Religion imo. Still the biggest threat to humanity and constantly divides us. 


Yeah that woke religion is by far the greatest threat to humanity since the Soviet Union collapsed.

Never discuss with idiots, first they drag you at their level, then they beat you with experience.
Most Helpful

My answer is the exact opposite of this, at least in the western world - the declining belief in God and its impacts (e.g. declining participation in the community and a more isolated, lonely existence; the following of different ideologies in its place that are eroding the sociopolitical landscape). While plenty of people throughout history have done evil in the name of religion, without religion, I think most of the atrocities would be committed under a different, non-religious ideology (see Soviet communism, Nazism, Mao's cultural revolution). People can easily be radicalized without religion and justify their actions by other means.

Without belief in a just God and an afterlife, acts have no intrinsic right and wrong. The world would be in far more chaos if there were no religion. Just examine any culture that has advocated state-sponsored atheism. The devaluing of religion clearly leads to the devaluation and weakening of the family unit, the basic building block of society. 



Communism and Religion Can’t Coexist…

”The communist hatred of faith is a feature, not a fault. Karl Marx said so himself. Most are familiar with his line that religion is the “opium of the people.” What follows is even more pointed: “The abolition of religion as the illusory happiness of the people is the demand for their real happiness.” Criticism of religion is “the criticism of that vale of tears of which religion is the halo.” Religion may show man’s longing for a better existence, Marx argued, but it also prevents that dream from becoming reality.”

"If you always put limits on everything you do, physical or anything else, it will spread into your work and into your life. There are no limits. There are only plateaus, and you must not stay there, you must go beyond them." - Bruce Lee

> Without belief in a just God and an afterlife, acts have no intrinsic right and wrong

That assumes the sole source of moral value is expected risk/reward, which makes no sense

> Just examine any culture that has advocated state-sponsored atheism

Look at any culture that has advocated state-sponsored theism. State-sponsored is the part where you're screwed

I agree with your first paragraph though


Religion imo. Still the biggest threat to humanity and constantly divides us. 

Luke 12:51

"Do you think I have come to bring peace to the earth? No, I have come to divide people against each other!"

- Jesus Christ


"If you always put limits on everything you do, physical or anything else, it will spread into your work and into your life. There are no limits. There are only plateaus, and you must not stay there, you must go beyond them." - Bruce Lee

Public debate.

Due to echo chambers on (social)media platforms, people shut their eyes for different opinions/points of view. Information is quickly labelled wrong or fake news etc.

In addition, certain problems cannot be discussed anymore because when you address them you are immediately labelled with whatever or even censored from media platforms.


Second this. In addition, the amount of people that are getting their information from sources as Instagram/Youtube/Tik Tok is disturbing. Sure, there are smart people on those platforms but they are outnumbered by people that will say anything to increase their own hype and viewcount.


Lmao imagine thinking cancel culture is worse than disease, poverty, slavery, and war. 


Those are timeless problems. It’s understandable that people are answering with issues that are more pronounced in current times. If you are going to mouth off, at least be clever about it. 


They're happening as we speak though, its just hard to imagine the entitlement from the perspective of someone non-privileged 


The invention of agriculture. It's all been downhill since the hunter-gatherer days.

Lol on one hand you have constant struggle for survival but but otherwise no problems.

On the other you have 0 struggle for survival and bunch of made up problems.

Idk man pick your poison. 


I'm not sure if anyone has read the book Sapiens (great read), but if I recall correctly, Yuval Noah Harari actually touches on how the change from hunter-gatherer to the agricultural revolution was the worst thing to happen to that date (or something like that). Again, I may have butchered this if I didn't recall correctly, but great read nonetheless!


The most existential problem has to be climate change. Besides that, overall distrust in institutions and polarization (in the US specifically) are up there. 


I mean you can always buy a nice low-mileage example of a manual transmission car stateside! I've only owned manual transmission cars personally. Started with a 6MT G35 coupe, then got a 6MT Volvo S60R, and now I have a 6MT Audi RS4. My mom actually moved her automatic petrol car when she retired from the USA > Spain because she didn't want a stickshift diesel like they all have.


