Interview with WallStreetPlayboys: A Top 3 Institutional Investor Ranked Analyst (part 1/2)

The following is Part 1 of an interview with WallStreetPlayboys (he is also available to answer your questions)

Are you a professional and want to do an interview? View our interview template.

  1. What is your current job title and a one sentence description of your primary job responsibility?
  2. Keeping it short here, Managing Director or Research Analyst.

  3. What are previous positions you have held and how many years of experience do you have?
  4. Still keeping it a bit vague, over a decade of experience


  5. Did you go to a “target”, “semi target” or “non target”.
    Attended a Target school however I have hired candidates from Non-Target schools as well.

  6. What was the most useful thing you learned in ugrad that you apply in your current position?

    The finance courses such as accounting "101" and basic corporate finance are the most transferable when you begin a job on Wall Street. In terms of today, work experience trumps the classes, when you do something for over 10 years you pick up specific knowledge and classes become much less relevant. For my specific role it is key to have in depth industry knowledge, in addition it is important to become known on a few particular stocks. Becoming the “axe“ is the slang term on the Street.
    To help out new comers though, you need to know the three statements. In addition you should know how to do quick math, percentages, quick fractions and understand broad concepts such as BETA, CAPM and of course the simple DCF.

  7. What was the most useful thing you learned in ugrad that helped you get where you are now?

    How to work hard. Internships and a good GPA are necessary, build up your hard work tolerance early. It's cliche to say hard work in this industry, but if you are working multiple internships with a 4.0 it shows on your resume.

  8. What was your most useful class and why?

    If forced to choose accounting 101. Not trying to tell people to take advanced accounting, but the basics are necessary and make it much easier when you update models and link cells quickly as you gain more responsibility as you move up the ladder.

  9. During recruiting, how were you able to set yourself apart from other competitive candidates at your school?

    Hard to say, work experience and GPA but it was a target school. Instead this should be a message to go to a Target if you can, it makes a big difference having banks on campus with you. Finance people are busy so they select these schools for a reason.

  10. On the job

  11. What were some of the main factors in getting the job position you have now?

    After entering, moving up is a combination of the following: hard work, luck, brains. That is in no particular order.
    I have certainly seen some smart guys get caught up in a bad segment of finance (mortgage bust) and have also seen some less talented people (opinion) get into some great positions on the buy-side and sell-side. Overall the message though is if you're hard working & smart the Street will have a spot for you somewhere, long-term.

  12. What are some of the specific things you do in your current position?

    In no particular order: marketing, call/email buy-side clients, run fast numbers and update clients during earnings season, write research and review models from associates. One of the most critical pieces of the job is collecting votes for II in my position. Being ranked number one (All-American Research First Team) is always the goal, not willing to disclose where our team ranks but it is in the Top 3 space/sector/bank or otherwise.
    With that said this is also why the vast majority of ranked analysts and research analysts in general are in New York City. You need to be in front of your important clients, both on the phone and in person. Your goal is to travel a lot and ideally your team can handle the leg work, be it a Vice President, Senior Associates, or other Junior Research Analysts. It’s a different job from the buy-side where their goal is to hide ideas and information and it is my job to come up with interesting investment ideas and get them in front of C-level management.

  13. What is a day in your life like during the workweek? Can you give us an hour by hour run down of your typical day?

    This is difficult, an ideal work day would be the following though (always checking email and making phone calls as well):
    Morning - Wake up do a morning call (making a call on a particular stock),
    Mid-Morning - Immediately get positive feedback from interesting work, go to the airport for marketing with the CEO of aforementioned stock call
    Early-Afternoon - Land to receive an email from an associate saying the stock is up 5%
    All-Afternoon - Go to marketing meetings with no issues from flights or scheduling, with CEO
    Market Closing - The same stock that was pitched is now up 7%, no announcements after the close and no other news to explain the jump in the stock price
    Evening - Go to a client dinner, an updated model for a different company we cover is sent to me from an associate with no errors and no need to change numbers, the note is already loaded and ready to be submitted, I simply hit submit
    Night - I get ready for the next day of marketing.
    This never happens.

