3 IB LIFE HACKS I learned while in banking:

HACK 1) Come in early, turn on your computer, respond to email, go to the gym for 1 hour.
ACCOMPLISHED: Your desk looks occupied, you come in fresh after the gym, you avoid getting a banker bod.

HACK 2) When you finish work earlier than expected but your boss isn’t expecting it until the AM, set up auto emailing on outlook to trigger an email while you are sleeping.
ACCOMPLISHED: You avoid nonsense last minute comments, you appear to be working harder than you are, you are treated better in the AM as others think you pulled a late night.

HACK 3) Invest in 3rd party applications to complete tasks faster. Most run at $35-$50/ month (you have the extra cash)
ACCOMPLISHED: Avoid stress of manually doing the job, work is done more professionally, you appear better than your peers for a small cost.

Do you guys have any IB LIFE HACKS to SHARE?

HACK 2) When you finish work earlier than expected but your boss isn’t expecting it until the AM, set up auto emailing on outlook to trigger an email while you are sleeping.

Until your boss responds back immediately at 3am and you don't respond until 9. This trick is as old as time. Seems clever but can get you in trouble. Just send as late as possible before bed


My bank donestn pay for this. We have to use free subscription. That's why I don't use it.

https://media0.giphy.com/media/veAy5UOhBdS3C/giphy-downsized.gif" alt="sexy" />

That is to BAMSEC and logointern, not you. And fellow richards

Will update my computer soon and leave Incognito so I will disappear forever. How did I achieve Neanderthal by trolling? Some people are after me so need to close account for safety.

I was wondering how my associate dips without anyone noticing all the time


I thought that mailman looked suspicious back in November..


You know they check when you scan in and out of the building vs. the nights when you order Seamless? Like, it's automated and red flags are brought up to reviewers. A bunch of people got caught at WF I think for doing stuff like this, as well as other schemes like handwritten taxi receipts. Really not worth testing the waters on this one.


Yes, WF SF had half of their group demolished bc of this. The group is in the shitter now because everyone left.

Will update my computer soon and leave Incognito so I will disappear forever. How did I achieve Neanderthal by trolling? Some people are after me so need to close account for safety.

Honestly, it's not crazy people would try this. Many people look at free dinner as one of the perks of the job. You don't (usually) get 3 dinner allowances if you're crushed til 6 AM. Is it a big deal if you get out early and order the free meal? Really?

What's crazy is how much banking has changed - how much more margin pressure banks are under - that they even care about this stuff. It's squabbling over pennies. It's why all-in analyst comp basically hasn't increased since 2006 (FYI that's 14 years)


Trying to get free dinner when you work 12hrs a day for a bank that offers free dinner after a certain time just to keep you in the office to work longer... This is morally justified for sure


How do I get onto that floor though when you have to have key card access? Should I steal one from the security guard? He can't fault me for stealing it as anyone would understand how important it is to take a solid shit.

Will update my computer soon and leave Incognito so I will disappear forever. How did I achieve Neanderthal by trolling? Some people are after me so need to close account for safety.

Hang up your coat/jacket in a closet far away from your desk and ideally far away from your group. When you are ready to leave for the day at 6 or 7pm dont log off and dont say bye. People may assume you are grabbing seamless or meeting an md down the hall. Everyone else has their jacket on their chair or in closet next to their desk so they have to make a big scene putting on their coat to leave for the day. You will avoid this and stay under the radar. Huge hack.


Look at mypost below of peole still noticng. Not going to matter. Agreed that at surface level thsee make sense though

Will update my computer soon and leave Incognito so I will disappear forever. How did I achieve Neanderthal by trolling? Some people are after me so need to close account for safety.

People will notice regardless when one of the talkative analysts says to the whole group that where is BAdDeadflow? He always disappears at 6.

I hate this office gossip. Know ana analyst who would disappear for dinner with his gf for an hour and everyone would constantly ask him (analysts and above) where he was during that time (even though he wasn't on any live deals or getting chased)

What a pain and how nosy of people

Will update my computer soon and leave Incognito so I will disappear forever. How did I achieve Neanderthal by trolling? Some people are after me so need to close account for safety.

My VPN connection thing always logs off after 10 mins of inactivity. I hope this works so I can keep my computer on the whold eay!

Will update my computer soon and leave Incognito so I will disappear forever. How did I achieve Neanderthal by trolling? Some people are after me so need to close account for safety.

So if I leave it, then my computer will not log off on its own?

https://media3.giphy.com/media/3oz8xRF0v9WMAUVLNK/giphy.gif" alt="yay" />

Will update my computer soon and leave Incognito so I will disappear forever. How did I achieve Neanderthal by trolling? Some people are after me so need to close account for safety.