Globally? Access to clean water.

Domestically? The GOP abandoning their commitment to democracy and revealing their autocratic tendencies. If a Democrat wins the Oval in 2024, this group of House Republicans will absolutely not certify the results, and we will have an attempted coup on our hands.

"I don't know how to explain to you that you should care about other people."

I don't disagree with you, but I have to say that the Democratic party leadership (not democrats in general) also have some responsibility for this. When you have people like Debbie Wasserman Schultz and Hilary Clinton basically conspiring to steal the nomination from more populist (and straight up popular) candidates like Bernie Sanders can you really be surprised that there is a really negative reaction from the other side with lots of skepticism? Especially when they've got worthless pundits like Tucker Carlson playing in their right ear constantly.


LOL Bernie was not more popular.  PopulIST?  Yes.  PopulAR?  No.  You're just as bad as the Trumpers who think their election was stolen



The fanaticism with election security seems to be bipartisan as Dems push to get HR-1 passed.

The Dems wish to preserve/expand access to voting, while the GOP is working to curtail/reverse access. And because everything in politics must be "Both Sides", these are somehow equal actions. Sigh..

"I don't know how to explain to you that you should care about other people."

Lol what the hell are you saying dude. This narrative that Republicans were trying to "overturn" democracy is absurd; far from overturning, they were fighting to uphold democracy by using the civil means that the Congress wills--open debate--to address concerns of their constituents. I'm no Trump supporter, but I can't fault them for doing what the Democrats also did in the '00, '04, and '16 elections, especially when many of these Republicans make compelling arguments for their objections

Gaslighting and re-writing history at its finest. Breathtaking.

"I don't know how to explain to you that you should care about other people."

It's an absurd yet incredibly common talking point among the MSM.  To your point regarding Congressional objections, I agree to a point however there were some representatives who said they thought the vote was legitimate but still voted not to certify probably to appeal to their constituents. I think that is a potential issue but I'm not certain how to deal with that. Your point regarding legitimate concerns is valid but I feel that in that context January 6 is too late of a date to vote for the certification as the elected president would take office only 2 weeks later. Maybe make a law for states to get results in much closer to election day and have an initial vote sometime early December to give time for any issues brought up to be smoothed out? 


Marxist ideology taking hold of the left-leaning parties of Western governments and their mass push for equity leading into a "Great Reset" of capitalism. It's like people completely forget about the mass deaths Leftist movements lead to in China, USSR, North Korea, Cambodia, Bulgaria, Yugoslavia, Romania, and Cuba during the 20th century. Hitler and the National Socialist German Workers' Party were socialists pushing hard for the regulation of the private sector and and other left-leaning causes like gun control. During the lead up, none of these movements ever said what their ultimate plan was. Every single time they talked about ushering in a new age of equality, empowering the working class, alleviating poverty, and prosecuting a scapegoated demographic group. All while changing the legislatures either gradually through policy or outright military insurrection to demonize anyone who opposed their views, treating them as an extremist to be dealt with accordingly. The next global economic downturn I firmly believe will give way to some very unpleasant leadership unless the USA and Europe change their course.


The next global economic downturn I firmly believe will give way to some very unpleasant leadership unless the USA and Europe change their course.

And you don't think that this happened this go around?  

It has certainly laid the groundwork but no, I don't think we've seen things get bad enough yet. If this whole paying people more on unemployment than minimum wage keeps up though and people refuse to go back to work, then I could see things heading the Germany route. Inflation isn't something to mess with and Biden is essentially retarded child playing with a loaded gun in terms of economic policy. What makes this scarier than Germany though is that the USD is the global reserve currency. If that starts to slide everyone is going to suffer big time. Except the ultra elite who already have a ton of assets of course.



Cancel Culture. This country is about free speech. As long as you don't incite violence or harm, you should be able to say and practice whatever you like.

Was waiting for someone to say this (eyeroll). You absolutely always have had the right to say and practice whatever you like. You've never had the right to say and practice whatever you like, free of any consequence by your employer or the free market, or Twitter, or Facebook who have their own terms of service to use their private enterprise. 

