What was the happiest moment of your life?

Happiness to each person obviously can mean different things, but for me I would say one of the happiest moments of my life was when I went hiking in Yosemite with my family up to Vernal Falls. We sat on the side of the riverbank, drenched from the climb, and eating bagels with cream cheese. (We couldn't go to Nevada Falls because my little brother was 5 years old). I know it's not especially glamorous or awe inspiring, it was just a simply happiness for me.

What would you say was the happiest moment of your life and why?


Lived in Chicago at the time. Buses were dead silent. I saw multiple women on the train crying while on their phones. Pretty bizarre day now that I think about it.


You're confusing misery with whining over shit that barely affects you 'cause your life is too easy and you're bored and unfulfilled

heister: Look at all these wannabe richies hating on an expensive salad. https://arthuxtable.com/

When I was studying abroad, I hiked to the top of Arthur's Seat overlooking Edinburgh, Scottland. I sat up there for 3 hours watching the sun set and it made me really appreciate how beautiful life can be. Sounds lame but I just remember feeling so much joy.


Highly recommended. Edinburgh was beautiful. I'd recommend 3-4 days in Scottland - you really only need a maximum 2 days for Edinburgh because it's really small. Then if you're into golf, you can spend 1/2 day at St. Andrews (30 minute bus from Edinburgh). Then do a full-day in the Highlands and see the lochs.


Hard to tell because it's difficult to accurately compare past levels of happiness. (What a weird sentence)

Still, a Christmas Eve with my family or receiving my first job offer in development are pretty high on the list.

Edit: Adding helping my mom out to this list. I've been able to to give her financial assistance and just take care of things around the house for her and seeing how happy it makes her after years of her doing that for me is definitely something to experience.

Commercial Real Estate Developer

I'm still a junior in college, but after I received my internship offer at a BB i remember laying on the grass and listening to music that evening and everything felt surreal lbecause this was my dream firm and I wasn't having any luck at other firms so I was feeling a little dejected

surprisingly, it felt better than losing my virginity

yeah aight, blueface baby
Most Helpful

Randomly got de-crippled and had my chronic pain go away. Still wake up super excited every day a few years later which sound stupid but it's true. Literally 7 or 8 years of progressively worsening chronic pain brought down to a 2/10 instead of an 8/10 in the course of like a week. Was able to stop taking all my painkillers/nerve blockers/etc... quickly and now operate much more efficiently.


Had just hiked Cinque Terre in Italy, the five town hike, and at the end popped open a corona with some friends in Monterosso al Mare on the beach and we all had a blast just relaxing and enjoying the beautiful area.

There's no dollar sign on a peace of mind

“If you ain’t first, you’re last!” - GOAT
This post reminded me of the time I sat in that same town after making that same hike with this German girl that I had met earlier that year while traveling. We both had a bottle of wine and got pretty drunk while we watched the sunset. That stretch of Italy is absolutely incredible. Like you said, very peaceful, and priceless.

That's it? Nothing happened between you two?

What a buzzkill.


The 1 month period between leaving a job I really disliked and joining VC.

  • No sense of actual responsibility because that would come later so I can put it off
  • I could spend my time on things I truly cared about
  • I didn't feel like I was wasting time because I felt like I was moving forward no matter what I did in that month
  • I could revel in my sense of accomplishment for working my ass off moving from FIG ER to VC

The sense of accomplishment but comfortable and stress-lessness is the best combo of feelings ever

Created a 1-step skincare solution for men. Purchase + reviews appreciated: www.w34th.com

Probably graduation day from uni.

Not because I was done with school, studies and had a full-time offer ahead, all that was great.

But it was one of the few times I genuinely felt how proud my parents were. Sure, uni degrees are a dime a dozen nowadays, but for parents who came to the West as refugees and busted their asses off to raise their kids, its the ultimate sign of success. Will never forget the look on my parent's faces as I showed them my diploma.

"A guy gets on the MTA here in L.A. and dies. Think anybody'll notice?" - Vincent

Hard to label an all time peak... but every time I get to see my girlfriend it's definitely up there. She's currently in DC and I'm on the west coast, first time we get to embrace each other after a month or two apart is pretty special.

Close calls to: Letter of rec from finance chair, day 1 @ UBS, my first hat trick in high school soccer

Cultivating mass and wealth since '95

Was working at a job I couldn't stand. Had just given my notice and my wife was expecting our first born. Anyway, HR had been on my ass asking me what kind of cake I wanted for my send off - I couldn't give two shits so just ignore the emails for the joy of it. So my last day at this gig comes and my wife calls me at 11am to let me know her water broke. I run to HR hand in my key card tell them to enjoy the fucking hazelnut cake they picked out and have a nice life. Was great that I was able to kind of fuck off on my terms and meet my son all in the same day.


