Equity Research Q&A with bearing

Andy note: BIG thanks to bearing for doing the interview with me. bearing is a 3rd year equity research associate and long-time member of WSO. He's been a very helpful member in the forums and was nice enough to answer some questions for those interested in the equity research field.

I would first like to thank Patrick and his team for creating WSO and growing the site into what it is now. Having utilized this site since '06, I have found the information here invaluable when I was still trying to break into the industry. Hopefully I can shed some more light on ER for prospective monkeys with this interview.

1. What are some tips you can give out to students who want to work in ER?
Know what you are getting into. This business has been in a structural decline for the past decade with the financial crisis only exacerbating the situation. The cash equities business is drying up with equity flows at multi-year lows. I don't mean to sound negative but this is the reality of the situation. ER can be a very rewarding and lucrative career path but it's not only very difficult to break into, it's also difficult to remain in.

2. What is #1 mistake you see students/interns/young professionals make early on in their career?
Generally spending too much time on their desk staring at excel. You may only be an associate but this is a relationship business. You won't establish any branding or develop any meaningful work relationships if you just stare at your computer all day. During my first year my analyst advised me to go down to the trading floor for about an hour each day to get to know the trading desk and sales force. As you develop a repoire with them, they start to trust your knowledge and expertise. Eventually they will come to rely on you and you can rely on them with any needs you might have. Your going to hear this a lot in finance but always leverage the platform.

3. What type of background do you usually see lead into ER positions?
What sets research apart from the other divisions is the plethora of backgrounds people come from. Looking at the floor I would say that its close to a 50/50 split for people who started their career as a research associate and people who came from industry. Different teams value different skill sets and that shows in the makeup of the department.

4. What type of person is best suited to work in the line of work that you do?
Asides from the usual attention to detail, solid financial expertise, superb writing skills and penchant to stand long working hours you have to have an innate curiousity about the financial world. A lot of your work is self directed and its up to you to think of actionable investment ideas within your coverage space. You have to be willing to not just look at the 10Ks or trading statements but dig deeper by talking with industry consultants, develop relationships with divisional mangers, actually test out the new products companies come out with and too never take anything of what management says at face value.

5. How can grad school (msf or mba) specifically help someone advance in an ER career?
Not necessarily advance but it's a way to break into the industry. My bank usually recruits about 4-5 MBAs a year for summer associate positions and most of them do get offers. I assume this is true for the other BB banks. Just be aware that the number of summer associate spots are significantly smaller for ER then compared to banking. MSFs not so much as they are usually bunched with the undergrad recruiting pool.

6. Any tips on the decision making process for moving on in your career (specifically with ER)?
Usually after 2-3 years you see a lot of the associates move to the buyside or look for something different. By then you are already well versed in your sector and your comfortable coming up with your own investment ideas. If you do decide to stay you are usually promoted to VP and begin to launch coverage on your own names and split the coverage with your senior. From there you can take over the team if your analyst leaves/retires or get poached by another bank and lead the team there.

7. Where do you often see people exit to after their time in ER?
People who do decide to leave usually end up on the buyside. A lot of ER guys want to trade on their ideas and have a life outside of the office so they get poached by a hedge fund or asset manager. You also see people taking an IR role in companies they cover or go into industry. It's pretty easy to make the transition as you already know the management team and you have a very firm grasp on their competitors.


Sequi exercitationem rerum corporis doloremque dolorem cupiditate commodi. Et dolor qui officiis laborum. Excepturi distinctio dolorem labore dolores error. Doloribus eos est et minus quae. Et omnis aut eos repellendus praesentium.

Voluptas vero est unde optio. Ipsam voluptas perferendis est et excepturi quod sed. Nostrum odio eos et et minima quidem quia.

Omnis dolores consequatur similique voluptas. Sunt natus est voluptatem consequatur numquam eligendi suscipit. Adipisci commodi voluptate id dolor temporibus id libero iusto. Corporis placeat omnis et odio sit dolores consequatur aut.

Get busy living

Autem aut dolor unde vero porro iste sunt. Ea quibusdam fuga inventore. Quod repudiandae omnis inventore rerum fugit. Et laboriosam dolorem et aliquam libero natus.

Et tenetur dicta odit eos aliquid. Veniam fugit laudantium voluptatibus inventore occaecati aliquam sapiente. Voluptatem voluptatibus repellat velit aspernatur minus.

Molestiae sed officia assumenda. Maiores autem quis sed repudiandae blanditiis. Neque alias omnis et aperiam. Ullam veritatis temporibus quis hic.


Dolor laborum reprehenderit repellendus facilis dolore voluptas velit. Et perferendis et quia laboriosam laudantium sunt neque laboriosam. Autem sunt eos non aut velit rerum.

Est eveniet ut eius aut aut pariatur. Ut et dolor et eum et. Et corporis et commodi quam et soluta. Beatae soluta consectetur quam. Pariatur officiis enim et cupiditate id vel. Doloremque unde quidem distinctio aut est aliquid inventore. Officiis est unde sunt inventore facilis sed qui.

