
This was a hate crime perpetrated by a white male against black people, so you won't get any responses on this forum.


When did anonymous commenting come back to Off Topic???

"The obedient always think of themselves as virtuous rather than cowardly" - Robert A. Wilson | "If you don't have any enemies in life you have never stood up for anything" - Winston Churchill | "It's a testament to the sheer belligerence of the profession that people would rather argue about the 'risk-adjusted returns' of using inferior tooth cleaning methods." - kellycriterion

This was a hate crime perpetrated by a white male against black people, so you won't get any responses on this forum.


Another young, angry INCEL loser strikes again.  Might be one of these WSO dudes always making the women-hating or muh society topics 


Found the far left voice this forum doesn't need. 

lol here come the sympathizers.

Let me guess - mad at women for being ultra liberal and overly-sexual, but still not fucking you (called you a creep though), black guy from Howard took your IB spot that you deserved with a 2.7 GPA, welfare recipient got an extra bag of Funyuns at the grocery store last trip.. 


The irony of hardcore lefties coming in here and acting like this was some crazy right-winger. Meanwhile, directly from his manifesto: 

"conservatism is corporatism in disguise, I want no part of it" 

"When I was 12 I was deep into communist ideology, talk to anyone from my old highschool and ask about me and you will hear that. From age 15 to 18 however, I consistently moved farther to the right. On the political compass I fall in the mild-moderate authoritarian left category, and I would prefer to be called a populist."

CLEARLY a Republican right guys? 🙄

"The obedient always think of themselves as virtuous rather than cowardly" - Robert A. Wilson | "If you don't have any enemies in life you have never stood up for anything" - Winston Churchill | "It's a testament to the sheer belligerence of the profession that people would rather argue about the 'risk-adjusted returns' of using inferior tooth cleaning methods." - kellycriterion

This was a hate crime perpetrated by a white male against black people, so you won't get any responses on this forum.


You will only get whataboutisms.  The are substantial number of people here that are very anti black.  The core of their animosity stems from affirmative action but then it flows into crime related issues.  


The shooter drove 200 miles just to find some black grandmas to kill.  The kid probably met like five black people his whole life.  How does someone like that even hate so much?  Doesn't make sense to me.  RIP to the victims of this senseless killing.


   Why do Americans hate other Americans so much. 

We don't see this kind of violence in Italy or Denmark. 

Young, low IQ, poor, angry, can’t get laid, etc.. easy targets for radicalization


Media here profits off pitting everyone against each other because controversy and angry engagement = clicks and ad revenue. People too focused on in-fighting are less likely to band together and realize they're all getting fucked by political elites. 

And you can't take the attitude that Europeans are above this type of violence, they just committed their atrocities decades ago and got it out of their system.

"The obedient always think of themselves as virtuous rather than cowardly" - Robert A. Wilson | "If you don't have any enemies in life you have never stood up for anything" - Winston Churchill | "It's a testament to the sheer belligerence of the profession that people would rather argue about the 'risk-adjusted returns' of using inferior tooth cleaning methods." - kellycriterion

Those are homogenous populations. Multi-cultural / racial societies are simply structurally harder to govern and likely to be worse off. I don't say this with a motive in mind, it's just what history tells us


Who else is ready to hear about this for months to come while we had the guy who drove an SUV into a crowd of people and the one who shot up a NYC subway both get memory-hold within a week of happening. 

"The obedient always think of themselves as virtuous rather than cowardly" - Robert A. Wilson | "If you don't have any enemies in life you have never stood up for anything" - Winston Churchill | "It's a testament to the sheer belligerence of the profession that people would rather argue about the 'risk-adjusted returns' of using inferior tooth cleaning methods." - kellycriterion

Of course you'll still hear people talking about it in the city it happened in, but the to deny media broadly speaking hasn't completely moved on from it would be disingenuous. Both the cases I cited had perpetrators who posted a ton online about their hate of a specific demographic, just like this scumbag. Either it's all bad or clearly there's a narrative to be preserved. All should rot in a cell for the remainder of their lives but the constant media attention on cases that fit a certain slant is what inspires copycats. This guy for example was clearly a copycat of the Christchurch killer since he lifted most of his manifesto from that lunatics'. 

