CRE Brokerage exit ops
What are the exit ops for someone who has 2 yrs exp at a CRE brokerage that is part of a capital markets team? I initially wanted to get into banking (not neccesarily real estate) before I started at my current role, would that still be possible? Did I pigeonhole myself for staying too long?
Your exit opps are anything you imagine them to be. You did not pigeon hole yourself by working a job for two years.
If by banking you mean investment banking, you will have quite a difficult path to getting there, most likely involving near impossible to get into MBA programs, but very few things in life are actually insurmountable
Does working in CRE Brokerage negatively impact your chances of admission to M-7 MBA? Or are you saying that by nature they are difficult to get admitted to regardless?
It is difficult to get into a top MBA program regardless of background.
I am in a similar situation. Worked in investment sales for two years and am looking to leave. Is an acquisitions/asset management role for a Private Equity firm the most plausible next step? Currently seems very difficult to find many roles that fit my criteria of what I am looking for. Any ideas outside of Private Equity/maybe RE in general which could be a good fit for a next step?
Asset management or investments is a common path but will likely be a steep learning curve regardless and not many are heavily hiring now (unless solely AM focused). Other options would be development (limited jobs if any) or a debt fund/alternative lender.
also just to clarify I am currently in NYC market. I see the post has other APAC listed as location
How did you do 2 years at a brokerage shop and not have this planned out already
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