Obama's birth certificate is fake

It is official, Barack Obama's birth certificate was forged.

We do not know who he is. And the media doesnt care. Was the Kony phenomenon created to take fire away from the fact that Obama is not an American citizen?



"Was the Kony phenomenon created to take fire away from the fact that Obama is not an American citizen?"

Bullshit. I have been in touch with some of the folks at Invisible Children for the past year and they did not anticipate the virality.

On the other hand, I'm surprised the birth certificate forgery issue hasn't received the attention that it deserves.


Yeah, I'm trying to figure out why this Arizona sheriff is so legit and why he was investigating this in the first place.

If your dreams don't scare you, then they are not big enough. "There are two types of people in this world: People who say they pee in the shower, and dirty fucking liars."-Louis C.K.

lol.... mugshot of the day, that's really weird if you're supposed to be a sheriff.

So this guy wasn't actually assigned to do this? He just did it because he felt like it? That doesn't seem like he may have had an anti-Obama bias in the first place at all...

If your dreams don't scare you, then they are not big enough. "There are two types of people in this world: People who say they pee in the shower, and dirty fucking liars."-Louis C.K.

Yea, Arpaio is a douche. That doesn't mean his investigation doesn't have any substance. IF they actually uncover something worth going to trial with, then this makes the news.

"You stop being an asshole when it sucks to be you." -IlliniProgrammer "Your grammar made me wish I'd been aborted." -happypantsmcgee

1st of all, really? Anyone still believes this BS?

2nd of all, even if it were true, who gives a shit? Does anyone here really care if a president was born in the US?


1st of all, really? Anyone still believes this BS?

2nd of all, even if it were true, who gives a shit? Does anyone here really care if a president was born in the US?



2nd of all, even if it were true, who gives a shit? Does anyone here really care if a president was born in the US?

Well, if you believe in the principles this country was founded on (in case you didn't know, the US is a democratic republic, so you vote for the laws), then you would care if he's born in the US. If you don't care whether your President is naturalized or not, go change the law. As it stands, that's what the law is, so yes it's a big fucking deal.

"You stop being an asshole when it sucks to be you." -IlliniProgrammer "Your grammar made me wish I'd been aborted." -happypantsmcgee

That's a cool story, bro, but we're not talking about the founding fathers, we're talking about the Presidents of the US. All of the Presidents before Monroe were born in British America and were living here when the country was founded.

"You stop being an asshole when it sucks to be you." -IlliniProgrammer "Your grammar made me wish I'd been aborted." -happypantsmcgee

Yeah, but some people realize that some laws are unnecessary/fucking stupid. These are US laws, not the ten commandments.

I bet you think a couple of responsible adults deserve jail time for smoking a doobie too, huh? I mean it is the law...

If your dreams don't scare you, then they are not big enough. "There are two types of people in this world: People who say they pee in the shower, and dirty fucking liars."-Louis C.K.
Yeah, but some people realize that some laws are unnecessary/fucking stupid. These are US laws, not the ten commandments.

I bet you think a couple of responsible adults deserve jail time for smoking a doobie too, huh? I mean it is the law...

Have a little respect for the Constitution. It got this Country pretty far, too bad we forgot about it.

Yeah, but some people realize that some laws are unnecessary/fucking stupid. These are US laws, not the ten commandments.

I bet you think a couple of responsible adults deserve jail time for smoking a doobie too, huh? I mean it is the law...

Have a little respect for the Constitution. It got this Country pretty far, too bad we forgot about it.

It's bizarre to me that people think that the constitution should be "respected" as if it has accomplished anything.

Yeah, but some people realize that some laws are unnecessary/fucking stupid. These are US laws, not the ten commandments.

I bet you think a couple of responsible adults deserve jail time for smoking a doobie too, huh? I mean it is the law...

I agree with you.

But here's my problem: the ten commandments only have weight in Christianity. They hold no weight in reality, and furthermore some of them are fucking stupid and unnecessary too.

How many times have you said the Lord's name in vain today? Looks like you're going to hell...

Yeah, but some people realize that some laws are unnecessary/fucking stupid. These are US laws, not the ten commandments.

I bet you think a couple of responsible adults deserve jail time for smoking a doobie too, huh? I mean it is the law...

I agree with you.

But here's my problem: the ten commandments only have weight in Christianity. They hold no weight in reality, and furthermore some of them are fucking stupid and unnecessary too.

How many times have you said the Lord's name in vain today? Looks like you're going to hell...

I'm not Christian either, I just mentioned the commandments to prove a point that the Constitution isn't some sacred document sent to us by a god that is 100% correct.

If your dreams don't scare you, then they are not big enough. "There are two types of people in this world: People who say they pee in the shower, and dirty fucking liars."-Louis C.K.
Yeah, but some people realize that some laws are unnecessary/fucking stupid. These are US laws, not the ten commandments.

I bet you think a couple of responsible adults deserve jail time for smoking a doobie too, huh? I mean it is the law...

If the law is stupid/unnecessary, then change it. That's not the same issue in any way as pot legalization (which, despite it being none of your fucking business, I'm for).

"You stop being an asshole when it sucks to be you." -IlliniProgrammer "Your grammar made me wish I'd been aborted." -happypantsmcgee

Because that part of the Constitution was what made the US what it is today...

If your dreams don't scare you, then they are not big enough. "There are two types of people in this world: People who say they pee in the shower, and dirty fucking liars."-Louis C.K.

I wish there was a way to completely invalidate the Obama presidency. I think his election was a combination of populist backlash, a favorable socioeconomic background, and the best fundraising effort ever seen in a US election. He has effectively demonized my profession, and has steered the country towards the European welfare state model (because it is working so well over there).

But, I really doubt that this is legit. Consider where we are reading this: pravda.ru? If this was real, the WSJ would have it plastered all over the front page.

Arpaio has more clout than the average sheriff, but still isn't exactly an authoritative source. If it was something as simple as a forged document, I am almost certain some think tank would have noticed.


Ok, firstly, the reason the US born requirement was put in there is our early ancestors were afraid of the British taking back control of the settlements. Is that really something that worries you?

I bet you are also a strong supporter of the third amendment. I am so glad we continue to have that law, I just had soldiers try to quarter in my home the other day, but luckily, since it wasn't wartime, I could point at the amendment and send them away.

Ok, firstly, the reason the US born requirement was put in there is our early ancestors were afraid of the British taking back control of the settlements. Is that really something that worries you?

I bet you are also a strong supporter of the third amendment. I am so glad we continue to have that law, I just had soldiers try to quarter in my home the other day, but luckily, since it wasn't wartime, I could point at the amendment and send them away.

