What Do All These Rich Chinese Kids' Parents Do For Money?

I'm in Melbourne and this place is lousy with rude, soft-handed Chinese kids wearing gold pinkie rings and four-seasons-ago hypebeast shit. They swarm the streets like cicadas, causing a loud ruckus and leaving nothing but litter and confusion in their wake. What do their parents do for a living and what are their hopes and aspirations for their spawn? Did you know 1/7 people in the world is a Chinese farmer? I saw an Amazon Prime documentary (just read the title actually) insinuating such a thing. Wild. What do the other ones do?


How can there be so many? And with the one-child shit? I just ran into a Chinese lady with twins in a stroller in the elevator. The twins both cussed me out while the mom picked at her teeth with her room key in the mirror.

heister: Look at all these wannabe richies hating on an expensive salad. https://arthuxtable.com/
How can there be so many?

Melborune Chinese people = 8.5% Chicago Chinese people = 1.6%

"If you always put limits on everything you do, physical or anything else, it will spread into your work and into your life. There are no limits. There are only plateaus, and you must not stay there, you must go beyond them." - Bruce Lee

Had a guy I knew in HS whose dad was a higher up in one of the companies that manufactures some part of the iPhone (I forgot which one, he told me). He actually gave 20 people brand new iPads (not ripoffs either, the real thing). Legend has it that if you hold the iPad close to your ear, you can actually hear the misery of the workers who made it.

Edit: The guy was a total POS too. Started up "Online marketing businesses" after dropping out of college and claimed to have self made money. Chain smoking alcoholic.

“The three most harmful addictions are heroin, carbohydrates, and a monthly salary.” - Nassim Taleb
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Why the fuck does this whole website have such terrible understanding of race/culture. You're attributing characteristics of a few shitty people you saw in a group to 1.4 billion people.

Gun rights activist

Yeah. I also interact with more people of different ethnicities exhibiting I'm-rich-and-also-an-asshole behavior in NYC. It's not exclusive to just the Chinese; and if you're talking about Asians in general I'd say Koreans are equal/worse offenders in many cases. Still doesn't mean all of them are like that

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Yup, I spent 3 weeks in Chengdu clubbing and drinking all night and my friends and I were definitely the rich white American kids leaving the mess in this case. Now looking back on it I realize this, but it obviously doesn't mean all Americans kids are like me and my friends - same applies for every other race.

Gun rights activist

We just spent a week in Seoul. They are perfectly polite people; who also hate the Chinese.

heister: Look at all these wannabe richies hating on an expensive salad. https://arthuxtable.com/
Why the fuck does this whole website have such terrible understanding of race/culture. You're attributing characteristics of a few shitty people you saw in a group to 1.4 billion people.

I don't think it is that goldie has a terrible understanding of race/culture. These are crude anthropological and sociological observations that most people go through when traveling and goldie has just articulated these experiences.

"If you always put limits on everything you do, physical or anything else, it will spread into your work and into your life. There are no limits. There are only plateaus, and you must not stay there, you must go beyond them." - Bruce Lee

Where in the world have you been? I've been a lot of places. By far the most valuable thing I get out of travel is seeing thing first-hand. I hold beliefs based off of my personal observations - not off of what other people who have likely not made any observations themselves say in order to conform with the "correct" opinion of the time. I'm fine if you don't like me for this, but I will never deny truth that's right in front of me.

heister: Look at all these wannabe richies hating on an expensive salad. https://arthuxtable.com/

Sorry Goldie, can’t help yah, but to add to the fire I’m in Europe currently. Was in Italy and now South of France and these kids are total animals. Place is a zoo. It’s like these kids have never been smacked. Running around in nice restaurants, screaming on trains, this crap didn’t fly in my day and that wasn’t even that long ago.


+1 British, Irish, Australians

One tip if you want to go to a nice place with classy people in Europe: stay as far away as possible from those nationalities. It's really odd because all the Brits I know are top class guys.


The smart/rich Chinese outside of China are the ones that made it out.

Go to China and most are dirt poor.

Also, Melbourne is a lot closer than the US. I went there last year too - saw a bunch of Chinese people on the tables at the casino there.

"If you always put limits on everything you do, physical or anything else, it will spread into your work and into your life. There are no limits. There are only plateaus, and you must not stay there, you must go beyond them." - Bruce Lee

yes but what about the international student fresh off the boat? there are literally tens if not hundreds of thousands of them across all the western top universities and somehow they can all manage to afford this (frankly) ostentatious lifestyle. where does the cash come from?

yes but what about the international student fresh off the boat? there are literally tens if not hundreds of thousands of them across all the western top universities and somehow they can all manage to afford this (frankly) ostentatious lifestyle. where does the cash come from?

