Elite Balance Sheet Boutique
Given the recent talk about RBC, I think it fit that we recognize the real up and coming franchise, BNP Paribas - the Elite Balance Sheet Boutique -
Firmly in top 10 globally (per Financial Times league tables), ABOVE RBC
Gorgeous, sexy, mouth watering 3 trillion dollar balance sheet (more than MS/GS combined), only made stronger by smart strategic moves (sale of Bank of the West, acquisition of AXA AM).
The name exudes prestige and aristocracy (i.e. Banc National de PARIS) French is inherently a fancy language.
Hands down has the coolest and most meaningful logo of any bank ( The four stars represent Universality, Europe, and the bright future in store for BNP, while the green represents growth/life)
With all this in mind, one can only come to the conclusion that BNP is indeed the Bank For a Changing World - The Elite Balance Sheet Boutique
BNP easily beats out other top tier BBs (GS/MS/RBC).
Not to mention BNP has top tier Structured products, derivatives, DCM, and financing in general. To call BNP anything other than Bulge Bracket would be a farce.
BNP Paribas has an excellent global markets division, with recent strength in global markets and a stellar balance sheet, they’re clearly worthy of bulge bracket status.
What is the category for firms like PNC/Harris Willaims, Naxitis/Solomon Partners, TD/Cowen, Mizuho/Greenhill, MUFG/Intrepid, Citizens/JMP, etc.
Peasant banks. These firms lack the inherently aristocratic culture and atmosphere that only a French institution as esteemed as BNP can provide
Bro copied my shit bar for bar
flow for flow too
look at this dude's comment history lol, bro was saying he got an offer at BNP a few months ago and now is memeing his own bank smh
Imagine, for a second, not taking yourself too seriously
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Facilis pariatur ducimus velit beatae voluptates et. Nostrum veniam itaque iure voluptas velit laboriosam iste. Nobis id deleniti fugiat eligendi tempore. Asperiores ullam quas id distinctio quia. Amet in maxime sit deleniti voluptatem dolorem.
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