings for her but at this point I just think she sees me as a backup choice. She kept always giving me mixed signals that she still loves me in some ways or that she really loves spending time with me but that she also doesn’t want to hang out much with me and wants to be alone. She keeps asking for some time till she figures out what she wants telling me that maybe in the winter she will want to date again….

Anyways all of this has broken me like never before and I can't function. I laid in bed for weeks just crying and having no energy to even workout or do anything. She seems very happy going out clubbing and partying which are things she would never do with me even when I begged her to have fun with me.

I just feel very heart broken and gutted and I can't stop thinking about her and other guys. I truly love her I just needed a break due to some internal issues I was having, I never figured that she would just move on after a month and be this fucked up. It's been a week since I talked to her but I still can't function. I have missed almost all of my training and I have no desire to do much. I'm trying to work on myself again and started slowly working on regaining my routine (managed to workout this week).

I'm just so lost on how to move on and heal, my self confidence which is normally high has been destroyed especially since we had a lot of sex issues in our relationship (had sex one every two months) but here she is happy to hump guys from tinder. It's not like I'm a bad looking guy and I'm probably even in better shape than when we first started dating. At this point I just felt like she ever truly loved me and I wasted two years and fell in love for someone who could give 0 fucks about me. She shows no remorse for what she has done and just treats me like pure shit since hence why I had to block her out of my life.

Sorry for the long rant this is just probably my first real serious relationship and I'm just shattered. I spent every minute with her and I just don't know how to be alone nor get over what she has done. I tried fucking other girls but at the end of the day that just makes me feel worse same with dating other girls. I know i need alone time to heal and move on but idk how.


Bro, it hurts and that sucks, but there’s only one way you come out on top—suck it up and invest in yourself.

Way I see it there’s 3 ways this plays out:

  1. you keep acting sorry for yourself and skip trainings and allow her to dictate your life while still not winning her back or moving on.
  2. You get your life together and try to prove the mistake she made and why you actually are so much better than the other guys she has been going to Netflix and chills with. To do this, start hitting the gym, do well in your job, possibly pickup a hobby.
  3. Really your best option: You stop feeling sorry for yourself, go to the gym, focus on your job, and recognize that unfortunately she likely wasn’t the one. Fortunately, if you bunker down and work hard for the next few years, you will have all the options in the world and you will forget about her. Hell, maybe even years down the line when she is 40 she will look you up and have a panic attack because she then finally realizes the mistake she made. Either way, you gotta get it together man and start building the sort of guy that women would want to be with—that will give you confidence to get women way better than your POS cheating girlfriend (who prob isn’t that hot anyway).

Just put out at work and at the gym. Success in all forms of life is the best revenge.

"If you always put limits on everything you do, physical or anything else, it will spread into your work and into your life. There are no limits. There are only plateaus, and you must not stay there, you must go beyond them." - Bruce Lee

you gotta get the idea of trying again out of your head bro. Imagine what you would think if your little brother/cousin/nephew got back with a girl that cheated on him.


Dude, you've got to realize that this chick is not asking for you back because she cares about you. She's doing it because you actually treat her like an human-being. 

Especially so, when you consider that she's had more dicks inside her than a private detective agency, which inevitably makes her feel super shitty about her own sense of self since it's likely all of the guys she's been hanging around with treat her like a sentient fleshlight (except for you, obviously).


I'm sorry to hear that. It hurts, but most/every guy has to go through this at least once...

Why don't you go around start seeing other girls and give her ZERO attention? She'll start crawling back and then you can have the satisfaction is getting rid of her for good, which will drive her crazy and make her want you more. But of course by that point, don't show any love or affection.


I haven’t texted her in a week and I been sleeping around/seeing other girls a good chunk for the past two weeks but it hasn’t been helping out all. I still keep just thinking about her when I’m on a date or sleeping with someone else, and it drives me crazy that she hasn’t even tried reaching out once since I stopped talking to her.


I hate to sound dark here, but you should really think about moments and times when she just straight up used you and took full advantage of you like some puny piece of sh1t who no one cares about. If you really put it into perspective, she's straight up toxic and just used you up. Go on all her social pages (FB, Insta, whatever) now and see all the fun she's having with other dudes and girls, and see how you're nowhere in the picture. And then take a deep breath and try to be rational about this, not just emotional....

