
Although this clearly started as some kind of joke from the right it seems pretty much no one no matter how far left or right can bring themselves to take the negative position on this. Yale was actually a slave trader. Not only that but a politically connected slave trader who mandated that every ship that sailed to Europe must have at least 10 black slaves on it.

This may go nowhere but honestly, I didn't know about that history and it's very disgusting. It's disgusting enough to wear the name of a slave owner, imagine the guy who sold it to them for a living. Imagine having a huge statue of that guy on your campus. Opening up this discussion as I know we have some Yale people on here for opinions, arguments, and maybe bets on alternative names.

Most Helpful

Just cancel all of America.

Yale doesn’t carry on that dudes name because they are celebrating slavery, it was just that he made a big early investment. If we are going to argue semantics about literally every single damn thing, why not go after GWU? Washington and Lee, every school named after Jefferson? Oh, because those don’t make people like that tweeter who went to a bottom of the barrel state school feel as bad, right?


I'm not sure if you're being a little bit tounge-in-cheek or serious. Yale already removed John C. Calhoon's name from one of the colleges because Calhoon was decidedly pro-slavery. I don't see much of a difference between removing Calhoon's name (despite him being Adam's Vice President, a US Senator from South Carolina, and a Yale Graduate) and renaming Yale. You can't say that one is ok and theother is not. Princeton refused to rename the Wilson School of Public Policy after public outcry despite President Wilson (a former president of Princeton, Governor of NJ and US president) being an extremely racist, even by the standards of the day. Brown University was named after a family who was heavily involved in the slave trade. Clemon University was named after Thomas Clemson, a former slave owner and confederate soldier. There's a building on the Clemson campus named after Ben Tillman, an avowed white supremacist who tried to stop freed slaves from voting. In a shocking move, the students and faculty voted to keep his name on the building.

I think the issue that separates Yale from something like GW, Washington and Lee, and Clemson is that Yale already showed that it was willing to remove Calhoon's name from a building because of ties to slavery. They crossed that line and invited this upon themselves. You can't say with a straight face that Calhoon is any different from Elihu Yale. The fact that he was a major doner doesn't excuse Yale from saying one is different from the other. Either they are both bad and the University needs to be renamed or Yale made a mistake allowing Calhoon College be renamed.

Now, I'm not saying I agree with it or I think it's insane, but once you open pandora's box like this, it's going to cause problems. Personally, if the student body and alumni that demanded Calhoon's name be removed don't protest the Yale name, it just shows how selective folks are when it comes to what to be outraged over.


I read that the college's main donor was actually Jeremiah Dummer... For obvious reasons they did not want to name it "Dummer College".

I'm curious though, do you support tearing down confederate statues? I'm just wondering where you would draw the line i.e. elite colleges, etc.


What? Of course those should be taken down, but a name that has been recognized for 300 years as describing an academic institution is not a monument to its namesake.

The people crying about Yale are doing so to dilute its prestige or inconvenience its alumni more than anything, because otherwise they’d be going after lower ranked schools that are named after straight up confederate generals


I genuinely fear for the future of humanity when I know that people like OP are breathing at the same time as me


This is the sort of stuff from the right that I absolutely hate, this coming from an esoteric conservative of sorts. We need to be conserving the history of our nation, not just owning the libs. How about we stand up against the nonsense idea of imputing the moral flavors of the month onto society 300 years ago? At this rate we're going to cancel Lincoln for gods sake (hint: what did Abe want to do with freed slaves from the American South? Did he think they could ever be functioning, integrated members of American society, or did he think they would only ever be perpetual second class citizens?).


To be fair I also oppose trashing Washington and Jefferson for their past but that's mainly because for their time they were 'progressives'. Washington owned slaves but he led the nation that abolished it and now has the most black success stories in the planet. But Yale was the opposite, he was literally anti-progressive for his time. Read accounts on him, he was the most vicious and cruel slave owner you could imagine. It is the thing of nightmares. If Washington's actions may (big may) be cleaned up by his principles, it is Yale's principles that make him even dirtier than his actions. Yale truly absolutely believed in the black inferiority and his right as a white supremacist to profit from their suffering. That was his bread and butter.


I think it’s absurd to cancel all slave owners given the era (you’d get rid of literally Ulysses Grant, as some history-illiterate psychos have started on), but slave traders like Yale probably deserve more scrutiny. That being said, I don’t think Yale made the majority of his business that way (he was like governor of something in India), so I don’t think he should go down, unlike some horrid people like that Colson dude in the UK.

I do think segregationists can fuck RIGHT off, pretty much all Confederates shouldn’t have statues or bases, and their traitor battle flags (which wasn’t used until segregation fights anyway) should be burned en masse.

But when we start dumping Washington and Churchill, people really need to start getting introspective about whether even they pass the filter in our time. It’s absurd.


