how to get bigger/more "masculine"

tl;dr i am 5 foot 7 and weigh 120 pounds, how do i get bigger & get girls

I am relatively short and kind of skinny, and this is raising 2 problems for me

1) i worked at a hedge fund last summer/returning this summer, and I have noticed that everyone else there is fairly muscular/tall/stereotypical lax bro appearance, and I've read all the studies on height/perceived masculinity driving career outcomes in F500 companies - worried this also translates to investing roles; i didn't worry as much last summer since we were fully virtual, but we are likely in person at least a portion of this summer & i'm concerned about how this will impact perception

2) it's relatively difficult to chat up girls/get matches on tinder; what's even more annoying is that I'm bi and get tons of hits from dudes (i also went to a gay bar once and was hit on nonstop), but none of this translates to higher success rates with girls 

therefore i'm concluding i need to become more muscular (height is out of my hands at this stage) - I run/swim almost every day, i lift 3x a week and can bench 150-160, but it's mostly resulted in enhanced muscle tone, not much mass appreciation - i do eat a decent amount of meat/protein as well 

what am i doing wrong here and how do i actually gain mass efficiently? how do i get past the automatic negative perception associated w short and skinny?


jack off all you want lol. Don't listen to these pseudoscience clowns


I'm probably about your size. Never had an image problem, so this seems like mentality more than physicality. Look at the global stats for male size. If you really want to feel tall just lateral to HK lol. But really, just be personable and work hard like everyone else has to. Height matters in middle school when it's impressive to dunk in gym class and take a cheerleader to prom. In real life, your capability and personality is what matters. I am assuming you are educated, employed, and well-socialized, so if you can't talk to women right now you won't be able to do it with a larger chest. I've had no problems with women, but you have to find girls where you're their "type." Every one of them has told me that if they didn't have me, they'd have a guy who looked and acted pretty damn similar. If you really want something to work on, though, EQ is helpful. Just make friends with women, talk to them normally (being bi may assist you). You'd be surprised how much perspective you gain. This is just one strategy. Notwithstanding that physical activity, especially in nature is uncontroversially healthy.

TLDR you're probably fine unless your face is fucked up


I've got a flatmate who is the same height and is trying to put on some mass. He is very careful about avoiding what he calls the "dwarf effect". 

If you want more mass, you need to eat more and train to achieve that outcome. Rep ranges 10-14 with a focus on muscle hypertrophy. You should put way way way more emphasis on back and delt development over chest/arms to achieve a broader more athletic shape. Think side raises, rear delt flys, pullups, rows. Your posture is also extremely important in terms of other's perception of you, and most gym amateurs have poor shoulder posture due to overdeveloping front delts/chest.

Also from personal experience a physique may make you more attractive, but it won't help you 'close'.


It is true that there a bunch of tall dudes in finance and, in our team, I am actually the shortest guy at 6' 2". But that doesn't mean shorter men can't make it in finance. Lloyd Blankfein is only like 5' 6"? I have personally seen short guys in leadership positions in our firm and in others too.

Build up mass and your looks and confidence will change.


Gotta hit up Isaiah for some tips lol (i forget how to @ people). Mostly what NatRes said, consistently eating caloric surplus (what i struggle with) and lifting. Hypertrophy (8-15 reps) vs strength (4-6 reps) is up to you. I personally do almost all hypertrophy training, which has slacked since I started a new role and need to move soon. 

Lift for yourself, screw the girls, they come with time. Envision a better version of yourself and be consistent.