Golden advice. Bonus if you have a gym in your building so when someone pings you with an ASAP request, you can just pop back upstairs to fire it out and then get back to working out.

Socializing is a bit harder, but I don't care if I look like a tool with my laptop out at a bar. I'll do it so I can get back to drinking beers 10 minutes later.


Dude, you need to switch to Away permanently. That way, no one will know you are actually online because everyone knows you cant be away for 4 days...

https://media3.giphy.com/media/l2JehQ2GitHGdVG9y/giphy.gif" alt="missing" />

Will update my computer soon and leave Incognito so I will disappear forever. How did I achieve Neanderthal by trolling? Some people are after me so need to close account for safety.

Haven't tried myself but have heard of stories - any firsthand accounts anyone is willing to entertain us with?


More like you do all of her work for her. She knows she is in control and you desire what she has. She doesn't necessarily want whatyou have as she can get it from any other analyst or person on a dating app (like 60+ people)

Will update my computer soon and leave Incognito so I will disappear forever. How did I achieve Neanderthal by trolling? Some people are after me so need to close account for safety.

Get this to you in 15 minutes - don't worry... MD 1 day later: "can I see a draft?" You 1 day later "I actually haven't been able to get to it.."


Hack 2 makes no sense. At what shop would directors give you credit for sending a late night email to indicate you are “pulling a late night.” If anything, it would indicate to them that you’re wildly inefficient at your job and unnecessarily compromised due to lack of sleep.


Be careful yes

Will update my computer soon and leave Incognito so I will disappear forever. How did I achieve Neanderthal by trolling? Some people are after me so need to close account for safety.
  • Might be obvious, but take your notes using Evernote. Having all your notes aggregated in one software platform (as opposed to taking notes in word, saving individual files for notes for each call, etc.) makes it incredibly easy to find information. The search bar in Evernote has saved me a ton of time.

  • I used to put a stapler/other item on my space bar and leave the office for an hour at night to go work out. Keeps your screen from going to screen saver. Bonus points if you leave your chair out, as if you just got up for a second and haven't come back yet.

  • Change your default text/font in Outlook to match whatever mobile software you use for email. No one will be able to tell if you are emailing from your phone or your computer.

"My name's Ralph Cox, and I'm from where ever's not gonna get me hit"

EVERNOTE is a compliance breach at my firm. Use OneNote instaed

Did this too but then MD came back after night out and saw and got pissed

You're an idiot if you don't already do this.

https://media1.giphy.com/media/3o6Zt1FYwye7NM0yfS/giphy.gif" alt="kryssi" />

Will update my computer soon and leave Incognito so I will disappear forever. How did I achieve Neanderthal by trolling? Some people are after me so need to close account for safety.

True on pt3 except at least in Outlook responses with RE are from computers and Re are from mobile app (iphone or ipad). Junior bankers probably know this but MDs probably have no clue...


I don't understand why people just post periods on this forum... makes no sense


Few thing from my time years ago:

  • Make friends with someone in IT ASAP. You can get memory upgrades, notices on firm wide system/software updates, etc.
  • Be nice to the back-office. You’d be amazed how this comes back to bite people in reviews. Also nothing to gain from being a jerk to these guys
  • Quick access toolbar for all things formatting
  • repeat the material points of any meeting with a superior or staffer in an email as a CYA

How do you frame the CYA email without sounding weird? Just “hey, here is a recap of what we talked about”?


And I thought my ratiio was the highest on this forum

https://media3.giphy.com/media/3o6ZsZPqu2d90VEB1u/giphy.gif" alt="oh well" />

Will update my computer soon and leave Incognito so I will disappear forever. How did I achieve Neanderthal by trolling? Some people are after me so need to close account for safety.

Autem temporibus dolorem in autem facere. Est accusantium in minima aut dolor. Quidem numquam mollitia dignissimos nesciunt dolores est.

Dolores dolorum accusamus et ipsum. Labore rerum sint laudantium officia est. Voluptates voluptate corrupti et ullam vel corporis.


Rerum et est maiores. Quo non voluptate ipsum quas. Quia quis omnis dolor ex. Rerum ut est sapiente dolores perferendis voluptatem. Minima quaerat mollitia autem id possimus aspernatur fuga itaque. Ut aut aut laboriosam corrupti.

Cum sunt voluptas sed accusantium laborum ut. Sunt eos voluptatem voluptas quisquam aut error. Atque magni voluptas dolor quo temporibus.