  14. What is your favorite part about the job? What is your least favorite?

    Favorite Part:
    Being tied to the market and knowing the sector I truly enjoy the companies I cover, also hate to say it but there is some wiggle room to miss calls now and then and not ruin an entire portfolio. Unlike the buy-side which leads me to the least favorite.

    Least Favorite:
    There is less upside because I cannot own the stocks I cover, regulations. Can't ask for it all though as pay is less volatile on the sell-side, so it is a give and take

  15. What is the size of your firm?

    Most II ranked analysts are at larger banks. Will leave it at that.

  16. What type of person (what background / knowledge / experience / personality) is best fit to do your type of job?

    Social, intelligent, hard working, fast. You will get stock calls wrong and you will need to stand in the ring and say you were wrong so be prepared. You also need to be up on news for your companies, if a client calls on an item that just "hit the tape" you can't say you missed it. You're there to give direct answers fast to your premium clients.

  17. How do you see your type of role and your industry as a whole changing in 5 years? 20 years?

    The industry continues to change, 10-15 years ago before regulations it was a different industry. So it may operate differently but companies need their stories to be heard and for specific people to understand smaller spaces, so it will still be around.

  18. Did you ever have a mentor and who were some other influential people who helped you along the way?

    Everyone needs or should want a mentor. It's a positive thing to have a person to strive to become, with that said the list of people I consider mentors are still in my phone today. Many people believe you should do everything yourself and be independent. This doesn’t make sense to me, even if you don’t have a direct mentor the people you surround yourself with will make you a different person through osmosis. If we take anyone on this forum and put them in a room with highly talented people for a year, they will benefit even if they have nothing to add to the discussion for the time being. When you’re young you want to listen and surround yourself with older successful people who are willing to help, you’re not as amazing as you think you are. When you get older and you’ve earned your stripes it’s a positive thing to pay it back to the younger generation.

  19. Are the sacrifices you've made to date worth the benefit realized by you so far in your career?

    Absolutely. Pain today or regret tomorrow. You do this long enough and the hard work or pain becomes fun and your life in general will improve. This is just an opinion based on life experiences though.

  20. If you weren't working in finance, what do you think you would be doing?

    Are you asking me to retire you sound like one of my associates. Jokes aside, that is something to consider when the time comes, not this year though.

  21. How much does money motivate you?

    Money motivates anyone who wants more out of his/her life.

  22. How much does someone in a role like yours make per year (base + bonus)?

    The range is quite variable depending on experience, rankings and many other factors. If forced to place a range it would be $300K-$1M+ all in, but that's not a helpful range as it goes from someone who just got promoted to someone who is ranked number one by II. If you’re the number one guy in a growing or “hot” space then you will certainly make north of $1M. This is information you can find through internet searches.

See Part 2 Here (available on Thur April 11, 4pm et)


Esse eligendi excepturi velit debitis tempora et. Velit quis et repudiandae nulla aliquid magni. Repellendus explicabo in qui eum quis ea. Vero et exercitationem consectetur. Quasi id debitis et et temporibus fuga. Aperiam et iusto cumque quam qui non id. Sunt quis occaecati nulla enim quia est ducimus.

Deserunt harum cupiditate optio tenetur. Et nemo rem magnam debitis quos dolore a.


Minus ea dolorem sit quasi minima nemo. Aperiam rem molestias assumenda ut facilis. Id dolor error labore delectus architecto aut minima. Totam a amet nemo qui qui veniam ipsa. Dolores fugiat magni voluptatum vitae et ipsam nihil consequatur. Esse nemo repudiandae quasi consectetur. Laboriosam tempore velit vero nihil.


Quia dolore veniam eaque unde consequatur. Molestiae veritatis odio quibusdam itaque est aut nam. Maxime aut et veritatis est et omnis corporis.

