Consulting Compensation Latin America

I was recently told by a friend that consulting compensation in Mexico tended to be around 2,000 USD per month at MBB. Is this true? Does anyone know what consulting salaries look like in the region, or in Mexico specifically?


Yes it is true. That is base salary for Mexico in MBB. Doesn't look so good does it? Lol

It's quite silly to just look at the number. Even in the US alone, you can't compare a 2k USD life in Ontario, CA with one in Manhattan. Now relatively speaking, that money can get you quite a living in your mid 20's. Leaving ridiculous salaries aside (family companies, Mike Rosses, etc), MBB in Mexico lets you filter your apartment search to "PH only", if you know what I mean...

Yes it is true. That is base salary for Mexico in MBB. Doesn't look so good does it? Lol

It's quite silly to just look at the number. Even in the US alone, you can't compare a 2k USD life in Ontario, CA with one in Manhattan. Now *relatively* speaking, that money can get you quite a living in your mid 20's. Leaving ridiculous salaries aside (family companies, Mike Rosses, etc), MBB in Mexico lets you filter your apartment search to "PH only", if you know what I mean...

This post is from 2011.. you are late haha

Further your can see that the currency exchange rates are now wrong...

Best Response
as far as consulting in Latin America goes, Sao Paulo is the place to be. 5000+ USD/month as an analyst straight from college at MBB, Kearney, Monitor, Roland Berger, Booz.

This is SO untrue. Compensation for MBB in Sao Paulo is 3500-4000 USD/month which equals approximately 52,000 USD/year (we have 13 salaries) for an analyst straight out of college. And the same offer is made regardless where you come from. On the other hand, post-MBA associates in Sao Paulo office make about 145,000 USD. All numbers are without bonus and using 1,6 FX conversion. Bottom line: you are much better joining the office as an associate.

Just for comparison, IBD MS analyst one here makes 6300 USD/month and GS IBD analyst one makes 9375 USD/month WITHOUT bonus. And bonuses have been crazy for the past 3-4 years.

How can I say that? I am a former MBB analyst and have friends in various IBDs over here.

as far as consulting in Latin America goes, Sao Paulo is the place to be. 5000+ USD/month as an analyst straight from college at MBB, Kearney, Monitor, Roland Berger, Booz.

This is SO untrue. Compensation for MBB in Sao Paulo is 3500-4000 USD/month which equals approximately 52,000 USD/year (we have 13 salaries) for an analyst straight out of college. And the same offer is made regardless where you come from. All numbers are without bonus and using 1,6 FX conversion.

fair enough - my number was a conservative estimate all-inc. reason: since we're comparing between various countries it seems more sensible to take a total and divide by 12 considering differences such as 13th month etc.

That being said - your numbers are definitely too low. Analysts at above mentioned firms average 7000Rs/4400 USD a month. base salary - add to that signing bonus / bonus pay / 13th month.


Well, just postpone one of those interviews, it should be that big of a deal. From my POV I would go with RB, but I am from Europe and they have quite a strong presence here, on the other hand I am not sure about SA.


Unfortunately, both won't be exactly a personal interview, they'll be both group activities; so they can't postpone them.

Anyway, I think I'll stay with Roland Berger, given the fact that they're way older here in Brazil and have a bigger office; beside the stronger presence in Europe, where I want to live in the future.

PS: nice doge


Thanks for the confirmation Nutry. Do you know what the rest of the compensation looks like? Are the Colombian, Peruvian, Chilean, or Argentina offices all the same?



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