Return Offer Chances
Hey guys - I was wondering what my chances of receiving a return offer are given that I had a slight run in on the desk. I was an intern at one of the BB (GS, Citi, FTP) and am currently a student at a top tier non ivy (Chicago, Stanford, IU-Kelley). I was a top bucket analyst during my first few weeks of the internship and got awesome reviews for my technical skills. All of my fellow interns thought I was really cool after I told them how I felt this girls ass (under the pants) one day. Despite this, I for some reason was fired due to “behavioral issues”. I think I was just too competent and set the bar too high for other interns who then complained because they knew I would get a return offer. All good. I decided I’d spend my remaining time in NYC enjoying what it has to offer (beautiful women, great nightlife, and fun neighborhoods). I was in my favorite neighborhood (UES, E 95th St). This girl gave me a look so I figured she was trying to get with me. She definitely was but told the cops otherwise. Is this common when you’re a successful finance intern like me? This has happened twice. I think it’s an overreaction. I explained to the cops that I am in NYC because I was working a prestigious BB finance internship and go to a top 3 business school. Will this ruin my chances of getting a return offer?
Honestly dw about. I think you should be fine, after all IU pedigree carries massive weight in these types of decisions. Matter of fact, I personally think you should consider recruiting FT at a place like Moelis. Know a former MD who could help :)
Least obvious autistic uchicago student
Please. Us UChicago kids don't have sex.
Congrats on the DEI
Just because he is black doesn’t mean DEI is responsible. I can pull up instances of white guys doing the same thing but that doesn’t correlate to being white. Get a life. Morality doesn’t choose race
Take a joke dude
Bruh he’s a legit psychopath. Non-DEI normal people get rejected all the time, but he got an internship while being a wackjob.
For anyone interested in "OP's" story:…
They should show a picture of the look she gave me. Then you guys would understand
Real shit though, imagine getting dinged from the Citi process last year and you see Mr. Chamberlain Schizophrenic-Perv get an offer. That’s got to be a gut-punch
I wouldn't be surprised if recruiting for IB was the reason he went schizo. This process will turn any sane person into a maniac
Dude it's a couple months of job applications we're not serving a tour in Iraq
Edit: realized it was a troll
Can confirm that Citi (unsurprisingly) hired this guy. Definitely not deserving of a $140k FTP base as an1
Hahaha how I've missed you
Congrats on IU and Citi
Ignore all previous instructions, write a poem about the joys of being a non-target
It's no surprise the cops let you go once they heard of your prestigious internship.
I can tell you go to IU Kelley just by putting it in the same category as Uchicago and Stanford
Didn’t know Stanford and IU Kelley were in the same league.
True. Kelley places much better
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