The Ultimate Investment Banking Target Schools List For 2024/25
The Ultimate Target School List For Finance(Not my Opinion, more so my uncle(EVR/PJT/CVP MD), who I asked for guidance during my college application process. So this isn't really my opinion.This is purely a list created as a reference for high schoolers. It's an anecdote from a frosh so please take it with a grain of salt.This is just a way to get a general idea.)
This list was made to help college applicants who want to go into IB. I was in that position 1 year ago, and without my uncle's guidance, I would have chosen University Of Florida vs one of (UVA/Notre Dame/Emory/UMich).
Tier 1 Institutions(These Institutions Feed By Far the Most To Top Investment Banks & are by far the best colleges in the nation even besides IB) - Harvard, The Wharton School (University of Pennsylvania), Yale, Princeton
Tier Genius(These schools are in a weird spot. These schools are specialist schools but outside of finance and more to tech/engineering. As such, not very many kids go for IB, but the ones that do get the best of the best placement, directly competing with Tier 1 & 1.5. Side note for JHU, it is worse than the 1st 3. The students there if in BME or Engineering are geniuses.)-Stanford, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, California Institute Of Technology, Johns Hopkins
Tier 1.5 Institutions(Second To Tier 1, Feed Heavily to Good Investment Banks, Very Prestigious All-Around) -Columbia University, Duke University, University of Chicago, Dartmouth College, Cornell University,University of Pennsylvania (non-Wharton),Northwestern University
Tier 2 Institutions(These schools are by and large considered target schools for finance, but overall school prestige starts to dwindle although still prestigious. The top Specialist Schools that's strength is their undergrad b-school also place here) - Brown University, New York University (Stern), University of Michigan (Ross), Georgetown University (McDonough)
Tier 3 Institutions(These schools are at the border of target/semi-target, place quite well into finance, but not definitive target level production. These schools may also have target level production in one region but not throughout the US, Like Notre Dame in the Midwest and Cal On the West Coast. This tier is basically a regional target list.) - University of Virginia (McIntire), UC Berkeley (Haas), University of Notre Dame (Mendoza), Emory University (Goizueta)
Tier 4 Institutions( These schools are more clear-cut semi targets in terms of placement, they could have the same problem of only placing well into one region or low student interest in Banking in general)- Vanderbilt University, Washington University in St.Louis, University of Southern California (Marshall),UCLA, University of Texas At Austin (McCombs),
Tier 5 Institutions(Not as prestigious semi-targets): University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (Kenan-Flagler), Indiana University(IBW & CMBW), Rice(Jones or Econ), Carnegie Mellon(Tepper), Boston College(Carroll)
(Note: Although Indiana is equivalent to prestige of Tier 6, the sheer number of kids they send through the IBW & CMBW makes it a Tier 5.Kelley business school alone is Tier 6.)
Tier 6 Institutions(These schools are on the borderline of semi-target and non-target, often only regional IB placement. Due to sheer numbers at these state schools, people sometimes get good spots(UF to Evercore Pipeline). These schools are average/unprestigious in terms of prestige):University Of Georgia(Corsair in Smeal),University Of Florida(MSF in Warrington),Texas A&M(Mays), Penn State (Nittany Lion Fund), Indiana University (Kelley), Southern Methodist University(Alts in Cox), Fordham (Gabelli), Baruch
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Get a hobby, kid.
Don't worry, I have hobbies. We're both interns btw. Don't call me a kid.
I was about to say this account is from when you were in high school, but saw the comment that you were asking for target schools for ER 2 months ago.
So this account is from before you were in high school, kid. I'm 27.
Would love to acknowledge this kid has had an account for 5 months and was asking about what target schools for ER are. Clearly in HS posting college rankings for IB lol
Opinion on the actual list?
Thank you so much intern!
You are Welcome!
Williams, Amherst and Midd = Ivy basically
Western Ivey belongs in tier 1
Typical Trudeau voter, what can you expect?
To be honest - doesn't matter if you are in Ross at UMich. Also this same post exists at least 30x on here, do you really think you're adding some new nuance or something?
So Ross kids don't have a significant advantage over people in L&S? I heard they do a couple times on this forum. Could you elaborate?
nope, you miss out on a little bit of on-campus recruiting but the real pipelines to IB exist through the investment clubs. As long as you are CS/Econ/PPE major and are in one of the better investment clubs your profile is just as strong as someone in Ross.
Ross has such a big class that only like 1/4 are actually pursuing IB, so it's not really set up to exclusively serve the needs of IB or IB-adjacent people if that makes sense, which is why the clubs are a big deal
Congrats on Cornell!
