AM undergrad internship questions
I’m new to WSO but I figured I’d ask a few questions about the AM path and getting an internship for my junior year summer.
For starters, I wont do IB. I wont even consider it. It’s a miserable environment with a miserable WLB. I work very well under pressure, I’m a night owl and can work late hours, but if I don’t have time to atleast sleep 4 hours, I’m not going to perform well. I’m not THAT money hungry. I’m interested in finance and want a nice income. So I figured AM or maybe S&T is the way to go.
i wanna know if it’s more competitive than IB, what the prep for technical interviews are like, what the timeline is like for recruiting. I’m going into my sophomore year at UMich (not in Ross) as an Econ major.
100x more competitive
How so? If AM is too competitive, is S&T a better route? I’ve heard of people not getting IB internships that get S&T internships instead.
Focus on what you want to do for a career not on what’s easier to do
For the MS please name 10 firms that hire undergrad research interns … I’ll wait GS IB hires more interns every year than the entire AM industry
They're both roughly as competitive. The prep is different. Shouldn't be too hard to Google and find it.
Undergrad AM internships are hard to come by, and depends on what division your going for - Equities, Fixed Income, High Income & Alternatives, and SAI.
If you’re looking for a BlackRock or Fidelity then good luck bc these research teams are incredibly small and lean compared to the 100 kid analyst class at a bank. But if you’re able to cop that job then you’ll be making the same money as IB with an AM WLB. They are just really elite and hard to come by. You can still go to a small AM shop but you just won’t be making the same money.
Besides the typical junior recruiting, I know Fidelity offers a sophomore Diverse Investors Student Experience (DISE) internship where you rotate through their AM divisions and then rank your favorite one for a guaranteed junior return. They only take like 10 kids and it’s extremely competitive but worth a shot. They usually take mostly ivies but I’ve seen a couple non-target schools get it too.
This is really helpful. Of course I’d like to do the career path that I’m interested in, but I also want to be smart about my time and my preparation. Would S&T be easier? And should I just try for AM if I can?
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