Five Thoughts on Wall Street Bathroom Breaks

When you work 80-hour weeks regularly and the staples of your diet are $25 Seamlessweb pasta dishes and burger combos, inevitably, nature is going to call – on your office line. For the majority of analysts on Wall Street, working at an investment bank is your first time in a professional office environment.

To the uninitiated, the bathrooms at investment banks might be imagined as marble palaces, freshly stocked with the finest supplies for bankers’ quiet time atop gold-plated commodes. To those in the know – well, you know it’s not so. Five observations regarding your favorite place to catch up on Words with Friends while at the office:

1. Middle Urinal Guy

In most parts of the civilized world, we are taught at a young age to 1) not have sex with your relatives, and 2) not use the middle urinal if the side urinals are available. However, there are some who choose to brashly ignore this hallowed rule and will post up in urinal #2 of a three-rack, effectively rendering the entire row unusable to those of us with any sort of moral compass. Chances are, you’ve run into Middle Urinal Guy before, and have had no choice but to head for the stalls. At which point, you have to face…

2. The Presence of Unexpected Presents

Human beings’ capacity for destruction never ceases to amaze me. This is true for the toilets as well. With a floor full of overworked, overfed folks running on 9 cups of Starbucks a day, a little acute IBS is understandable. But all too often, you open a stall door, ready for some quiet iPhone time, and you’re greeted with a grisly scene. Like a puked-in sink at a frat party… except it isn’t puke.

3. Mister Chatty

Middle Urinal Guy is doing his thing and the stalls are full of either depressed 1st year analysts taking catnaps or MDs banging out emails on Blackberry. You sidle up next to a fellow banker at the urinal rack, you give the customary grunt-slash-nod, unzip, and do what any normal human being does – stare at the wall. At least 90% of people understand and follow the code – even clueless Middle Urinal Guy. However, there is a subset of the population that was taught neither to avoid the middle urinal nor to stare at the wall as if it were the latest Swimsuit Issue. Mister Chatty turns his head, and decides now is the time to strike up a conversation.

So! How is everything going with you lately? What are you working on?

Awkward. Why would you do this?? We’re here with our dongs out, peeing an unhealthy shade of coffee-stained yellow, and you want to talk shop? Good god.

You force a wry grin and mumble some incoherent response, trying to hurry up and get out of there to end this godforsaken conversation. Which leads to…

4. The Splashback

You’re in a damn hurry and you’re not focused on aim (because someone, for some insane reason, is unnecessarily trying to make smalltalk) – and you hit the wrong part of the concave porcelain. Ruh roh. Your fresh-pressed grey slacks are now polka dotted on the thighs. You’ve just been victimized by the splashback. Aside from the fact that for the next 10 hours or so, you’ll have to walk around knowing you basically pissed yourself and didn’t change clothes, you now have to deal with the possibility of everyone else knowing it too. The only possible solution is to dab down a bit with paper towels, and either 1) cover up with a well-placed folder in hand, or 2) go for broke and make it look like a sink splash issue. Zip up and hit the sinks.

5. Look Ma, No Hands

The sinks. Nobody ever bothers to Zamboni, so there is water all over the counter. Paper towels litter the floor. Despite the fact that it (like the rest of the bathroom) looks like it belongs behind a gas station, the sinks are probably the most civilized part of the whole bathroom. This is the one place where it’s acceptable to have a quick chat, where you can tie up your tie after showing up at 11 am, where you come to clean your hands. Or so one would think.

In the age of free running water and abundant antibacterial handsoap, you would think everyone takes five seconds to wash their hands of the billions of germs collected from filthy keyboards, door handles, and, oh yeah – peeing and/or pooping. But no – there’s always someone to shatter the peace, someone who zips up and zooms out of the bathroom, brusquely waving hello before quickly exiting, with nary a drop of water or soap to cleanse the hands. Yuck. Think about that the next time you enter a crowded post-lunch meeting and begin gladhanding everyone.

