Totally agree but isnt nyc known for being superficial af lol?


Tom Cruise is 5’4 and banged Katie Holmes - always remember, you are not short - she is too tall (always keep their confidence down)


Would say that this is true in generally every major city. Personally think it's a way for chicks to try and get the "taller" guy without explicitly saying that it's what they want. Kind of silly if you ask me, but I also think in general people often overestimate their height as well as their shoe size. Bigger is better right?


I don't think that is true whatsoever. I think it's more just preference and a roundabout way of trying to get what they want without saying it. There is somewhat of a double standard where women are allowed to prefer men of a certain height, but men are criticized for stating preference for a specific body type. By saying they are taller than what they are, they get the benefit without the risk of backlash. Just what I think though....

I have been out plenty in my City to know that the average height of women is probably in the 5'4 or 5'5 range, not in fact, 5'8 or 5'9.


You sound materialistic and superficial yourself.


I’m also 5-8 and I feel like good style + gym + funny + going after shorter girls should at least mitigate some of the damage. 1 inch lifts wouldn’t hurt either, but I’ve gotten by without them at least to an extent. Of my friends that pull the most, one of them is like 5-6, although he’s a great looking guy with a beard (Luxuries that most people including myself don’t have lol). My point is that you can probably manage.


I am a girl and no, no one cares. I can't tell you how challenging it is to find a guy who's caring, genuine and smart. If I was to ever find that, nothing else would matter (Especially not stupid things like height, looks) 


I am not sure! Personally, I tried online apps very briefly and realized they weren't my thing but I do have quite a few friends who use them 


Yea I'll just save you the disappointment,

No, I don't look like Paris Hilton. I don't have a body like her. Actually, I was diagnosed with PCOS a few years ago and had to go through a lot to come down to my healthy weight. Definitely don't have perfect skin like her. Tbh currently battling with acne and dryness. Not a heiress either. I was born and raised in a working class family outside the US, got a scholarship to attend a top liberal arts college here and hustled quite a bit to get into IB. Turned off now? Yea I thought so

Most women don't look like Paris Hilton. Maybe if men like you can get over these superficial and unattainable standards in women and learn to appreciate things that matter, you might actually end up with an amazing woman 


Probably because you're not tall yourself (no offense). I dated girls who are 5'8 and height is the top thing on their list. No woman would ever want to feel "large" compared to their partner unless she's a model looking to make some dough...


Could be. I am 5'5. I am just saying that I don't care about looks if the person has a good personality and we are compatible. I haven't dated a lot but my ex boyfriend/other guys that I have liked in the past weren't really "stereotypically" handsome but I was attracted to them for other reasons that I consider to be more important than looks/height


I am a girl and no, no one cares. 

Lots of girls care - this is feeding incorrect information. 

"If you always put limits on everything you do, physical or anything else, it will spread into your work and into your life. There are no limits. There are only plateaus, and you must not stay there, you must go beyond them." - Bruce Lee

This is me, well im double 6 club - no income to speak of lmao. But if you do meet some girl like that just tell her...

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The height thing is a myth. I'm a tall and good looking guy, get a decent amount of girls, but people act like girls are going to be throwing themselves at you. Height is overrated and that's coming from a tall guy.


Fellow tall guy here - you're thinking about it the wrong way.  Just because you're tall doesn't mean women will throw themselves at you.  However, it does help a lot - the correct comparison is not you vs. any short guy, it's you vs. you -5".  I guarantee you do better than you -5" would do. 


its really not about height...its about personality.

when sitting on the couch at home, sure, a girl might say she wants 6' making 500k dark and handsome....but out in the real world, every girl will be attracted to a guy that gives her an emotional roller coaster with a sexual vibe.

think of this conversation with the right "vibe"

M -hello

F - "blah blah"

M -i love you, who are you?

F - "blah blah"

M -no really, who are you?

F - "blah blah"

M -omg, i hate you

F - "blah blah"

M -you're too pretty...ur making me shy

F - "blah blah" [giggle]

M -lets go on an adventure...come with me now

F - "blah blah" [giggle]

M -my name is you understand? say "yes sir"

F - "yes sir" [giggle]

M -good girl


The height thing is a myth. I'm a tall and good looking guy, get a decent amount of girls

It’s not a myth. Imagine being 5’1 or 5’2 - it’s a lot different than 6’1 or 6’2. 