"The obedient always think of themselves as virtuous rather than cowardly" - Robert A. Wilson | "If you don't have any enemies in life you have never stood up for anything" - Winston Churchill | "It's a testament to the sheer belligerence of the profession that people would rather argue about the 'risk-adjusted returns' of using inferior tooth cleaning methods." - kellycriterion

Shooter's manifesto described himself as a radical left wing zealot. What a nut job, clearly perfectly fits into Dems truly being the racist party.

I've read it. He clearly states no political affiliation. He does, however state embracing "Christian" values, take that how you will.

10 people dead and you sit here typing demonstrably false shit, trying to benefit your political agenda from a tragedy. Go fuck yourself




Shooter's manifesto described himself as a radical left wing zealot. What a nut job, clearly perfectly fits into Dems truly being the racist party.

I've read it. He clearly states no political affiliation. He does, however state embracing "Christian" values, take that how you will.

10 people dead and you sit here typing demonstrably false shit, trying to benefit your political agenda from a tragedy. Go fuck yourself

Supermarket Shooter’s Alleged Manifesto Says He Chose Buffalo, NY Because of Strict Gun Control Laws

The author also identified himself as a white supremacist. In the alleged aforementioned manifesto, it included statements such as “conservatism is corporatism in disguise, I want no part of it” and the author added: “When I was 12 I was deep into communist ideology, talk to anyone from my old highschool and ask about me and you will hear that. From age 15 to 18 however, I consistently moved farther to the right. On the political compass I fall in the mild-moderate authoritarian left category, and I would prefer to be called a populist.”

It took <30 seconds to find this. While not a self-described "radical left wing zealot", he is quite clearly self-identifying as "authoritarian left" and as anti-conservative. Do with that statement what you will. 

"The obedient always think of themselves as virtuous rather than cowardly" - Robert A. Wilson | "If you don't have any enemies in life you have never stood up for anything" - Winston Churchill | "It's a testament to the sheer belligerence of the profession that people would rather argue about the 'risk-adjusted returns' of using inferior tooth cleaning methods." - kellycriterion

The Dems have always been a racist party, only the way they operate is to divide us all into thinking we're separate groups (as anger / rage gets political points and groups are easier to control than a cohesive whole) and making us hate each other. I genuinely don't know how many of them genuinely believe they are doing good and how many realize the harm they're causing but do so anyway as it keeps them in power


Shooter's manifesto described himself as a radical left wing zealot. What a nut job, clearly perfectly fits into Dems truly being the racist party.

This is bullshit

Ergo Clears

The MSM will use this to advance an anti-white agenda under the pretense of condemning white nationalism.

There is no anti white agenda.  White people do not hate white people and most of the media is white.  Fox news and similar media agree with you but they probably only espouse these views to get ratings.  

Ergo Clears

The MSM will use this to advance an anti-white agenda under the pretense of condemning white nationalism.

There is no anti white agenda.  White people do not hate white people and most of the media is white.  Fox news and similar media agree with you but they probably only espouse these views to get ratings.  

There are anti-white articles in major media outlets literally on a daily basis. Crime in America is overwhelmingly blacks murdering other groups (and other blacks) but the media focuses almost entirely on the rare occasions of whites murdering other groups. Wokeism as an ideology is rooted in hatred of white people.

And on the bolded point - the media is mostly Jewish (or at least very disproportionately Jewish). "Anti-white" doesn't mean "against fair skin". It's specifically about attacking goyish people of European descent. Jews are a distinct, ethnocentric group that have always been adjacent to European people but very much separate. This isn't about "white people attacking white people", it's about an out group attacking goy Europeans. 

How many times have you heard "old rich white people" or "old white billionaires"? How many times have you heard "old Jewish billionaires" (15x to 25x overrepresented among US billionaires)? Remember when Sarah Silverman tweeted about how horrible it was that we were nominating "ANOTHER WHITE MALE" to the Supreme Court, which at the time was 33% Jewish (~15x overrepresented)?

“You must understand, the leading Bolsheviks who took over Russia were not Russians. They hated Russians. They hated Christians. Driven by ethnic hatred they tortured and slaughtered millions of Russians without a shred of human remorse. It cannot be overstated." - Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn

Ergo Clears

The MSM will use this to advance an anti-white agenda under the pretense of condemning white nationalism. Violence like this is absolutely wrong and unnecessary, and it should be condemned. It simply shouldn't happen.

