Next Steps after Being Let Go from Fund
I've been unemployed for a few months now after the small fund I joined straight out of undergrad a few years ago lost most of their AUM and downsized/is going to be winding down. When I was still employed, HHs I was working with would send me good opportunities, but I was not getting interviews to the point that the HHs were confused why my resume wasn't getting hits; once I updated them on my change in employment status, I stopped getting any opps from them. I've done some networking with RAs & analysts at LOs and had my resume pushed through, but haven't gotten any interviews. I am in several different processes at one of the big 3/4 MMs, but they take a long time in between rounds and I can't put all my hope in them. Any suggestions on next steps? At what point does an employment gap get too long?
Based on previous WSO threads, here are some actionable steps and insights for navigating your current situation:
Immediate Actions:
Continue Networking:
Engage with Headhunters (HHs):
Broaden Your Search:
Skill Enhancement:
Certifications and Exams:
Technical Skills:
Managing the Employment Gap:
Freelance or Consulting Work:
Long-Term Considerations:
Stay Positive and Persistent:
Additional Resources:
By following these steps, you can improve your chances of landing a new role and effectively manage the employment gap on your resume.
Sources: Getting job after 2-3 years unemployed, Laid off, Depressed and Giving up..., Running out of time and options in a big, big way; have no idea what to do; losing my mind, Nine Months of Soul-Crushing Unemployment - Advice Needed, Has anyone here been unemployed for 3+ months?
How long were you at said HF? Was a legit fund or a bucket shop (ie what was aum when you joined, what was peak aum)? Did you go to an excellent (Princeton/Harvard/Stanford/etc), good (Columbia/Michigan), or mediocre/subpar school?
Columbia/Michigan hahaha. Congrats on Michigan
Shut up man
9 figure AUM, was there for 2-3 years, went to a T10 school w/o a big focus on finance.
Would argue school doesn't matter at all
Can you point to contributions of PNL at said SM? What were the returns? I think often times we under-weight the degree to which returns drastically matter to future employers and regardless of the potential seat they wanna know if you're a potential money-maker
School brand should not matter at all and if it does it's probably not a seat you want to be in if you stay in public equity
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