No, it's not something that worries me. As I have said before and will say again, that's the law. If you don't like it, then change it. Don't bitch when people enforce the law.

And the 3rd Amendment has protected people over the course of US history. Maybe not recently, but it served a purpose for a very long time. Once again, if you don't like it, get it changed or removed.

"You stop being an asshole when it sucks to be you." -IlliniProgrammer "Your grammar made me wish I'd been aborted." -happypantsmcgee

I just said I wasn't Christian, you don't have to convince me...

I think you understand the point I was getting at

If your dreams don't scare you, then they are not big enough. "There are two types of people in this world: People who say they pee in the shower, and dirty fucking liars."-Louis C.K.

I'm surprised this whole Obama thing is still going on. I mean, seriously? I'm not a big fan of him, but if you don't like the guy, hate him for a legit reason. This is just like the fall of 08 when actual conservative journalists from publications like the weekly standard were critiquing him on his economic and social policies. Meanwhile, FoxNews and idiots on the far right are only talking about Bill Ayers. Never mind the spending and his liberalism..."this just in, Reverend Wright hates America". But then again, middle America loves this bullshit.

And honestly, if the foreign birth was true, do you really think the government, congress, any private and public agency would go along with the Inauguration? Don't you think they would look into that shit? Imagine a couple of days before inauguration day...

low level government employee: Look senator Obama, hate to be an asshole, but you were born here in the US...right? senator Obama: yes, in Hawaii low level government employee: cool thanks, ya know, I wouldn't be doing my job if I didn't ask. senator Obama: it's alrght

And if the foreign birth is true, someone tell Schwarzenegger, cause now he's got a shot.

And if the foreign birth is true, someone tell Schwarzenegger, cause now he's got a shot.
I sure hope not... Schwarzenegger's political career robbed us of a lot of great action flicks..

It's easy to adumbrate reasons for why the US might want to keep its restrictive Presidential eligibility laws.

The native born law exists first and foremost as a basic security measure. While once it was applied in order to counteract British influence, now it counteracts the world's. The law is a natural bulwark against international espionage and domestic sabotage. Our politicians have shown time and time again that they are vulnerable to outside influence. Lobbies of both corporations and foreign countries exert massive pressure on Congress, and as a result sometimes upend public interest. The President being born in the US, in addition to the a priori public expectation that he be raised and reside in the country, serves as a defense against country-crushing conflicting interests and dual alliances that can arrange from foreign governments, who themselves might have nearly unlimited resources. Even if a President were suspected to serve another master, the mere fact he was raised and mostly lived in the US would gift law enforcement and intelligence agencies increased ability to sniff out when and where and how he turned.

Also, the fact the US political system requires politicians to gallivant their patriotism is also an informal way of separating the wheat from the chaff. A politician that loves his country is less likely to purposefully undermine it.

Aside, there is also the age law (I think..) which stipulates must be X old to run for President. This qualification protects against the 25 yr. old College Republican or Kony 2012 crowd winning the Presidency after a tidal wave of populism and ruining the country. I liken it to finance or law: you want the partners running the firm because they have experience and understand the business. Analysts or associates are tireless workers but still only babes.

Aside, there is also the age law (I think..)
Instead of learning sweet words like 'adumbrate' you should take 8th grade civics....

It's age 35 for all of you who are too proud to use google.

If I had asked people what they wanted, they would have said faster horses - Henry Ford

First off, the sheriff was petitioned by a couple hundred local citizens to check into it. They raised the issue over the legitimacy of Obama's birth in the US and expressed concern that he shouldn't be on the 2012 ballot if he didn't meet the criteria. I know a lot of people will want to hate on the sheriff, but in some ways, he is actually just doing the work for his constituents...through a non-profit, nonetheless, that raised money via donations (so, no cost to taxpayers).

I'm not saying there is any validity to the birth certificate investigation, but I think it's a legitimate question, regardless of what people's motives are. It's the law, it is what it is until it's changed.

And I'll openly admit I'm not a fan of Obama. I consider myself a patriot and I do take issue with folks that rub elbows with the likes of Bill Ayers, Reverend Wright and the others that he has associated himself with that say disparaging things about this country and often come across as anti-American. I guess it bothers me when the POTUS has close affiliations with those types of people.

I also take issue with the lack of attention that some of these semi-serious issues get with the mainstream media...so I'm less quick to call the private individuals that investigate these things 'nutjobs' because they should be looked into, an answer found and the case closed.

Again, I don't care for Obama and his policies, so admittedly I'm probably biased, but he has had one of the weirdest presidency that I've known of. There has been so little information about this guy running for president. In most cases you find people that used to hangout with the POTUS when he was in high school or college, old girlfriends, photos, etc...but none of this has ever really surfaced with Obama. I don't know, maybe it means nothing...but it just seems weird. Add in the fact that he took so long to release a birth certificate, which may seem to be a bit unreasonable to some but doesn't strike me as a huge request...and that he's reportedly spent a good chunk of change keeping his college transcripts a secret, etc. and all of that just plays into everyone's questions about his citizenship, etc. Why throw fuel on the fire??


"The trouble with our liberal friends is not that they're ignorant, it's just that they know so much that isn't so." - Ronald Reagan
There has been so little information about this guy running for president. In most cases you find people that used to hangout with the POTUS when he was in high school or college, old girlfriends, photos, etc...but none of this has ever really surfaced with Obama. I don't know, maybe it means nothing...but it just seems weird. Add in the fact that he took so long to release a birth certificate, which may seem to be a bit unreasonable to some but doesn't strike me as a huge request...and that he's reportedly spent a good chunk of change keeping his college transcripts a secret, etc. and all of that just plays into everyone's questions about his citizenship, etc. Why throw fuel on the fire??


He released an official government document before the election and then the long-form one during the election. He isn't hiding anything. His past isn't some secret, it's out there and has been discussed. Take off your tin foil hat.

Take off your tin foil hat.


Deflection much?


As I stated above, maybe there is nothing to it, just seems weird. I don't think that makes me a conspiracy theorist, but as liberals do, they like to blow things out of proportion and make the reasonable person seem like a lunatic.

Should we just take Obama at his word? It's not like he lies or misleads people, right?


Oh wait...


Every time I see a TheKing post, I'm instantly reminded my I don't frequent this site much anymore.


"The trouble with our liberal friends is not that they're ignorant, it's just that they know so much that isn't so." - Ronald Reagan

@cphbravo I would disagree that there was very little information available about the guy. He had written his first book that describes his early life up to entering Harvard Law School (Dreams of My Father, 1997). Then, because he delivered a good (some on the left would call it similar to speeches MLK would give) speech at the Democratic National Convention in '04, rumors and whispers began circulating that he should run in '08 and the news began reporting more about him. So I do think that the info was available but I don't think many people knew at the time to look apart from people who actively followed politics.