Sooner or later you'll hopefully get it and it'll click - she doesn't five a fuh about you and never did, but liked the satisfaction of having you around and using you up.


It’s okay! I really appreciate it and have already accepted the fact that she never loved me and only liked the idea of having someone around. I’m just still struggling to heal that’s all, I spent way too much time with her to the point that I’m very disconnected from all my friends and hobbies that could help me in this situation.


Block her and delete everything. Have a friend on standby to always stop you from contacting her. Delete and keep everything about her out of your life or reach. Seriously, do not contact her. Delete her number and block her from every single thing you could possibly reach out to her through.

Do NOT reach out to her, do not forgive her, do not think about what YOU did wrong because you did NOTHING wrong.

Keep grinding, focus on yourself, realize women are trash, and have fun dude. Don’t let yourself derive your value from her opinion or the opinion of other women.


Pro tip: never chase after girls. Make yourself desireable for girls so they chase you (by working out, looking good, making good income, having interesting hobbies). 

that was ur problem. U should’ve improved on yourself and made her feel like she was actually missing out by not being with you. . . 


I actually agree with Pizz on this one.

"If you always put limits on everything you do, physical or anything else, it will spread into your work and into your life. There are no limits. There are only plateaus, and you must not stay there, you must go beyond them." - Bruce Lee

And if even in the end, u work out, get better looking, make more money, etc. AND she still doesn't come back to you...GUESS what--her LOSS, and ull find someone else who WILL WANT to suck your dick for what u are and have become


It doesn't seem like the two of you feel the same about each other. You seem to care for her more than she does about you. When you have this inequality, a toxic power dynamic emerges. She holds the power now. You're letting her hurt you. She could potentially cheat more, and, unless you realize she's not treating you right, you are going to forgive her every time. You're going to suffer while she won't worry about anything because she'll come back to you and know you'll accept her apology every time.


Healthy relationships require mutual emotion. The emotion isn't mutual here, and unfortunately the person with the bigger heart is the one who suffers in these cases.

She's putting herself first and dealing with her issues the way she wants to, without any regard for your feelings.

You need to put yourself first and let her go. Being with someone who cheats on you isn't going to make you feel good. Do what you need to in order to make yourself happy, and the first step is letting this girl go.


Block her and move on I’m afraid. I was in a similar place years ago - it gets a bit better everyday.


Block her and move on I'm afraid. I was in a similar place years ago - it gets a bit better everyday.

You’re afraid? lol ok take a Xanax 

"If you always put limits on everything you do, physical or anything else, it will spread into your work and into your life. There are no limits. There are only plateaus, and you must not stay there, you must go beyond them." - Bruce Lee

Focus on yourself and you’ll get through this. I think you understand she wasn’t right for you. The sex wasn’t good, she wasn’t that into you and when you weren’t in a good place, she went out and fucked other guys while stringing you along the whole time. I don’t know about you, but I’d rather be lonely than be with someone like that.


The issue here is that you say she was great and fine until 2 months ago yet mention that she didn’t want to go out with you to parties but now she does it and has a lot of fun. That indicates there were structural issues in the relationship earlier on than 2 months ago. I hate fo say it but she’s using you like a sugar daddy but has been having “fun” with other guys. Those “mixed signals” is probably due to your earnings. She wants to have fun with other guys but wants your money (or potential money) too. Agree with others that you have to cut it off and come to terms with it. As for forgetting. I’d recommend changing the places you go to if possible and not going to the same places you used to go with her if possible.


When girls are trying to lock in a guy it’s either for immediate gratification or the long term play or both. Based on your comment the long term play can still apply. Would not your long term earnings in high finance be multiples of what she will make? If you both decide to have kids guess whose wallet will be paying for most if not all expenses. It’s inaccurate to think that those from well to do background can’t be thirsty for money. Anecdotal but I do know chics from upper middle class/upper class backgrounds who bluntly tell me they will only consider marrying a rich guy who will give them all the money they want to fund their hobbies. The idea is that some girls who have grown up with wealth want to aim for even higher and the easiest way to get that is by marrying a rich man.


