The difference between kids on WSO and your typical college student

Your typical WSO member is a highly motivated, intelligent (at least some people) group of ppl. Everybody is into studying hard, getting a great internship, working for a prestigious firm, etc.

However, most kids in college (or at least at my school) are nothing like this. They care more about getting wasted and watching TV than doing well in school and starting their career off strong. Whats worse is that their content at getting sub 3.0 GPAs and getting shitty jobs that question why they went to college in the first place.

You kinda feel ashamed at some of the ppl out in the real world when your used to coming to forums like this where the standards are a mile higher.

It's funny how different ppl have different priorities in life. Haha, ppl on this forum are a rare-breed indeed.


You're retarded. People who actually get jobs are easily 1000x more impressive than the clowns on WSO. People who come on here do so because they're likely underqualified super-neurotic Asians who need to seek solace from like-situationed people ("Oh, you're having trouble getting a job? Me too! Awesome, high five! Must be the market conditions and not my tier-3 state school education or my non-existent GPA!") If you ever get a job in the bank, you'll realize that 1.) at least 90% of your analyst class does not frequent WSO (what does that tell you about whether people from WSO are getting jobs) and 2.) at least 90% of your analyst class will immediately exhibit such intelligence or capability that will demonstrate to you how big of a joke that are most of the college kids on this site.

...oh, and these real playas can do it effortlessly, while still having a life, hence negating the need to work/study hard - perhaps that's your disconnect.


your grammar is terrible. the people on this forum, myself included, are mostly just neurotic about their careers and seeking as much information as they can get. the most valuable employees (to any firm) will show themselves a few years down the line, and many of those will have had enough sense to enjoy their collegiate lives before they were slaves to THE MAN, man.


b2, i won't disagree with most of what you said, but 2) is definitely complete and utter bullshit. Are you kidding me? "oh, and these real playas can do it effortlessly". Please b2, pull your head out of your ass. It must get old being in there all the time.


so like there are about 200 "active" members on wso. Of which probably 25% are FT, 50% had a SA and 25% are trying to get one of the above. There are also many banks/boutiques/hf/pe places out there. Jump off a bridge b2.

"Oh the ladies ever tell you that you look like a fucking optical illusion" - Frank Slaughtery 25th Hour.
so like there are about 200 "active" members on wso. Of which probably 25% are FT, 50% had a SA and 25% are trying to get one of the above. There are also many banks/boutiques/hf/pe places out there. Jump off a bridge b2.

How many regular posters on WSO have a job at a real firm and not some crap-ass mom-and-pop bank set up by some 24-y/o Cornell, ex-BofA banking burnout?

less than 10%

(and yes, t4s, you are in that 90% -- I guess my tier-3, non-existent GPA comment hit too close to home?)

so like there are about 200 "active" members on wso. Of which probably 25% are FT, 50% had a SA and 25% are trying to get one of the above. There are also many banks/boutiques/hf/pe places out there. Jump off a bridge b2. be more accurate, there are close to ~17k registered members and about 1/2 work in finance and 1/2 are college students. "Active" members can be debated but b2, you really need to let off some steam somewhere else besides these boards. Obviously WSO isn't fully meeting your needs.


My statement does not imply that banking analysts are rocket scientists, but I will clarify:

1.) Banking, school, other things in which people on this forum seem to exert a lot of effort, etc. are not hard - any moron, save a few, can do it. Hence, it requires no effort. 2.) The few that can not are on WSO.

dazedmonk, I feel really sorry for you if you actually had to try in school to maintain above a 3.5 GPA... my school had terrible grade deflation and still anyone remotely intelligent can pull at least all A-'s.


So, b2, why do you waste your time with us lowly serfs? We are a bunch of morons working at "crap-ass mom-and-pop banks" set up by 24-year old Ivy League grads (most people call that "entrepreneurship" - you might not have noticed [too busy having fun and breezing through your school, which had grade deflation] but the vast majority of the most successful people in the world are/were entrepreneurs).

Best Response

"You kinda feel ashamed at some of the ppl out in the real world when your used to coming to forums like this where the standards are a mile higher."

Wow, you have a very convoluted way of looking at the world. Do you honestly think that just because you are more driven to get higher grades and a higher paying job you are better than those who aren't? Allow me to answer for you, yes; you obviously do which is pretty pathetic. Ever stop to think that maybe those people you describe above are happy with their lives the way they are? Different strokes for different folks. I know it sounds corny but there's a lot of truth to it. Allow me to offer you some advice, never feel ashamed for those you describe above. They don't want your pity and you shouldn't feel the need to give it.

Not even going to craft a response to B2; talking to a wall tends to be more stimulating and productive. Even with my state-school education I know that.