That is weird that there hasn't been many old friends, fellow students, etc who have come forward and talked about him before all of this, but whatever. As for the transcripts, I really don't see why he hasn't released them. After going to Occidental, Columbia, Harvard Law, all of which allowed him to be a constitutional law professor at the University of Chicago, I'm going to assume he's smart, so why not release them?

As for the birth certificate, I guess he hesitated for awhile because he felt, you start with that, then they'll ask for something else and before you know it, you're constantly playing into their bullshit. Maybe he felt it was so ridiculous, he didn't have to respond, so he just ignored it.. Maybe he thought "no one has asked for anyone else's before me....why am I different?" And frankly, and please correctly if I'm wrong, I'm going to assume that the government looks into whether someone actually can be the president. There must be some kind of system in place that researches potential candidates, performs background checks, finds records to see if they are eligible for the job. And yes, even though I believe the birther stuff is complete bullshit, Sheriff Arpaio is just doing his job, even if the task at hand is ludicrous.

@cphbravo I would disagree that there was very little information available about the guy. He had written his first book that describes his early life up to entering Harvard Law School (Dreams of My Father, 1997). Then, because he delivered a good (some on the left would call it similar to speeches MLK would give) speech at the Democratic National Convention in '04, rumors and whispers began circulating that he should run in '08 and the news began reporting more about him. So I do think that the info was available but I don't think many people knew at the time to look apart from people who actively followed politics.

That is weird that there hasn't been many old friends, fellow students, etc who have come forward and talked about him before all of this, but whatever. As for the transcripts, I really don't see why he hasn't released them. After going to Occidental, Columbia, Harvard Law, all of which allowed him to be a constitutional law professor at the University of Chicago, I'm going to assume he's smart, so why not release them?

As for the birth certificate, I guess he hesitated for awhile because he felt, you start with that, then they'll ask for something else and before you know it, you're constantly playing into their bullshit. Maybe he felt it was so ridiculous, he didn't have to respond, so he just ignored it.. Maybe he thought "no one has asked for anyone else's before me....why am I different?" And frankly, and please correctly if I'm wrong, I'm going to assume that the government looks into whether someone actually can be the president. There must be some kind of system in place that researches potential candidates, performs background checks, finds records to see if they are eligible for the job. And yes, even though I believe the birther stuff is complete bullshit, Sheriff Arpaio is just doing his job, even if the task at hand is ludicrous.

I should have specified that there seems to be little reported by the media...other than Hawaii --> Occidental --> Columbia --> Harvard. Maybe it just doesn't stack up to the scrutiny and coverage that Bush received because Bush and his family have been in politics so more was known and publicly available, etc. It just that when you take his attitude about not realizing his records, coupled with his ties to some questionable people and mix in the protectionist media...you tend to get people asking, "Why are they hiding?". Again, maybe nothing. At any rate, he has been embarrassingly bad, so his origins seem much less significant when you consider his failed/failing administration and policies.

As far as your last point is concerned...I've never heard or read about any sort of government entity that conducts background checks, etc on potential candidates. I've heard a million people say things like, "Do you really think the government doesn't check these people out first?" but there has never been any proof that I've seen. I'm not sure who the 'government' actually is in this case but people just assume that it has been taken care of. Of course, I've never run for president, so maybe the FBI does it or who knows, but I've never heard anything about it anywhere...ever.

At any rate, thanks for being a decent person and making legitimate points and not pulling out some crazed, tin foil hat theory like others tend to do. If you dare voice your concern over the legitimacy of the BC document you always hear people on the left scream, "Oh, you think this is some huge conspiracy theory dating back 50 years and that Obama's parents forged his US birth so he could one day become president?" Of course not, they had no clue he would ever run for president, but it doesn't seem outrageous to think that his parents might have wanted their foreign born child to have US citizenship, right? Haven't millions of people come to this country illegally because of the opportunity that is available to its citizens? It could be as simple as that.

I am looking forward to when Marco Rubio decides to run (probably several years down the road) and the left goes nuts about whether he is actually qualified to be POTUS because he was born here but his parents weren't. I am willing to bet there will be legal challenges everywhere, but only time will tell.


"The trouble with our liberal friends is not that they're ignorant, it's just that they know so much that isn't so." - Ronald Reagan
@cphbravo I would disagree that there was very little information available about the guy. He had written his first book that describes his early life up to entering Harvard Law School (Dreams of My Father, 1997). Then, because he delivered a good (some on the left would call it similar to speeches MLK would give) speech at the Democratic National Convention in '04, rumors and whispers began circulating that he should run in '08 and the news began reporting more about him. So I do think that the info was available but I don't think many people knew at the time to look apart from people who actively followed politics.

That is weird that there hasn't been many old friends, fellow students, etc who have come forward and talked about him before all of this, but whatever. As for the transcripts, I really don't see why he hasn't released them. After going to Occidental, Columbia, Harvard Law, all of which allowed him to be a constitutional law professor at the University of Chicago, I'm going to assume he's smart, so why not release them?

As for the birth certificate, I guess he hesitated for awhile because he felt, you start with that, then they'll ask for something else and before you know it, you're constantly playing into their bullshit. Maybe he felt it was so ridiculous, he didn't have to respond, so he just ignored it.. Maybe he thought "no one has asked for anyone else's before me....why am I different?" And frankly, and please correctly if I'm wrong, I'm going to assume that the government looks into whether someone actually can be the president. There must be some kind of system in place that researches potential candidates, performs background checks, finds records to see if they are eligible for the job. And yes, even though I believe the birther stuff is complete bullshit, Sheriff Arpaio is just doing his job, even if the task at hand is ludicrous.

If you are quoting the guys own book you need to learn how to do research.

Follow the shit your fellow monkeys say @shitWSOsays Life is hard, it's even harder when you're stupid - John Wayne
@cphbravo I would disagree that there was very little information available about the guy. He had written his first book that describes his early life up to entering Harvard Law School (Dreams of My Father, 1997). Then, because he delivered a good (some on the left would call it similar to speeches MLK would give) speech at the Democratic National Convention in '04, rumors and whispers began circulating that he should run in '08 and the news began reporting more about him. So I do think that the info was available but I don't think many people knew at the time to look apart from people who actively followed politics.

That is weird that there hasn't been many old friends, fellow students, etc who have come forward and talked about him before all of this, but whatever. As for the transcripts, I really don't see why he hasn't released them. After going to Occidental, Columbia, Harvard Law, all of which allowed him to be a constitutional law professor at the University of Chicago, I'm going to assume he's smart, so why not release them?