"If you always put limits on everything you do, physical or anything else, it will spread into your work and into your life. There are no limits. There are only plateaus, and you must not stay there, you must go beyond them." - Bruce Lee

Some of the dating sites used to release their data (OKCupid, Tinder, etc) and it's true the majority of women don't date short guys, but what that means in reality is that women don't date guys shorter than them (yeah sure there are a few exceptions). I don't think this is a surprise or news to anyone. You're dating pool is going to be smaller than someone that's 6 feet tall, so that means you need to raise your game: that means hitting the gym and trying to be a 'better' you. Charisma matters, having a good sense of humor matters, being well read and interesting matters... but you can't fake it. Looking good will get your foot in the door, so get some proper fitting clothes and try to get some sense of 'style'. Look, we're in a strange time with the whole pandemic thing, and I'm guessing nothing will change by the end of the year, which means you now have time to commit to just getting better (don't do it for the girls, do it for you!). If you're not eating healthy, start cooking healthy now. Do you go to the gym? Do you know how to lift weights - if not, start with Starting Strength or 5x5 but move on after a few months (try GreySkull LP). Cut out all the crap killing your mind and body, stop drinking on the weekends (I am not saying don't drink, just don't drink to excess as hangovers kill not only your health but your ambition), also quit smoking weed (this is controversial, but long term effects aren't good). Try to cleanse your mind - kill your social media (if you can't, seriously find a way to reduce your time wasted scrolling), it's too negative and proven to be addictive and bad for your mental well being. Take advantage of this 'pandemic reset'.

From the great Henry Rollins, Iron and the Soul:

> The Iron is the best antidepressant I have ever found. There is no better way to fight weakness than with strength. Once the mind and body have been awakened to their true potential, it’s impossible to turn back.

> The Iron never lies to you. You can walk outside and listen to all kinds of talk, get told that you’re a god or a total bastard. The Iron will always kick you the real deal. The Iron is the great reference point, the all-knowing perspective giver. Always there like a beacon in the pitch black. I have found the Iron to be my greatest friend. It never freaks out on me, never runs. Friends may come and go. But two hundred pounds is always two hundred pounds.


OP, unless you're a midget no girl is really gonna care how tall/short you are, unless the girl is really tall herself. But how many women in this world is 6"+? Not a lot.

Any reasonable and respectable girl will judge you based on 3 things (in order of importance) - personality, matching interests, and attractiveness. But the attractiveness as in you need to be at least average looking with one or two nice features she can appreciate. Women are all about context, which come from your personality and interests.


There is only one size that matters and it isn’t height


Worrying about something you can't control sounds like a surefire way to be unhappy. Also, you're not that short in the sense that you're still taller than most women and that's all that really matters. Work out, be a nice and interesting dude to talk to and you'll have no problems dating anywhere. 

To live is to suffer, to survive is to find some meaning in the suffering.

Speaking as a girl on here, pretty sure the average girl is just looking for someone who she can wear high heels with (6 inches at most) and would still be taller than her. It's not like we're obsessed with people over 6 feet, we just never want to be in a situation where we're going out with our heels on and somehow manage to be taller than you. It's more of a checking the box thing rather than an attraction thing. For example, I'm only 5'1", so anyone over 5'7" I'm fine with. That being said, the only real requirement most girls have is that you're taller than us, which you're already fulfilling at 5'8".


You're 5'8 now. Are you getting any? Why would the ladies - wherever you are - be fine with your height there, yet not in NYC?

In NYC, being very tall (6'3+) does give you extra points. This much is true. 

But if you aren't pulling in NYC at 5'8, you're not pulling anywhere. 

I personally found the city a playground circuit meets German Autobahn, with keys to a sports car and someone else paying for CDW insurance and unlimited gas. 

The truth is you're the weak. And I'm the tyranny of evil men. But I'm tryin', Ringo. I'm tryin' real hard to be the shepherd.

6'3'' here (or 6'2" barefoot, 6'3" in shoes if you want to do the NBA thing) so I cannot empathize but I will say that within my circle of friends the person who has BY FAR the most game is definitely around your height, probably 5'7" barefoot, and with shoes about 5'8" 

Back when we used to go out (in NYC) he would inexplicably get all the 8's and 9's while I had to settle for the 6's and 7's

I don't know what it was about but he just had a magnetic personality that drew people (of both sexes) to him. Just a really cool guy who is fun to be around and while I would never admit it to his face, I probably had a slight man crush on him... haha

The latter is actually a legit point, since men who are popular/successful with women also tend to be respected and well-liked by their peers / other men.