BTW: to the OP, for someone who claims to be so smart and above his peers, try learning what a contraction is. you are --> you're, not your and they are --> they're not their.

"You kinda feel ashamed at some of the ppl out in the real world when your used to coming to forums like this where the standards are a mile higher."

Wow, you have a very convoluted way of looking at the world. Do you honestly think that just because you are more driven to get higher grades and a higher paying job you are better than those who aren't? Allow me to answer for you, yes; you obviously do which is pretty pathetic. Ever stop to think that maybe those people you describe above are happy with their lives the way they are? Different strokes for different folks. I know it sounds corny but there's a lot of truth to it. Allow me to offer you some advice, never feel ashamed for those you describe above. They don't want your pity and you shouldn't feel the need to give it.

Not even going to craft a response to B2; talking to a wall tends to be more stimulating and productive. Even with my state-school education I know that.

BTW: to the OP, for someone who claims to be so smart and above his peers, try learning what a contraction is. you are --> you're, not your and they are --> they're not their.

No, I think the majority of the people that I described in my post end their senior yr w/o any kind of job offer (not even industry positions that ppl on this forum will laugh at), start working at the mall because that's all they could get, and get into the whole "quarter-life crisis," and blame the world for their shortfalls.

I mean, these kids know that if they work hard and get a semi-descent GPA, they will have good odds at attaining a respectable job, but they choose to get wasted everyday and not do jack shit. When graduation comes and they don't have a good job(that for some reason they think is going to be handed to them on a silver platter), they start crying, saying things like "omg this is NOT what I wanted in life, waahhh."

And also, this is a fucking internet forum. Do you think I give a shit about grammatical mistakes? Next thing you're gonna write is "you shouldn't start off the sentence with AND" right?


in prop trading once you are in nothing matters. b2 you could never be a trader you would jump out the window.

"Oh the ladies ever tell you that you look like a fucking optical illusion" - Frank Slaughtery 25th Hour.

I could never be a trader... not prestigious enough for me. If I were considering trading, I might as well apply to other similarly ranked positions, such as janitorial services, shone-shine boy, and coffee purveyor.

re: the other idiot who addressed me: The schadenfreude invigorates me... it's like a drug.

I could never be a trader... not prestigious enough for me. If I were considering trading, I might as well apply to other similarly ranked positions, such as janitorial services, shone-shine boy, and coffee purveyor.

re: the other idiot who addressed me: The schadenfreude invigorates me... it's like a drug.

This is a joke right? How could you talk shit about trading if you weren't even good enough to go to a target school?

(btw, there were 3.3's and 3.0's with no credentials or pedigree at my school who landed multiple offers w/ many of the major prop shops... that you can't even get in worries me a bit...)


fuck prestige its all about the dollar. I will make more than you do very soon. So much for your "prestige" THE END.

"Oh the ladies ever tell you that you look like a fucking optical illusion" - Frank Slaughtery 25th Hour.
fuck prestige its all about the dollar. I will make more than you do very soon. So much for your "prestige" THE END.

So true, so simple, so difficult a concept for many to understand. So sad. The worst part is people who are obsessed with prestige (in finance anyways) will start doing some thinking on their own when it's too late (40s, bald, wife cheats, children hate them) and realize their seemingly limitless idea of self-entitlement has put them at the top 5% instead of the top 1, and they are still sad and hate themselves. Of course, for some this process happens much sooner (20s, balding, girlfriend probably fucks your friends), and instead of honesty towards oneself, those in this demographic end up finding unique ways of venting their anger. I can think of a few people on this board who fit this sad reality, but you only need one guess: the saddest part is they are in the real 65th percentile, when you account for desperation and undeserved ego-inflation, ha.


No, but I can tell from your writing style that you're at best a 60th, which explains why you're so panegyrical towards the 65ths on this forum.

It's like when I used to TA back in grad school... I would never waste my time reading the student's entire essay; I would gauge how smart he was by his writing style and then quickly skim for major points. Could grade a 3-page essay in 20 seconds and no one ever argued with my grades.


Also, "And also" is repetitive. I like how you added that "And" at the start of your sentence simply so that you could point out how asinine it'd be to point out the flaw w/ the "and", while inadvertently making yourself sound even more retarded.

Also, "And also" is repetitive. I like how you added that "And" at the start of your sentence simply so that you could point out how asinine it'd be to point out the flaw w/ the "and", while inadvertently making yourself sound even more retarded.
"And also" is commonly used in casual English, even if it is redundant and grammatically incorrect. Because this is a "casual" forum, I think it's OK to use "and also."