Go all the way
Most Helpful

Reiterate this, wouldn't stop cardio as others have mentioned. Would also recommend sets of 12/8/5/3/1, honestly, I hate set #'s for reps.. would go more for time under tension but you'll get there in time. Make sure you're hitting a minimum of 4 different exercises per muscle group you're working each day. Also, gotta get days under the weights up.. 3x/ week isn't really enough to grow. And to be frank, 120 lbs at 5'7 is tiny.. you're not training hard enough or eating enough, plain and simple. Start a P/P/L split and up it to 6x / week. Calculate your basic metabolic rate, lots of websites will do the calculations for you.. then be sure to eat ~300 excess calories / day. Do this for 3 weeks. If you're still not growing, add an additional 100 calories / day for 2 weeks at a time and increase/decrease as necessary. Eat clean, cut the junk food or anything processed. Don't get calories from drinks.. unless youre throwing in a mass gainer (personally wouldn't do this, just eat more). Meal prep, its weird to start doing.. but its incredibly efficient and will ensure you hit your macros. Final point, if you don't squat or deadlift at least 2x / week, start doing so. These will be your strongest lifts which will put the most load on your CNS, this will make your body increase its natural production of test which will help you grow more. Personally, not a huge fan of deads so I squat 2x / week, one day narrow one day wide stance. Hope this helps, happy to elaborate if you have more questions. You can do it, just gotta put the work in eat more. Good luck


Hit the gym hard and build a strength routine that you can follow sustainably for a few years- spend more time on heavier weights than on your cardio to build muscle mass/strength. Find a good mass building diet online and also try to follow that! Being tall doesn't directly equate to masculinity imo, tall + built people are perceived to be 'masculine' if it's your first time seeing them but theres way more to it after that. I'm around 6ft but I found that the reason why some people in workplaces were respected so much was mostly due to their ability, attitude and ways of thought. For eg. one of my mentors was around 5ft'2 (Male) but carried himself like he was 6'5 and is actually someone I really look up to due to how sharp he is and a nice, chilled guy. As for the dating stuff, bro if you are using dating apps then unforunately the girls can't know your personal qualities and will therefore only judge you on external factors such as looks and height as that is all they can see on these apps. To have more success, try to meet girls at bars or parties where you can show off this side of you in person. I'd say the last thing is don't let this stuff get you down, continue to improve yourself and everything will come to you! All the best mate :)


Yeah if you are super skinny despite lifting, you are not eating enough/you are doing too much cardio. if you lift all the time and do a lot of cardio, you likely need to eat a TON of calories to gain weight. a lot of times this can be helped by eating dirtier.

for girls, you could use some lifts in your shoes when you go out.


The key to getting bitches is confidence. As long as you look presentable (i.e. don’t look like a cave troll) then confidence is key. Be nice to women but also talk to them as if you’re not even trying to bang them. They’ll sense that you don’t give a fuck and then they’ll want you. They’re silly like that. Trust me, even if you’re ripped af, an insecure attitude will end it for you. Just don’t give a fuck and talk to all of them. Practice on the milfs at your local Target.


The key to getting big is to consume a large amount of calories, but also burning a large amount of calories. For big improvements, you want to engage the biggest muscles in your body, which are the back and quads. 

Swimming is good. I’d recommend doing some dumbbell work and especially hitting up the shoulders, curls, pecs, and back (dumbbell row). Focus on 4-6 reps on a weight and move up in weight when you can hit more. Do like 3-4 supersets of these exercises. For shoulders, I’d recommend single arm Arnold press. 

Once you start burning more calories, you’ll be eating more and then you can burn more and eat even more and so on. 

"If you always put limits on everything you do, physical or anything else, it will spread into your work and into your life. There are no limits. There are only plateaus, and you must not stay there, you must go beyond them." - Bruce Lee
what's even more annoying is that I'm bi and get tons of hits from dudes (i also went to a gay bar once and was hit on nonstop), but none of this translates to higher success rates with girls

Dude, what? Make sure you're upfront about your preference/orientation. And, sounds like you're already getting laid, so not sure I understand the problem.


5’5 manlet reporting in. That said, nearly everyone I meet assumes I am 5’9, which always gives me a good chuckle. I haven’t found height to be a barrier at all in professional settings, minus the occasional individual who reports to juniors thinking they are me, which always gets a nervous “No, that’s actually my boss over there” response. Personally, I love that exchange because whoever does it immediately is put on defense/ feels like an ass the rest of the meeting, which gives me an opportunity to either be graciously funny and likeable acknowledging it’s no big deal, or big dick them and make some joke about their appearance or dumb assumptions that they shouldn’t make and where else that might carry into their work product.