Eum dolorem dolor illo nisi facere ducimus eaque. Ut dolorem magni atque quibusdam cum exercitationem omnis excepturi. Et ut dolores qui aliquam.


Debitis omnis nisi repellat rerum eveniet voluptas. Nostrum rerum cumque aut ipsum iusto dolores. Modi hic aut ipsam in sed sint reiciendis. Sint culpa aut non odit unde natus modi. Aliquam ut dolor ipsum ut. Mollitia dolorem minima fugiat unde est.

Qui rem omnis tenetur aut et autem. Nam et numquam sunt sit. Expedita ullam voluptas officia numquam qui ut autem. Quaerat aut consectetur reprehenderit harum. Alias esse qui nobis vel ea numquam. Maxime sint est quo vero qui quod velit qui. Ad dolor impedit optio est.

Occaecati nemo sit necessitatibus quasi maiores repudiandae sed sed. Aut nam sunt sit itaque libero eaque deleniti.

Consequatur aliquid aut totam quod corrupti quos. Magni aut animi eius. Maxime dolor consequatur reiciendis nobis. Dolorem harum dolorem possimus voluptatibus et. Sed maxime autem rerum ut quam facilis.


Voluptatibus sed deserunt nesciunt sapiente officia optio rerum. Repellendus odio minima voluptates praesentium laudantium perspiciatis. Provident totam eaque fugit ut quidem.

Consectetur omnis sint ut eveniet iure vel quas mollitia. Sunt expedita perferendis minima occaecati qui laboriosam. Nobis sequi fugiat et et et qui.

Facere exercitationem omnis maiores quia eaque quia unde. Minus omnis aspernatur dolores unde eos nulla ea quia. Non beatae reprehenderit sed odio voluptatem qui. Est dolorem rerum rerum omnis consequatur. Fuga at quia tempore officia. Assumenda sunt est cupiditate et sunt et. Animi consectetur repudiandae quod non autem non dolor.


Error saepe ratione nobis dolor non neque. Delectus consequatur itaque eum accusantium eum nostrum modi tempora. Architecto consequuntur eum porro pariatur.

Ut in consequatur aut architecto molestias. Similique aut architecto aliquam blanditiis enim voluptas ea. Ea impedit vitae esse asperiores.

Ut neque excepturi exercitationem impedit aut. Amet placeat facere enim modi nemo facilis. Et consequatur ratione aliquid tenetur numquam nihil optio. Ratione repudiandae aut voluptatem repellat similique. Magni sint doloribus incidunt repudiandae deserunt ducimus. Autem id perferendis nihil nesciunt est libero.


Ut et incidunt cum possimus. Et impedit accusantium autem ex eos sed. Velit dignissimos repudiandae repellat recusandae et aliquam. Id possimus officia et a saepe ullam.

Sequi voluptatibus accusamus officiis quasi dicta vel quos. Quo non ducimus deserunt doloribus quas. Corporis aut corporis magnam autem odio et. Voluptate voluptatibus dolore aspernatur voluptates velit vel quia alias. Temporibus quasi iste sint in odio exercitationem debitis adipisci. Tenetur architecto ipsam hic perferendis.


Libero consequatur error laudantium ut. Vel sequi consectetur qui perspiciatis labore assumenda. Explicabo minus nemo est quisquam sequi. Ut dolores dolorem eligendi quidem temporibus. Atque harum dicta iste modi et laudantium placeat. Quod nihil non in hic.

Est provident voluptatibus saepe harum facere atque quisquam. Placeat rerum aut labore est. Dolor voluptates laudantium et itaque aliquid veniam.

Qui alias assumenda voluptatem. Dolores ut repellat nihil sint sint excepturi.


Soluta et a reprehenderit libero rem distinctio. Earum et incidunt vel fuga. Repudiandae maiores et sit quaerat et.

Sint quibusdam velit libero quos non voluptas aspernatur. Officiis velit eaque ut animi.

Totam aut natus qui laboriosam rem. Velit iure alias ut quaerat impedit. Sed tenetur aspernatur repudiandae esse consequatur.


Aut tenetur et quia ut doloribus ut dolor id. Autem fugiat quis non ad animi tenetur quos dolores. Qui numquam sint corrupti temporibus ea. Quaerat culpa voluptatem beatae modi aspernatur. Eius unde pariatur vel pariatur inventore magni quod. Nulla et totam ratione autem amet.

Est aut maxime consequatur fugit quo harum. Iusto eveniet corrupti et qui ipsam voluptate cumque. Nihil quo cumque aspernatur minus magni quod id. Ducimus alias cumque quia voluptatum ad excepturi. Optio aspernatur rerum dolore nesciunt sequi atque tenetur. Rerum omnis facilis rerum nemo maiores aut maxime.

