Struggling to pick between UK and US, looking for advice!

Currently, I am a senior living in Europe (US citizen), and I am choosing between UMich LSA (Economics Major) and UCL Pure Economics.

I am really torn between UCL and UMich. One major reservation I have is about the challenges of getting spring/ summer internships in IB in the UK. I have heard that being an International student in the UK can be a major barrier to breaking into high finance due to the need for a work visa - a trait that can make you a less desirable candidate. This has been the main thing that has been pushing me away from the UK, so I would be grateful if anyone could share their experiences and provide some advice! For that reason, Michigan provides the added benefit of not needing a visa to work, however since I was not admitted to Ross I cannot reapply and join that program. Moreover, I have heard that despite not being in Ross, the ability to join clubs at Ross can be very advantageous and provide major benefits.

With regard to living in each place, I am open to both London and Ann Arbor and have visited both and could see myself at either. My major concern is just which school would help open more doors for a high finance role (which is my end goal) and give me the most opportunities with everything considered. 

If anyone could provide some advice on how they would approach the situation and what they would do, I would be very grateful!

Thank you!


A few things to break down:

University - UCL is better than uMich LSA. If you go to US, you should try and transfer to Ross or a better school (LSA isn’t a target like Ross)

Recruiting - UCL is also better for recruiting in UK than mich LSA in US (pretty hard cut off after top ~6 UK schools, which benefits UCL). However, as you say you are international in UK, this could hurt. I would say they are equal then.

Location - London clears Ann Arbor

Economic Outlook - UK looks very bleak (partially because of a two speed economy between finance vs everything else). The broader UK economy could still hurt you long term. US is very strong. 


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Career Advancement Opportunities

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Overall Employee Satisfaction

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Professional Growth Opportunities

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  • Intern/Summer Associate (34) $167
  • 1st Year Analyst (222) $158
  • Intern/Summer Analyst (161) $101
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