Bad idea from a game-theoretic point of view. If someone demands Action 1 (moderate) and Action 2 (extreme), and your response is to give in to Action 1, then you've made Action 2 less extreme by doing so, and given the other side political momentum to boot. And then Action 2 becomes more likely. Better to just fight everything, or even push things in the opposite direction.


When I saw the thread title, I was excited for a moment and hoping that finally people were getting wise to that whole... Yale thing.

“Millionaires don't use astrology, billionaires do”

I'm a proponent of black progress, BLM, and black rights in America. But this "cancel culture" shit is stupid. Everyday, someone or something is being cancelled by the nerds on social media.

I just get the feeling they're the type of people that grew up too timid to take life by the horns. It's the social media risk averse crowd that thinks they're actively doing their part by not actually doing anything except yelling at whoever they're told to yell at.

Analyst 1 in IB - Gen:
I'm a proponent of black progress, BLM, and black rights in America. But this "cancel culture" shit is stupid. Everyday, someone or something is being cancelled by the nerds on social media.


It is worth noting that twitter trends are in no way a reflection of real life, but "cancel culture" is an ongoing issue with the fringe illiberal left.

The very idea of political correctness has been bastardized so many times over that it is impossible to have a serious conversation about it. Originally, it simply meant "Don't say offensive shit" much like a traditional politican would not. There should be no place in a rational society for blatant rudeness directed at a group of people.

Instead, those on the far right go out of their way to say offensive shit simply to "fight PC culture" and "own the libs" when really they're just being rude, if not racist, and those on the far left try to use the concept of political correctness to shut down legitimate opposition viewpoints that they simply don't agree with but are not inherently offensive. Then it all gets twisted further with right wing bad faith arguments attempting to legitimize bullshit viewpoints and left wing "trigger warnings" and "safe spaces" from ideas outside of their collective group think.

The entire thing is remarkably stupid. You shouldn't be a awful prick and you shouldn't attempt to shut down legitimate opposition viewpoints. Luckily, most people do not fall into either extreme, but if you only read twitter or watch Fox News, you would never know that.

Commercial Real Estate Developer

Just out of curiosity (this one is supposed to be @CRE), do you support any of the confederate monuments being taken down or the army bases being renamed? I'm just wondering if you do, where would you draw the line e.g. elite institutions are off-limits, etc.

Analyst 1 in IB - Gen:
I'm a proponent of black progress, BLM, and black rights in America. But this "cancel culture" shit is stupid. Everyday, someone or something is being cancelled by the nerds on social media.


It is worth noting that twitter trends are in no way a reflection of real life, but "cancel culture" is an ongoing issue with the fringe illiberal left.

The very idea of political correctness has been bastardized so many times over that it is impossible to have a serious conversation about it. Originally, it simply meant "Don't say offensive shit" much like a traditional politican would not. There should be no place in a rational society for blatant rudeness directed at a group of people.

Instead, those on the far right go out of their way to say offensive shit simply to "fight PC culture" and "own the libs" when really they're just being rude, if not racist, and those on the far left try to use the concept of political correctness to shut down legitimate opposition viewpoints that they simply don't agree with but are not inherently offensive. Then it all gets twisted further with right wing bad faith arguments attempting to legitimize bullshit viewpoints and left wing "trigger warnings" and "safe spaces" from ideas outside of their collective group think.

The entire thing is remarkably stupid. You shouldn't be a awful prick and you shouldn't attempt to shut down legitimate opposition viewpoints. Luckily, most people do not fall into either extreme, but if you only read twitter or watch Fox News, you would never know that.

What kills me is information is just a tool. It's helpful in decision making when real actions are on the table. The way these Twitter users use information is to simply sort themselves and others into groups of perfect online trolls. And nothing more.

They aren't informing themselves to understand policy or to search for viable solutions. They just want the information to be available so that they can posture.

It's crazy that virtue signaling has become an end in itself. Then to add, you cannot reasonably have a rational conversation with these people, because the goal of virtue signaling is to virtue signal itself, so that other ideas do not matter. Other perspectives are only further added to criteria of where you're sorted.

This crowd is so unique and you can really feel it. You can feel the rise in emotion when talking to them and the neverending process of sorting and further sorting and sorting again. It's a tiresome and frivolous endeavor.


CancelCulture is so stupid. Huge % of Americans have slave owners in their lineage somewhere or another because it used to be commonplace literally across the globe. If you dig deep enough you could #Cancel most US-rooted businesses. BLM-led “protest” demolished a statue of Lincoln and their self-proclaimed rationale was that his family owned slaves... Guess that supersedes the fact that this man spearheaded the end of slavery in the US. Meanwhile celebrities b*tch and push this ridiculous narrative while wearing blood diamonds mined by CURRENT day slaves down the red carpet. One big joke.


Wait until people find out most of human history is very fucked up and dark and that the problem is just human nature to do things against humanity.

But to have a point, I get why people could be upset about a name deep rooted into something that is pretty awful. I try to place myself in the shoes of others and see a prestigious university named after an SS officer or something like that, I’d feel disgusted of that name. So I get it.