I can't even imagine what this is like. I've never had a serious relationship, but even when I just have a fling with a girl and I start liking her, I'm shattered when things don't go any further. The most recent time a girl didn't want to move things along with me, it was so brutal. Everyone deals with it differently. For me, I found that being alone was extremely tough. Instead, I actively sought to hang out with friends each night and get a drink or two and just hang out. Not good to self-medicate, and that's a whole other topic, but being with my friends and knowing that I had such a strong and loving support group really helped me get through it. It helped me realize that this one person is so unimportant in my life and instead I shifted my focus to being grateful for the relationships that I did have and for the people who wanted to hang out with me as much as I wanted to hang out with them. In the end though, I would still think about this girl when I was alone. And I've found that the only fix for that is time. Seeing/sleeping with other girls doesn't do anything. You just have to let time heal a broken heart. 

You got this brotha!


The first serious breakup is crippling.  I've certainly been there and truly thought I'd never bounce back from it.  It will absolutely take time, but years later you'll look back on it and laugh about how you felt/behaved.  Some of my fondest memories with friends have been trading self-deprecating war stories of traumatic break ups.  You realize how common it is and how hurt even the 'toughest' of people felt.

I also fully believe that pain, resentment, and anger are powerful tools.  Obviously it is a fine line, but you can channel those emotions for good.  One extra set in the gym, one extra mile on the run, an extra push to pursue a promotion/career advancement, etc. etc.  

Stay strong my friend!



The first serious breakup is crippling.  

Very true - I dated from about 16 - 27 and broke up with every girl until 27 when a relationship went down in flames and I broke up with her first and then we got back together and then she broke up with me. We were living together too so very complicated. I couldn’t shit or eat or do anything but feel this null empty void. Well I did shit eventually of course but terrible feeling. I’ve only had 3 chicks break up with me and the other ~12 relationships I broke it off.

"If you always put limits on everything you do, physical or anything else, it will spread into your work and into your life. There are no limits. There are only plateaus, and you must not stay there, you must go beyond them." - Bruce Lee
Isaiah_53_5 💎🙌💎🙌💎


The first serious breakup is crippling.  

Very true - I dated from about 16 - 27 and broke up with every girl until 27 when a relationship went down in flames and I broke up with her first and then we got back together and then she broke up with me. We were living together too so very complicated. I couldn't shit or eat or do anything but feel this null empty void. Well I did shit eventually of course but terrible feeling. I've only had 3 chicks break up with me and the other ~12 relationships I broke it off.

15 relationships.. my guy? And I'm assuming your body count is like 10x that. You ever consider just getting a dog and a fleshlight?


Stop trying to qualify yourself to women. You do your best to be a good person in general, that's all that matters. And it doesn't matter if it's for your guy friends or your girlfriends. Romantic relationships obviously require a little more care as they're certainly different than strictly platonic ones. But this idea that "love conquers all" or whatever is bullshit.

Just do your best according to what it means to be in a romantic relationship. If she doesn't like what you have to offer, then she can hit the road and some other chick will always be there to take her place. You wouldn't accept a male friend walking all over you and you shouldn't do the same just because it's a woman and she was willing to give you sex once per month.



I am not one to generally write things in this manner...

  • Stop being a God damn wounded snowflake (we called it something else).  Please.  Just stop now.
  • Your world is not ending it is just starting.
  • Burn everything (Delete in your generation)
  • No Fucks Given.
  • Buy a bottle of Johnnie Walker Blue.  Drink it.  Still wanna cry?  Buy another and repeat.
  • Place every penny you WOULD have spent on her and sock it away.
  • You are an Investment Banker for fucks sake.  Act like the Big Swinging Dick you always wanted to be.
  • No former partner is worth your mental time.  Think of it this way:  Spending five minutes thinking about them is five minutes you could have used for something productive.
  • Rent a hooker (or whatever the PC term is these days)
  • Take a vacation with friends (long weekend OK).
  • Breathe...Just breathe.

You should not give two fucks.  No retaliation either (i.e. Don't call the DEA and say they are running a meth lab, or drop off some coke in a fed ex box at her office)

You are a sovereign individual. You are your own CEO.  Dust off your big boy pants stop going to the internet to wallow and be the best version of YOU.

Namaste. D.O.U.G.