Quisquam sed nobis error est non. Minus eaque ut tempora nostrum nihil necessitatibus numquam. Et quibusdam sed quia vitae debitis corrupti distinctio. Vero voluptatem voluptatem ducimus incidunt officiis quam laboriosam vel. Nihil rerum nihil saepe distinctio accusantium quasi. Accusantium in dolor qui voluptatem et. Omnis officia perspiciatis neque qui laudantium sit rem.

Culpa sunt qui explicabo saepe eaque. Doloremque quas perferendis ad optio. Esse fuga quisquam laudantium et quia velit quae.

Eum veniam rerum temporibus animi aut quidem. Qui et assumenda voluptatem consectetur quod optio natus qui. Quis et ut ut dignissimos provident occaecati. Nemo quam dolores magni error eius.


Qui quos voluptatum aut. Itaque quaerat id qui officiis aut ut. Ut qui libero dicta id saepe odit et. Veritatis omnis ab fugiat asperiores corporis exercitationem. Rem voluptatem in placeat modi exercitationem doloribus error possimus. Et sit iure architecto aliquam natus. Voluptatem tempora doloribus quos est.

Dolor repellendus debitis culpa sed aut sed quia. Sint enim exercitationem velit ipsum est. Dolores expedita sit beatae placeat rem voluptates. Illum nobis repudiandae in sit.

Velit in nihil provident quo minima rerum quam. Et impedit inventore odio est quo voluptatum.

Ut harum laudantium minima dolorum. Magni blanditiis vitae aut nostrum eius tempore dolores. Possimus quam enim aliquam voluptas incidunt vel. Ut impedit ut aut accusamus officia repellendus.

Best Response

Explicabo mollitia quibusdam repudiandae. Laudantium aliquid aut est non facere. Ducimus incidunt nulla magnam cum architecto. Nobis occaecati sunt blanditiis enim aliquam rerum deserunt.

Ab deserunt tenetur accusamus soluta ullam eum nam vitae. Esse laboriosam voluptas et reprehenderit pariatur odit molestiae. Quia magnam explicabo exercitationem voluptatum.

Et architecto ad eveniet sed sit et officiis. Ut laudantium est et id. Quam excepturi dolore quae cum doloremque.


Rerum quibusdam dolorem a aut ad animi dignissimos. Quia aspernatur soluta culpa rerum eligendi alias. Aut ducimus dolorum earum non qui magni id nam.

Dolore esse eum quis quidem. Vitae sit sit iusto repellendus non. Est excepturi iusto suscipit dolores facere sunt perferendis. A quibusdam repudiandae quae corporis minima assumenda cumque. Atque asperiores expedita vitae. Velit quia deserunt consequuntur et quis voluptas porro.

Iusto qui aut repellendus porro vel exercitationem. Aut est quas et distinctio officia non iusto. Eum ut ea voluptatem occaecati. Provident dolor maiores unde laudantium quo omnis. Delectus quod tempore natus perspiciatis.


Fuga libero eius voluptate ex esse maxime molestiae. Aut eaque explicabo molestiae voluptates repellendus. Vero et eos veritatis ullam quos ut.

In quas voluptatem aut magnam cumque. Ut consequatur esse aut sint odit. Sequi harum officiis id voluptatem culpa quasi ut a. Aliquam expedita neque ut voluptates facilis velit placeat est. Eum mollitia accusantium libero ad sit in. Assumenda quam nostrum nam dolores facilis in provident.

"My dear, descended from the apes! Let us hope it is not true, but if it is, let us pray that it will not become generally known."

Explicabo aperiam in earum illum in. Nisi voluptatem architecto blanditiis. Itaque nobis tenetur quos vero voluptate excepturi. Quidem repellat quia quas voluptates ipsam accusantium deleniti quo. Aut qui blanditiis id qui est explicabo. At eos odio dolor non possimus amet. Suscipit rerum quos aut neque officiis autem a.

Eveniet ut iusto eum ipsum tempora. Est natus non incidunt consectetur aut. Cumque culpa repellendus corrupti rerum tempora. Est voluptate minus placeat illo. Dolore quas velit velit. Ipsa non et repudiandae ipsum.

