SVPGlobal (London office)
Hi guys,
Does anyone have insight on SVPGlobal? Specifically interested in their London office. The 3 latest Special Situation funds raised since 2008 performed well according to their press release (consistently >15% IRR and >2.0x MOIC) but they are rasing a much larger $5.0bn vehicle and would be great to have your views on that
Any information on compensation, lifestyle / hours, promotion / career track would be much appreciated.
This post should be in the HF forum
Thanks - just moved it to HF :)
There are many posts about SVP. I would search the old ones, you’ll get everything you need there. The situation hasn’t changed since the ones written in 2020 and later
Thank you
I've read the old ones before posting and unfortunately they dont really tell anything about the London office nor on the compensation - hence my post :)
There is a very extensive post that talks very in-depth about the London office process if you look hard enough (hint search a couple of the senior European people's names).
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