Dude your advice is just fucking terrible. Please just stfu and go back to your "HURR DURR I'M A BSD BANKER" corner. We don't have time for your kind of retards.


Hey griezeball --

DURRRRR...I am not a banker.  Would never be a banker and apparently you do not feel that telling someone to man up is appropriate.


Take your participation ribbon and your snuggly blanket and go color in a safe space.  The adults are here trying to offer some advice.

Namaste. D.O.U.G.

I know it sucks. Accept it for a day, feel bad, do what you need to do, but by letting her control your life and by simping and feeling sorry for yourself, you actually make it harder to move on.

Call up your friends, go pick up a hobby and spend time with it, talk to other women, and focus on the fact that you have another day to live, to make something happen.

We all go through this, every guy has been fucked with in the way that you have and that’s what teaches us to avoid these types of people going forward. Ask yourself: do you love yourself? What would you expect from someone who you wanted to be with? What do you expect of yourself when you love someone?

I bet it’s a hell of a lot more than this person was giving, and so I ask you, why would you settle for less than that?

The person your with shouldn’t make it hard to love them. They really shouldn’t. You need to tell her straight up that 1.) she sucks and she clearly used you and 2.) that you feel hurt, but that you know better and you certainly are going to move on from this.

Then, delete everything about her from your phone and push forward. You won’t care about this in a few weeks. And don’t wait or anticipate her crawling back. She likely will, but who wants to be with a woman / guy who can’t realize what they have the first time around?

You’ll move on. Love yourself, don’t waste your life over someone. She wouldn’t do that for you, and you sure as hell should NOT do that for her.



Literal quote from Isiah

Nope - 18 - 25 isn’t HS 

"If you always put limits on everything you do, physical or anything else, it will spread into your work and into your life. There are no limits. There are only plateaus, and you must not stay there, you must go beyond them." - Bruce Lee
[Comment removed by mod team]

Omg bro I'm so sorry to hear that shit dude. Fuck that's rough, dude you need to cut her completely out and block her from your life. It's evident she doesn't give a fuck about you and you need to focus on yourself and make yourself happy. Total cunt move on her part to be fucking other dudes while stringing you along. Stay strong brother, the right one will come along soon enough, but it's important for you to find your own inner peace happiness.


One thing I learned the hard way is if a girl ever wants to take a break, do it and don’t look back. Even if she begs and entices you with many incentives.... if a girl wants to take a break, she is not worth your time. The relationship will not last even if you devote your life to her.

This is a tough thing to go through after a long term relationship with her but the best bet is to focus on other aspects of your life that you can improve and become a better person. Take your emotions and brokenness and drive to succeed with your career or other aspects of your life. Don’t look back at her or that relationship. It will take time but in the end you will be a better person and she will be the dirty whore who is still humping tinder boys.


Don’t ghost her - block her 

"If you always put limits on everything you do, physical or anything else, it will spread into your work and into your life. There are no limits. There are only plateaus, and you must not stay there, you must go beyond them." - Bruce Lee

Anonymous Monkey

Hello, I'm just looking for some advice and to vent.

I broke up with my girlfriend of two years about two months ago due to some issues that I was going through. Our relationship was very happy and loving but she never put too much effort into it and made me feel unloved.

About a month ago we reconnected after she begged me to try again and decided to give it a chance but things went south quick. During the first week of trying again she was seeing other guys and not having any availability for me as she was going on dates (going to Netflix and chill even though she says they just watched a movie) I found about this during the second week when I checked her phone as she was being extremely cold and disconnected which was very rare for us. During the second week she came over the day after going to Netflix and chill at some guys house and told me she didn't want to try again anymore.

I stuck around two weeks after that since we kept talking and hanging since I still have a lot of feelings for her but at this point I just think she sees me as a backup choice. She kept always giving me mixed signals that she still loves me in some ways or that she really loves spending time with me but that she also doesn't want to hang out much with me and wants to be alone. She keeps asking for some time till she figures out what she wants telling me that maybe in the winter she will want to date again….

Anyways all of this has broken me like never before and I can't function. I laid in bed for weeks just crying and having no energy to even workout or do anything. She seems very happy going out clubbing and partying which are things she would never do with me even when I begged her to have fun with me.