There are some women who will immediately disqualify men based on height. Forget them. There are plenty of girls who will give you a chance.


In NYC, being good looking and tall can only do so much for you.. There are so many tall and attractive males that if that's all you have then you will still have a hard time to get with girls.

A really important factor is having amazing social skills, which means being good at keeping conversations fun, being funny, being well rounded. If all you can talk about is fuhnance or ask some basic questions like how was your weekend, well in NYC that won't work too well. NYC is tough because there is a lot of emphasis on social skills, and even someone that is tall and good looking will need them unless it's 2-3am at a club and everyone is drunk as hell. 

If you're well rounded, can keep a good conversation, the next step is to learn that in NYC males are just a number. A girl is approached 5-10 times a day, if not more, and this gets to some girls' heads, and others are just sick and tired of guys and will be uninterested in talking with you. This is why I recommend you don't become obsessed with getting a positive outcome from chasing women, and that you keep on trying and working on your social skills. If you get your social skills to a certian level and become well-rounded, over time, you will be able to meet women who are interested in you, even if your height and/or looks aren't the best. You would be surprised how many good looking tall guys I know who strike out because they say something like "You look like a Victoria Secrets model to a girl". lmao I've said some cringeworthy stuff too, but that's how you learn if you're self-aware and have fun!

Remember to have fun! 


I'm about 5'5 at 21 years old and have a body count of 10 starting from 19. Granted, I would probably only do about 6-8 of these women again, but there are some dimes in there. I find it helps to just be confident and do your best to have fun and not go into every situation trying to get laid. I'm also pretty autistic tho so who knows maybe I'm just getting lucky. I am pretty muscular but my face is also pretty average imo. I'm also south asian and have still pulled this off lol so 5'8 is definitely not an issue.


I'm 5'9 and I would love another inch or two because I prefer to date women between 5'4 - 5'7 and this is a pretty narrow range, but I find that 5'7 in NYC is still at least like 80th percentile for women's height, so of the things in life to be concerned about this is generally not one of then. If you're 5'8 on the other hand, you're fucked. Sorry. 


This ^^^^

Most girls don't care how tall you are. BUT many short guys seem to be incredibly insecure about their height and have a chip on their shoulder about it. This attitude and insecurity is much worse than one's actual height itself.

Any reasonable person understands you don't get to pick your height. And if someone isn't attracted to you for something out of your control, then it's their loss / don't waste your valuable time or energy worrying about it. 


This thread is full of stupid comments. I’m average height, very good looking face, no social skills and I still get laid often. Girls don’t really care about your social skills or personality, I’ve openly went on dates and talked about how I’m a shy/reserved person and they respond about how cute it is...and we fuck after. It’s all about the looks.


If you re not at least 6'' in NYC you really need to hustle and be special

Six inches in NYC? Wow ok you went there.

"If you always put limits on everything you do, physical or anything else, it will spread into your work and into your life. There are no limits. There are only plateaus, and you must not stay there, you must go beyond them." - Bruce Lee

i'm 5'10, over 40, over-weight, and i seem to be "average height" for men....but slightly taller than 90% of women in NYC (women avg 5'4 --> 5'6).  i've never had a problem dating and having sex with a new girl every week..

I know a bunch of shorter guys....the guys who have a negative personality suffer...they try to over-compensate and its so fucking obvious....the guys who genuinely have a positive outlook on life and are fun to be around have no problem dating hot girls.

Sure, at a glance you won't get girls running over to you to drop to their knees to suck your dick...but once you start talking it doesn't really matter what you look only matters what emotional experience you can give to the girl...and that comes from your personality.  Girls are not really able to translate this into words...they (mostly) are blissfully unaware of how their lizard brain works...doesn't really matter for them.  I've seen plenty of avg height ugly guys date smoking hot girls just because they have a winning personality and are fun to be around, without over-compensating.  So, the moral of the story - don't over-compensate...learn how to just let go of being outcome dependant....have fun wherever you are, whoever you are confident (but not over-confident) in everything you do...and you will attract girls like flies to honey.


I'm 6'2", and have been that since I was 13 - just a regular looking guy. 