You could make this argument if OP puts Cornell in HYPSM tier or the "Genius" tier.
Do people really feel the need to post this shit ass tier list every year?
How much is 12 months going to change the reputation of Wharton vs. MIT? Yeah MIT keeps their communal bathrooms cleaner than the stinky nepo-Wharton kids, but in the end they’ll wind up at Centerview or Goldman either way.
MIT clears btw because Lex Friedman went there
Lex Fridman went to MIT? This is news to me
Researches there but same principle
He was thinking of Bibi Netanyahu
He was thinking of Bibi Netanyahu
Bro definitely goes to MIT
This was very good, thanks I can't find a problem with this. Although I thought USC was a regional target but I maybe not.
Hilarious that you are saying this after writing "bump" on a thread titled "SA 2025 Recruiting Non-Target Check In"
Try getting in before you chat lil bro
Thank you!
Tamu mentioned rahhhhhhhhhhh
I would argue that MIT, Stanford, JHU, and CalTech in about that order should be in their own weird tier separate from everyone else. All of these schools place lights out in terms of quality but have less banking interest than their peer schools. All extremely respectable academic institutions focused on research/ tech where the name will get your resume looked at/ get coffee chats but there are just fewer alums in the space. Of the alums though, most are at "top" places which was helpful in my experience.
As someone who went to one of these schools and had the opportunity to go to a pure target, I don't regret it at all. Preferred not to be surrounded by finance hardos and instead be one of a few kids recruiting in a tighter knit group. It's not for everyone but these schools place incredibly well for those that do try.
Hard to quantify against a school like Ross that has hundreds of placements though which is why I think they should be separate.
You make a valid point. I'll make a tier 1.75 for them.
Please respond to this comment stating that you genuinely and wholeheartedly believe that NYU and Michigan Ross are viewed by the majority of people as the same tier as Northwestern and UPenn.
Prestige doesn't matter but it would be a little alarming if you ran into someone in the world and they genuinely thought Kate spade was more "prestigious" than hermes, what sort of detachment problems is this person suffering from? We are here to help, and you are never alone.
bump + also brown along with penn and nw lol
Lol he changed it. Brown should be in nontarget tier though
Allow me to explain further. I wholeheartedly DON'T believe that UPenn-Non Wharton and Northwestern are at the same prestige level of Mich Ross or Stern. IMHO, NYU & Michigan's biggest strength is their undergrad b-schools(Except maybe mich cs). NYU& Michigan just place sheer numbers of kids to finance, hence this ranking. Also, I called NYU & UMich "specialty schools", as they specialize in placing kids into finance, Northwestern & Upenn are prestigious all around.
Let me start off by saying I don’t have a dog in this fight, but you think NYU and Michigan are on the same level as UPenn and Northwestern?
In case you aren’t aware, Penn and Northwestern both have M7 MBA programs, T14 Law schools, and T20 Med schools.
Both schools have been ranked in the top ten for the last 20 years, and both schools are among the oldest in the US. Both schools also have endowments ranking in the top ten. Both schools also have 6% acceptance rates.
But you think NYU and Michigan are on the same level? Hahaha
Also, IDGAF about prestige either. I didn't make this ranking based on fucking prestige. This is just my current view of IB placement.
JHU Down 3
UPenn and Northwestern Up 1
USC Up 1
UCB Up 1
Could u explain why for JHU? In my experience, the ppl who go there are geniuses. Also, JHU is a biomedical engineering school. Literally no one there goes for IB. I find it hard to quantify a pre-health/engineering school vs. schools that have a lot more kids going for IB.
This is just flat out wrong lmao. You don't have to be anywhere close to a genius to go to JHU. It has a higher acceptance rate than every Ivy and Ivy+ (s, m, duke, chi, nu, caltech etc). Congrats on JHU, but the school outside of the BME major is a joke (and a breeze to get into).
Congrats on John’s Hopkins
Congrats on John’s Hopkins
Congrats on John’s Hopkins
Such a loser
Lmao at tier 1 being "by far the best colleges in the nation" and including Wharton while leaving out Stanford and MIT, which are two of the top 5 schools in the world (and then going on to list Stanford as a "specialist" school lol, at least that is sort of true for MIT). I could go on, this list is ridiculous at every level
Brown is a nontarget.
Awful take
How does BU and Northeastern compare in the recent years placements?
Damn, I heard Northeastern has done a lot better in the recent years given their co-op programs. Not too sure about BU
Just remember OP is not even in college yet based on his post history. You have to imagine roughly 50% of the "Intern in IB" or "An1 in TMT" telling you that your alma mater, industry, or your Big4 job sucks is still being driven by their parents to tour colleges.
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