I’d heard that stat about height and income and ceos when I was younger and think it comes down more to confidence at a young age and how that becomes self-fulfilling. In fact, if you actually read academic studies on it, you will find there is a much stronger correlation to height at adolescence and income, versus current height and income. In other words, kids that are short in middle/ high school don’t develop confidence which makes them insecure weirdos for the rest of their life. It’s not that you didn’t get the job because you can’t dunk.

I think I was lucky because I always was socially well liked and played college sports, so my experience has been pretty different compared to most short men. At the end of the day, I believe it is mainly a confidence thing. I have also seen so so many short men be ridiculously insecure regarding women, jobs, work competence etc. that I think the whole napoleaonic complex is very real for many. You just can’t let it hold you back and each year it becomes less of a factor.

In professional settings as you get reps and complete deliverables successfully you will hopefully get confidence. In personal situations/ dating, I would say there will always be girls or guys that will think they are clever by making a short joke or they will not acknowledge you, but honestly that goes away with each year and the more professional success or interesting stories you have. Do you think anyone comments on Jeff Bezos’s height when he walks in the room? No, they say “holy crap, that’s Jeff Bezos!” Once you reach 30, the only women that care are ones you wouldn’t want to date anyway or shouldn’t date if you have any self respect for yourself. For men, I find the only 26+ men who make short jokes are ones who I make 10x their salary, am better liked, and have a hotter wife. 

“How’s it going short stack”

”I make what you earn in a year in a month”


I would recommend lifting weights and potentially combat sports to give yourself confidence that you could beat the living shit out of taller people (even if you never need to). I did this at a young age and believe much of my confidence was rooted in the fact that very early on I knew even if a guy outweighed me by 40 pounds and 5 inches, if push came to shove unless he had wrestled or done some other combat sport, I could put him in the hospital. I think people read this energy and the way I carry myself and they assume I’m average height, which is so wildly off it’s not even funny. Alternatively, just buy some stilts.


Personally, I love that exchange because whoever does it immediately is put on defense/ feels like an ass the rest of the meeting, which gives me an opportunity to either be graciously funny and likeable acknowledging it's no big deal, or big dick them and make some joke about their appearance or dumb assumptions that they shouldn't make and where else that might carry into their work product.

"How's it going short stack"

"I make what you earn in a year in a month"

I would recommend lifting weights and potentially combat sports to give yourself confidence that you could beat the living shit out of taller people

Insecure manlet alert


Personally, I love that exchange because whoever does it immediately is put on defense/ feels like an ass the rest of the meeting, which gives me an opportunity to either be graciously funny and likeable acknowledging it's no big deal, or big dick them and make some joke about their appearance or dumb assumptions that they shouldn't make and where else that might carry into their work product.

"How's it going short stack"

"I make what you earn in a year in a month"

I would recommend lifting weights and potentially combat sports to give yourself confidence that you could beat the living shit out of taller people

Insecure manlet alert

Trolling obviously, but let’s be clear, I have 100% certainty that in about any category minus height and being a piece of shit I am better than you.

In all seriousness, I wonder what type of person you have to be to comment that on a thread started by some kid who is clearly insecure about his height. Go to sleep tonight and think about the type of person you want to be and the influence you want to have on others and the world. Consider whether anonymous put downs are really something that you feel should be your contribution to society and this website and evaluate why you feel the need to do so. 

What baffles me about people like you is that you wrote that alone and either thought the put down was worth it for the silver bananas (pathetic) or you wrote it because you thought it was funny despite that fact that no one was with you to appreciate the joke.

Enjoy trying to find an analyst job or finishing your analyst stint lol.


Don't listen to any of these tards. Most people on this forum are fat beta males. 

What you want is SARMS, Tren & Anavar + a nice daily strawberry banana smoothie. 

Ur welcome


Had an in-depth comment regarding weight loss to a post, you don't really need to lose any more weight. 

Height - nothing you can do about it so you need to make up for it. Money helps a bit, but even just money may not be enough to get the type of woman you want.

As for your weight, you need a combination of diet and weights training. You probably want a diet where you are eating around 2,800 calories a day with sufficient protein level intakes (your weight in kilograms times two or your height in centimeters times one). 