When I was young (teenager), I was quite shy and timid, despite hovering over 99.99% of the people at my school. I didn't dare to take chances with girls, but somehow my height carried me through the early dating phase of life, and to be completely honest, it made me incredibly lazy. I didn't need to put on any effort when it came to "game", i.e learning how to be a smooth-talker, or figuring out how to game the system - so to speak. 

As I went into my 20's, I did notice that some of of my shorter friends were actually those that got most women - but they really had to work, alright. They couldn't just coast on their height, or any other exceptional superficial features. They became good with women, by simply talking with hundreds, if not thousands of women, and really transforming themselves into these extroverted and outgoing fun guys, always ready with the right things to say. Just gotta git gud, I guess - where there's a will, there's a way. (But unfortunately, a lot of guy walk into the situation with a defeatist attitude)


Be comfortable in your own skin. Nothing gives me cringe more than an insecure short dude that overcompensates. It shows. 

Here's one mental trick to help with your self-esteem:

5'8'' = 68 inches. 

6'3'' = 75 inches.

68/75= 90%. So if a 6'3'' guy scores 10 out of 10 on height, you score 9 out of 10. Not too bad eh?

If you have a decent face. 5'8'' aint too bad to be honest. Keep being confident, have a good posture, stay in shape. And accept the fact there are chicks who will ding you based on your height, people like what they like, that's it. 


Ut tempora veniam possimus. Quaerat totam nisi error est quia occaecati. Praesentium cumque rerum nam rem molestias. Quasi quia blanditiis ad voluptas aliquam. Aut deleniti corporis dolor illum. Sed facere aspernatur molestias placeat aperiam repudiandae. Possimus quisquam minus ut dolor.

Vero et ut ipsam voluptatum omnis est animi dolores. Assumenda numquam et culpa aliquid quasi maxime. Et rerum dignissimos odio qui non sint ea vero. Et sapiente fuga sed dolorem. Soluta incidunt numquam vero quisquam eveniet illo.


Ullam cupiditate necessitatibus consectetur similique. Rerum numquam suscipit enim rerum explicabo iste. Ut quaerat et est fugiat iusto. Voluptatem dolorem tempore accusantium distinctio. Doloremque facilis et laboriosam enim rerum dolores dolorem. Eligendi ad officiis ea excepturi accusamus tenetur. Neque et inventore aspernatur et amet et.

Facilis qui saepe quae veritatis deleniti nulla. Dolores occaecati est et quo quo sint.


Tenetur porro ut incidunt dolorem. Sit quam vel sed voluptatem doloremque unde qui.

Dolorem blanditiis quia sed aut quod. Rerum aut harum quis similique aut dignissimos officiis. Consectetur quo praesentium quia sequi placeat. Tempora a magni sapiente eum vel ad. Laboriosam dolores in impedit distinctio accusamus. Enim iste ducimus quia fugit quia. Suscipit esse voluptatum laudantium sequi ut accusantium voluptate.

Molestiae non vel id est aut incidunt corrupti. Asperiores eius deserunt officiis qui.

Consequatur et veniam impedit placeat similique voluptatem modi. Et nihil eaque aut qui quam. Nulla sit modi pariatur voluptatem velit fuga. Quasi iste quas facilis laudantium.


Nobis consequuntur corrupti qui accusantium perferendis. Nisi in accusantium quis libero. Et suscipit sit quo voluptates inventore aspernatur molestias eos.

Quidem aut soluta natus cum porro illum. Rem corporis est ea blanditiis aliquid voluptatem velit. Dolores hic voluptatem quo voluptas.

Corporis excepturi fugit ad suscipit aut sed sunt explicabo. Et ut iure repellendus saepe. Aut impedit provident voluptas autem omnis laboriosam praesentium.


Neque id est quia tenetur. Corporis et nisi aut corrupti autem. Autem fugiat ipsam dicta consequatur dolorem.

Qui asperiores magnam quo quibusdam enim. Dolore hic qui omnis non et facere dolore. Occaecati magnam eius porro dolorem. Officia dolor optio nostrum voluptatem temporibus earum. Repellendus consequatur commodi aut odio sunt sunt. Doloremque facere quidem mollitia mollitia eligendi aliquam error. Sed consequatur quia odit sed et quam.

Error eos quis rerum suscipit aut sunt. Ut et beatae accusantium quod ut libero sit blanditiis.

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