As for the birth certificate, I guess he hesitated for awhile because he felt, you start with that, then they'll ask for something else and before you know it, you're constantly playing into their bullshit. Maybe he felt it was so ridiculous, he didn't have to respond, so he just ignored it.. Maybe he thought "no one has asked for anyone else's before me....why am I different?" And frankly, and please correctly if I'm wrong, I'm going to assume that the government looks into whether someone actually can be the president. There must be some kind of system in place that researches potential candidates, performs background checks, finds records to see if they are eligible for the job. And yes, even though I believe the birther stuff is complete bullshit, Sheriff Arpaio is just doing his job, even if the task at hand is ludicrous.

If you are quoting the guys own book you need to learn how to do research.

To be fair, I really didn't quote the book, but that's not the point. Based on what we were talking about on our previous posts, I used the book to give general key points describing his life to show this stuff was out there (since the book was from 1998), as well as to show that this guy didn't just appear of of nowhere (figuratively speaking). Also, since he wasn't at all in the national spotlight in any way until around 2003-2004, no one knew to look or do research until then.

As for using other sources, I guess I could have done a better job by using biography.com, wikipedia, historychannel.com or virtually any other media source on earth who has corroborated these events, but I really didn't have to since everyone at the very least knows the basics of his life.


what this boils down to is that a lot of rednecks don't like the negro presidente and they want to de-legitimize him any way they can.

come on, at least we can say that all presidents have been at least half white since 1788.


O. M. G!!!! ITS OFFICIAL... that some fucknuckle russian website reported that Obama's birth certificate is fake based on the observations of an Arizona sheriff without any qualificaitons to judge whether or not the certifiate was a forgery.

oh and also Kony is also involved somehow!!

Money Never Sleeps? More like Money Never SUCKS amirite?!?!?!?

Mitt Romney's father was born in a Mormon colony in Mexico and John McCain was ACTUALLY not born in America. Why aren't these issues? Why doesn't fat-faced Arpaio go investigate that??

Money Never Sleeps? More like Money Never SUCKS amirite?!?!?!?
Mitt Romney's father was born in a Mormon colony in Mexico and John McCain was ACTUALLY not born in America. Why aren't these issues? Why doesn't fat-faced Arpaio go investigate that??
Not that I agree with this being an issue but you can be born outside the US and still be President if both of your parents are citizens...is that not common knowledge?
If I had asked people what they wanted, they would have said faster horses - Henry Ford
Mitt Romney's father was born in a Mormon colony in Mexico and John McCain was ACTUALLY not born in America. Why aren't these issues? Why doesn't fat-faced Arpaio go investigate that??
Not that I agree with this being an issue but you can be born outside the US and still be President if both of your parents are citizens...is that not common knowledge?

The reason Mccain was elligible was that he was born in the US controlled panama canal.


Anyone who believes Obama was born outside this country is a moron.

This issue has been put to bed with beyond the shadow of doubt proof in the form of a legit birth certificate presented to the entire world for scrutiny. Why would I believe Sheriff Joe was the only guy to spot the forgery when millions of others agree it is legit?

The types of no-nothing dingbats who repeatedly spread this garbage - Trump, Palin, Joe the Plumber - are embarrassments to the Republican party and our country.


Regarding Obama’s birth certificate. Yeah. It is disgusting that even such an easily discoverable poor lie still works as intended for the coverup.

But that is what the United States has become and has been for many years. Their lies do not even have to be good enough to really convince without it being able to be known that the lies (official stories) are obvious bullshyt, yet they still hold sway and work as desired and intended for those who want or need the coverup “official” stories (that those of us who aren’t stupid know are lies). That is what we have had for a long time, and it has only gotten worse over the years. That is the reality that we live in now.

Now what are we going to do? Raise awareness? Most people don’t even want to know the truth when it is so big and bad and ugly that is rocks their world / shakes up their world view so much, so significantly, that it is hard to handle / hard to bear. Many people will ignore the truth as too hard to bear, and will, in fact prefer to believe the more comfotable to believe falsehood/lies, rather than the truth, instead. Face it. That is also true. I know. Many of you do, too. Many don’t.

And for those many that don’t, what goes with it, is that they do not want to know, and would ignore the truth if faced with it, or if it was presented to them, anyway. They already have. Now what? What next? Things probably get worse. Human nature has a lot that is not so good.

Obama has not done differently than most politicians in liying. Lying is so common among politicians, it is what it takes to get there, and they just get used to it. What would be ridiculous to the point of being totally asinine is if anyone was so naive as to believe politicians are honest and do not lie. So, face it. Yes, Obama’s birth cetificate was a fake, and that many know it, has made no difference.

That point is common among many other significant issues as well. JFK assassination. 9/11. War on terrorism. Our monetary system including the FED and the IRS. Bad laws and plans for a bleek future of worsening circumstances and conditions deliberately meant and intended to happen at some future time. And so on.

It all can be easily ridiculed as sounding silly or stupid or crazy, which means nothing as to whether it is true or not. Something can sound unbelievable, and yet still be true. People need to get a grip on that, and not allow shallow ridicule to force them to believe that something cannot be true because of superficial ridicule that it sounds unbelievable. It just means that the bigger and badder a thing is, the easier it is for people in power to get away with seriously wrong things, because it sounds and seems unbelievable. JFK “conspiracy theory nuts”, 9/11 “Truthers”, “Birthers”, “Tax protesters”, etc..

Why aren’t people taught such things as “the Hegelian dialectic”, and the principle of “divide and conquer”, etc.? Crises are deliberately made to happen, so that resultant changes involved in supposedly “solving the crisis” also happen as intended. “The Pentagon Papers” proved to us the fraudulent nature of war as far back as Vietnam. Politicians are corrupt sellouts who act with duplicity and are fully cooperative with the NWO agenda. Look at so many bad laws in place that if used in the future would change our way of life very significantly.

Now, that it is too hard to be consciously aware of those facts, proceed to willfully ignore it all. Most people actually prefer their own ignorances as being more comfortable instead of the cold hard truth. What you will get from most people is them treating you like you do not know what you are talking about if they do not know what you are talking about.


Doesn't prove anything. I had a dream and in that dream, Obama told me he was born in Kenya. He told me to keep it a secret.

"Cut the burger into thirds, place it on the fries, roll one up homey..." - Epic Meal Time

He had two years to get the CIA to forge that for him.