If you're concerned about anti-white rhetoric and the declining fertility of white people, you should:

1. Marry a white woman and have 5+ white kids.

2. Lead a successful life as a white person, and use the power you accrue to support morally righteous causes you believe in.

3. Encourage white people to form a positive group identity.

4. Get in shape, become learned, and help others of all races to foster this positive group identity. 


look at this shit lol


Yawwwnnn... here come the predictable sheltered kids commenting on criminal psychology, and wonder oh wonder, they blame lack of sex and muh raycism! Aren´t you all so smart?! For the record, imo we have here clearly a lack of stringent morals and masculine role models, as with other shooters. The only reason that we don´t here about non-White shooters more often, is not because of anti-White bias in the media though, it´s just that those can´t aim for shit and thus wound only a few even when firing half a dozen clips into a crowd.

...and the Truth shall set you free

Not sure why you think the media would treat it any differently if someone shot into a crow of people and killed 5 or 6 less people than a white person would.

Both acts are equally degenerate and looked upon as sub human. Get it?

The fact you're bragging about some imaginary skill you think whites have, instead of understanding the underlying issues in this country is exactly why this country won't be the preeminent superpower going forwards. 

The word "white" is also funny. Bulgarians have nothing to do with Swedes. Cheers.


I do agree on your assessment, the word "white" is ridiculous and should be eradicated. "European" is much better and correct, but Americans seem to have apprehension about being called European-Americans. for whatever reasons. However, that Bulgarians have nothing to do with Bulgarians is plain ridiculous as well. They share (at least nominally, in the case of Sweden) the same religious route, albeit currently with a 1000y separation. They share the same Indo-European genetics (except Hungaro-Bulgarians, of course), and the glories of the past. There is such a thing as Europe, there is such a thing as European culture, and there is such a thing as a genetic European, and you cannot handwave that away.

...and the Truth shall set you free

A guy obviously influenced by the shit he saw on tucker Carlson everyday, went ahead and murdered 10 people in a supermarket in a black neighborhood.he even apologized for pointing a gun at a white guy


A guy obviously influenced by the shit he saw on tucker Carlson everyday, went ahead and murdered 10 people in a supermarket in a black neighborhood.he even apologized for pointing a gun at a white guy

I'm impressed by the speed with which liberals have siezed on this to (again) try and cancel Tucker Carlson. His entire statement was pure 4chan /pol/ and his manifesto was just a low IQ knockoff version of Brenton Tarrants. But i'm sure he was radicalized by the guy doing segments on genderqueer teachers talking to your kids about gay sex or whatever Tucker is doing these days, and not the forum full of actual unironic neo-nazis. 


Because the "Great Replacement" was a motive for this shooting as well as the El Paso shooting, the New Zealand shooting the Pittsburgh Synagogue shooting.  Tucker has been spreading that and other white nationalist bile to a mainstream audience.



A guy obviously influenced by the shit he saw on tucker Carlson everyday, went ahead and murdered 10 people in a supermarket in a black neighborhood.he even apologized for pointing a gun at a white guy

He killed white people as well - I saw the stream and it looks like the very first person he sees (and shoots) is a white woman.

All your comments in your history are political and have nothing to do with finance. Why did you join this forum?


He had the N word written on his gun.

He killed mostly black people.

He was white.

This was an act of white terrorism, primarily against blacks against a brutal white supremacist, racist murderer. Just because the psycho took a couple of "whites" with him, doesn't change that. 

If you feel the need to get defensive over these facts, then you are not in a healthy or sound state of mind.

Be honest please.


Because white supremacist incels just love white women who hang around black people and black neighborhoods... 


He wrote a manifesto saying he wanted to kill black people, drove over 3 hours to find a black neighborhood, had the n word written on his gun, and apologized to a white man in the store.

Seek help.


While it is not your intent, you exhibit a bias that is pervasive. A Muslim guy committing an equally heinous crime would have seen "Buffalo Shooting" called "Buffalo Terrorism". The confirmed white Christian mass murderer is labeled a "suspect" and peacefully taken into custody, while the brown Muslim villagers crossing a river in Syria to get back home from a fair got slaughtered by American drone strikes after being labeled "suspected terrorists".

