Resources for practicing modeling software companies?
Hey guys, I'm interviewing with a $1B aum SM for an associate role out of banking. I have a little over a year of experience on the sell-side in TMT coverage, but my firm's modeling process is heavy on using templates. The next round is a case study / modeling test and I'm trying to get some reps in ahead of getting the case study. It's software-focused.
I'm somewhat comfortable building a full operating model, but not as well versed in a bookings / billings / rev / deferred rev build.
Would appreciate suggestions on how to approach prep / some thoughts on resources I should check out. I've been focusing on the BIWS case study for Atlassian, but don't think I'll be prepped if I only do this model.
Thanks in advance
can't you just ask any of your buddies at sell-side to find you a software company model? don't think people here will give you a model
I'm in sell-side tech IB, so the other analysts in my group generally work with the same resources I do. I've reached out to some friends at other banks, but most are using the same resources I am (BIWS / WSP) for prep, however they're more focused on buyout PE rather than HF's.
PM me.
Thanks PM'd
Also PM'd. thanks!
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