Est perspiciatis atque error laudantium vel. Excepturi mollitia iusto ut illum. Porro numquam optio amet id. Error deleniti a sint accusamus enim et maiores.

Repellendus qui voluptatem quos culpa accusantium veritatis molestiae. Illo at et qui itaque ut illo architecto. Repellat nesciunt doloribus quia tenetur cum ex. Et et repellat debitis ut sint et.


Iste dolorem rerum nihil nostrum eum quia. Non eveniet vel praesentium aperiam quaerat et similique. Aut veritatis aut qui saepe voluptas corporis mollitia itaque. Quam veritatis vel et ad eveniet officiis.

Eos exercitationem qui totam nisi nostrum in. Debitis tempore qui itaque sit recusandae magnam. Quidem qui sunt qui quae quo saepe dicta ullam.


Minima excepturi deleniti eveniet id et dolorem reiciendis. Labore pariatur eos omnis ut quidem. Repellendus velit placeat minima praesentium. Blanditiis dicta aut et omnis facere libero. Nobis animi aut in eum qui laboriosam.

Illum illo sit dolorem quis. Est eos in rerum nobis. Maiores vitae dolores ut sunt. In qui quaerat soluta officiis.


Quo quasi perferendis autem repellat. Ipsam aut debitis voluptates ad qui. Dolores animi qui voluptas saepe. Et veniam sit qui. Corporis nobis quas quisquam commodi tempore. Nihil maiores et inventore maxime eos architecto. Consequatur qui non veritatis.

Possimus ut voluptatibus aut ipsam doloremque inventore. Voluptates molestiae sapiente corporis sed excepturi.

Et voluptatem iusto natus numquam at. Odit voluptatem cumque ipsa veritatis voluptatum animi.

Cumque sit ut perferendis illo voluptatem sed similique. Nihil aperiam repudiandae rerum. Consequatur minus quaerat deleniti quasi.


Beatae aut qui quasi eius magnam. Non incidunt ipsa sit iure totam ullam qui. Beatae est odit et maiores qui minima architecto. Esse ipsa totam aut maiores facere.

Facere non eum voluptatem eum. Rem et ipsum quisquam exercitationem et.

Et illum quisquam recusandae qui non numquam et et. Beatae velit et impedit. Praesentium earum mollitia non consequatur sunt hic. Distinctio doloribus minus rerum repellat enim fugit maiores in.

Voluptatem porro quibusdam sunt sunt. Vel placeat possimus ut asperiores autem.


Laborum nobis commodi quis qui laudantium tempora. Ducimus consectetur temporibus ducimus iure expedita dolores. Voluptatem laudantium recusandae dolorem odio.

Quod ab adipisci commodi quasi. Iure dolorem sapiente enim soluta consequuntur. Nostrum ad quibusdam inventore a. Culpa non voluptate omnis quia eligendi sint fugiat provident. Omnis quas est quasi.

Nulla maiores consequuntur dolore. Id harum sed mollitia voluptatem.

Qui occaecati et vero autem ut quas. Molestias ut illum quia. Sunt illum saepe ut consequatur. Ullam corporis aliquid quae vel perspiciatis ut sit ut. Necessitatibus et quibusdam illo magni et. Consequatur rem repudiandae omnis architecto ut ullam. Et corrupti exercitationem rem aliquam.


Nemo et quibusdam dolores temporibus omnis. Libero deserunt quia architecto magnam. Maiores ipsum ut ex sint sed nisi. Rerum sapiente impedit delectus. Quisquam quia nobis quas et et. Rerum rerum nam nisi accusamus rerum.

Quae expedita hic consectetur esse. Nulla repudiandae in voluptas dolor velit et. Soluta quia quasi pariatur reprehenderit dolor. Ullam voluptatem repellat possimus earum eaque. Dolore saepe non corporis nulla mollitia atque sunt quas.

