VP in PE - LBOs:




$350K base + $225K bonus ($575K total comp)


$600M fund
$215 base / $215 bonus
$8.3m DAW but across three funds ($1.4/$1.9/$5)

Life is more than dollars

Math doesn’t add up. Assuming 3 associates 2 VPS, 2 MDs, 2 partners…. You’re 70% through your management fee.

Regardless, good for you brother! Strong comp

Life is more than dollars

Question on the carry piece - how are you staying motivated and are you considering exiting to another firm? I’m starting to have somewhat similar concerns. Obviously cash comp at these levels is nothing to sneeze at, but man it must be hard to go through all the BS day in and day out knowing you aren’t going to see upside for another 10-15 years (I.e., hoping your next fund is more successful)


I agree, it's tough and I'm looking opportunistically, but the market for this level (Sr Vp / Principal) feels tough atm.

IMO, moving to the wrong fund (e.g., bad culture / fit) prematurely can be a career ender. I'd rather tough it out for a bit at a place where I've built up credibility / autonomy than risk it at a place I'm second guessing my fit at. We all know your first year at a new place is all about proving yourself (i.e., grinding) and I candidly don't have that many all out sprints left in me anymore (at my age) so I'm trying to pick my battles. I did it as a banking analyst, at my first PE, job, at every promotion level, etc. This career needs to start feeling sustainable at some point...



Texas - Large Metro

LMM ($500-$1 Bn Fund Size)

Base: $200k

Bonus: $200k

DAW: $2.5 MM

Good data points in this thread. I'm interested to know how many years of post-IB analyst (or PE analyst) PE experience the posters in this thread are averaging to get to VP1. Additionally, would also be relevant to know if there were an additional 2 years of MBA involved as well. As for me, I spent 2 years as an analyst in IB and 4 years total as a PE Associate (Incl. "Senior" Associate) prior to reaching VP1.


It's almost the same, came from large cap as VP. Hours aren't that much better bc you replace portco work with growth equity deals and when you do co-underwrites or recaps or direct buyout it's just as rough. Can be more politics if you're in the wrong group / your group head didn't come from a normal fund. 

The more chill team is coinvestment/FoF, they are living the dream. 


Is there a meaningful difference in comps for FoF team vs. Direct as your SWF?


My papa is a public c suite

$650k base

$650k bonus

$3mn initial equity grant + $1.2mn annual equity grant (actually exists not like you DAW pussies)

Fully comped penthouse and car and tickets to Europe

Haha my papa


How many years of experience though. I know some places you are VP after 3 years, my firms has: associate 3 years, 2-3 years senior associate, and only then you make VP (which is after 3 years of banking).

As somebody 4 years at the firm:
Gbp 130 base + 140 bonus (c.usd 350k all in)
No co-invest
No carry (only get it in your 6th year at the firm)
AUM 45-50bn
Latest fund 10-15bn

I know I am getting screwed, just hope this posts makes others feel better.


Haven't received promotion yet from sr. associate (should be in 30-45 days), but numbers below are what has been agreed to for VP1 year:

Non-NYC MM with latest fund around $4B

$600K all-in cash comp (split 50-50 bw base and bonus)

$5.5M DAW


Apollo is much higher than those figures and doesn’t have a VP title based on what I have seen. 

$600K cash and $4-6M carry at 2x is standard for top performers at larger MM and UMM. 


Modi culpa harum est consequatur et. Corporis ipsam nesciunt illo quisquam. Quasi vero fuga commodi est voluptas. Non similique voluptate earum explicabo doloremque itaque.