Just kidding ;) I honestly couldn't care less if he was born on American soil, I think it's a retarded law. If you are an American citizen, you should be able to run for the office. That said, if he ended up not being born here, I would've been happy to use the law to get him kicked out

"You stop being an asshole when it sucks to be you." -IlliniProgrammer "Your grammar made me wish I'd been aborted." -happypantsmcgee

So, I'm sure many of you thought that the Obama birther issue would be laid to rest, others thought it would only allow people to further speculation as to whether it is real or fake, which would fuel the debate even more.

Sadly (for some) the document posted by White House does NOT appear to be authentic. Once dissected with Adobe Illustrator, it's painfully obvious that the official document was actually several images laid on top of each other and as such, not capable of being a scan or picture of the original BC as it was purported. What does this mean? Well, no one is sure at this point, just that the document has been altered...which obviously seems strange if there is nothing to hide. It's more than possible that Obama was born elsewhere, but like others have said, maybe it isn't worth fussing about. However, I am concerned about the potential deceit that is going on here. Again, who knows what is being buried, but I know I'm a bit curious how it took 2 years for his BC to show up in public and when it finally did it has a ton of questionable issues. Personally it just seems very peculiar that Obama has gone to such length's to hide his past despite promising to be the most open and transparent administration in the history of our country. Again, this doesn't prove that he wasn't born in the US, it just makes me wonder what he is actually hiding, be it significant or silly.

Anyways, peep these videos. I would like to get everyone's take on what the potentially fake documents mean, why you think they were altered and whether or not this will have a serious impact on his ability to get reelected.


"The trouble with our liberal friends is not that they're ignorant, it's just that they know so much that isn't so." - Ronald Reagan

What a fucking tool

Bitch and moan all you want but Trump played that like a champ. I've already stated that I don't think he would be a good/great president, so likely wouldn't vote for him...but the guy is working the media. They are halfway up his ass and the guy hasn't even declared whether or not he is going to run.

I'm sure you don't like the guy and frankly, that's fine, but at least acknowledge a 'win' when you see one. Personally I'm curious as to what took him so long to release it. I'm also curious why this wasn't a major issue when he was campaigning...but again, that is of little concern at this point. The bottom line is, like it or not, Trump pushed Obama into a corner and Obama caved. Not only that, but now there are legitimate questions surrounding the legitimacy of the document that was released. Trump came out on top on this one.


"The trouble with our liberal friends is not that they're ignorant, it's just that they know so much that isn't so." - Ronald Reagan
CPH, that second video is really interesting ... I'm not a "birther," but HOW is the gov't going to expain that one...?

Truth be told, I've always been skeptical about Obama's place of birth because there has been no solid evidence to prove he was born in the US, yet we were told it certainly exists by certain people and that some of these folks have seen it or that some of these folks were at the hospital when he was born...only to later find out that the BC seemed to have been misplaced (probably not entirely uncommon and certainly not impossible given government involvement) and that the guy who claimed to have been at the hospital when he was born recanted his story to say that he knew Obama when he was a child or something to that effect.

Anyways, touchdown, I'm with you, I just want to know why it was altered and what the original looks like/says. At this point it appears that even though a birth certificate was released his still hasn't been.


"The trouble with our liberal friends is not that they're ignorant, it's just that they know so much that isn't so." - Ronald Reagan

In response to CPHBRAVO's 2nd video posting:

Vadremc: "Hey, what ya doing?"

Ticker Guy: "I'm showing everyone that Obama's birth certificate is inauthentic today."

Vadremc: "Hmmmmm. Okay. You got anything else planned after that for today?"

Ticker Guy: "Nope. Not Really. I'm pretty much going to be up to my eyeballs in this stuff today."

Vadremc: "Hmmmmm. You're not going to work or some sort of class after? Anything science related? Something that may improve the quality of your life or someone else's?"

Ticker Guy: "Didn't you hear what I just said!? I'm focused on Obama's birth certificate!"

Vadremc: "Hmmmmm. I see. Good luck with that..."

"Cut the burger into thirds, place it on the fries, roll one up homey..." - Epic Meal Time
In response to CPHBRAVO's 2nd video posting:

Vadremc: "Hey, what ya doing?"

Ticker Guy: "I'm showing everyone that Obama's birth certificate is inauthentic today."

Vadremc: "Hmmmmm. Okay. You got anything else planned after that for today?"

Ticker Guy: "Nope. Not Really. I'm pretty much going to be up to my eyeballs in this stuff today."

Vadremc: "Hmmmmm. You're not going to work or some sort of class after? Anything science related? Something that may improve the quality of your life or someone else's?"

Ticker Guy: "Didn't you hear what I just said!? I'm focused on Obama's birth certificate!"

Vadremc: "Hmmmmm. I see. Good luck with that..."

For those of you who don't want to read through all of that here are the CliffsNotes: vadremc doesn't have any explanation for the issues that were outlined in the videos that were posted. That is all.


"The trouble with our liberal friends is not that they're ignorant, it's just that they know so much that isn't so." - Ronald Reagan
So, what would it actually take for you to believe that Obama was born in the US?

Also, have you ever heard of Occam's razor? I think it applies quite nicely here.

I need 1080p HD playback of that sucker poppin' loose from the birth canal. Anything less and this will remain in question for eternity.

And no...I prefer my Mach3.


"The trouble with our liberal friends is not that they're ignorant, it's just that they know so much that isn't so." - Ronald Reagan


In order to be a naturally-born citizen, you need to be born in US territory (either a state or an assocaited territory of the US.) So, he needed to be born in Hawaii regardless of his mother being a citizen. If he had been born in Sweden or Kenya to his mother, he'd still be a citizen, but not a naturally born citizen. It's a stupid distinction, but a distinction nonetheless.

With that said, I can't stand these assholes (like our friend cphbravo here) who say shit like "he should've just done this 2.5 years ago. He did. He released the official document that Hawaii gives to anyone who requests a BC since 2001. They give you the electronic Certificate of Live Birth (short form BC), that's what you get when you request one in Hawaii. Furthermore, the BC he released in 2008, the same one that anyone in Hawaii receives when they ask for a BC, is recognized as an official BC in any court of law and in any sort of legal situation.

What it comes down to, are idiots like cphbravo who hate Obama and want to de-legitimize him in any way possible. Rather than focusing on his policies, which requires more thought and is hard for their small brains, these idiots focus on made up boogeyman garbage like him being a "secret Muslim" and having been "born in Kenya" despite the facts.

Really, there is no point to arguing with these idiots because they'll always move the goalposts to suit their desires. Fucking retards.