Some of us seem to rank innocent lives more flippantly than we rank BB, EB, MM.


All I know is that there's a new racial slur going around for White people on TikTok and Discord following this.

"Snow N****r".

Heard some people making a joke about it when I was returning from skiing yesterday. Was bothered by it.

Hope this stops. Country is being torn apart.


Are you actually serious??? This is thing now???

If now hatred has gotten to this level, it's over. Have spoken to multiple friends on this, I think the democratic, multi-cultural experiment called America has failed (or is teetering on the edge of it). Sad to see


Are you actually serious??? This is thing now???

If now hatred has gotten to this level, it's over. Have spoken to multiple friends on this, I think the democratic, multi-cultural experiment called America has failed (or is teetering on the edge of it). Sad to see

China, Russia, etc.. licking their chops watching the American peons get radicalized to the far left and right. Then moderates get called liberals by the conservatives, and racists by the liberals


Imagine coming to a website like WSO that is now the hub of, and populated with racist and anti-black incels to try and talk about a hate-filled and targeted murder of innocent black people. What you will get on this site is those that agree be it consciously or subconsciously with the murder of those innocent black people and therefore defend the actions through whataboutisms, claims that white people are the true victims in this, deflections, and anti-black rhetoric. Don't believe me, see the comments that are going to be posted after mine. Oppose the racist and anti-black narratives been perpetuated on this site, monkey shit will be thrown at you. That is the culture that's been fostered on this website. It's a lack of empathy you will never understand. Good luck with trying to gain any here.


What has happened to this site? Instead of seeing a detailed discussion about the events that took place or where it happened I see two groups of babies whining back and forth  - the liberal babies throwing a tempered tantrum “right wing white extremism did it!” and the conservative babies throwing a tempter tantrum “the media focuses on this more than black on white violence!” It’s sad that a) politics is like sports - people look for that one good play to use as confirmation bias even if the team got demolished and will continue to support said team no matter how poor the performance is and b) that politics is the first thing one would think of in the event of a tragedy.

First, I offer condolences to all who died in this event. I looked up Tops Friendly market in Buffalo (Jefferson St. Location) and it definitely got me thinking because I grew up going to many discount grocery stores just like this one on Saturdays in majority Black neighborhoods. The victims are no different than me or those who I knew and shopped with and it’s just mind boggling to think someone could do this. There’s a church I found near by this store (Greater Works Christian Fellowship) and I can’t even imagine what the service is like today.

In terms of how this event could have been prevented, I’m not so sure. It’s easy to go back in hindsight and look at the killers social media and understand why he did it, but can the converse be predicted? I don’t think it can be done with any reasonable certainty but happy to hear thoughts. In terms of stopping him, the first man killed was the bodyguard of the store who shot the killer multiple times but the bullets deflected off the body armor the killer was wearing. I think this detail is what we should (and what I was expecting this site) to talk about? I’ve not been in the military or undergone combat but how can we better equip security guards to handle killers who have body armor? 


the liberal babies throwing a tempered tantrum "right wing white extremism did it!" 

It was right wing extremism, according to the cops, FBI, and the killer's own manifesto and even his gun.


And it’s also true that CNN won’t paint black on white violence as hate crimes. I didn’t say that the tantrums weren’t factually inaccurate as isolated facts - but they’re being childishly used to support generalizations that are inaccurate.

Somebody above mentioned Tucker Carlson as a cause for this - Carlson has millions of viewers and 99.9%+ of his viewers haven’t so much as lifted a finger against a black person, let alone come up with and execute a plan to kill several in a supermarket shooting.

On the other end of the spectrum you have people bringing up BLM and the Waukesha incident as if somehow that invalidates the severity of this event. It doesn’t invalidate this event, it doesn’t invalidate Jan 6 and it won’t invalidate future violent incidents caused by people on the right. You also have conservatives trying to use this event as evidence of an anti-white sentiment in the media.

People who lack intelligence tend to easily grasp binary outcomes, but for people on this site we can do much better than that. Yes, some extremists on both sides can be violent. Yes, the media on both sides of the aisle has its biases. Yes, hate crime can be initiated by any race and directed towards another. Now let’s move on and offer condolences, discuss the actual facts of the case and what could have been done to specifically prevent it from happening at a localized level (not some macro policy that ends up dead in the water) like real adults would rather than engaging in petty tantrums.