Now if we want to talk about the government taking action against free speech, how many times did we hear Trump call for boycotts, firings, and banning of private citizens and companies? The Right likes to pretend Cancel Culture is an exclusively Left thing whereas voters of both parties absolutely embrace "Cancel Culture". Liz Cheney was just cancelled because she just had the audacity to say the election wasn't stolen.

"I don't know how to explain to you that you should care about other people."

Was waiting for someone to say this (eyeroll). You absolutely always have had the right to say and practice whatever you like. You've never had the right to say and practice whatever you like, free of any consequence by your employer or the free market, or Twitter, or Facebook who have their own terms of service to use their private enterprise. 

First off, Twitter and Facebook are not private enterprises like FOX or CNN and have government protection from legal liability (Section 230).  Second, corporations cannot just do whatever they want. We have laws against discrimination on the books. If you oust people for holding a certain political viewpoint, and can show a firing based on that, the legality of such a firing becomes questionable. I would also argue that big corporates receiving bailouts and corporate welfare from the federal government (tax payer money) should not be classified as private enterprises. If the government is helping them, they should be held to the standard of the government when protecting free speech. 

I think it's also worth noting that the definition of "government" is a bit broader than just getting arrested by state or federal authorities. A good illustration of this is the classic supreme case Tinker vs. De Moines which cited with the students rights to protest the Vietnam war over the school district.

Now if we want to talk about the government taking action against free speech, how many times did we hear Trump call for boycotts, firings, and banning of private citizens and companies? The Right likes to pretend Cancel Culture is an exclusively Left thing whereas voters of both parties absolutely embrace "Cancel Culture". Liz Cheney was just cancelled because she just had the audacity to say the election wasn't stolen.

There is some accuracy to this comment, but it's strange given that teddybear never mentioned his political affiliation. I know moderate liberals who are against cancel culture just as I know conservatives who are against it (recall Obama has spoken out against it only to be retorted with "ok boomer!" from the AOC types). I agree with your assessment that it occurs with both parties (and I certainly wasn't thrilled with the Cheney removal), but I think the reason conservatives attack it more is that higher education, major corporates (every industry imaginable), health & medicine almost certainly lean heavily liberal and actively practice cancel culture. This makes it increasingly difficult for an average Joe to be conservative and gain success in these fields. 




Cancel Culture. This country is about free speech. As long as you don't incite violence or harm, you should be able to say and practice whatever you like.

Was waiting for someone to say this (eyeroll). You absolutely always have had the right to say and practice whatever you like. You've never had the right to say and practice whatever you like, free of any consequence by your employer or the free market, or Twitter, or Facebook who have their own terms of service to use their private enterprise. 

Now if we want to talk about the government taking action against free speech, how many times did we hear Trump call for boycotts, firings, and banning of private citizens and companies? The Right likes to pretend Cancel Culture is an exclusively Left thing whereas voters of both parties absolutely embrace "Cancel Culture". Liz Cheney was just cancelled because she just had the audacity to say the election wasn't stolen.

The problem with cancel culture / censorship / voice suppression is the resulting inability to make informed decisions...

If you look at it from the very narrow scope of making investment decisions...

How can you make good decisions if key information is withheld/ suppressed?

It is effectively saying it is OK to cook the books because the bad quarterly report would make the manager feel bad and hurt his chances of getting a good next job...


heart disease, laziness, lack of proper nutritional education in the schools (K-12) and to physicians 

"If you always put limits on everything you do, physical or anything else, it will spread into your work and into your life. There are no limits. There are only plateaus, and you must not stay there, you must go beyond them." - Bruce Lee

The way the internet (social media, specifically) destroyed the way we communicate with each other, along with the neuroses and mental issues it's spawned in people.  The obsession over identity politics, though I'd almost say this is a product of the former.  The decline of the family unit.  I almost wonder if this is because of the decline of religion as another poster mentioned. 