My whole point is that it's stupid/toolish to be pointing out grammatical mistakes on a fucking internet forum full of wannabe bankers.


b2 is the epitome of the content of this thread. b2 is one of those fucking rockstars on WSO, ebaumsworld,, etc. In real life, he's an overweight piece of shit who spends more time trying to build his internet reputation than he does going out to bars with girls. He can tell us all about the definition of "panegyrical" but doesn't know what a blowjob feels like. Hhaha what a fucking loser posting on WSO on a FRIDAY NIGHT. tool.

Advice: b2, you better start being nice to guys like "trade4size" and "lionheart" -- you're going to die alone, and they're the only ones who might go to your funeral. Might.

b2 is the epitome of the content of this thread. b2 is one of those fucking rockstars on WSO, ebaumsworld,, etc. In real life, he's an overweight piece of shit who spends more time trying to build his internet reputation than he does going out to bars with girls. He can tell us all about the definition of "panegyrical" but doesn't know what a blowjob feels like. Hhaha what a fucking loser posting on WSO on a FRIDAY NIGHT. tool.

Advice: b2, you better start being nice to guys like "trade4size" and "lionheart" -- you're going to die alone, and they're the only ones who might go to your funeral. Might.

Hey retard,

by b2 (Senior Orangutan, 389 Points) on 10/4/08 at 10:24am

I didn't realize that 10:24AM is a Friday night for you... not to mention that you responded to my post half an hr after I posted... Plus, I'm not even in your time-zone, moron.

People such as yourself who post about how much of a life they have on the internet are really the ones projecting insecurities about how little they actually have. I'm actually very comfortable in the position in which I'm currently situated, and am quite pleased that I'm able to demonstrate my superior intelligence on this forum over your and t4s's 3rd grade level. I'm sure that you'd kill to have half of what I have... in all terms: Job, intelligence, girls, life, money... etc. etc.


Oh, and since you're so interested in my body, you should go dig up the old craigslist post that I created, to which had a picture of my shirtless torso attached. 6-pack, 8% bodyfat... yes, I'm really having trouble in the weight department.


b2 - the craigslist post expired a long time ago. Speaking of that, did you ever end up posting responses that you got? I know everybody was asking for it but I never saw any replies to your post.

Oh, and since you're so interested in my body, you should go dig up the old craigslist post that I created, to which had a picture of my shirtless torso attached. 6-pack, 8% bodyfat... yes, I'm really having trouble in the weight department.

So not only do you spend an exorbitant amount of time on WSO, you also spend hours and hours looking for pictures of shirtless guys to misrepresent yourself? I don't know if that's just sad or if it makes you a homosexual. If it's the latter, your queerness is definitely the reason you got into banking from a state school. Oh well, more power to you - I'm all for affirmative action.


HAHAA fucking idiot, you know EXACTLY what posts I'm referring to asshole. Quit tryin to weasel your way out of it. We all know you're a fucking loser who has NO life (your internet rep is quite good though - five posts on WSO on a Friday night? Impressive for a WSO-addicted tool). I love fucking with your insecurities, b2. Check the time stamps:

Post #2:

by b2 (Senior Orangutan, 394 Banana Points Points) on 10/3/08 at 10:04pm

You're in a different time zone? Post #6:

by b2 (Senior Orangutan, 394 Banana Points Points) on 10/4/08 at 1:59am

Post #7:

by b2 (Senior Orangutan, 394 Banana Points Points) on 10/4/08 at 2:03am

Post #11:

by b2 (Senior Orangutan, 394 Banana Points Points) on 10/4/08 at 2:56am

Post #12:

by b2 (Senior Orangutan, 394 Banana Points Points) on 10/4/08 at 3:00am

If you're in SF/LA, you STILL posted on a Friday night at 11. Hm, what does that mean? Oh, yeah you're a fucking loser. And I know exactly what you're going to say next to: "I'm on business, so I posted that from Kerzybakistan via BlackBerry." HAHAHAH, fuck outta here dude.


You're clearly not capable of getting into banking in New York (but then again you gets props for getting into banking from a state school). You feign intelligence by throwing around big words to conceal your insecurities about your fourth tier education. You're caustic and seek to establish your "dominance" on the world wide web because the pressures of real life are too much for you to handle. You're bitter about life because your parents obviously never gave a shit about you (your mother told me she was considering an abortion when she knew she had you). Life lesson: don't go after the people who are going to own you one day. Just don't.


Prop trading is not some magical path to riches. Simply saying that you are going into prop trading doesn't mean you're going to make more money than anyone.

Also keep in mind that prestige is usually a pretty strong indicator of the risk/reward profile. Simply pointing out the potential reward is stupid. Take it to a ridiculous extreme: I am a professional lottery ticket buyer, I'm going to have more money than you. The end.