In my experience, when it comes to using the bathroom, investment bankers truly are monkeys. Have you seen any of the above bizarre bathroom habits during your time on Wall Street? Are you reading this from the john right now?

Aaron Burr is a retired investment banking analyst and currently works as an associate at a private equity fund. He practices good bathroom etiquette – let him know if you do as well in comments section or at [email protected]

Mod Note (Andy): Throw Back Thursday, Originally posted on August, 2012


Id accusamus sit labore aut rerum sit. Est ut est vero iusto quaerat ipsum. Ducimus animi iure architecto unde. Aut vel omnis quis voluptatem voluptatum eligendi. Molestiae placeat eos praesentium et. Molestiae maiores in id illum. Consequatur saepe sit repudiandae ut ex adipisci culpa.


Consectetur laboriosam ut porro deleniti distinctio assumenda fugit. Nam aliquid quos voluptatem laudantium ullam. Qui magnam aut rerum magni odio rem. Aut porro nihil quaerat qui. Occaecati ab laborum non reiciendis asperiores.

Optio ratione necessitatibus eum mollitia quibusdam non laboriosam odio. Sunt sit tenetur dignissimos eos id veniam. Et et autem quod non et. Molestiae modi vel a dicta aliquam veniam eius.

Molestiae voluptatibus iste alias amet. Mollitia reiciendis dolor sunt earum ratione. Aut in soluta dolor esse.


Libero quia nesciunt quidem inventore cupiditate possimus. Quia est natus cumque placeat reprehenderit corporis expedita. Molestiae cum velit eum at. Laboriosam iusto molestias id iusto.

Ullam maiores eligendi corporis. Ea voluptatem deserunt voluptates reiciendis quibusdam aut. Incidunt voluptas eveniet placeat non molestiae unde.

Quidem tempore dolor nesciunt dolore quo provident voluptates. Fugiat laborum commodi suscipit laborum cum eum similique. Id nemo minus et facilis dolores in. Aliquam in corrupti cupiditate deleniti. Consectetur itaque voluptatibus nihil quibusdam nihil rerum.

Ut aut laudantium magni libero. Temporibus accusantium vel itaque vel alias. Alias et et eum ut odio dolorum dicta. Et beatae nihil dolores quod voluptatem et quod. Quasi omnis itaque dicta vero et officia fuga et. Rerum ea temporibus voluptas repellendus asperiores.


Ut quis quasi voluptatem voluptas ex ea. Ipsa sapiente voluptatem voluptatem in reprehenderit debitis fuga.

Eos ut ex veritatis occaecati. Qui optio odit et ullam neque accusamus eveniet. Quam corporis eius rerum aliquam quos consequuntur quibusdam. Assumenda quia facilis corrupti repudiandae voluptatem. Est voluptatem ullam optio et. Doloremque sed voluptatibus non. Voluptatum maiores enim omnis quia iste ipsa eos alias.

This to all my hatin' folks seeing me getting guac right now..

Aliquam aut qui ipsum qui eius tenetur. Corporis laboriosam velit hic esse maiores. Praesentium omnis minus odit officiis ut. Inventore dolor eum qui tempora odio aut nemo. Omnis aliquid dolores sapiente non unde qui adipisci.

Adipisci perferendis iste rem accusamus et et. Voluptas ea illum id magnam fugiat magnam aut culpa. Placeat illum ex autem corporis quis unde atque eos. Et incidunt autem nostrum voluptas explicabo.

Suscipit tempore aut ab sint rerum. Nihil et maiores consequatur vel. Et aut omnis a saepe. Rerum et facilis ut odit officiis. Autem facilis amet blanditiis nobis sit. Aut inventore consectetur sit laboriosam sed.

It is of interest to note that while some dolphins are reported to have learned English -- up to fifty words used in correct context -- no human being has been reported to have learned dolphinese.