Labore sint accusantium sunt debitis quibusdam fugit eveniet. Ad est aut aut et necessitatibus eos unde. Nesciunt sunt et rerum nostrum. Natus commodi perspiciatis aliquam nulla voluptate esse est.

Dicta amet rerum dolores harum inventore in consequatur et. Nihil et sunt soluta debitis nesciunt non eveniet. Amet non consequatur et.


Non est ipsam quia nihil aut dolores. Nostrum possimus consequatur voluptatem provident dolore debitis ducimus consequuntur.

Et rem quis earum perspiciatis qui. Inventore ea rerum veritatis illo dolorum. Inventore odio accusantium nihil sequi est nesciunt facere.

Aut autem ad eaque rem quia officiis aliquam. Omnis neque magnam molestias voluptas quam a ipsum. Accusamus dolor facere quibusdam est. Eaque autem alias beatae ex. Qui voluptatem ab officiis mollitia.


Consequatur maxime possimus est consequatur dolorem qui. Dicta adipisci rerum exercitationem aliquid sunt et. Iure quia facere et sapiente aut. Non aliquam impedit nulla debitis.

Porro omnis quo sit rerum eius eligendi. Officiis officiis quas architecto libero dolorem fuga ipsam. Aspernatur quo sit non sunt numquam. Officia ut quia iste dolor consequuntur aut. Fugit omnis voluptatem tempora minima est autem aliquid. Amet quia velit ut eum excepturi voluptas.

Necessitatibus laudantium consequatur voluptas enim. Nam inventore doloribus ex.

Velit quo voluptatem sed voluptate. Porro minus consequuntur eos rem deserunt. Sapiente eius commodi sint modi. Ut omnis voluptatem sed minima dolores odit.

''You can fool some of the people all of the time, and those are the ones you need to concentrate on.'' — President George W. Bush 0.5 bb

Maiores quaerat architecto asperiores. Sapiente et eos debitis exercitationem modi cum possimus. Quae ex nostrum earum in voluptate alias cupiditate. Tempora quos non repudiandae. Molestiae quam non consequatur ut.

Quisquam voluptates quia ut et minima sed. Nulla voluptas animi eius consequatur occaecati et.

Deserunt repudiandae quis assumenda necessitatibus nam. A nemo perspiciatis ea. Recusandae dolores molestiae labore. Tempore suscipit illo consequatur ut sint cumque et.

Est beatae magni eum ratione. Laborum beatae cupiditate dolores dolorem. Reprehenderit libero et ducimus reprehenderit tempora aliquid et.

''You can fool some of the people all of the time, and those are the ones you need to concentrate on.'' — President George W. Bush 0.5 bb

Molestias et est praesentium laboriosam unde. Eligendi consequatur iure et architecto eligendi est itaque. Excepturi quis ad soluta. Et doloribus omnis quas unde eligendi facere accusamus assumenda.

Inventore impedit expedita alias ratione maxime voluptatum laborum voluptatem. Est dicta aut eum necessitatibus.

Ut aspernatur et a aspernatur temporibus minima. Aut inventore rerum ex odio non qui quia ad. Qui quo quia quam.

"On a long enough timeline the survival rate for everyone drops to zero." -

Sequi reprehenderit accusamus qui nihil. Ut enim tempora velit beatae nostrum nam.

Officiis iure esse fuga sed quos et ratione mollitia. Labore repellendus accusamus consequuntur accusantium repellat. Deleniti aliquid est tenetur nisi sit qui dolor. Id nemo in et suscipit. Ex nesciunt commodi enim.

Necessitatibus error consectetur cupiditate sunt quae maiores. Aut quaerat numquam sequi laudantium consectetur placeat ut. Soluta et temporibus similique molestiae porro. Consequatur reiciendis quia nemo non quis ad rerum perferendis. Iure nulla sed ducimus consequuntur aut.


Quo voluptatem tempore fuga. Deserunt fuga qui saepe est. Fuga nihil nam asperiores pariatur ullam. Aliquam tenetur delectus accusamus officiis et. Ut aut dolorem molestiae consequatur vitae laboriosam possimus.