I just feel very heart broken and gutted and I can't stop thinking about her and other guys. I truly love her I just needed a break due to some internal issues I was having, I never figured that she would just move on after a month and be this fucked up. It's been a week since I talked to her but I still can't function. I have missed almost all of my training and I have no desire to do much. I'm trying to work on myself again and started slowly working on regaining my routine (managed to workout this week).

I'm just so lost on how to move on and heal, my self confidence which is normally high has been destroyed especially since we had a lot of sex issues in our relationship (had sex one every two months) but here she is happy to hump guys from tinder. It's not like I'm a bad looking guy and I'm probably even in better shape than when we first started dating. At this point I just felt like she ever truly loved me and I wasted two years and fell in love for someone who could give 0 fucks about me. She shows no remorse for what she has done and just treats me like pure shit since hence why I had to block her out of my life.

Sorry for the long rant this is just probably my first real serious relationship and I'm just shattered. I spent every minute with her and I just don't know how to be alone nor get over what she has done. I tried fucking other girls but at the end of the day that just makes me feel worse same with dating other girls. I know i need alone time to heal and move on but idk how.

This instance is just a drop in the bucket of life. While it is hard and it is painful... you are young. There is so much more to experience. Give yourself a fixed time to beat yourself up about it (10mins to a weekend) and when that time expires, wake up.

Take a moment to acknowledge the good in life. What are you grateful for? What’s going right? What can you control and what can’t you control?

Heart break is hell, but healing starts with your mind. Mindset, outlook, and attitude can go so far. Change your mind and your body and heart will follow.

Just wake up.


Hope you will get better after these events. We support you. From your writings, it seems like you truly loved her. Sadly, nowadays most people know how to date but ability to love and care about someone is a rare asset. But you possess this asset. By explicitly saying that you cried after breakup and feel broken means that you didn't lose her but she lost you. Most people wish to have a person next to them like you; who can truly love and care. I know for now it feels terrible but don't hurt yourself, it is not worth it. Feeling empty happens you spent a lot of time with her. For couple of time, don't try to find another one or develop bad habits. Spend some time with friends, family, have some hobbies.Don't feel sad. Sometimes challanges come and bad things happen to good people as well. Just keep going and don't get yourself broken under the pressure. You are hard-working, intelligent person (your career shows that) + you have nice heart (your writings show that). So, girl lost you, you didn't lose her. You deserve far more. Be patient and strong. Good things take time.


Several months back I experienced this same pain, and working in a bullpen with heartbreak was damn near impossible, I thought everything was over and I was ready to quit my job and move to the woods..but what I will say is this in the months following with my supporting cast to keep me going - I signed up for therapy, hit the gym (lost 30+ pounds), am in the best shape I’ve been in years, and I just recently signed a buy side offer I never dreamed of possible, you know what the craziest part is? None of this would’ve happened if not for the break up and at the beginning of this I would’ve thought the future was just me laying in bed and never feeling anything in life. 

I hated hearing this but time heals all, but YOU need to step forward and get after it. If you’re in high finance - you’re driven, competitive, and can get through anything. I know it’s hard to hear, but we’re rooting for you king. Show her what she lost. 


It's not you that's the problem it's her. Don't take her actions to heart (as hard as that may be). Focus on yourself, surround yourself with people you care about, and treat yourself too. Buy some jewelry i.e. a watch or something (doesn't have to be expensive). Helped me when I had to break up with my girlfriend of 3+ years. Sorry buddy, keep pushing. There's light at the end of the tunnel and it's much shorter than you'd think.


I am just wired wrong? Because this would not have the same effect on me. I believe people are supposed to come and out of our lives.

SafariJoe, wins again!

from a girl perspective, she probably only wanted attention after u guys reconnected and wanted the feeling of u still needing her, and once she got it, she didn't care about u anymore - honestly sounds like she never really did, so f her, be glad this happened bc who knows would've happened if you stayed w her even longer. block and delete that hoe on everything, all ur pics and in months time you will be great


You gotta start hitting the gym daily - I’d recommend the morning before work - to boost up your confidence. Once you have confidence you will be more optimistic about life.

Next you gotta laugh more and the best way to do so is by spending time with friends and family. The people who mean the most to you will bring out your happiness.