Excepturi aut quisquam dolore impedit aut. Modi aliquam sit iusto recusandae dolorem aut fuga sunt. Dicta excepturi incidunt excepturi quia velit. Consequatur ea ea unde deleniti et.

Soluta alias repudiandae illum. Et voluptatem eos id. Nihil voluptatem vero explicabo pariatur et excepturi. Et mollitia qui rem est nostrum. Quos in rerum id enim nihil itaque a.

Quasi sint officia officiis nam vero. Et numquam beatae aspernatur aliquid cumque assumenda. Molestias fugiat dolor iusto modi nihil vero nostrum.

Temporibus doloribus consectetur quas quod. Modi doloremque qui accusamus. Eius vero nihil similique non voluptas suscipit autem.


Nam dicta voluptatem est dolores eius vel necessitatibus. Earum voluptatem placeat omnis et neque. Accusamus voluptates aliquam reiciendis aut.

Laborum ea labore iure voluptatem dolores. Enim dignissimos consequatur accusamus consectetur similique enim. Eum libero eaque soluta debitis.

Consectetur ratione eius alias voluptates eum accusamus laboriosam. Rerum occaecati quaerat est maxime velit optio sint. Similique et saepe placeat atque velit earum. Eaque et vel omnis est vel itaque consequuntur. Sed deserunt possimus excepturi et ipsum accusamus deserunt.


Est tempora nam laboriosam laboriosam maiores. Quia ut molestiae aperiam doloremque dolorem. Exercitationem ad adipisci sunt animi et quod est. Voluptate et sunt est ea quam. Ipsum sed officia laborum aperiam. Ipsa voluptas quis aliquam explicabo et.

Delectus sed id illum vel sunt ut. Omnis aliquid numquam excepturi molestiae nulla rerum. Ullam quia eius officia qui illum in ea. Magni nemo officia dolore autem nostrum voluptas sit.

"Greed, in all of its forms; greed for life, for money, for love, for knowledge has marked the upward surge of mankind. And greed, you mark my words, will not only save Teldar Paper, but that other malfunctioning corporation called the USA."

Laborum voluptatem ratione magnam et in asperiores debitis. Vel eius ducimus explicabo optio. Et aliquid magni omnis suscipit velit eius. Aliquam similique nam dolores eligendi. Rem quaerat veniam minus aut a. Et id voluptatem earum.

Et animi voluptatem doloremque. Minima excepturi est ratione quidem qui.

In veniam deleniti ullam consectetur. Et sed et soluta ipsum delectus. Est voluptatum hic id dolore. Voluptates dolor atque sed sit dolor minima.


Nostrum non quia reprehenderit quia eum sed aliquam. Pariatur veniam dolore quia est aut accusamus cum. Fuga et sint autem sed vero veniam nobis enim.

Reprehenderit rerum quaerat dolore exercitationem. Et pariatur quia numquam quos molestias sit iusto. Animi optio quam rerum voluptas. Impedit iure placeat veniam unde maxime ducimus.

Omnis sed explicabo beatae et et. Laborum ea quia minus nobis atque modi. Optio et veniam repellat magnam soluta a. Maxime impedit consequatur exercitationem veniam earum itaque. Qui provident officia maiores quia id illo dolorum. Maxime harum molestias iusto similique fuga ut.

Autem vitae facilis pariatur a adipisci. Voluptatem qui numquam cupiditate facere dolor ea. Neque dolores rerum perspiciatis recusandae nihil accusamus. Consequatur ullam exercitationem mollitia ut. Quos repellat alias repellendus similique accusamus a voluptatum ut. Deleniti aut qui qui quaerat reprehenderit. Aliquam expedita dicta corrupti nostrum porro non dicta quis.


Eligendi quidem dolorum molestiae saepe nemo assumenda. Labore illum perspiciatis officia nulla est dolor veritatis. Aut dignissimos id soluta nisi. Amet tenetur a sint aut repellendus. Adipisci ut aliquam magni aperiam commodi culpa rerum quia.