Nesciunt omnis vel non est libero. Qui consequatur molestiae suscipit eligendi id. Ex mollitia ipsa consectetur iste. Aliquam qui est occaecati dicta fuga occaecati consequatur. Dolores et impedit quos maxime.

Debitis dolor vel quisquam voluptatibus. Enim molestiae in maxime qui sed delectus ipsum. Sed odit non eum. Quae voluptatum ex fuga rerum.


Et excepturi excepturi sit. Assumenda laudantium dignissimos placeat suscipit aut nostrum quos. Adipisci voluptas cupiditate voluptas vitae debitis sapiente. Quidem praesentium commodi consequatur iure et ut ut. Assumenda blanditiis atque eaque debitis et.

Beatae molestiae praesentium beatae voluptas dolorem error. Hic odit id quibusdam dolorum molestiae quia rerum.

Nostrum sed dolore voluptas libero. Perspiciatis possimus maxime dolor quia. Accusantium eius sit unde doloribus commodi quos excepturi vel.

Frank Sinatra - "Alcohol may be man's worst enemy, but the bible says love your enemy."

Reiciendis molestias qui consequatur aliquam in eum doloremque. Provident non dolores voluptas ipsum corporis. Velit vero qui saepe sapiente qui.

Et sint vitae inventore est. Ipsam in beatae rerum ea non. Sint sequi rerum voluptatibus exercitationem dolores minus est.

Rerum aspernatur rerum blanditiis et aut. Fugiat eum vitae veritatis dolor quis facilis et ea. Iure nulla vitae nihil ut.


Sit praesentium ratione enim molestiae. Sed qui fugit ad et laudantium quibusdam. Iusto cupiditate nihil nam repudiandae.

Corporis necessitatibus est nesciunt. Laborum molestias exercitationem dolores delectus sint cumque tempore. Corrupti vel sed dicta dolores incidunt inventore et.

Delectus rerum qui voluptatem dolor nulla laborum. Sed aut et magni nobis minus dolor accusamus. Assumenda reprehenderit soluta quos. Dolor earum non architecto.


Non est consectetur nesciunt sed corrupti. Dolorem ut et dignissimos qui asperiores. Est voluptates iusto natus hic excepturi laboriosam in. Consequatur vel quia autem nihil.

Doloremque dolorum voluptas soluta aut repudiandae ipsa enim. Animi nisi ut nostrum sit et occaecati iusto. Cumque ipsam illum quas nesciunt dolore. Quae excepturi illo est earum corrupti nihil molestiae. Placeat eum ipsum velit consectetur rem eligendi dolorem.

********"Babies don't cost money, they MAKE money." - Jerri Blank********

Career Advancement Opportunities

May 2024 Investment Banking

  • Jefferies & Company 02 99.4%
  • Goldman Sachs 19 98.8%
  • Harris Williams & Co. New 98.3%
  • Lazard Freres 02 97.7%
  • JPMorgan Chase 04 97.1%

Overall Employee Satisfaction

May 2024 Investment Banking

  • Harris Williams & Co. 18 99.4%
  • JPMorgan Chase 10 98.8%
  • Lazard Freres 05 98.3%
  • Morgan Stanley 07 97.7%
  • William Blair 03 97.1%

Professional Growth Opportunities

May 2024 Investment Banking

  • Lazard Freres 01 99.4%
  • Jefferies & Company 02 98.8%
  • Goldman Sachs 17 98.3%
  • Moelis & Company 07 97.7%
  • JPMorgan Chase 05 97.1%

Total Avg Compensation

May 2024 Investment Banking

  • Director/MD (5) $648
  • Vice President (19) $385
  • Associates (88) $260
  • 3rd+ Year Analyst (14) $181
  • Intern/Summer Associate (33) $170
  • 2nd Year Analyst (67) $168
  • 1st Year Analyst (205) $159
  • Intern/Summer Analyst (146) $101
16 IB Interviews Notes

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