In order to be a naturally-born citizen, you need to be born in US territory (either a state or an assocaited territory of the US.) So, he needed to be born in Hawaii regardless of his mother being a citizen. If he had been born in Sweden or Kenya to his mother, he'd still be a citizen, but not a naturally born citizen. It's a stupid distinction, but a distinction nonetheless.

With that said, I can't stand these assholes (like our friend cphbravo here) who say shit like "he should've just done this 2.5 years ago. He did. He released the official document that Hawaii gives to anyone who requests a BC since 2001. They give you the electronic Certificate of Live Birth (short form BC), that's what you get when you request one in Hawaii. Furthermore, the BC he released in 2008, the same one that anyone in Hawaii receives when they ask for a BC, is recognized as an official BC in any court of law and in any sort of legal situation.

What it comes down to, are idiots like cphbravo who hate Obama and want to de-legitimize him in any way possible. Rather than focusing on his policies, which requires more thought and is hard for their small brains, these idiots focus on made up boogeyman garbage like him being a "secret Muslim" and having been "born in Kenya" despite the facts.

Really, there is no point to arguing with these idiots because they'll always move the goalposts to suit their desires. Fucking retards.


In order to be a naturally-born citizen, you need to be born in US territory (either a state or an assocaited territory of the US.) So, he needed to be born in Hawaii regardless of his mother being a citizen. If he had been born in Sweden or Kenya to his mother, he'd still be a citizen, but not a naturally born citizen. It's a stupid distinction, but a distinction nonetheless.

With that said, I can't stand these assholes (like our friend cphbravo here) who say shit like "he should've just done this 2.5 years ago. He did. He released the official document that Hawaii gives to anyone who requests a BC since 2001. They give you the electronic Certificate of Live Birth (short form BC), that's what you get when you request one in Hawaii. Furthermore, the BC he released in 2008, the same one that anyone in Hawaii receives when they ask for a BC, is recognized as an official BC in any court of law and in any sort of legal situation.

What it comes down to, are idiots like cphbravo who hate Obama and want to de-legitimize him in any way possible. Rather than focusing on his policies, which requires more thought and is hard for their small brains, these idiots focus on made up boogeyman garbage like him being a "secret Muslim" and having been "born in Kenya" despite the facts.

Really, there is no point to arguing with these idiots because they'll always move the goalposts to suit their desires. Fucking retards.

Thanks for elevating the intellect on this forum with your name calling.

There is no reason for me to try and de-legitimize Obama, he's spent the last 2 years doing that himself. I'm glad you are do intellectually superior that you just gobble down anything he throws at you. The fact of the matter is, Obama has been absurdly evasive about his past...which is something that is always an issue when most people run for the office of POTUS...but for some reason, it was entirely overlooked during his campaign and the media ignored it.

Focus on what policies? His shitty unconstitutional healthcare bill? His comprehensive energy plan...which hardly exists at all, and to the extent that it does consists of capturing the energy from people's farts to power windmills?

I don't like the guy, I will admit that but that doesn't make him a better president. This guys spends more time getting his ego stroked than he does thinking through worthwhile policies that will get this country back on it's feet.

No, he does say he's a Christian...that's great. Guess what? I'm a trillionaire. Need proof? Here is a picture of kid I just hand over some pocket change too.


You can drink Obama's Kool-Aid all you want. Sure he says he's a Christian but unfortunately I tend to judge people by their actions. As the president he has devoted time to making statements marking all major Muslim holidays, which are of no historical significance to the United States whatsoever. Somehow he has managed to release statements in honor of Ramadan, Eid-ul-Fitr, Hajj and Eid-ul-Adha, holidays which most Americans cannot pronounce and certainly do not celebrate. Additionally, Obama found time to construct and eight paragraph proclamation for Earth Day last Friday but for some reason couldn't manage to make a proclamation about Easter, the highest and holiest day of the year for Christians...of which he claims to be. Also of note, he made no mention of Good Friday or Easter in his weekly address to the nation this past Saturday. What gives?

Maybe even the worse part about this whole situation is how the White House managed to make light of the whole thing. When asked at press conference about the aforementioned things, the president's spokesman, Jay Carney, answered mockingly by saying, "I'm glad you're asking me these important questions, guys."

Does any of that prove that Obama is a Muslim, no not at all, but it does show that he harbors sympathy for the religion that isn't his all the while overlooking his own proclaimed faith. And before you start shouting about how he goes to church, etc, etc...think about how many people you know who have been to church at any point in their life...doing so does not make you a Christian anymore than visiting a cemetery implies that you are dead.

As far as Trump is concerned...who cares if he's a shameless self promoter? He pushed Obama into doing something Obama didn't want to do. Trump won...period. Obama is thin skinned and isn't going to like how Trump is going to call him out...which is what Trump has been doing. I also find it silly that you are attempting to hold a real estate developer/reality tv star/media hound to a higher standard than you are the POTUS. Trump's job isn't to cut the deficit, create jobs or secure our global interests as a nation...so who cares? Why aren't you guys bitching about how Obama wasted a whole day getting his sack tickled by people with deep pockets? Instead you are worried about a guy who hasn't even announced whether or not he is going to run for president? Can you guys not even see the irony in all of that?!?


"The trouble with our liberal friends is not that they're ignorant, it's just that they know so much that isn't so." - Ronald Reagan
Really, there is no point to arguing with these idiots because they'll always move the goalposts to suit their desires. Fucking retards.
Learned that a long time ago

I believe that you have the most perverse logic of any person that has posted on this forum. You insult people without provocation and then make a futile attempt to show them as hypocrites and/or describe them as less intelligent when they respond to your senseless commentary.

Agree with this. Started discrediting all of cphbravo96's posts since that McDonald's thread.
I was going to write a diatribe in response to cphbravo, but then I remembered the tenet about wise men and arguing with fools.


Does that tenet say anything about calling people derogatory names and hurling insults?

Judging by your previous posts, I guess not. So much for being the bigger man.


"The trouble with our liberal friends is not that they're ignorant, it's just that they know so much that isn't so." - Ronald Reagan

Why the fuck didnt bush, clinton, reagan etc ever face this scrutiny about their birth? For all we know they could have been born in england on a business trip?? Why wont they show us their certificates????!!!!!!

Admit it this is about race and while i disagree with a ton of obamas policies this argument is the most unconstructive and distracting issue. If a nice white man with perfect hair and a "normal" first name was president this shit would never come up. Mccain who was born in panama canal when it was US owned never faced this lvl of scrutiny. Focus on his policies if you disagree not this bullshit

Why the fuck didnt bush, clinton, reagan etc ever face this scrutiny about their birth? For all we know they could have been born in england on a business trip?? Why wont they show us their certificates????!!!!!!