Maybe not the happiest moment but the most recent contender--my dad and I went to the thanksgiving game at my high school and watched our coach in his last game (40 year career as a coach, highly decorated). Looking back, I really loved that man. He was so much more than a coach. Watching my dad really soak it up and enjoy the game, chatting with my friends (many of whom I played alongside), reminiscing on the times when I was on that field, and just seeing the genuine near child-on-christmas kind of joy on his face when he saw our coach was still running the same plays that I ran really made me so happy. My time playing football really meant the world to him and nothing made me happier than seeing him get to live that one last time. He's the real mvp.


This got me thinking of some other ones too. Another one that comes to mind (don't shame me for this one lol) was back 2010 or 2011 there was this Monday and Tuesday after the newest CoD came out where me and a bunch of my best friends faked sick days and played for like 12+ hours straight, just chatting with each other for hours. It was so chill and just like genuinely fun. Exactly where I wanted to be and what I wanted to do at that moment in time--not a care in the world.

I also remember coming home one thanksgiving break and just walking down the traintracks in my hometown with some friends and just laying down on the incline next to the tracks and looking up at the sky as freighters rolled past. Just existing there and talking about what the future holds for us, our home, our families and friends, etc, was special. We then snuck into one of the old factories (former cement manufacturer) and climbed up to the roof of the big silo and just looked down at the lights of the city in the distance.

Final one--last week, I finally had some down time at work after a solid month of hell and getting home in the wee hours of the morning. Well I got home at around 7 one day and my mom made me a grilled cheese and tomato soup. She even didn't make me wash the dished. Shit tasted so good. She just sat at the table watching me eat and told me how she was really proud of the young man I have become. Really made me happy. She's a saint.

Life can really suck sometimes but it has its moments.


Didn't know back then but when I was 4 years old, I was living in a cheap apartment complex. But I didn't care. My cousin was living in the same complex but in a different building and I had a few friends and I got to play hide and seek / tag with them. Man, times were good back. Didn't have to worry about money, time, nothing.. Just having fun, running around, jumping in the pool. I miss being young again. I'm in my late 20s now.


About this time last year I was between jobs and took off to SE Asia for three months. I went alone but ended up meeting quite a few guys and girls at the hostels I stayed at. Ended up traveling with this group of guys for about 2 months of the time I was over there. Me (American), two Canadians, a Brit, and 2 Aussies.

We found ourselves in Ho Chi Minh City (Saigon) and decided to buy some motorbikes and cruise Vietnam for a month. Somewhere in the middle of week 2 of the trek I decided to do a day on my own to the next big city while they stayed back for an extra day. On that drive, there was a point that it was just me on a tiny little road that sat between rice paddies on the right and a massive cliff on the left. It was a very free feeling realizing that I was on the other side of the world on a motorbike I bought the week before going to see someone that I met just the other day.


That has been one of my personal goals I’ve wanted to accomplish, and plan to. That whole experience sounds amazing and I can’t wait to visit Vietnam.


It was absolutely unbelievable. Weather was great, met incredible people, sights/terrain was beautiful, and the food was to die for. On top of all that, it was all incredibly cheap. Currently planning a month away from work right now so I can get back to SE Asia.

Stay at the party hostels, you will end up meeting loads of awesome people, awesome girls included.


About 15 years ago, seeing the Grand Canyon in person took my breath away, made me smile and cry all at once.

And more recently, this past September, took Mom for her appointment with the oncologist to hear what her test results [bone marrow biopsy and such] from August.

Hearing the doctor say the word "remission"... it took us both a moment to process that the past 18 months of chemo did its job. We left the doctor's office and found a bar and toasted her clean bill of health!


Last summer going fly fishing in the middle of no where Alaska (SAT phone comms only). I caught my first massive king salmon in the pouring rain, wading in frigid water and surrounded by the most beautiful and unmarred landscape I've ever seen.

"That was basically college for me, just ya know, fuckin' tourin' with Widespread Panic over the USA."
First time I nutted in a girls mouth - nothing like it

Never Happened.


Tie between five

  • Being able to support my mom when my grandma died, I was her first call. Being able to be relied on was huge.
  • Finding out the HF I intern at returned 26% in 2018 and the research I did contributed to a lot of the positions we put on
  • Getting a FT offer in banking at a BB after denial after denial over the course of 18 months
  • Making things right with one of my best friends
  • NYE in WY with my girlfriend and her family, nothing to worry about, just enjoying the evening

No clue how old I was but I felt grown up. So probably like 10 or 11.

Went to school (1 pm to 6 pm or something like that) and afterwards went to a place where you could sign up, you meet other kids (randomly, whoever signs up) and one adult forces you to play ice-breaker games etc. I don't remember meeting anybody but we played around, I remember there was a lot of activity to get my little heart racing. When we were done it was probably like 7-8 pm and I went home and my mother and brother were home. I told my mother about my day and she gave me a PEZ toy & PEZ candy to load in it. Perfect ending to a perfect day. I can't describe it, and just as the Edinburgh story it sounds silly, but to me it was perfect. I felt truly happy & carefree. Had many great moments after that but this one stuck with me somehow.

made new unrelated account - dont reply or message as i never use it. 

