I want to quit my uni

I go to a target school in the UK. I really don't like my uni at all. I don't like my course either. I just think about it and get depressed.

I have done everything I can to make my life at this uni better (sports, EC's etc) but I still hate it a lot. I am on my break and am dreading going back.

What shall I do?

Look for transfers (I don't think I'm eligible)? Get a job and start a new course that I actually enjoy somewhere else? I really want to leave this uni - really really hating it.


[quote=G.M.Trevelyan] I think that was too harsh. I mean; if he's unhappy he's unhappy.

Having said that: unless there is a good reason (i.e. like you may keel over and die in the process) I happen to think you should finish what you started. I think university is all about setting out to do something; and then doing it. Not much else really. Don't have a weird dropout story; just suck it up and finish.

"Dont compromise yourself; you're all you've got" - Janis Joplin

I just hate my course (not the amount of work, the actual content itself). I don't feel like I'm growing in any way other then 'taking classes/plodding through work'. I don't enjoy/look forward to anything about the uni. I feel like I've chosen the wrong degree/career path completely but am stuck (limited module options etc so I cant even swap). When I go to uni all I can think about is when I'm coming back.

I have a good set of friends, am active socially otherwise, I just genuinely detest the uni and regret everyday for picking it.

Edit: I did swap course btw. This new one is marginally better but still nowhere close to tolerable. So I'm not a coward actually.


What are you studying and how does it determine your career path? if it's a target and you have a decent profile you should be eligilbe for most paths in finance. I never liked any of my courses except maybe 1 or 2 during all of high school and uni. It's just a way to get a job. Just suck it up, get a 2.1 and try to find a job you like is the best advice I can give you, quitting and restarting a new course is by far the worst thing you could do, trust me.


As somebody who disliked college, I'll recommend that you just grit your teeth and get through it. I went to a very good school, and by all measures it was a great college environment. I can't say one bad thing about it, and hope my son goes to the same school.

I just strongly prefer work to academia. A BA is the barrier to entry for most white collar jobs now. Think of it like high school. In any case, the coursework at a less university would be similar, but you would have far inferior employment prospects.


F. Ro Jo - I probably am but what do I do to improve the situation? I have tried my best already.

West Coast Rainmaker - I also prefer work to academics. I am gritting my teeth to get through it but its really becoming unbearable because I hate it so much.


a lot of people don't exactly like their school. I was very lucky that I loved my college. I didn't like the content of academics itself: I was an econ major and thought that over 70% of all stuff I learned was bull shit.

However, what made my college experience so enriching was the top notch professors who led thoughtful discussions inside and outside classrooms, passion of instructors in their fields, very intelligent and cool classmates, and down-to earth/ fun group of colleagues to hang out with.

Just look at the bright side of things, and try to graduate college with a career focus. If you want to get into finance/ consulting/ etc, try to utilize your time, effort, and energy accomplishing those goals, not worrying about your college life. Once you graduate and make a nice paycheck doing the work you want to do, you would be thankful for having gone through it all.


Its not about learning BS - for example - Calculus is BS but that was one module I actually enjoyed. But I don't enjoy anything in my course anymore.

I did try getting a career focus but that fell on my face several times and I've got nowhere. I'm now wondering why I even bothered trying.


Try to think of the reasons you chose your course and university in the first place. Think about whether those things still apply. Weigh out the options you have after graduating - it's going to be really tough finding work if you haven't completed your university so you have to decide whether it's really worth it. I think after 6 months from quitting you will probably regret it. I stuck it out through university as well and after getting my degree certificate I feel really glad that I did.

Stop thinking about how much you hate it. Focus on studying and courses when necessary (and get good grades), but the rest of the time spend with friends, at the gym, bars, with some ladies.

Basically keep your mind occupied by other things than your hatred for your university.

I meant to quote this in my previous comment.


I don't even know why you expect to enjoy your classes. School is basically your job right now. Well over 99% of people have disliked their jobs over the course of human history. If you don't do your job, you can't put bread on the table and that should be enough motivation. If you think school sucks, try being a manual laborer for a while and you'll be begging to go back to school.

Billions of people would kill to have this great opportunity to get a degree from one of the best universities in the world and you're moaning about not liking your courses? Quit your bitching and self-pity. It's time to man up and get the job done.