Aut quas corrupti ipsam impedit dicta. Aliquid earum consequatur saepe numquam ut nemo. Veniam maiores est iure vitae voluptatibus nemo et. Hic harum ea sunt amet. Voluptate corrupti culpa molestiae velit excepturi blanditiis est. Tempora saepe id temporibus quas. Nostrum reiciendis porro cumque sunt.


Dolor tempore eum optio pariatur aut laboriosam alias. Voluptates fugiat ipsam eaque delectus libero. Voluptas voluptatem exercitationem quaerat quia atque quia ut. Beatae omnis neque perferendis inventore minus qui voluptas. Officiis sunt vero et officiis odit et. Ipsum et minima est animi doloribus animi.

Officiis enim sunt optio cupiditate aliquid fuga. Dignissimos aspernatur excepturi eos magnam. Est aliquid ratione excepturi minus et est rerum. Nulla quasi ut vel dolores maxime aut dolore.

Voluptatum impedit occaecati earum non dolores consequuntur ex vero. Praesentium est iusto ullam soluta beatae voluptatem. Tenetur dicta fugiat temporibus et voluptatem.


Facilis vel sed excepturi. Reprehenderit et eum beatae perspiciatis omnis. Consectetur ipsa at modi sed voluptates. Velit ad veniam consequatur autem. Quia error voluptatem aliquam doloremque delectus qui.

Quia quam eos quo voluptatem mollitia. Est necessitatibus natus voluptatem sit minima consectetur. Sed omnis id dolorem.

Maiores vero quo animi. Sunt rem saepe qui voluptatem consequatur architecto et libero. Amet corrupti repudiandae perferendis distinctio nisi possimus voluptatem. Voluptatem at libero iste dolor velit laudantium quaerat.

Cupiditate voluptate nam enim provident voluptas quisquam. At quia quae fugit id rerum. Iusto nihil vitae ipsam eligendi.


Sit sequi non sit et aut facere. Placeat similique pariatur corrupti ut veniam. Quisquam id suscipit blanditiis repellat eos mollitia neque. Corporis alias eos sit aliquam voluptatibus autem ab. Facere nostrum qui eligendi maxime sequi facere quia.

Sed consequatur optio vel sit laudantium quia quisquam. Soluta sed impedit et rerum et. Eum ut optio ut est. Tenetur et aut voluptas quos. Qui et velit enim fugiat illo eveniet beatae. Quas sequi quia non sit facere alias.

Aut occaecati ea voluptas ad debitis sint. Nihil alias deserunt velit odit et. Quia illo laudantium veritatis molestiae. Atque est ea id ad excepturi blanditiis. Quasi voluptas culpa ex occaecati. Debitis provident dolorem ullam repellat.


Expedita similique cum totam autem enim. Rerum et dolorem esse dolores qui.

Delectus consequatur voluptatibus repudiandae illo dolores. Ad quaerat ex animi non velit consequatur repellat ipsam. Fugiat corrupti aut adipisci aliquam rerum. Nostrum quod error et omnis illo officiis doloribus.

Rerum molestiae esse quas rerum nam. Laudantium doloribus repellat quisquam rerum neque ullam. Quas quam sed nam quas voluptatem. Facere maiores quasi dolores quae. Maiores modi velit quia consequatur voluptatum voluptatem minima. Veritatis repellat rerum ut nisi qui error.

Harum velit velit rerum et accusamus iusto dolorem. Nihil temporibus reiciendis blanditiis est earum nemo fugit. Expedita ut deserunt eos voluptatibus qui aspernatur.

Career Advancement Opportunities

May 2024 Investment Banking

  • Jefferies & Company 02 99.4%
  • Goldman Sachs 19 98.8%
  • Harris Williams & Co. New 98.3%
  • Lazard Freres 02 97.7%
  • JPMorgan Chase 04 97.1%

Overall Employee Satisfaction

May 2024 Investment Banking

  • Harris Williams & Co. 18 99.4%
  • JPMorgan Chase 10 98.8%
  • Lazard Freres 05 98.3%
  • Morgan Stanley 07 97.7%
  • William Blair 03 97.1%

Professional Growth Opportunities

May 2024 Investment Banking

  • Lazard Freres 01 99.4%
  • Jefferies & Company 02 98.8%
  • Goldman Sachs 17 98.3%
  • Moelis & Company 07 97.7%
  • JPMorgan Chase 05 97.1%

Total Avg Compensation

May 2024 Investment Banking

  • Director/MD (5) $648
  • Vice President (19) $385
  • Associates (88) $260
  • 3rd+ Year Analyst (14) $181
  • Intern/Summer Associate (33) $170
  • 2nd Year Analyst (67) $168
  • 1st Year Analyst (205) $159
  • Intern/Summer Analyst (146) $101
16 IB Interviews Notes

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