Admit it this is about race and while i disagree with a ton of obamas policies this argument is the most unconstructive and distracting issue. If a nice white man with perfect hair and a "normal" first name was president this shit would never come up. Mccain who was born in panama canal when it was US owned never faced this lvl of scrutiny. Focus on his policies if you disagree not this bullshit

Because those Presidents didn’t live huge chunks of their lives in foreign countries, and their fathers weren’t from another continent.

Because McCain has never been President. (And on a side note, I definitely remember hearing more about McCain’s Panama issue than Obama’s certificate issue during the 2008 race.)

Best Response


I believe that you have the most perverse logic of any person that has posted on this forum. You insult people without provocation and then make a futile attempt to show them as hypocrites and/or describe them as less intelligent when they respond to your senseless commentary. Perhaps some sort of screening process should be enacted on this site…

In any event, I'm convinced that you don't work in private equity, and you were never in the military. How did I come to discover your fraud or your delusions of grandeur? Well, it's quite elementary:

You've argued profusely about a matter that pales in comparison to what real soldiers (which you are not) should be concerned with. Show me a former or current US soldier that spends his time openly criticizing his commander in chief while openly questioning a trivial issue as the birth of the president, and I'll show you a Benedict Arnold who functions as an autistic adult who posts incoherent babble on forums by the name of cphbravo96; a clever name you probably developed while playing SOCOM and/or Black Ops online. Pathetic and puerile.

If I were to envision you in military uniform, something tells me you would not have lasted very long. This is why I further discredit your background. You can't accept when you may be wrong on an issue because you have the logic and reasoning skills of a 5 year old (a mildly retarded one at that), the emotional dexterity of an infant, (as displayed in your post on love.live.life, or whatever her name is - what "senior" PE person does that?) the warped sense of morality similar to a prison convict, and you lack the ability to effectively convey your points akin to a Alzheimer’s disease ridden octogenarian. How this did not show up in your psychological evaluation prior to "enlisting" is beyond me. But I digress...

Seeing your name on any post is like the stench of a backed up toilet or perhaps the curbside garbage that has sat a little too long and now its putrid smell seems to be pervading the entire community. People like you make me vomit. You know why? Because you exist. I would tell you to kill yourself, but that would be trite and too kind. There are loved ones you may have that would mourn your memory and I'd much prefer that you didn't exist at all for that to even be an experience anyone should have to endure. Instead, I'll just ask you to die a technical death. Just stop posting. If I have to pay you, I'll consider it. Just go away. That way your disease ridden logic engulfed in poor diction and syntax may make everyone on this forum that much more intelligent and delightful.

BTW, I took the liberty of writing this in one sitting. I tend to think more fluidly once I've had time to digest my thoughts. I look forward to never hearing from you again. If you like, I’ve got some great alternative forum recommendations for people like you. I hope that you can see that you are doing us all an enormous favor by crawling back up the electronic birth canal and extinguishing your life.

"Cut the burger into thirds, place it on the fries, roll one up homey..." - Epic Meal Time

One of the most brutal posts I've ever read on WSO... hahaha


I believe that you have the most perverse logic of any person that has posted on this forum. You insult people without provocation and then make a futile attempt to show them as hypocrites and/or describe them as less intelligent when they respond to your senseless commentary. Perhaps some sort of screening process should be enacted on this site…

In any event, I'm convinced that you don't work in private equity, and you were never in the military. How did I come to discover your fraud or your delusions of grandeur? Well, it's quite elementary:

You've argued profusely about a matter that pales in comparison to what real soldiers (which you are not) should be concerned with. Show me a former or current US soldier that spends his time openly criticizing his commander in chief while openly questioning a trivial issue as the birth of the president, and I'll show you a Benedict Arnold who functions as an autistic adult who posts incoherent babble on forums by the name of cphbravo96; a clever name you probably developed while playing SOCOM and/or Black Ops online. Pathetic and puerile.

If I were to envision you in military uniform, something tells me you would not have lasted very long. This is why I further discredit your background. You can't accept when you may be wrong on an issue because you have the logic and reasoning skills of a 5 year old (a mildly retarded one at that), the emotional dexterity of an infant, (as displayed in your post on love.live.life, or whatever her name is - what "senior" PE person does that?) the warped sense of morality similar to a prison convict, and you lack the ability to effectively convey your points akin to a Alzheimer’s disease ridden octogenarian. How this did not show up in your psychological evaluation prior to "enlisting" is beyond me. But I digress...

Seeing your name on any post is like the stench of a backed up toilet or perhaps the curbside garbage that has sat a little too long and now its putrid smell seems to be pervading the entire community. People like you make me vomit. You know why? Because you exist. I would tell you to kill yourself, but that would be trite and too kind. There are loved ones you may have that would mourn your memory and I'd much prefer that you didn't exist at all for that to even be an experience anyone should have to endure. Instead, I'll just ask you to die a technical death. Just stop posting. If I have to pay you, I'll consider it. Just go away. That way your disease ridden logic engulfed in poor diction and syntax may make everyone on this forum that much more intelligent and delightful.

BTW, I took the liberty of writing this in one sitting. I tend to think more fluidly once I've had time to digest my thoughts. I look forward to never hearing from you again. If you like, I’ve got some great alternative forum recommendations for people like you. I hope that you can see that you are doing us all an enormous favor by crawling back up the electronic birth canal and extinguishing your life.

http://ayainsight.co/ Curating the best advice and making it actionable.
Show me a former or current US soldier that spends his time openly criticizing his commander in chief while openly questioning a trivial issue as the birth of the president
There are a lot of people in the military that hold, or held, similar if not identical beliefs. I get that you're pissed off but don't call someone's service into question.
If I had asked people what they wanted, they would have said faster horses - Henry Ford

You've argued profusely about a matter that pales in comparison to what real soldiers (which you are not) should be concerned with. Show me a former or current US soldier that spends his time openly criticizing his commander in chief while openly questioning a trivial issue as the birth of the president, and I'll show you a Benedict Arnold who functions as an autistic adult who posts incoherent babble on forums by the name of cphbravo96; a clever name you probably developed while playing SOCOM and/or Black Ops online. Pathetic and puerile.

The thing is most people in the military come from the south and mid-west and I think in general are very conservative. You are supposed to put your political view aside while serving, but I think its hardly a secret that people who serve in the military tend to be overwhelmingly right wing which I guess makes you more prone to believe this crap. Its either this or you just really don't like a black man in the white house.