Lastly, you need to get laid. Doesn’t matter who she is or how bad the sex is just do it. Literally any girl sounds better than this girl who plays with your heart. Do these three things and your attitude will turn around. Just takes time.


this. last point especially. I don't mean to be rude, but OP's point about "once every two months" was quite alarming. consistency in this area of life is essential for your mental and physical health.

I truly think you need to start prioritizing your physical needs and health, which stretches from this to the gym to your mental health etc.


oh my god bless your heart - I'm a girl here and trust me ...we can be the absolute worst. I would definitely give you a hug if I could. Of course it is important to go to work and stuff but I will say this because it does help - let it bleed all out. Like really, cry like a baby, like for days even. In the shower, in your food, on a walk, on the phone, wherever (just hopefully not on a business call or at work) - because I feel like letting it all out now, will make the bleeding stop later. 

Remember why you guys ended - "made me feel unloved" - there you go - if you felt unloved then it's not worth it anymore. Yes I totally get it where maybe you want her still because the relationship was "fan-fricken-tastic and happy" most of the time while sometimes having those tough unloving moments, but let me tell ya, it's your brain playing with you. The moment I knew I was so in the wrong and that my relationship was long gone when my ex told me he was flunking out of school (me, an overachiever) and was in gamblers anonymous and I was trying to find justifications as to why I still wanted him (im 20...). 

also if she didn't do the clubby shit in the relationship she sure as hell aint doing it now - meaning she's doing all of this crazy nonsense to prove to you that she has the upper hand (for the moment). We ladies are evil and want to get revenge so of course she's gonna rub humping random ass dudes on tinder in your face, *you broke up with her* not the other way around.  The moral of the story is, she is immature (as most people are now a days) and she wasn't the one. It happens. To like 99.9999% of us.

I'm so sorry for your pain - I know the feeling 1000000xxxxx - so feel free to PM me if you need to vent to some random ass chick on Wall Street Oasis, I'm all ears :) <3

You will get over this my love, even if it feels like you never will. 


The best revenge is self improvement

That phrasing sounds lame - this is better:

”Success is the best revenge”

"If you always put limits on everything you do, physical or anything else, it will spread into your work and into your life. There are no limits. There are only plateaus, and you must not stay there, you must go beyond them." - Bruce Lee

I wish I could meet someone as serious about relationship as you .... you deserve the best!


Welcome to heartbreak.

You need to embrace the emotions. It sucks. It is part of the process.

But you won't feel like this for more than six months if you play your cards right. 
My suggestion is a little bit different.

0/ Cut her off completely. Delete her number, all texts, email, messages etc. Get rid of all her stuff that you have. Cut off ties to all mutual friends. This should have been done yesterday.

1/ Read two books:

- A guide to the good life by William Irving

- How to stubbornly refuse to make yourself miserable about absolutely anything by Albert Ellis

These two books will help you build a strong stoic mindset and snap out of this. 

2/ Desensitize yourself. And you don't achieve this by going on a hookup bender. Instead, stop seeing anyone for the next three months. Yes. You will realize you don't need to chase women to be happy -- and that alone makes you a lot more attractive in their eyes. And when you are ready, only go out at most twice a week - Thu and Sat. 

3/ Pick up a mindfulness practice. It could be Yoga (check out Animal Flow) or a meditation practice. Could even be the Wim Hof method. You want to have a "zero f*cks given attitude", it will take daily practice. 

I do not need to tell you what happens next. 


Why does a person's happiness depend so much on a single person?

Not everyone has two or three girlfriends like you, Pizz.

"If you always put limits on everything you do, physical or anything else, it will spread into your work and into your life. There are no limits. There are only plateaus, and you must not stay there, you must go beyond them." - Bruce Lee

She Belongs to the Streets

Seriously, girls hate it when you're the one to break up with them. It hurts their pride or something. When you took her back after she begged you it gave her leverage over you, validated her, and gave her a chance to reject you. Whether she did it consciously or unconsciously, that's how women are. Never take a woman back once you break up, especially if you were the one to call it off and she begs you to come back. She only wanted you because you didn't want her. Once she got you back then she didn't care. Send her back to the streets where she belongs. Afterwards, work on yourself. Once she sees you looking good from going to the gym, enjoying your life, getting other girls, and getting paid she will call you again. And believe me when I say she will secretly check up on you through social media and mutual friends. That's when you hit it once, send her back to the streets, and ghost her.

