Breaking in from HYP with a Speech Impediment
I'm a rising sophomore at HYP planning to recruit for SA 26 but have been stressing endlessly about my speech impediment. I have a lifelong speech condition where my muscles used for speech don't function 100% properly, so my words often jumble up / mesh together or I stammer. This doesn't happen every time I speak, but my stammering or jumbling up will definitely come out around 10 times in a 30-minute interview.
I'm afraid that no matter how qualified I am, I'll get dinged immediately from an interview once an interviewer sees me stumbling/stammering. Is there any way to avoid getting 'auto-dinged'? Has anyone ever known anyone else in the industry with a speech impediment? Does anyone else with a speech impediment have any tips?
I worked extremely hard to get into HYP as a public hs middle class ORM (white male), but I'm terrified that all of my efforts to break into finance will go to waste because I am not as polished as other candidates from my demographic (ORM). Any advice, especially with regards to networking and interviewing, would be appreciated.
There was a recent thread on stuttering. Maybe yours is more severe, but some of the advice on there probably applies.
I would mention it up front. When they ask you to tell them about yourself, weave it into your story.
Thank you
I don’t think they would ding you just for that. Any reason you can’t just start your background with something like “Happy to walk you through my background. Before I start I did want to be upfront that I was born with a slight speech issue, so apologies if it acts up. Happy to repeat if anything I say is not clear.”
Phrased in whatever way is least likely to cause issues (e.g. I don’t know if S sounds are a problem or what)
If you say it up front like that they will immediately put it into the “disability” category mentally and actively avoid knocking you for it.
This is what I was going to comment, I would do this if I was in your shoes ^
This is very useful, will absolutely implement this during interviews
This is good advice. The other option is to make it part of your story - if there's anything worth saying about steps you've taken to overcome / push through it.
I knew a girl from a target/super-target who had a very noticeable speech impediment. She got the SA and full-time return offer from a top BB (MS/JPM/GS).
You will be fine, just work hard in the recruiting season and mention it up front if you think it's best.
Very motivational! Did she mention or do you know of any issues that she faced during the recruiting process?
But, is a client facing/essentially sales role the most reasonable path long term? Idk what the poster wants but something to consider…
My younger brother got 2 CB offers (current intern) from BBs with a pretty bad stutter from a state school.
You are not alone in this. I experienced the same thing as you a few years ago as a fresh grad and it is challenging breaking in with a stutter. I'm free to talk on the side about anything and my experiences.
In terms of practicality, as others have mentioned, you should be upfront about your stutter in interviews.
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