I believe that you have the most perverse logic of any person that has posted on this forum. You insult people without provocation and then make a futile attempt to show them as hypocrites and/or describe them as less intelligent when they respond to your senseless commentary. Perhaps some sort of screening process should be enacted on this site…

In any event, I'm convinced that you don't work in private equity, and you were never in the military. How did I come to discover your fraud or your delusions of grandeur? Well, it's quite elementary:

You've argued profusely about a matter that pales in comparison to what real soldiers (which you are not) should be concerned with. Show me a former or current US soldier that spends his time openly criticizing his commander in chief while openly questioning a trivial issue as the birth of the president, and I'll show you a Benedict Arnold who functions as an autistic adult who posts incoherent babble on forums by the name of cphbravo96; a clever name you probably developed while playing SOCOM and/or Black Ops online. Pathetic and puerile.

If I were to envision you in military uniform, something tells me you would not have lasted very long. This is why I further discredit your background. You can't accept when you may be wrong on an issue because you have the logic and reasoning skills of a 5 year old (a mildly retarded one at that), the emotional dexterity of an infant, (as displayed in your post on love.live.life, or whatever her name is - what "senior" PE person does that?) the warped sense of morality similar to a prison convict, and you lack the ability to effectively convey your points akin to a Alzheimer’s disease ridden octogenarian. How this did not show up in your psychological evaluation prior to "enlisting" is beyond me. But I digress...

Seeing your name on any post is like the stench of a backed up toilet or perhaps the curbside garbage that has sat a little too long and now its putrid smell seems to be pervading the entire community. People like you make me vomit. You know why? Because you exist. I would tell you to kill yourself, but that would be trite and too kind. There are loved ones you may have that would mourn your memory and I'd much prefer that you didn't exist at all for that to even be an experience anyone should have to endure. Instead, I'll just ask you to die a technical death. Just stop posting. If I have to pay you, I'll consider it. Just go away. That way your disease ridden logic engulfed in poor diction and syntax may make everyone on this forum that much more intelligent and delightful.

BTW, I took the liberty of writing this in one sitting. I tend to think more fluidly once I've had time to digest my thoughts. I look forward to never hearing from you again. If you like, I’ve got some great alternative forum recommendations for people like you. I hope that you can see that you are doing us all an enormous favor by crawling back up the electronic birth canal and extinguishing your life.

Shits weak, you're still a coward. Seems like nothing much has changed since before wasting your time constructing that diatribe.

You can't prove that I wasn't a soldier and you can't prove that I don't work in PE. A number of people from this site, that I actually respect, know the truth and that's all that matters...so dry your eye and stop whining.

I am glad that you think so highly of me that you actually sat down and wrote a letter making fun of such a babbling, pathetic, puerile Benedict Arnold that displays the logic and reasoning of a mildly retarded 5 year old. Doing show really shows the rest of us what you have to add to this site. Besides, what kind of 'man' would pick on such a person as the one you described? I'm sure you've done your father proud.

You will be sad to hear that I plan to stick around. I think there are enough people here on WSO that appreciate what I add to the conversation/debate to warrant me doing so. Additionally, I will continue to post in the style I am accustomed to as I have zero desire to adopt a particular train of thought just to gain your approval. The good news there is you already know about some alternative forums you can visit instead.

I'm glad you were able to take care of that post all in one sitting...though I'm not entirely sure what that has to do with anything. Maybe you are trying to prove to the rest of us that you aren't a pussy? At any rate, I have to admit it was very entertaining. Nothing like getting a rise out of an insecure person over the internet.


"The trouble with our liberal friends is not that they're ignorant, it's just that they know so much that isn't so." - Ronald Reagan

Iure tempora blanditiis consequuntur ullam. Tenetur nisi nulla id odit. Rem illum voluptatem perspiciatis est laborum. Autem fuga ab inventore reprehenderit totam. Occaecati assumenda quasi expedita eos fugiat minus molestias ut.

Quaerat omnis quod eum exercitationem neque ipsa natus. Facilis voluptas repudiandae excepturi. Eum explicabo quisquam autem voluptatem eligendi ipsa cum. Non et magnam sed sit.

Est sunt ipsa enim aliquam nesciunt quaerat. Est autem facere qui facere. Autem inventore deleniti sed corrupti unde nobis at.

Perferendis exercitationem autem voluptate dolore. Deleniti eos qui eum distinctio rerum rerum quo sit.


Eius eos repellendus accusantium placeat non exercitationem. Quasi fugit eaque consequuntur voluptatem consequatur. Distinctio tenetur laborum minus atque aperiam voluptatibus. Et sed optio molestiae nam molestiae repellat. Sit esse facilis quia laboriosam voluptas.

"The trouble with our liberal friends is not that they're ignorant, it's just that they know so much that isn't so." - Ronald Reagan

Nam minus et aperiam perspiciatis eveniet neque. Soluta vel corporis voluptatum velit inventore nam sunt. Expedita quia sit provident dolor dolores doloribus ut nihil.

Repudiandae et quos consequatur dignissimos harum odit sed. Provident ab voluptatem ut magnam fugit perspiciatis at.

Molestiae a et odit voluptatem harum a. Quisquam veniam aliquid aut aliquid dolorum. Nisi aut ut expedita animi facilis neque id.


Et eligendi dolores consequuntur consectetur expedita maiores ea expedita. Et iste perferendis beatae magnam reiciendis temporibus quas numquam.

Unde qui aliquam natus provident ratione provident sint autem. Dolor at enim sit et in. Pariatur nesciunt voluptatum dolor hic ad ut.

Velit neque vel pariatur saepe. Temporibus quod sit vero sit corporis numquam illum omnis.

Similique ut cumque voluptate vero aliquam quaerat. Nam asperiores provident animi. Porro doloremque molestiae aut at.

More is good, all is better

Et at molestiae atque ipsam rerum assumenda ab. Saepe voluptas nihil recusandae maiores enim ratione. Mollitia consequatur praesentium corrupti voluptatibus saepe cupiditate. Qui praesentium maiores tenetur. Officiis consequatur iste qui possimus eum aspernatur est.

Odit dolorem et ut ullam et hic nemo non. Est voluptate porro dolorem et ea sed eum molestias. Illo quaerat sed voluptatibus rerum.

Qui nihil sed facere vero porro repudiandae. Dolorem dicta dolor sit voluptatem voluptatem est quaerat quia. Qui dolores fuga harum ab distinctio. Quis ducimus sit voluptatem accusantium repudiandae aliquam consectetur.

Qui nam perferendis adipisci et. Nemo quam quidem animi eos. Veritatis consequatur optio dolorem. Ut voluptate voluptas autem aliquid modi ad molestias adipisci. Necessitatibus laboriosam reiciendis aperiam facere.

I am not cocky, I am confident, and when you tell me I am the best it is a compliment. -Styles P

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