What you're seeing is the decline of America.

People's reaction here shows how disgusting this country has become. Especially on the Conservative side. Liberals aren't helping either.


Can't have a rational conversation with the alt left policing the world. So they'll never understand the actual issues & the problems they've caused when trying to solve for others and you'll get stuff like this


The American experiment of a multi-racial democracy is on the edge of failure. People aren't talking to each other. Back in the day (50yrs ago), you had senators from the right and left having drinks together and dinner, playing pool, etc. These days, it's political suicide to reach out to the other side in any capacity. Imagine AOC and Ted Cruz having lunch together -- their careers would be over (or at least take a massive, massive hit). If even our officials can't bother to engage with each other, what can the common man do?

Historically, to rule such diverse societies has required an iron hand (king / dictator) or something that is fairly close to it in the modern day (i.e. Singapore). Otherwise these societies just crumble apart over time, reduced to factionalism. The U.S. is the only Western country with this much diversity -- nowhere in Europe is it anywhere close to it. In fact, it's the only developed country with this much diversity (ex maybe Singapore which is ruled with an iron fist and more easily rulable given it's tiny). And you can see how society is tearing itself apart.

For the record, I'm from APAC originally so this isn't some white-manifesto. It's sad to see such a beautiful economic engine decay into the current state, but the American experiment is pretty much over. Other countries are looking at us and learning lessons, particularly China which has worked aggressively to homogenize its society & is becoming more insular. Of course it has its own problems as do all societies and things won't be clear for another few decades on the state of things, but history indicates this type of model is just not workable in the long run. We've gotten by on our amazing structural advantages but just like in business, all moats eventually decay. Nothing can hold off the corrosive forces of competition or internal strife / complacency forever 


I disagree. The United States has always had racial tension, from the Italians and Irish gangs wars back then to the black vs. white issues today. We've created the greatest economic engine on Earth despite this. Our ability to take millions of people from across the globe, lift them out of poverty, and integrating them into our social fabric is what makes us the greatest country on planet Earth. It's not diversity we need to fear. It's poisonous progressivism/wokeism/CRT that is tearing us apart.


I agree with this “rebuttal”. I’m mixed and come from a family of immigrants. For someone to say that it’s the mix of races that has lead to this dystopia we live in is comical to me. My white family members get along great with “my African Americans” (god I miss trump lol). Both sides are hard working. Both sides appreciate America as a place to pull yourself up by your bootstraps and succeed.

It’s all a farce that America is too difficult to succeed in anymore. People don’t want to work hard.


"These [insert scary immigrant group] are going to destroy America any day now!!!1!!!!" has been something people have been saying for hundreds of years.  Yawn.


Hate to say it, but this is what excessive wokeness gets you. If you want to lift up one group, that's fine but you can't neglect the other groups (whites, Asians, Latin Americans, etc) in the process -- all this does is create growing rage. We've known for decades that poor whites were being left behind but we did nothing to stop them and help them. This type of thing will only occur with more frequency as our economic growth stalls


You've demeaned an entire group of people (poor whites) to feel like they're worthless and tell them they're horrible people when the system in fact has also screwed them. What can you expect but outcomes like this? It's the equivalent of a revolution in the eyes of these guys (which is what many countries were founded upon, including the U.S.), if they system won't accept them they try to operate beyond what it allows (aka go out and kill randos) 

You need to help these people and solve the structural issue. Why is it that when it's black people who have structurally screwed all the libs / media rush to support it but when it's a poor white no one cares? Just food for thought


You've demeaned an entire group of people (poor whites) to feel like they're worthless and tell them they're horrible people when the system in fact has also screwed them. What can you expect but outcomes like this? It's the equivalent of a revolution in the eyes of these guys (which is what many countries were founded upon, including the U.S.), if they system won't accept them they try to operate beyond what it allows (aka go out and kill randos) 

You need to help these people and solve the structural issue. Why is it that when it's black people who have structurally screwed all the libs / media rush to support it but when it's a poor white no one cares? Just food for thought

.. and WSO consistently shits all over the black people, or another gen z liberal cohort, for wanting structural reform.  But now that poor white man is the topic at hand it’s time to revisit that discussion lol

This is the obvious eventual result of capitalism. Free markets 101 - maximize profit in part by offshoring millions of jobs for cheaper labor costs. I said it before and I’ll say it again - thank FUCK I work in PE. I’d be a super hardcore socialist otherwise. The poors will stay poor because bad life decisions, while middle class will continue having their wealth and purchasing power eroded away. 