^What he said. You've been on a ramble over the last few weeks about not getting a chance to prove yourself, getting an internship, hating classes, etc. It is hard enough getting a job in finance as it is now. How on earth do you think your chances are going to look if you ditch a target school?

Do you really think you're special because you hate your college/classes? News flash I hated classes I had in college too and so did 99% of all students. Quit your bitching and sack up.

CNBC sucks "This financial crisis is worse than a divorce. I've lost all my money, but the wife is still here." - Client after getting blown up

You sound like a whiny vagina. Do your shit and get the fuck out. If you can't fucking handle uni, good luck working a job. I mean putting shit in spreadshits all day isn't a fucking romantic walk in the park either.

You sound like a whiny vagina. Do your shit and get the fuck out. If you can't fucking handle uni, good luck working a job. I mean putting shit in spreadshits all day isn't a fucking romantic walk in the park either.

Watch out everyone, weve got an internet tough guy.

“...all truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed. Second, it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as being self-evident.” - Schopenhauer

Which uni? Intrigued as to which of the targets could be so bad, it would make a student hate the uni. My money's on Imperial.

You know you've been working too hard when you stop dreaming about bottles of champagne and hordes of naked women, and start dreaming about conditional formatting and circular references.
Best Response

Worst comes to worst, you could actually take a gap semester off and pile it up with as many part time jobs as possible. Then ask yourself, "is this what i wanna do for the rest of my life" ? "How far am I gonna proceed without a degree"?

Or even better, take an off cycle internship in finance and try to relate it back to your studies (This is if your doing a finance degree). A lot of people says "what i learn in uni is not applicable to my work."But i beg to defer, its because most people don't like or dun even bother to do reflections."

There are so many reasons why people choose to go to uni. 1) just to get laid upon, 2) some just love the parties 3) some just go to find a boyfren/girlfren, 4) some jus needs an iron rice bowl in life before they can take over their father/mother business. You just need to find a strong reason and commit towards it.

Let people around know of your situation and seek waking up calls as well. Probably im not harsh enough to tell you to "man up" but people in this thread like SirTradesALot could do it.

All the best ahead in 2013 and merry christmas!!!!


Mate! As someone who's completed both undergrad and postgrad study in the UK I'd say just stick it out, get your 2.1/1st and secure a job that'll challenge you! The university experience is essentially the same everywhere in the UK so changing will not solve your problem.

Perhaps a small holiday consisting mainly of heavy drinking and slags will perk you up! Blow off the steam, etc!

You win a few, you loose a few, but you keep on fighting.

Why would you give up now? The past two years will be a waste of time. Nobody cares if you came close to finishing a degree. It only counts if you actually get it. You've invested two years of your life to something. Emotions come and go. Time doesn't. Don't just walk away from something because you feel like it. I repeat: Emotions come and go.

If this was your freshman or sophomore year, I would highly encourage you to transfer (which I did and it was the best decision of my life), but that doesn't seem to be the ideal option at this point. Try to pinpoint WHY you don't like your school and see if there's anything you can do to solve it. Also, sometimes we just have to do things in life that we don't really want to do. School is often one of those.

About the career thing... didn't we just talk about IBD vs. S&T? Why was that a topic if you don't want to pursue a career in the financial industry? Don't go into the industry if you really don't want to... you're going to invest a lot of time and energy that you will never get back and you'll be unhappier than ever if you truly don't want to be there or think it's worth it in the long run.


Hated my college as well. Looked for, and applied for, transfers. In the end I realized it's practically better that I get a degree from here. Now I'm glad I didn't transfer, but that took me 1.5 years to realize. My advice, just shut the fuck up and do what you gotta do for life. Don't complain. Just don't.

"If you don't like something, change it. If you can't change it, change your attitude. Don't complain." Maya Angelou.


To be honest, it might actually also be a little the uni, not just him. I went to a non-target and now I'm going to a target. At the non-target the courses weren't that good, but the teachers really put an effort into it and made you feel like you were important - and that you could ask questions and get help if you needed. Here at the target it's mostly like "I'm just here to do my job, try not to get in my way too much". I think you can find this attitude among target staff because they have a huge ego, for working at a target - and they think they have their academical career set for them. They think if you don't understand something, it's your fault, not theirs for not explaining it well enough. But employers are looking for students from this kind of universities. Maybe because someone who's toughened up will make a better employee. I would suggest focusing more on the finding a job, or the job you might do after graduating rather than the courses themselves. That's more important. And just get the grades and graduate, no matter how much you hate it.


