Canadian student looking to work in the US?
Currently a freshman at a canadian uni. I am interested in working in the US, are there any aspects regarding citizenship that should be considered when thinking of working there?
Currently a freshman at a canadian uni. I am interested in working in the US, are there any aspects regarding citizenship that should be considered when thinking of working there?
Career Resources
You could use the TN visa if the occupation is on the approved list.
Alternatively, E/L/H visa through a company you work for. There are many other options also, just go to the USCIS website and read through the list of visa routes.
Or marry a USC and get the green card that way (** later in life** (probably not as a young student)
there are plenty of Canadians in the US, so it's a common route.
How's tn looking these days for buyside roles if you're an experienced candidate?
Categories only include accountant and economist (and it clearly states jobs like banking don't count as economist).
So even if your bank changes your job desc, have heard people get rejected because their prev exp and uni courses had little to do with econ.
i meant for private equity roles
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