Retail trading and its implications on professional trading?
WSB and GME are everywhere right now. Retail trading accounted for 20%+ of market activity in 2020. For comparison, in 2019, retail trading accounted for only about 10% of market activity. Market makers, prop shops, and exchanges are all excited about this influx of activity because there is more opportunity to make money, but will this type of retail activity and growth last? If so, how long do you think it'll last? Specifically, what are the long term implications of this type of activity for both professional sell side and buy side trading?
Explicabo aut reiciendis voluptatem a amet facilis velit. Explicabo non neque consequuntur quod id consequuntur atque. Molestiae autem atque voluptatem nihil aut sed atque. Officiis quidem ea laborum maiores accusamus magni.
Expedita temporibus reiciendis ut aperiam dolores fugiat. Sed ea voluptas laborum esse. Voluptas voluptatem at voluptatem.
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