Recruiter ghosting after superday
Recently had the associate superday at one of the biggest REPE (top 4). 1st round was with 3 folks at the firm and followed by the modeling test which I nailed. 3 days later I had the superday with 4 mds 2 vps 2 associates. Every one of the interview went fantastic and had a great conversation. I don’t understand why after 10 hours of interview and modeling process I got ghosted. Superday was 2 weeks ago I followed up last week. Nothing. Is that industry norm? It just feels very toxic and taxing after the process. I’m 2 years out of college trying to break into REPE. Any thought is appreciated.
Have you followed up/checked in with any of the people who interviewed you directly? If so, the answer could be as varied as they offered the role to another candidate and that candidate hasn’t accepted yet, HR put the fear of god into all of them and told them to not say a word or they’d be sued, or the MDs are in France right now and they just haven’t gotten around to it yet.
I emailed a personal thank you note to all of the 10 people who interviewed me. Only one of the associate replied wishing me luck for the rest of the process. I wonder how the final discussions prior to extending offer goes at MFs. I wonder if they have to grade on a points system for each candidate and rank them or like they have a discussion and all agree or disagree? Idk…
Additionally you think they told the outside recruiter to not respond to me yet because they offered the position to someone else and waiting for their acceptance?
If this is the Brookfield AM gig they gave it to someone else already
Is this for London or NY?
Most likely, you are a strong second candidate; they gave the offer to someone else and are negotiating and awaiting them to start. Firms are fearing the Covid years were they'd offer jobs and on day 1 the candidate never showed. They had to then scramble to fill the position. They'll send you an email, most likely in another 2 weeks, thanking you blah blah blah.
It's most likely you are the "alternate" candidate as it takes time for the firm to extend the offer, negotiate, reference checks and candidate to sign. Once the other candidate passes the reference checks and signs, they'll probably let you know.
Not to be a dick but 1/10 responses maybe you didn’t nail the interviews as hard as you think.
No no you are right. I’m obviously being biased… but talking to friends and etc, it was my understanding that most people don’t respond to the thank you note…
Not sure how other people are but I never respond to them either and never send them after interviews where I’m interviewing.
That doesn't really matter, never got any responses to thank you emails at places I got offers to. I'm surprised when I get any responses to those actually.
Hey. Sorry to hear that but this is pretty common.
They may have lost their headcount and don’t need to hire anymore. Or maybe they found someone internally which will be easier and quicker to hire rather than externally. Or maybe they decided to hire the guy whose uncle works at the firm already.
The best thing you can do is keep following up with the people that interviewed you - they’ll eventually get back to you (just so you stop chasing them).
Lastly, they may still be interviewing people so will wait for these to be done before getting back to you.
I wouldn’t expect to land offers in this job market unless you’re doing the exact same thing at a competitor or a firm that’s “better” than the one you’re interviewing at.
I’ve personally never seen it this bad and I’ve been around for a while.
Yup, many "fake" roles at company's that are in trouble. Ie just saw L&L lost TSX Broadway and know they posted an Analyst, AM role months ago twice with 1,000+ applicants. Interviewed for it and know someone there who said they were still hiring for it - reality was the principals knew they were screwed on this deal and it didn't make sense to hire but wasted peoples time.
Can't waste your time, if they aren't showing interest or giving you an offer move on.
The role at L&L is very real and they are actively interviewing. A member of the asset management team just left and they are replacing him. Not sure how losing an asset makes a role fake? The firm has many assets which asset management manages. They just haven’t hired for it yet..
Be more aggressive that simple!
Yeah! Hold his family hostage!
Deleted! Offense !
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