The fact that you are bi as a smaller dude is actually pretty bad because gay men would probably assume that you are the bottom simply because of your size.  Meaning even when talking men you probably don't get a sense for what I'd call "alpha communication" (fancy way of saying self confidence).

Running and swimming are trash - these are high intensity cardio training methods that literally prohibit you from gaining muscle because it results in additional muscle protein breakdown.

What are you doing wrong? 

1. Your dieting is 100% off. If you run and swim every day and then do lifting an additional 3 times then the 2,800 number that I mentioned at the top is NOWHERE NEAR enough. I do JUST weightlifting without any cardio and my maintenance calories are around 3,000-3,100 as a 6' 185lb man. Your maintenance might be 3,500ish.

2. You need to stop overdoing it with the cardio. Cardio doesn't pull ass and having trackstar-level conditioning doesn't help you with practically anything. Cut the cardio AT LEAST in half.

3. Add gym sessions and make sure you actually have a proper workout routine, not just "bench, squat, deadlift". Whether it's push-pull-legs, upper-lower, full body split etc, just find a training schedule that helps stimulate muscle growth all over. I would go up to 5 in the long-term and have max 2 cardio sessions, but in the short-term you can do 4 gym sessions and be fine.

4. Enhance your natural testosterone production. A lot of different research on this from supplements (ashwaganda, vitamin D3) to foods (garlic, honey, having enough cholesterol) to actions (talking to hot women) etc. 



Running and swimming are trash - these are high intensity cardio training methods that literally prohibit you from gaining muscle because it results in additional muscle protein breakdown.

2. You need to stop overdoing it with the cardio. Cardio doesn't pull ass and having trackstar-level conditioning doesn't help you with practically anything. Cut the cardio AT LEAST in half.

You sound like an amateur. Have you even seen Nick Bare? He recently broke 3hrs in a marathon and still pulls off good cardio and muscle.

"If you always put limits on everything you do, physical or anything else, it will spread into your work and into your life. There are no limits. There are only plateaus, and you must not stay there, you must go beyond them." - Bruce Lee

If you're already lifting but want to add mass you'll need to start eating MORE and also consider adding creatine. Getting bigger is a science, so you'll need to look at different weight training programs. Have you considered body building? For inspiration, look to Franco Columbu, Arnold Schwarzenegger's best friend, plus he was only 5'5" but was a total legend: 


I feel your pain, man I'm only 5'8. Don't worry about your height when it comes to girls, usually, they don't care as long as they're not towering over you. So maybe cut out the ones that are 5'10+ out of the market for hooking up with. Confidence is the most important thing, more than size. I would lift though, even if it's to give yourself more confidence. It's healthy, gives you a better attitude, and it's a good way to get out of the house.

For the lax dudes at your fund, guys really care about your size if you get along. Being personable goes a lot further than being bulky. And there's a lot of ways other than lifting to not be a squid. 


Search “Starting Strength” and follow the advice religiously. Stop all lifts until you are squatting, benching, and deadlifting 225 for reps. You will put on 20-30lbs of muscle when you get there. No intermittent fasting or whatever. Wake up and kill a can of beans and a few eggs. Google GOMAD if you can’t put on 10lbs of weight in the next four weeks. 


I am on this, and adding variations to it now that I am on Week 4 of it.  It is a good starting point but a ways way for me to go.  

Oh, if you are going to bench without a safeguard, get a spotter when you start adding heavier weights.  They are lifesavers.


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Odio qui nostrum veniam nihil. Nulla neque fugit adipisci rerum suscipit voluptatem iste. Sint maxime error aperiam. Hic et necessitatibus adipisci recusandae rerum quia dignissimos facere. Saepe odio inventore vero voluptate quisquam quo eligendi quia.

Qui odio suscipit in eos. Nobis nihil aut aspernatur unde aperiam voluptas. Suscipit dolorum in earum. Asperiores necessitatibus itaque et. Soluta quis et ut veniam modi.

Impedit culpa sed quis eveniet quaerat iste facilis. Veniam voluptatum corporis alias. Ducimus et molestiae impedit. Aut sequi et facilis et ea ea occaecati. Sint non voluptate tempore odio.

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