Yeah let's fucking get back to this rather than arguing with a teenager about stereotypes existing for a reason. Where is the money being generated?

heister: Look at all these wannabe richies hating on an expensive salad. https://arthuxtable.com/

Goldie, to be fair, you're not exactly a model citizen yourself. Glass houses, stones... you think your antics were warranted abroad? By the way that's a classic stereotype in Asia about Western travelers.

Be excellent to each other, and party on, dudes.
Goldie, to be fair, you're not exactly a model citizen yourself. Glass houses, stones... you think your antics were warranted abroad? By the way that's a classic stereotype in Asia about Western travelers.

What antics? I have literally no idea what you're talking about. I go out of my way to be polite to everyone.

heister: Look at all these wannabe richies hating on an expensive salad. https://arthuxtable.com/

JFC, you are like the third person to say some fake sanctimonious thing about racism.

Chinese is a NATIONALITY. Not a race. Nationalities have cultures. Those cultures can be talked about in common terms.

Do you honestly think that when someone in Paris complains about loud Americans, that his fellow Frenchman says “why did you have to bring race into this, Pierre?”

No one is saying Asians are inferior people here. Just shitposts about new money culture in China. Relax.


Currently at a target undergrad (H/Y/P/W) with lots of wealthy international students, not just Chinese. It depends on where they're from in China because certain locations usually sway towards different industries, For example, I know there are parents that are C-suite executives or own a lot of inflated real estate. There is the "new money" group whose parents most likely started some tech company. Lastly, there is the "old money" that work for government agencies or have "famous" parents. I'm missing some people of course, but those are the main groups along with supermodels, celebrities, and news casters (yes).

That being said, a good amount of the ultra-wealthy don't tend to flaunt their money, at least from my experience. The intelligent ones know to keep it under wraps, and they rarely splurge. At most, they'll live in a luxury apartment that costs like $2500+ a month, but they don't tend to make it rain at the clubs. The ones who tend to eagerly flaunt all their money on nice cars and 6-digit accessories are doing it for social media and appearance purposes. Whether it be because they want the ultra-rich Asian girls to like them or it's to impress others, it's more or less a facade. A lot of the times, these kids don't actually have the money or financial situation to support the spending - but the parents will spend everything on the children for them to live a "good" life overseas. It's not even paycheck to paycheck - it's taking on debt. I actually know horror stories where these guys purposely acted rich to marry girls with citizenship, only for the girls to find out it was a ruse, and they're actually hit with bills.

That being said, I'm an international student myself, and I didn't come from a lavish background by any means. It sucks to be stereotyped with some of these kids, and it's often time assumed I can afford to eat out multiple times a week and blow $50+ on every meal. I'm still on the dining plan because it's the most bang for my buck with the % discount and conversions...


Parents' money - much of it is manufacturing, real estate, and starting businesses. You have to realize it's a BIG country, and economy was starting from scratch 30 years ago. During that time, there were many industries that evolved and businesses built.
Those that won in their respective industries made bank. If one invested in real estate, there was also a lot of value created there as well.


How much room do you think remains for growth compared to what's already happened? What potential obstacles do you see in their way? Do you see China ever emerging as a hegemon? You know way more about this than I do, but I just think there's something unquantifiably unique about American ingenuity - something effervescent and indescribable that China badly wants to overcome with bullheaded brute force but will never be able to because it's not in their blood.

heister: Look at all these wannabe richies hating on an expensive salad. https://arthuxtable.com/

At uni (undergrad) I lived with a Chinese dude. Super nice, never showed off his money with bad intent or anything. But he would spend a fortune without thought. We had a flat dinner just to meet everyone on one of the first nights and he brought a £1000+ bottle of wine just to say thanks for inviting him for food. Turns out his parents owned a confectionery company and clearly have made a lot of money from it. I remember him saying one guy who he knew had a parent who owned a company which made the stuffing for pillows.

Fast forward a few years to my masters course; I'm the only non-international student. ~80% are Chinese (a lot specifically from HK). ~15% Europeans (Greek/Swede/Norwegian for example) and ~4.5% from South America (mostly Columbia). The portion of those who stood out were always the students from China. I've never encountered so many 21-25 year olds wearing watches worth ~£20k, Gucci shoes and the like.

One sad part was they were so oblivious to the fact they stood out. I remember sitting in a Cafe and a dude was counting out at least £5k in cash (Cafe was next to a bank) without concern of someone seeing him and being identified as an easy target for theft.

