Bear Stearns...what fantastic news!

There's been a huge smile on my face since yesterday, and it's going to bigger next week when Lehmans announce they too are having liquidity issues and declare writedowns way higher than the street are expecting.

Over 2005-07, getting a job in banking was just way too easy, and not a challenge anymore. Expansion of hiring capacity meant that you even got douches from non-Ivys with just a Bachelors walking straight into the Bulge Brackets.

A whole different story now, hiring freezes and very limited capacity will now make it an achievement and impressive to be a banker again.

People I know from uni have been fired from Citi, Lehmans and Merrills the last few weeks. This has made me feel so good, my comparative standing has increased as the number of front-office bankers at a BB from my yr and uni is at an all-time low. My career's carrying on down the fast-track to VP by age 26 whilst they're struggling looking for a job in areas that just aren't hiring.

Tbh there is absolutely no excuse for grads to get fired. It's so easy to come across as enthusiastic, hard-working, come up with new ideas/ways of doing stuff ie being innovative / entrepreneurial, to be seen as a useful asset not only to clients but internally. People in their 30s and 40s are often complacent, relaxed family guys whereas you have the opportunity to go that one step further and be unfirable. The anomaly is of course traders where it's down to your P&L.

I would just love to see 50% of this industry laid off. There's too many crap people currently in banking - particularly grads from non-Ivys, thanks to stupid projects like SEO letting utter cretins into grad schemes. It means when you're at bars and say you're a banker girls aren't as impressed as they used to be.

Bear down, Lehman about to go down on Wednesday, Citi, Merrills and UBS fucked, MS about to have some big problems soon too. Thank God I picked the right desk at the right bank, to carry on down a fastrack route to success whilst inferior peers around me suffer.

Peppie (very, very sadistic)


wow. this guy is seriously a douchebag.

"gee, i hope other people get fired b/c im a douche!"

it's sad that there are people like you in the world. im a sophomore not from an ivy, but guess what? i worked my ass off to get a position for the summer at a BB. So wtf is with the mentality that people from nonivy's don't deserve it? you're a douche.


In my experience, people from non-Ivys in IBs are absolute cretins. If they were any good they'd have got into an Ivy. Instead they're low-quality, poor background, inferior and ugly. And use the word "douche" 3 times in about as many sentences.

I couldn't care if you're calling me a douchebag or whatnot - bottom line is I'm fucking happy and have a positive mindset, laughing and smiling at what's happening, whilst you chumps are fearing for your jobs.


pepstar, the more you write, the more you expose yourself as a wannabe. lay off decisions are not based on whether you were from an ivy. do you think ivy bear bankers are less worried than non-ivy bear bankers?


wow pepstar do you really think banks are going to go "hm ok we need to lay people off, anyone from an ivy gets to stay, anyone not from an ivy gets booted".

im glad i dont have to work with someone like you bc i would do everything possible to get you fired if i did

wow pepstar do you really think banks are going to go "hm ok we need to lay people off, anyone from an ivy gets to stay, anyone not from an ivy gets booted".

I didn't say that. I said the quality of people from Ivys is in general much superior to non-Ivys. As we have seen so far and will see more of, when you need to get rid of people the banks are more likely to fire the Tufts alum douche who only got through thanks to SEO / 85Broads, than your high-calibre Princeton alpha-male.

Please make an appointment with a therapist and leave this board. You are transparent and clearly have serious issues.
Why would I want to do that? So instead of feeling happy, healthy and positive during these turbulent times I'm going to be worried and upset like the rest of Wall St?

While it is quite obvious this thread is a joke, I'll add a comment:

Pepstar -- How does it make you feel to know that you, a superior Princeton alpha-male, are working alongside plebeians? I would imagine, being of greater intellect, you would have aspired to a position too great for your non-ivy counterparts. What happened? In fact, it must be outright upsetting to know that these people are being given jobs that are beyond their qualifications.

CompBanker’s Career Guidance Services:

Yes, of course it annoys me that inferior people get the same sort of jobs as I do. Which is why I'm happy with what's happening - hiring over the next couple of years is only going to let in the very best.

What should I be doing instead of banking? I could do anything really. Nothing at all will pay me what I'm being paid in banking, except maybe a hedge fund which is too risky, especially right now, and setting up my own business, but I don't want to go through a period of shit/no pay to eventually make it.


aren't you the same moron that didn't know the basics of a share repurchase? i'm pretty sure undergrads from non-ivies in banking know the answer to this. hell, middle- and back-office people probably know this. nice work.