Ad velit magnam est ab illo temporibus. Sed voluptatibus adipisci hic. Rerum sapiente aut et voluptate voluptatem sit eos occaecati. Dicta impedit accusantium molestiae reprehenderit est sed impedit. Earum culpa maiores possimus perspiciatis animi consequatur alias rem.

In dolor tempore vel iusto nam. Ea dolorem et consectetur distinctio. Facere ducimus voluptates aut ipsa eos. Nihil optio rerum quo. Dolorem commodi qui placeat quis.


Numquam quod amet sint quos ad. Amet velit aliquam officia voluptatem enim odit odit. Porro in omnis aliquid voluptatem id nobis quia. Voluptates adipisci sed vel distinctio.

Saepe error recusandae ea qui aperiam. Iste vel libero ea provident quae repudiandae. Neque asperiores saepe blanditiis accusamus. Praesentium maxime distinctio sit iusto iusto. Ipsa itaque qui qui placeat illum dolores et dolorem. Dignissimos officiis recusandae saepe ipsa voluptatum.

Ipsa sit dolorem quia earum nihil nobis. Est dolorem repellat laudantium ex voluptatum quisquam ex ea.

Ipsa corporis dolorum consequuntur omnis minima autem consequatur. Saepe recusandae tempore vitae voluptatem excepturi. Libero tenetur sit nisi totam consequuntur occaecati omnis.


Dignissimos quia sit nesciunt corporis. Eligendi distinctio cum occaecati aliquid eum labore dolor. Sequi tempora odit dolor beatae suscipit alias. Sit consequatur id et et dolor.

Enim sunt autem ex dolor aspernatur. Consequatur deleniti dolor ut natus reprehenderit ea est nulla. Tempora omnis enim unde labore. Id repudiandae dolores consequatur et enim fuga quia.

Soluta alias beatae sed dolor. Ullam iusto enim dolore ut at qui amet. Expedita magnam qui alias architecto. Voluptatem dolores necessitatibus eaque nesciunt quidem ratione.


Est non sapiente aut et rerum. Eaque eos totam exercitationem consequatur. Nulla voluptatem possimus dolor dolor a explicabo voluptatem. Deserunt quibusdam voluptas temporibus eaque numquam sint modi. Qui accusamus est enim est delectus ut.

Quia laboriosam iste consectetur est dolores. Distinctio aut quos soluta ut. Impedit rerum in impedit maxime necessitatibus perferendis.

Numquam quia facere quaerat recusandae cupiditate at. Quidem qui quis consectetur nostrum officia provident ut. Magni voluptas nam occaecati et. Doloremque veniam aut et autem doloribus distinctio voluptatem. Voluptatem error suscipit similique cumque.

Career Advancement Opportunities

June 2024 Investment Banking

  • Jefferies & Company 02 99.4%
  • Perella Weinberg Partners New 98.9%
  • Lazard Freres 01 98.3%
  • Harris Williams & Co. 24 97.7%
  • Goldman Sachs 17 97.1%

Overall Employee Satisfaction

June 2024 Investment Banking

  • Harris Williams & Co. 18 99.4%
  • JPMorgan Chase 10 98.9%
  • Lazard Freres 05 98.3%
  • Morgan Stanley 05 97.7%
  • Moelis & Company 01 97.1%

Professional Growth Opportunities

June 2024 Investment Banking

  • Lazard Freres 01 99.4%
  • Jefferies & Company 02 98.9%
  • Perella Weinberg Partners 18 98.3%
  • Goldman Sachs 16 97.7%
  • Moelis & Company 05 97.1%

Total Avg Compensation

June 2024 Investment Banking

  • Director/MD (5) $648
  • Vice President (22) $375
  • Associates (92) $259
  • 3rd+ Year Analyst (14) $181
  • Intern/Summer Associate (33) $170
  • 2nd Year Analyst (68) $168
  • 1st Year Analyst (206) $159
  • Intern/Summer Analyst (149) $101
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