Took a trip around Europe with a tour company where there were 50 or so people on the trip, all of them in their 20s. We traveled around Europe for 2 weeks and I remember going out to bars and clubs with a crew for the first time in my life. At the time I was a social misfit in college who always went out alone, had a very difficult time making any friends in college since the kids were mostly snotty preps, and could never fit in with them.

It was the first time in my life I felt like I was no longer alone, that I belonged to a group, after having been an outcast for so long. The highlight was making out with this sexy dark haired girl from Arizona St (kind of looked like a young Megan Fox) on a Coach the group was on.

I need to travel more with tour groups.

am i the only one who can't even begin to think of such a moment?

Indeed. I can recall numerous moments when I was intensely unhappy, but I can't recall as single time when I felt "oh so happy". Sad, really :(

I have a friend who lives in the country, and it's supposed to be an hour from 42nd Street. A lie! The only thing that's an hour from 42nd Street is 43rd Street!

mine is when i bought the first phone of my own. has been saving for so long and bought the newest nokia phone at the time. and at the time nokia was still the king of the phone market. and you didnot purchase or download app and game in chplay or appstore but you need to go through nokiastore or thirdparty sites like apknite, sefan.ru, apkpure and other. had it and everyone was jelly, and it was the best think ever!


Probably when I went on a trip to Asia with my ex-girlfriend. I fucked her every night of the trip, and sometimes during the day. It felt like there was nothing that could go wrong. We could do whatever we wanted to, as we never made too many plans when we traveled. We both cared much more about spending time with each other than with going to any particular attraction, restaurant, or venue. Good times..


Perferendis pariatur dolorem fuga nulla tempora dolore. Optio quis repudiandae est quas est quis eos sed. Facilis nobis veniam accusantium. Libero perspiciatis qui quis voluptas nihil ut voluptas ut. Unde facilis nesciunt accusantium nihil.


Laboriosam sit amet consequatur repudiandae facilis aut. Voluptatem sed eos atque corrupti amet. Aperiam autem porro illum rerum deleniti.

Adipisci voluptatibus soluta et qui ad ipsum sit eius. Voluptatem debitis sapiente consectetur labore molestias et. Asperiores sint animi qui. Dolores aliquam amet animi enim aut beatae ut. Alias similique iure laborum corporis hic dolorem facere.

Qui omnis ipsa laboriosam quisquam aliquam. Et hic mollitia eveniet. Voluptas et earum sint sed voluptas dolores impedit. Rerum dicta amet quia voluptas dolorem veniam et. Id amet consectetur quisquam qui quidem.


Quia natus tempora doloremque saepe. Rerum ea consequatur veniam rerum. Et est iusto numquam ab. Officia qui nobis quis. Sunt in quam est nam.

Non optio eligendi quaerat tenetur est occaecati. Dignissimos non et perferendis iste ut dicta. Maiores asperiores aliquam excepturi aperiam quis atque.

Non tenetur maiores vel neque earum sed. Sed illo excepturi et omnis qui. Blanditiis suscipit qui ut et aut. Dolorem voluptatibus impedit repellendus consequatur officia sint rerum.

Ipsa neque autem aliquam quam id veritatis commodi. Quo dolores voluptatum quo consequatur dolorem numquam.

"Work is the curse of the drinking classes" - Oscar Wilde

Career Advancement Opportunities

May 2024 Investment Banking

  • Jefferies & Company 02 99.4%
  • Lazard Freres No 98.8%
  • Goldman Sachs 18 98.3%
  • Harris Williams & Co. New 97.7%
  • JPMorgan Chase 04 97.1%

Overall Employee Satisfaction

May 2024 Investment Banking

  • Harris Williams & Co. 18 99.4%
  • JPMorgan Chase 10 98.8%
  • Lazard Freres 05 98.3%
  • Morgan Stanley 07 97.7%
  • William Blair 03 97.1%

Professional Growth Opportunities

May 2024 Investment Banking

  • Lazard Freres 01 99.4%
  • Jefferies & Company 02 98.8%
  • Goldman Sachs 17 98.3%
  • Moelis & Company 07 97.7%
  • JPMorgan Chase 05 97.1%

Total Avg Compensation

May 2024 Investment Banking

  • Director/MD (5) $648
  • Vice President (20) $385
  • Associates (90) $259
  • 3rd+ Year Analyst (14) $181
  • Intern/Summer Associate (33) $170
  • 2nd Year Analyst (67) $168
  • 1st Year Analyst (205) $159
  • Intern/Summer Analyst (146) $101
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