JPM/MS/GS LONDON conversion rates
How have the IB summer / off cycle analyst internship roles, respectively, fared in terms of return offer rates for each respective bank, in the recent 2–3 years, and how does Citi London's conversion rates compare to them?
Based on anecdotal evidence for SA: citi and jp around 70%, goldman around 40%. Haven’t heard of anyone off cycle getting converted
You mean off cycles don't get converted, or you mean you don't have any data—so you can't comment?
I only know of people who didn’t get converted because they did off-cycle. Not saying it isn’t possible, but I just haven’t heard of it happening
Citi was close to 90% last year. The class was ~45 (incl. ~6 interns in regional offices)
You mean regional offices across Europe?
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Vel exercitationem dolor nobis ut ex. Earum voluptatem dolorem et cum saepe quisquam dicta. Consequatur autem consequuntur quia optio tempore et tenetur.
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