Trammell Crow Company Development -- can anyone share their experience?
Reaching out to see if anyone has experience working at TCC. Looking at one of their Senior Associate Developer roles. Would love to hear about experiences, opportunities for learning/growth, tips for networking/getting my foot in the door, and ultimately how to position myself properly in the interview process. Thanks in advance!
From an outsider amazing name in the industry, but know people that were on small teams that were active (industrial acq/dev) and ended up leaving for more responsibilities. I think it's good for a few years, but not going to become very wealthy from your time there.
Interesting insight, there's a post floating around on Linkedin about executives thoughts/opinions on what should change at the company in the like early 1970s/80s I think when they had major problems. Good company overall though.
Low turnover company from what I’ve seen. I think they make a lot of money and pay out a lot of promote in the form of bonuses every year. Big balance sheet for doing deals. Good name in the biz.
Gonna depend on which market you’re in. I think about each market lead operates somewhat autonomously. Interview the leadership hard and understand what you’ll be doing and how you can add value, and whether you believe in there vision.
Still a private company right? Local leadership may not really have power or autonomy, sounds nice but in reality I think it's still private and very much controlled by the family.
The Trammel Crow Company is completely owned by CBRE
Won’t disagree on being a great name and having the history (regardless of their current CBRE affiliation).
Low turnover though? They just had rounds of layoffs these past couple months.
That’s every large dev company today. It’s a commentary that it’s not a sweat shop where people work two years and leave because it sucks. People work their entire careers there (assuming they don’t get laid off in down turns, which is a risk at literally any development shop).
I got a buddy at a branch, it's good company and the rep is solid, but each office works independently. I've heard some stories about office politics superseding smart real estate moves, and some of the older folks are still stuck in a pre-covid office development mindset.
I am a current Senior Associate at TCC. Given the small size of the company I am going to have to be fairly vague in my response, but if you give me a list of questions I'll answer what I can.
Analyst 2's comment about "good for a few years, but not going to get wealthy there" is a wildly inaccurate representation of the company. We pay much better than our competitors when you include upside/promote, even if the basic salary + target bonus lags behind (at senior levels). There is a reason almost no one ever leaves unless laid off or specifically pushed out (for performance, etc). The payouts in good years for principals (and also for VPs and Associates too) would be called fake on this board if people heard it. WLB is also fantastic, with hours being in the 45-50 range outside of a handful of sprints.
I also have honestly never heard of someone leaving (from a development team) for "more responsibility" unless the real reason was they weren't good enough to keep moving up. There is no separate sourcing/acquisition/asset management/etc vertical. At TCC you work cradle to grave on your deals, with the only division being that each market has a handful of construction managers for the day to day "boots on the ground" on site. A $200M project might have one principal, 2-3 mid/junior staff, and 1-2 construction staff for the whole deal, and they will handle 100% of everything from initial DD to leasing and sale. It's hard to have more responsibility unless you shift to much smaller product.
Hiring is very stingy (<10 new junior staff each year, if that), as the expectation is that everyone hired should be good enough to eventually make it to principal (obviously there is going to be attrition on the way, but there's no sense of "hire 10 analysts expecting 1 or 2 to stay until principal with the rest leaving for somewhere better"). The only way structured way to get hired is through MBA recruitment, with any other hires being on an ad hoc basis. There is essentially no pre-MBA/undergrad hiring outside of random exceptions or to fill specific roles. You can join as a VP in theory, but essentially the hiring approach is to hire MBAs and keep them forever, and then to fill in at the senior level as needed with SVP level hires whose goal from day 1 is to source deals to try and make principal. Construction staff has a different hiring approach obviously, but similarly low-turnover.
Also all the comments about each market operating separately are true, for better and for worse.
Sounds like a great experience
My typical response when people ask me about getting hired is "I got lucky". I am very happy with my experience and consider myself lucky to be in my position. Even if I don't stay forever (I plan to if I can) I think TCC is a great firm filled with great people.
However It is definitely a bit secretive, so there is shockingly little info online given we are the largest CRE developer in the US. I remember struggling to find ANY concrete info online before I joined. Hopefully I can answer some questions as long as they don't get too specific.
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