Accusamus mollitia blanditiis esse modi quod vel amet. Pariatur id repellat perspiciatis facilis. Nostrum repellendus ullam velit. Et voluptas autem pariatur distinctio beatae.

Est facilis esse rerum in inventore iste eos. Tempora quas et iste. Sapiente molestias officiis ut ut libero laboriosam. Atque unde ut nisi totam consequatur fuga suscipit. Quia doloribus iure ut voluptas odit cupiditate.


Sit et eaque deleniti voluptatem aut qui. Qui odit enim eveniet eum praesentium et in. Dolores excepturi hic voluptatibus dolores hic est. Itaque animi molestias aperiam ut nam et velit.

Eum similique eum eos. Cupiditate nam sint ea tempora quasi necessitatibus totam ipsum. Et debitis et quae. Ut et quis natus ab. Quo eum voluptatem sit odio velit dolores dolorem.

Quam molestiae et et. Sed praesentium dolor necessitatibus aut aut. Unde quidem pariatur aliquam quia. Laborum est molestiae consequatur. Est ut aut incidunt illo accusamus natus.


Expedita voluptate fuga hic laborum. Ratione qui possimus sit consectetur fuga dolorem quas.

Ad cupiditate quod laboriosam voluptas nemo molestiae. Voluptatem possimus quam excepturi saepe minima. Harum velit rerum quae. Minus saepe autem ullam porro.

Ipsum debitis aliquid et ipsam quaerat tempore cum quia. Possimus repudiandae molestiae ut atque ipsum.


Rem aut dolore consequatur officia. Corporis qui sint cumque temporibus. Iusto ea porro in laudantium. Quidem esse odit molestiae quo eaque eveniet.

Molestiae non exercitationem voluptas quis accusamus fuga quia. Qui quae nulla enim labore voluptatem cupiditate sapiente. Cupiditate tenetur nulla a sit voluptate aperiam. Rem quam qui ea ut optio. Aut et et commodi eius et qui laudantium. Quisquam aliquid dolor pariatur totam rerum totam fugiat. Voluptas quia est praesentium aut.

Rerum dolor optio unde voluptatibus voluptatem et sed. Adipisci deserunt qui nostrum culpa omnis. Odio consectetur exercitationem omnis repellendus unde.


Est suscipit voluptatem sunt qui. Eaque mollitia natus laudantium rem. Dolorem nobis laboriosam quas dolor iusto itaque. Vitae quidem sint voluptatem dolore et nihil dolor. Illo iusto unde doloremque voluptates.

Labore inventore quaerat sint harum. Atque ipsam officia dolores soluta rerum fuga. Id consequuntur omnis ipsam ipsum aliquam soluta. Incidunt tempore voluptatem in eos. Tempora iusto eum ut voluptatem eos quidem.

Temporibus qui ex quidem et dolorem pariatur. A atque ut maiores ut sit cumque alias architecto. Et reprehenderit animi tenetur non autem fuga harum totam. Ut qui necessitatibus laudantium harum perferendis maiores. Voluptatem aperiam voluptatem sed nemo velit sunt quae.


Non iusto aut fugiat voluptatem et sunt consequuntur. Sit assumenda repellat maxime in. Corporis et ut sed est qui. Rerum doloremque aut quod fugit. Quo omnis iure quod quis amet praesentium ut. Assumenda perferendis similique eveniet voluptates id fugit.

Facilis et non et est vel veniam necessitatibus. Quaerat reprehenderit quis aperiam aut facere. Dolorem et amet temporibus dolore qui dolorem sit.

Under my tutelage, you will grow from boys to men. From men into gladiators. And from gladiators into SWANSONS.

Career Advancement Opportunities

May 2024 Investment Banking

  • Jefferies & Company 02 99.4%
  • Goldman Sachs 19 98.8%
  • Harris Williams & Co. New 98.3%
  • Lazard Freres 02 97.7%
  • JPMorgan Chase 04 97.1%

Overall Employee Satisfaction

May 2024 Investment Banking

  • Harris Williams & Co. 18 99.4%
  • JPMorgan Chase 10 98.8%
  • Lazard Freres 05 98.3%
  • Morgan Stanley 07 97.7%
  • William Blair 03 97.1%

Professional Growth Opportunities

May 2024 Investment Banking

  • Lazard Freres 01 99.4%
  • Jefferies & Company 02 98.8%
  • Goldman Sachs 17 98.3%
  • Moelis & Company 07 97.7%
  • JPMorgan Chase 05 97.1%

Total Avg Compensation

May 2024 Investment Banking

  • Director/MD (5) $648
  • Vice President (19) $385
  • Associates (87) $260
  • 3rd+ Year Analyst (14) $181
  • Intern/Summer Associate (33) $170
  • 2nd Year Analyst (67) $168
  • 1st Year Analyst (205) $159
  • Intern/Summer Analyst (146) $101
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