I'm not defending b2 but there are a large majority of college kids looking down on the professional choices that people make without fully understanding the trade-offs. Internships are great but you don't really understand what's going on until you work full-time, have bills and rent to pay, etc.

As for the average college WSO poster - here is how I would describe the typical profile. It's basically a spectrum of those with a slim shot but strong desire up to those with a strong shot and a combination of neuroses/paranoia. One end is the kid from North Dakota State who badly wants to be a banker and the other is the 4.0 from Harvard who just isn't sure if things will work out or not (despite his credentials). Dial one gauge up, dial the other down as needed.

I am already very successful trading my PA. Prop trading will allow me to take it to the next level. We both know I was just being facetious.

"Oh the ladies ever tell you that you look like a fucking optical illusion" - Frank Slaughtery 25th Hour.
I am already very successful trading my PA. Prop trading will allow me to take it to the next level. We both know I was just being facetious.

Multiply your "track record" by 100000x and you have some of the largest hedge funds around who are struggling to justify their existence. Selling beta at alpha prices has been the easiest possible way to manufacture credentials.


Sigh... idiot, go look in my other posts to see in which market I'm currently working, and from which market I originally came (hint, it was NY at a top-BB).

SF/LA... didn't even know they had banking there... how busch league. But I suppose someone with credentials such as yours would be very familiar with these markets.

You really think that I'd be posting at 3:00AM (unless I was at work)? Wow, you're even dumber than I thought...


Also, not sure why you keep thinking that I went to a tier-4 state school... your analytical skills are honestly, honestly, f*cking horrible. You try to analyze my posts and extract a portrayal of me, yet, you're so far off it's infathomable.

With IQ that low and analytical skills that crappy, you can forget any chance you'd ever have at any type of prestigious job. (P.S. I like how you think that words such as "enamored", "detractor", "opine", "panegyrical" are "big" words. Hilarious. It must be difficult living a 65th life. Each time you make a note of another "big" word that I use, I lose a few more points of estimation regarding your intelligence.)

For the record, I went to a top private school [on a full ride], which had less than 25% acceptance rate, that just happened to be a non-target. Perhaps your too dumb to realize that these exist? Hopkins? Vanderbilt? Emory? Rice? GTFO, thx.


This is what b2 is beginning to sound like:…

The OP's comment added no value to this board. The subsequent discussion substracted value by making it a virtual (and anonymous) pissing contest.

Also, b2, if you're going to make fun of someone for using "big" words, then you may want to hit F7 on Word before you post. I have to believe that if your CV is so impressive (you know, "full ride," "finding a cure for cancer," etc.) , then attention to detail at all times must be a given.

The word is "unfathomable" as in "It is unfathomable to me how some people think they can mouth off on an anonymous board."

Also, not sure why you keep thinking that I went to a tier-4 state school... your analytical skills are honestly, honestly, f*cking horrible. You try to analyze my posts and extract a portrayal of me, yet, you're so far off it's infathomable.

With IQ that low and analytical skills that crappy, you can forget any chance you'd ever have at any type of prestigious job. (P.S. I like how you think that words such as "enamored", "detractor", "opine", "panegyrical" are "big" words. Hilarious. It must be difficult living a 65th life. Each time you make a note of another "big" word that I use, I lose a few more points of estimation regarding your intelligence.)

For the record, I went to a top private school [on a full ride], which had less than 25% acceptance rate, that just happened to be a non-target. Perhaps your too dumb to realize that these exist? Hopkins? Vanderbilt? Emory? Rice? GTFO, thx.


Quia qui sed voluptate accusantium veniam dolorum iusto. Similique reprehenderit minus quam eligendi sed. Eum consequatur ducimus repudiandae sint. Autem eos quis officia magnam. Ad occaecati vitae quibusdam sunt.


Eveniet culpa ducimus cupiditate minus assumenda. Delectus et voluptas incidunt inventore occaecati. Consequatur facere molestiae et necessitatibus. Nemo aut ut distinctio modi molestias. Exercitationem corrupti rem laudantium doloremque facere odio sequi. Aut error quia in in. Dolores ut explicabo quo et.


Adipisci quo sit repudiandae quas mollitia id voluptatem doloremque. Eum praesentium est fugit aut odit. Fugit minima iste quia et ut est. Iusto laborum quod doloremque ut.

Nulla aliquam dolorem vel. Minus quia consequatur deserunt ducimus eveniet autem consequatur. Harum ut culpa quia modi sit magni. Veritatis id iste beatae.

"Oh the ladies ever tell you that you look like a fucking optical illusion" - Frank Slaughtery 25th Hour.

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