And funny that nobody answered the question. I don't need to know that stuff with what I do. And when I asked senior people on my team, and a cash equities sales-trader, they weren't too sure either.

I still don't have the answer. With a share buyback yes the EPS will go up, but maybe not back up to the former mkt cap. And moreover, doesn't this mean that the true value of the company is not reflected in the mkt cap, if there's millions of shares hidden away in Treasury? So when a company takes over at say a 10% premium they're getting all the treasury stocks for free effectively?

I'm good at what I do and what I need to do, I don't know shit for stuff not relevant to me. It's called being efficient.

Best Response
With a share buyback yes the EPS will go up, but maybe not back up to the former mkt cap.

what does eps have anything to do with market cap? eps accretion isn't a given depending on the economics of the firm and its share price... it depends on earnings yield, post-tax cost of debt, and how the firm finances the repurchase. for the sake of trading, taking positions because of an easily manipulated figure like a price/earnings multiple is extremely foolish

a buyback gives ongoing shareholders a greater piece of firm value, earnings, etc. and if you believe in efficient markets, then market value will be bid back up appropriately (hence post-announcement spikes). share buybacks are appropriate for firms that believe their shares are undervalued and it's a good way for them to return value to current shareholders (as well as mitigate ESO dilution). whether this is true or not (and i know an idiot like you wouldn't be able to distinguish this) will determine if this is the right move and if the markets will respond accordingly

So when a company takes over at say a 10% premium they're getting all the treasury stocks for free effectively?

how does this make any sense... why would buying a $10 share at $11 mean the company is getting anything for free?

I'm good at what I do and what I need to do, I don't know shit for stuff not relevant to me. It's called being efficient.

it should stand to reason that being a good trader would imply understanding the mechanics and implications of a share repurchase and other "basic shizzle" (who the hell still uses words like that?)... as would majoring in finance at Princeton. too bad they only offer ORFE there


You're a tool. You sound like a college kid/wannabe banker that wants to know what it feels like to be a high-up banking douchebag. But you're just a douchebag. The only difference between you and some 14 year old brat posting anonymous on another message board is your ability to write in full sentences, good job.


I think anyone with half a brain would agree pepstar is a douche bag and obviously looking for self-validation in the most absurd places possible, but just to clarify what are wrong with his points as opposed to just calling him a douche bag:

1) You ignore the whole point that ivy league students are there for more reasons than just "they deserve it and are better qualified". The entire process has one generalized statistic and that is SAT, which was dropped by the army due to its inability to be a useful test for them in determining ability. Besides for the SAT, there are no generalized statistics, so it becomes an issue of "how do I feel about this student as compared to another". Not to mention the huge number of legacies and affirmative action candidates. From my experience, the ivy league graduates were the most abysmal workers. They had a horrible attitude, often times had no background in finance, and were not the quickest learners. I figure this is due to the low amount of competition at their school breeding mediocrity and poor work ethic.

2) Even if I were to accept your idea that ivy league workers were more productive and therefore would not be fired, typically the firings will not be an even process. Bear and Lehman have plenty of ivy league workers and yet those workers will be fired just as quickly as the non-ivy league graduates. Certain groups at other banks will see cuts in specific groups as opposed to shifting workers from one area to another. As the rest of this board seems to say, I really do hope you get fired as you have got to have one of the worst attitudes amongst your peers.

3) Even if 50% of the industry gets fired, and the prestige of being a banker increases (which as recent surveys show bankers are not respected much), you wont be able to get a date unless the girl doesn't really know you at all. The second she finds out your points of view or your personality, she will probably be disgusted.

3) Even if 50% of the industry gets fired, and the prestige of being a banker increases (which as recent surveys show bankers are not respected much), you wont be able to get a date unless the girl doesn't really know you at all. The second she finds out your points of view or your personality, she will probably be disgusted.
I date the highest possible quality NYC girls, the right background/pedigree who hang out at the right places, the daughters of millionaires. Have been with one for 8mths now. They adore my ruthless careerist ambition, they know I'll be a success and not let anything get in the way of that, unlike the Ivy losers who quit it after 3 years to "make a difference" or "give something back" for $45k. lol
I date the highest possible quality NYC girls, the right background/pedigree who hang out at the right places, the daughters of millionaires. Have been with one for 8mths now. They adore my ruthless careerist ambition, they know I'll be a success and not let anything get in the way of that, unlike the Ivy losers who quit it after 3 years to "make a difference" or "give something back" for $45k. lol

"I am a stud, I REALLY am. I have a lot of friends, I REALLY have! All the girls want me, they REALLY want me! I am from an IVY, I am REALLY from one! Why doesn't anyone of you believe me? Believe me please!"