Probably social media. Even the executives and senior engineers that created these platforms have said that it will completely fracture the structure of society and have an insane amount of negative, unintended consequences. Just look at an average individual who doesn't indulge in too much critical-thinking. They are completely brainwashed(especially youth) and the problem is that as these platforms are extremely addictive. They will most likely never become sane, rational, and mentally health individuals who believe in real values like love, family, relationships, altruism, etc. You can already feel the problem and it will only get worse this industry doesn't get heavily regulated


Completely agree with this. Social media (Tiktok, Instagram, etc.) is what allows otherwise fringe / insane ideas to become mainstream overnight and get much more traction than they ever should. Plus, algorithms drive people into their own corners so they are never exposed to any contradictory information. Creates a whole generation of brainwashed adults incapable of forming their own opinion on anything.

It almost feels like Twitter has become a collective internal monologue. I know the NPC meme was a joke but it's feeling eerily accurate these days. 


Numquam incidunt ut consequatur enim sed soluta. Sed dolores et ut odit sint est sint. Suscipit expedita accusantium dolorem sequi. Accusantium eligendi aperiam qui qui et odit velit dolorem. Aliquid fuga reiciendis in rerum et ut. Ad rerum et iste praesentium est doloribus. Totam dolores autem facere similique aut.

Adipisci voluptas iure ab et facere dolor et. Quos architecto non eveniet sunt quibusdam quia. Aut placeat asperiores cupiditate odit dolore quas reiciendis. Consequatur et iusto harum accusamus quis possimus illo.


Quis placeat sit optio id et. Alias quo in veritatis quas molestiae. Nulla enim nihil perferendis consequatur inventore qui.

Nesciunt quia exercitationem placeat recusandae. Et aut mollitia velit quaerat magnam. Molestiae facere necessitatibus omnis alias officia maxime maiores.

Voluptatem quibusdam voluptatem praesentium temporibus sequi et. Accusantium nisi nostrum est qui quia. Error officia qui inventore corporis.

Voluptatibus sunt alias enim nemo id dolorem delectus et. Dolorum quaerat soluta possimus quibusdam minus et voluptas. Optio ut voluptatem soluta aut vero. Labore voluptates qui quis aut reiciendis et. Velit sed aliquam voluptates non.


Qui corrupti error repellendus quam sit cum deserunt id. Quis praesentium ab omnis dolor molestias. Accusantium sunt ut accusantium repellendus voluptatem excepturi. Quia deleniti similique mollitia dolor. Occaecati aut ut dolorem sint. Est quos voluptatem et doloremque quia deleniti deleniti.

"If you always put limits on everything you do, physical or anything else, it will spread into your work and into your life. There are no limits. There are only plateaus, and you must not stay there, you must go beyond them." - Bruce Lee

Nesciunt est est cupiditate aut. Amet est sunt rerum voluptas nam porro sint. Quam repellat accusantium tempore.

Commodi veniam et nihil incidunt. Voluptate maxime aperiam eos quis aut expedita. Fuga iste aliquid consequatur iste laboriosam natus. Velit non vitae odit veniam aut quidem molestiae.

Doloremque perspiciatis doloremque eum quas similique culpa unde in. Ullam repellat et doloribus illo. Illo consequuntur sequi et qui officiis et recusandae.

Pariatur quos laboriosam et eum dolor voluptatem dicta. Numquam est alias commodi optio sit est. Quam aut dolores et harum rerum. Ut ut quod placeat minus fugit aut enim. Aut optio itaque blanditiis soluta.


Sed voluptates ullam iusto impedit dignissimos. Delectus iure beatae omnis quam.

Sit et corporis dolores aperiam dolor qui assumenda cupiditate. Impedit aut qui quo provident et et. Et mollitia officiis nobis. Quis maxime sequi adipisci tempore. Consequuntur voluptatem voluptatem fuga magni saepe quisquam necessitatibus.

Placeat fuga aut et adipisci voluptatum enim est eum. Necessitatibus nam veniam voluptates deserunt est ea quaerat. Maxime non molestiae voluptates non.

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Professional Growth Opportunities

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  • Intern/Summer Analyst (146) $101
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