Trade Idea
I'm interning on the rates sales desk at a bank. I have been asked to present a trade idea in two days. People on the desk are too busy to talk and go through ideas with you. I have a general idea of what the desk does but nothing too concrete.
What are some good places to start? I was thinking of the dollar market but again it is really volatile. The strategy desk said to find a trade that can be justified using mean reversion. But with such a volatile market, how do you even know how much time its going to take for the curve to normalize?
Does anyone have any ideas or advice?
Based on the most helpful WSO content, here are some steps and resources to help you develop a solid trade idea for your rates sales desk presentation:
Steps to Develop Your Trade Idea:
Understand the Desk's Focus:
Research Mean Reversion Strategies:
Analyze Current Market Conditions:
Use Historical Data:
Consider Volatility:
Resources to Help You:
Books and Articles:
Bank Primers and Research Papers:
Online Resources:
Example Trade Idea:
Additional Tips:
By following these steps and utilizing the resources mentioned, you should be able to develop a well-justified trade idea for your presentation. Good luck!
Sources: Trading Vol in an IB - what are the good resources for Rates, Credit, FX, Equities? Market-makers' help greatly appreciated,, Losing Money on a Trade - Seeking Advice, Retail rates trading, Q&A: BB Fixed Income Trader, 2nd Year Analyst
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Voluptatem adipisci nemo nam similique iusto. Quia vero a ut voluptatem autem magni voluptas. A eveniet alias ducimus.
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