I'm not sure that's fair. Think WSO is definitely more willing to look at plight of poor whites but WSO is a tiny forum vs the vast majority of TikTok / Twitter / etc. So it's like saying 50% of a 1k user base thinks we need to help poor whites vs. 70% of Twitter / TikTok's hundreds of millions or billions of users don't think it's an issue. Just think it's not quite an apples-to-apples comparison to characterize this in such a way

100% glad we are in finance. If we weren't in finance / tech / big law (mabye med but not sure), things don't look great 


This is what policies like affirmative action get you -- when you screw over every other group to lift up one group, there is bound to be some rage / tension that will boil over into things like this. If you're going to lift up a group, you need to make sure you don't do it at the expense of other groups (poor whites). Otherwise, are you really solving for a problem or moving it somewhere else?


Yeah I'm sure it was marginalization due to affirmative action that led this kid to research prior mass shootings, post questionable shit online, and drive 200 miles with intent to kill a bunch of people.

You realize how fucking stupid you sound? And even if the above was true, there are plenty of people in the US that have it WAY worse and would never even think about hurting someone else. But yeah just make excuses for this type of behavior.

Just put him in the chair and turn on the battery.


Funny how whenever a white male hurts anyone it’s all the other white males’ fault.

Darrell Brooks, an admitted black supremacist, drove through a Catholic, pro-life to parade in Waukesha. He killed 6 and critically injured 62. That’s not black males’ fault.

Frank James, an admitted black supremacist, wounded 10 on a NY subway. That was not black males’ fault.

When people commit fucked up crimes, it’s their fault. Not my fault. Not your fault. Not the guns fault. There are fucked up people, they do fucked up things.

Stop using these terrible acts to confirm your own biases.…

Here ya go bozo. The guy constantly posted about how evil white people were and that they needed to be killed. Oh and that Hitler was right for killing Jews. He ran through groups of grade school-aged girls and elderly women.…

Oh and here’s Frank James proof too, bozo.

“O Black Jesus, please kill all the whiteys”

Does that sound like someone who isn’t clearly a black supremacist? If a white man said the inverse, would you not call him a white supremacist?

Do your homework before you bring this nonsense to me. Unlike you I don’t just throw out falsehoods in order to make an argument.

There’s terrible people everywhere in all colors and creeds. It doesn’t make anyone else their same color responsible.


I’d like to keep this conversation going but I can’t see the latest comments on this thread for some reason. To summarize, the media deliberately uses acts of terrorism to divide our country and blame innocent, hard working citizens by skin color. People that commit evil acts are evil. Their actions are their responsibility. That’s it. White supremacy is not a problem in this country. The peddling of the White supremacy hoax is the problem. Every news channel tells everyone, every day that they have to be afraid of their neighbor. Stop. 99% of us just want to be on with our days. There are bad apples and good apples. Dividing by race won’t push anything forward.


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Odit hic est nesciunt alias necessitatibus. Facere ut est sunt aspernatur repellendus quae sapiente non. Voluptatibus ut aut qui numquam. A quisquam recusandae magnam.


Tempora ipsum omnis voluptas nemo labore neque enim debitis. Distinctio suscipit velit iusto est. Consequatur rerum eius quo dolor repellat.

Qui est unde nihil sequi consequatur. Consequatur repellendus praesentium repudiandae debitis odio. Placeat eaque perferendis ipsa id in. Corrupti in voluptas mollitia quisquam quis aut. Voluptatem et tenetur a molestias dolorum doloremque.

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Qui asperiores ipsam non nihil illo. Id id qui at perspiciatis. Sit voluptatem dolorem aliquam repudiandae explicabo dolorum nobis. Est est illo cumque esse maxime dolores quidem. Rerum et facere in dignissimos odio.

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