With that said, I think the cancel culture is stupid and it’s just because people have absolutely no power in their lives and want to feel like they’re making a difference. They probably have some awful job, if they haven’t already been laid off at this point, no sight of financial freedom, no sight of retirement, and aren’t willing to work that hard to change the course of their lives off the failure path.

But suddenly they can #cancel or #IsOverParty and they feel some semblance of power and control. It’s not that indifferent from the Stanford prison experiment.

“The three most harmful addictions are heroin, carbohydrates, and a monthly salary.” - Nassim Taleb
Brownfield Capital:
They are unreasonable...

It is exceptionally reasonable to proclaim that the lives of Black people matter

Edit: Gotta love this being downvoted on WSO. Says more than my long posts ever could.

Commercial Real Estate Developer
Let's be real there's no true outrage here. #CancelYale is a hashtag that's being shared across social channels by white, right-wing supremacist to delegitimize the BLM movement and make its proponents seem unreasonable.

The ''educated'' liberal right here everyone. Next he'll claim that right wing groups are vandalizing Western heritage statues to defame BLM.

Never discuss with idiots, first they drag you at their level, then they beat you with experience.

First off, it's "she". Second off, I'm only stating the facts. #CancelYale is in fact a hashtag circulated by white supremacists and the far right. Any quick good search on a variety of fact-checked new outlets confirms this.


I mean it's clear Yale needs to change thier name. Harvard was named after a guy who knew slaves. That is bad so we should chnage that too

https://media2.giphy.com/media/xUySTXO7lkWS5GF5YI/giphy.gif" alt="yale" />

Will update my computer soon and leave Incognito so I will disappear forever. How did I achieve Neanderthal by trolling? Some people are after me so need to close account for safety.
Brownfield Capital:
this entire movement to erase Western history.
Brownfield Capital:
Forget about it- there will be a war before that happens.

This is why we can't have nice things. Any time there is a political or controversial topic, people on either side express rational points of view on complicated topics and ideas and then some alt-right dumbass comes in and makes a post about "erasing western history" or an impending "war" in an effort to escalate the debate like this is some cable news show.

Adults can disagree, even aggressively and strenuously, without accusing the other side of some overarching conspiracy to "erase history" or threaten violence.

Commercial Real Estate Developer

Cancel universities, cancel social media, cancel the media. Cancel liberals

Never discuss with idiots, first they drag you at their level, then they beat you with experience.
Any time there is a political or controversial topic, people on either side express rational points of view on complicated topics and ideas and then some alt-right dumbass comes in
Cancel universities, cancel social media, cancel the media. Cancel liberals
Commercial Real Estate Developer

Sint animi est porro facere et quo enim. Qui ut itaque voluptatibus ducimus alias aliquid. Quasi et blanditiis minus nostrum fugiat voluptatum laudantium. Aut quisquam eligendi assumenda exercitationem ut.

Sunt accusantium qui praesentium sequi. Ut velit eius consequuntur neque. Distinctio ut accusantium ut error et voluptas. Dolores ullam in in blanditiis qui omnis explicabo facere. Doloribus neque quae sunt consequatur. Deleniti quia ullam libero qui soluta libero.

Deserunt nemo adipisci et fugiat enim aliquam qui aut. Voluptas alias ut et delectus et. Molestiae exercitationem excepturi qui aut provident ut ullam rerum.

Maiores quos eum repellendus quaerat cupiditate magnam. Quasi nemo aut ut rem molestiae. Nostrum consequatur rerum unde voluptatem tenetur incidunt esse. Vel rerum et optio consequatur vero.

Never discuss with idiots, first they drag you at their level, then they beat you with experience.

Quia incidunt et quisquam corporis necessitatibus et fugiat. Provident id ullam voluptatem et sed. Quia quae porro accusantium. Quo ipsam placeat nostrum sit. Aut numquam laudantium consectetur sequi modi maxime. Deserunt non alias laboriosam inventore.

Reiciendis maiores distinctio et qui error. Qui recusandae et deleniti ut.

Ratione quisquam autem dolores deserunt. Repudiandae dolores vitae illum impedit ea modi. Tenetur dolores minima quod nesciunt numquam quos. Fuga corporis ut est natus omnis et quam.


Quia tenetur doloribus accusamus et. Sit excepturi fuga sequi quia quia nihil. Rerum sunt error voluptas incidunt eos rerum.

Nulla dolore maxime et et modi possimus. Impedit fuga reprehenderit neque laboriosam sunt non iste. Minus consequatur tempore sit ipsum laboriosam. Voluptatem voluptate est consequatur impedit voluptates magni natus.

Consequatur voluptatibus aut sit autem esse voluptatibus porro et. Reprehenderit et tenetur quo repellendus.

Never discuss with idiots, first they drag you at their level, then they beat you with experience.

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