The fact they were wealthy enough to go abroad to study, then pay international fees and then have materialistic goods obviously put them in the 0.1% of the Chinese population, but just the wealth they had was immense. Like someone commented above, I typically put this down to a majority of new industries having taken off within the past 2-5 generations. That said, I've no doubt be surprised if a few were wealthy from 'good connections'.


I know this is not the most PC thread but an interesting question. I am friends with a Chinese exchange student at my university and he tells me that 95% of Chinese students studying in America have parents who are usually gov officials, high class biz people. SJWs like to complain about how unfair America is but look into China's entrance exams(Jack Ma failed 4 times) and merit system. Koreans also tend to live a bourgeoise lifestyle because of how stratified their economics are. If you are born rich you will stay that way. Ive seen Koreans in lines outside Burberry. You mention being in Melbourne and seeing a lot of Chinese. Interesting, because the Chinese are buying land in very strange markets : Caribbean, South America, South Pacific.


Dude Koreans are very unhappy people, work 70-80 hour weeks regularly, and do not make a lot of money. You're confusing a wealthy government with a wealthy populace. I saw a whole lot of very old people collecting scraps to sell for pennies. Their cancer rates are also through the roof and getting worse quickly. I didn't see the sun once out of the 8 days we spent in Seoul.

heister: Look at all these wannabe richies hating on an expensive salad. https://arthuxtable.com/

That's so wild. Anyone know what the internal economy is like versus their export market? Theoretically, shouldn't it not matter where you live and where your customer lives given globalization? Very theoretically, of course...

I recently learned China has some incredible luxury goods too. They have wild car companies selling $2-$5M cars that are wilder than any Rolls. There are enough rich people in China to buy it that they don't even need to export.

heister: Look at all these wannabe richies hating on an expensive salad. https://arthuxtable.com/

I will ignore your vapid and massive oversimplification of an entire nation of 1.4 billion ppl and attempt to answer your question.

To understand the phenomenon of 'swarms' of stupidly wealthy int'l Chinese students requires going back to the cultural revolution and the truly hard line communist days. Back then, all workers, even those in positions of relative power / respect made the same money regardless of profession.

Once Mao died and Deng Xiaoping rose to power, he quickly began enacting sweeping progressive and capitalistic economic policies which returned the private markets back to China, and allowed formerly state-owned enterprises (more importantly... LAND) to be sold to citizens, often at steep discounts or dirt cheap prices. Remember, this came not too long after a time in which being labeled as a 'landlord' was essentially a death sentence.

As you can imagine, many many people suddenly went from making a marginal income to having substantial assets. When you consider how long it usually takes to build wealth in families, this was happening on a massive national scale, and over a relatively short period of time. The regional factory director in charge of imports / exports was now profiting massively, and the uneducated yet enterprising rural farmer in some cases was now able to come into large plots of land.

On the other end of this spectrum of course is the Communist Party. Civil service in China goes a long way back, and is deeply rooted in ruthlessly selective and competitive test taking. As such, to make it into the contemporary party today follows a similarly difficult path, and is incredibly lucrative.

Fast forwarding to today, I'd say many of these kids' parents' backgrounds follow a similar story - you managed to endure the countless senseless purges of the cultural revolution and be rewarded by sweeping economic reforms, or you earned your keep in the party after siding with the communists during the war while ALSO managing to avoid the countless senseless purges of the cultural revolution, climbed up in the party ranks, and then be rewarded by all the trappings that come with such a rarefied position of power.

Even though only a fraction of Chinese actually realized this economic blessing, when applied to a denominator of over a billion people, this still comes out to a lot. As for the rest that you don't see... as of 5-6 years ago, the migrant worker population of China alone was ~300 million people, which goes to highlight the scale of what you see today.

As for their hopes and aspirations, I can only imagine. Perhaps it involves never having to endure a devastating famine which killed 50 million people out of political negligence and ineptitude, or being killed for being educated / wealthy. Due to the one child policy, perhaps they just love to spoil them as parents of only children tend to do, maybe at the expense of teaching manners that went by the wayside after their own forcible relocation to the countryside for 're-education' in their youth. I know that if i somehow crawled through that mile of shit that was the mao era and emerged clean (and rich) on the other side, i wouldn't GAF what my kid did as long as he lived the good life like 'Ye.

Who knows.


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Est harum quis quidem repudiandae laudantium. Doloribus ipsam consequatur voluptates sed itaque ipsa. Et tempora non ea porro repudiandae delectus.

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