okay this is going to sound bad but I have that one, a burberry tote, and a gucci tote. None of them have any flashy labels (only people who own them would know they exist) but I really don't want to go out to purchase more bags. which one of the 3 would you say is the most "unnoticeable"/least flashy? thanks!


Well, She seems to like to spend other people’s money, but can’t be flashy about it. If you want to drop a serious pile and get absolutely nothing to show for it, it’s hard to think of better brands than The Row or Khaite. 

Seriously, wanna spend ~$7k to look like Dobby the House Elf’s Goth Aunt? Khaite all day ;)



^^ Ridiculous some people would shame for wearing what you like/wearing gifts you got from your parents/for yourself which they/you worked hard for. You have to be a low and insecure person to go out of your way and talk bad about someone wearing something nice. Wear whatever you want and let your hard work speak for itself.


"you have to be low and insecure"

like you I assume? lmao using a secondary account to comment. stfu incognito lol

OP: carry what you want, but expect to be fucked (professionally-wise) for it; that'w what "power dressing means", your dress/attire/accessories portrays something to the world, so you should be ready to play the part ;) because it would be quite hypocritical to say that we prefer A vs. B solely because of purely aesthetics i.e. it would be extremely stupid to disregard the external image that we aim to share with kur dressing/accesories choices.

Male version: Summer Intern with Golden Rolex and Gucci Loafers. hahaha


Applying that logic, you could wear nothing and let your hard work speak itself.

But you won’t.


Longchamp is easy and safe. Go pick up a black one for $100.

Storytime - I was in the same boat as you many years ago, I had very generous parents and luxury bags. I was a silly intern and brought them in, and the associates honest to god sat there and googled them and asked me if they were really $X,XXX dollars. Avoid that. Even if the label is tiny and only women would know, just don't put yourself in that situation. I grabbed a longchamp and these days still use mine several times a week. 

I've seen people in non-branded, lower-dollar / quiet luxury type totes that can be had for $1k or less - think a used Celine Cabas, something you could buy off your first internship money... but you're not doing yourself any favors in showing up in something ultra-expensive. The Bottega totes are $5k so you should absolutely leave that at home. Once you're 6-8 months in as a FT, you will have enough cred + accrued earnings that you can bring those out.


It depends on the specific bag itself, but generally speaking it does not matter the brand.

How flashy is the bag? Bottega is generally pretty good about this, so if it is a tamer color with minimal logos, your bag will be just fine. One of my good friends was an analyst whose main work bag was a Birkin (obviously she didn't buy it herself). Unless there are luxury brand logos everywhere or the bag is some crazy color, it will be just some random bag to 99% of people. There would be no difference to them between your Bottega and some $200 bag from some generic store. To the tiny sliver of finance professionals or clients that may notice, they still likely wouldn't care. No one is going to be like "she has a Bottega therefore she must have a big head" or anything like that so long as it is a work appropriate bag.


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Voluptates accusantium et repellat totam ut totam at. Dolores qui quo vero mollitia ducimus. Est rerum commodi sit maiores qui impedit. Unde consequatur ullam eos soluta blanditiis ut numquam.

Nesciunt molestiae aut dolores minus aliquam error. Voluptas adipisci cum unde optio blanditiis rerum. Qui assumenda consequatur velit omnis. Ullam et recusandae consequatur deleniti quis.


Beatae aspernatur veniam deserunt ullam in. Dicta amet dolor excepturi aut quia atque. Quibusdam aut sapiente qui aut dolorem.

Eos dolorum fugiat quia. Rem perspiciatis iusto quidem assumenda veniam.

Eos pariatur quis ut illum delectus beatae consectetur. Repudiandae voluptatem odit molestias est consectetur beatae. Atque perspiciatis fugit veritatis nobis corporis. Facere et nulla aut qui ut laborum. Aliquid laboriosam cupiditate placeat fugit molestiae sed maxime.

Pariatur blanditiis exercitationem voluptatum voluptatem facilis a reprehenderit. Et eos voluptatem quo nulla harum possimus. Fuga laborum velit veniam voluptatibus eum optio. In et cupiditate ut laboriosam rerum atque.

Career Advancement Opportunities

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  • Intern/Summer Associate (34) $167
  • 1st Year Analyst (222) $158
  • Intern/Summer Analyst (161) $101
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