It will take time, but you should fill your schedule up so you don't have time to think about her. Hit the gym, go out, get a side hustle going, learn a new skill, etc. Be productive, and do whatever you have to do to stay preoccupied. We've all been there.


You're an idiot honesty, however I do get the feeling that you're also young. Why would you stay with a girl that openly fucks other dudes whilst you're supposedly "dating". You're right that she's using you as a backup and you should have recognized this immediately and dumped that sloot. 

I wouldn't cut contact but just keep her as a side piece, i.e. if she comes around you hit and that's it. She's no girlfriend material. 

By the way, whilst you were typing your post, I guarantee you that she was on her back and some dude was on top of her dropping his 12 inch dong in her and she was screaming, wet and was loving it, clawing all over his back. That dude makes her scream like you never made her scream and he fucks way better than you. Every time you think about her she's most likely got a dick in her mouth so you better stop being a dumb cuck and forget about her. 

Best way to do so it to go and fuck more girls and do what makes you happy such as exercise or find a hobby. 


From someone who went through a breakup with a girlfriend of 3+ years right before quarantine & while starting a new job, here is my advice and personal reflection on the matter.  

  1. Like you, I was personally destroyed and didn't have the drive to do anything (along with COVID starting, I couldn't even leave my house).  Talk to your close friends and family about the matter, but realize at some point this relationship isn't going to workout - and if it does, it won't be until you've both matured as people and spent a significant amount of time away from each other.
  2. Pick up a new hobby that requires detail and attention.  When I went through my breakup, I went back to playing hockey more frequently- which I have played my whole life.  I thought it would be a good distraction, but since I wasn't learning a new skill, it didn't help much.  So, I started training martial arts and it completely changed my outlook and mindset - learning a new skill that requires physical activity as well as detail is really enjoyable and will certainly boost your confidence. 
  3. Don't try filling the void of your ex with new girls.  The best thing you can do for yourself is giving yourself time to heal - including, blocking or muting instagram, twitter, facebook, etc.  You'll look back in a years time and wonder why you tortured yourself with that & how some of the stuff you did was so uncharacteristic of yourself and borderline crazy.  Resist the urge to look, speak to her friends, anything of the sort.
  4. Lastly, make sure your job doesn't suffer.  If you need a week vacation to explore a new place on your own or with a close friend, do it.  However, don't let your work quality or timeliness suffer. 

Head up bro, soon you'll come to realize this breakup was for the best and you'll find someone who is truly worthy of your time, energy and love.  I certainly thought my ex was going to be the girl I marry, but came to find out it was just another lesson.


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Est blanditiis aperiam necessitatibus. Eligendi est consequatur velit natus rerum. Debitis impedit et voluptatem ut officia quaerat. Error magni inventore similique eos maxime quia voluptas. Ipsum consequuntur recusandae ea rerum.


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Career Advancement Opportunities

May 2024 Investment Banking

  • Jefferies & Company 02 99.4%
  • Goldman Sachs 19 98.8%
  • Harris Williams & Co. New 98.3%
  • Lazard Freres 02 97.7%
  • JPMorgan Chase 04 97.1%

Overall Employee Satisfaction

May 2024 Investment Banking

  • Harris Williams & Co. 18 99.4%
  • JPMorgan Chase 10 98.8%
  • Lazard Freres 05 98.3%
  • Morgan Stanley 07 97.7%
  • William Blair 03 97.1%

Professional Growth Opportunities

May 2024 Investment Banking

  • Lazard Freres 01 99.4%
  • Jefferies & Company 02 98.8%
  • Goldman Sachs 17 98.3%
  • Moelis & Company 07 97.7%
  • JPMorgan Chase 05 97.1%

Total Avg Compensation

May 2024 Investment Banking

  • Director/MD (5) $648
  • Vice President (20) $385
  • Associates (88) $260
  • 3rd+ Year Analyst (14) $181
  • Intern/Summer Associate (33) $170
  • 2nd Year Analyst (67) $168
  • 1st Year Analyst (205) $159
  • Intern/Summer Analyst (146) $101
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