Honestly the problem likely isn't the college (esp if its a target) but your mental health. I would try working on that rather than transferring or quitting. And as others have pointed out, a job isn't exactly more fun nor does it provide more freedom than a uni.


I think he's a bit depressed right now. "A job isn't more fun nor does it provide more freedom than a uni" is not a very positive message. If I would focus on positives I would say: a job definitely provides more freedom than uni. Once you get a few years of experience under your belt you can stop learning new things - forever -. All you have to do is read the newspapers sometimes. That's the best part of working. And boasting to everyone know smart you are because you finished your university and how amazing you are at your job, and how the boss will never find anyone to replace you with. I think that's the best thing about work - if you're good, you never have to leave. At university, if you're not good, you can never leave. :D So it's the opposite. After you pass your exams most of the bad stuff is going to end. Like having to deal with rude people. People in business as usually nicer. And no more studying for stuff you don't need to know and will never use in your life. You only have to research something when you need to know it. If you focus on the future then I'm sure you can achieve finishing this degree.


Work in retail, then you'll realise you love uni. I was on a gap year after my first year of university went abysmally, and I spent that year working full time in a retail phone store. I swear to anything that I instantly hated the prospect of a life filled with this, and after 4/5 months I could not wait to return to university and grab it by the horns. Doesn't matter about your experience at the university- you are there to get shit done. My year in retail was such a driver that upon return to uni I got a strong 2:1 (after getting third in my first year) and also secured a BB internship. Stop being a bitch and keep your head up.


[quote=Oscar_chow]Work in retail, then you'll realise you love uni. I was on a gap year after my first year of university went abysmally, and I spent that year working full time in a retail phone store. I swear to anything that I instantly hated the prospect of a life filled with this, and after 4/5 months I could not wait to return to university and grab it by the horns. Doesn't matter about your experience at the university- you are there to get shit done. My year in retail was such a driver that upon return to uni I got a strong 2:1 (after getting third in my first year) and also secured a BB internship. Stop being a bitch and keep your head up.


Agreed. I spent my senior year of high school working retail afternoons and god it gave me hyper-motivation in college.


Eius quisquam harum doloremque. Possimus nemo voluptatibus sunt ut ratione cupiditate. Expedita ex quidem officia eum dolores non. Fugiat est dolorum mollitia dolorum quia voluptatem. Et perspiciatis eos possimus eum. Sed officia enim et nulla quia quae beatae.

Debitis laborum laudantium reprehenderit consequatur nemo. Est perferendis modi rerum ducimus reiciendis.


Neque maxime aut esse harum nihil. Possimus et id enim aperiam in quia maxime. Quo quas laborum temporibus quo eveniet illo fugit. Et ex qui dolorum aliquid tempore.

Ut atque et laborum numquam ratione voluptatem fugit nulla. Atque natus id aut facilis. Natus quia cum molestias nostrum recusandae quas. Possimus vero non et odit eos vel.

Ea quia praesentium deserunt qui incidunt eum. Distinctio fugiat sunt nesciunt non magnam. Nam aut sit totam autem quia.

Dolor et fugiat voluptatem cupiditate ut necessitatibus est. Sed sint vel ratione est. Voluptatem nihil in molestias non dignissimos facilis. Rerum nostrum iste in atque corrupti dolores. Distinctio dolor aliquam omnis eius nam velit. Dolores dolores velit neque quibusdam inventore.

"That dude is so haole, he don't even have any breath left."

Ut quidem quia nostrum harum rerum enim tempora. Magnam perspiciatis qui suscipit perspiciatis quo officia. Rem porro illum sint sit dolor. Nihil voluptatibus aliquid eveniet dicta nesciunt. Eligendi velit expedita impedit vero commodi suscipit voluptate.

Doloribus facilis voluptas at minus dolorem officiis est. Voluptates assumenda odio facere similique magnam.

Architecto iste id sequi qui. Ipsum quis ipsam ut et est corrupti vitae qui. Laborum aperiam accusantium aut provident dicta id sapiente ipsam. Nihil quia similique est aliquam doloremque omnis voluptate placeat. Ut voluptate accusantium aut aspernatur earum id.

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