Give it a rest, you insecure fat ass.


I think I could come up with decent answers to your questions and I'm one of those inferior, non-finance, non-Ivy people.

For someone who states they don't need to know anything outside of their specific area, you seem quite interested. Maybe you are learning something in the workplace...its good to be well rounded. Did they forget to teach you that at Princeton? You'd think for all that money something so simple and important wouldn't be left out. Oh well, better late than never I suppose. I quote a VP at Goldman, "If everyone in the same room is thinking the same thing, than nobody is thinking." Use your Princeton training to think about the underlying meaning of this message.

BTW, it’s pretty sick to hear that you enjoy seeing so many qualified people being fired simply because of the effects on your own career.


Pepstar: Sorry what I was trying to say was.. surely a company is worth a lot more than its market cap?

Sure, BSC was really worth more than $60 a few days ago.

Pepstar: Btw I majored in Anthropology, started straight on a desk rather than learning everything in graduate training, which is why there's a lot of shit I don't know!

So how are you better than a non ivey with a finance major? You don't even know the basics.


Market cap is the value given a firm by the market, hence the words "market capitalization." The analysts/investors should be smart enough to look at the balance sheet of a company to see how much they have in treasury and this factors into the price that the company's shares are given. Additionally, when a company buys back its stock it will usually result in a raising of the share price, reason is related to supply/demand. So, in reality, the market is adjusting to the true value of the company. It is dumb to think that the "hidden shares of treasury stock" would be missed in the valuation. Need more explanation, go read an accounting 101 textbook that they use at "non-target" schools. Obviously it's too low level for your elite level of comprehension.


Obviously Pepstar is a c*cksucker whose bad karma from this board alone will lead him to an early and painful death. But everyone seems to be forgetting that many people who could attend ivies choose not to pay the $50k/year and rather go to schools like UVA, UCLA, Berkeley and Michigan where they will save thousands, get the same education and get drunk with hot sorority chicks instead of butch thespians and JAPS. Holla!


I hope pepstar gets hit by his girlfriends limo tonight and dies a slow and painful death. Lets see how his ivy league education would help him then. By the way you douche bag, MIT, Duke and Stanford are not ivys and there some amazing people from there. I hope you also realize banking is an incredibly boring job for most people. While you die of a heart attack by the age of 55 because of all the stress you take from your stupid job, your friends who made 45K out of college will be traveling around the world getting laid every two days while your sorry ass will be spending 60 hours a week in the office sucking up to clients.


I work at a hedge fund that is doing some downsizing and the only people to get laid off so far have come from ivy league schools. The only thing going to an ivy league school proves is that you were an over-achiever in high school or come from a well connected family


I don't believe Pepstar is a real person, as he claims to date NYC girls, yet in a prior post said he was not working in the US.

Still, I find this hillarious:

"they're low-quality, poor background, inferior and ugly"


Pepstar's an asshole! He's an asshole,what an asshole! Pepstar's an asshole! He's an asshole, such an asshole! Pepstar's an asshole! He's an asshole,what an asshole! Pepstar's an asshole! He's a real fucking asshole! Pepstar's an asshole! He's an asshole,what an asshole! Pepstar's an asshole! He's the worlds biggest asshole!

That being said... don't feed the retarded troll who is trying to present himself in a poorly planned facade.


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Occaecati aut omnis qui id. Perferendis autem perspiciatis quas et. Sequi molestiae a non id.

Eum harum voluptate itaque at omnis rerum eveniet. Incidunt quia repellendus itaque sunt alias laudantium reiciendis. Vitae rerum qui ut.

Sed unde nihil quae dolorem mollitia. Beatae velit ut vero sunt soluta inventore impedit. Non ut repellat ut eveniet ipsum incidunt. Dolores fugiat rerum beatae accusantium. Ea dolor non nesciunt sunt rerum quia accusantium enim. Officiis aut amet omnis omnis et quibusdam id.


Dolorem autem commodi aut asperiores officia quasi laborum et. Tenetur aliquid sed recusandae quos.

Ut aliquam quo cumque vel. Accusantium corrupti ut ratione inventore vitae architecto laborum. Quia dolor quasi dicta. Laboriosam enim in qui et rem ut. Sapiente tempore ut iste qui omnis non enim repellendus.

Voluptatem facilis consequatur eveniet rerum ipsam iste tempora. Occaecati aut accusamus est ad. Atque esse optio non laborum qui libero non repellat.

Career Advancement Opportunities

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Professional Growth Opportunities

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